The Blog

Enlightening Wisdom For An Abundant, Joyful & Love-Filled Life

discover your life path

What is Your Life Path?

Have you ever woken up one morning and just sat there - wondering what you’re doing with your life, what your purpose is, and why you are here this very moment? If you’re like most people, sometimes you find yourself confused by your life path and need a bit of clarity. And to help you do this, I’ve put together a blog about what Numerologists call your ‘life path’. Check it out now!

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The Benefits Of Hypnosis

The Benefits Of Hypnosis

What do you think of when you hear the word hypnosis? Do you think of someone swinging a pendulum in front of you? Or perhaps do you think it’s not a real concept at all.

But let me tell you - hypnosis can be extremely beneficial for your overall mental, emotional and physical well-being! Here are some of the biggest benefits of hypnosis, check it out!

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New Inspiration Show Episode

I have one of the most amazing, enlightening episodes of The Inspiration Show to share with you today...

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Day 4: Gratitude Week Inspiration Show!

As you probably know, this entire week has been dedicated to expressing gratitude for all that we're lucky enough to have in our lives. We've had awesome participation on this blog and on Facebook from people all over the world. I love it! So thanks again for joining in on the fun this week, I really hope you've been enjoying the free videos I've been releasing too.

Today, I have a very special episode of The Inspiration Show waiting for you.

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DAY 2: How Gratitude Impacts Your Health!

What are you grateful for today? Is it a friend, a loved one or someone who recently gave you an unexpected helping hand?

What about a pet or maybe something that you normally take for granted like having a comfortable home to live in, or fresh food to eat everyday?

Post it below and share it with the world? I dare ya ;)

Today, I'm grateful for my good health, vitality and...

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DAY 1: Welcome to the Official 1st day of Gratitude Week!

We're dedicating an entire week to being grateful for everything we have in our lives. Together, we'll raise our vibrations and attract happiness, positivity and a deeper appreciation, into our lives!

So here's what you can expect :)

Everyday until this Friday, Dec 7th, I'll be releasing videos with inspirational messages, great gratitude tips and I'll also be giving away some very special surprises.

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