We're dedicating an entire week to being grateful for everything we have in our lives. Together, we'll raise our vibrations and attract happiness, positivity and a deeper appreciation, into our lives!
So here's what you can expect :)
Everyday until this Friday, Dec 7th, I'll be releasing videos with inspirational messages, great gratitude tips and I'll also be giving away some very special surprises.
I encourage you to join in on the fun and visit this blog each day to make a declaration of what you're grateful for. It can be something big, small, personal or worldly! It doesn't matter, just take the step, make the effort and get involved.
This will not only make you feel AWESOME, but it'll inspire others from all over the world to share what they're thankful for.
Today's gratitude tips:
This is the perfect way to kickstart your attitude of gratitude this week. It's 3 powerful and fun ways to express gratitude this week in addition to making your gratitude declaration on this blog or on our Facebook page. ( :)
Tip 1: Start a gratitude journal. This is a little book that contains daily statements of what you appreciate. There's no wrong or right way to do it, you simply write a quick little statement about something you're thankful for each day. Consistency is the key, and it's an incredibly powerful little tool to pull out when you're feeling down or under the weather. If you have children or live with close friends, you could even start one for the household. I promise this will put a smile on your face every single day :)
Tip 2: Make a gratitude visit or write a letter of thanks. There must be someone in your life that has helped you or others around you out. Someone who may not always get the appreciation they deserve but who has done something you really appreciate. So I encourage you to write them a letter of appreciation and tell them how grateful you are to have them in your life. Give thanks for the thing they've helped you with or the things they continue to do for you. Or even better yet, make a gratitude visit and do it in person.
Tip 3: Take a gratitude walk. This is an amazing exercise to center and balance yourself. You basically take a walk for 5, 10 or even 20 minutes and you dedicate 100% of that time to gratitude. You consciously think of all the things you appreciate in your life right now and realize how lucky you are. Try it out today, take those few minutes to yourself and see how wonderful it leaves you feeling :)
There's also something else exciting we're doing for gratitude week here at Mind Movies, and that is giving to those in need.
When expressing gratitude, it's also important and extremely powerful to give back to those you care for, appreciate, and in our case right now, to those in the world who are having a tough time.
That's why we've put together some very special packages filled with our greatest life enhancing systems at up to 75% off AND we're donating 50% of ALL proceeds to those who were affected by Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast of America. We've chosen 2 incredible charities - The American Red Cross who is doing a superb job right now at helping individuals and families in need, AND the The Humane Society who is helping the animals who've been left without homes and in dyer situations.
To get all the details and learn how you can participate in giving back to those in need and access our finest selection of life changing programs, simply go to:
I thank you in advance for any support you're able to offer :)
Remember gratitude is a powerful emotion, so go about today with this question in mind: How can I appreciate this day? And what's important for me to acknowledge and pay attention to?
And keep a look out for tomorrows message where I'll be sharing how to improve your health using gratitude!
DAY 1: Welcome to the Official 1st day of Gratitude Week!

Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.
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