The Blog

Enlightening Wisdom For An Abundant, Joyful & Love-Filled Life


7 Chakra Healing Affirmations For Optimal Health

Balancing your Chakras can be as simple as eating the right food and practicing affirmations. But the effects from a balanced body are amazing! Heal your body, mind and soul with these 7 positive affirmations for optimal health, balance, and wellness.

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Richard Branson's Life Lessons For Success

Richard Branson's Life Lessons For Success

What if I told you that one of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs once struggled with dyslexia and dropped out of school at 16? When we think of Richard Branson, the image of a fearless entrepreneur, an adventurous spirit, and the mastermind behind the Virgin Group often comes to mind. But what many people don’t realize is that Branson’s path to success was anything but straightforward. In today’s blog, we’re diving into the incredible journey of Richard Branson, and the powerful lessons his story offers about resilience, innovation, and achieving extraordinary success.

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8 Things To Start Doing In The Month Of September For A Fresh Start

8 Things To Start Doing In The Month Of September For A Fresh Start

Feeling a little bummed as summer fades away? I get it, but as we say goodbye to the warm weather and step into September, there’s actually a lot to look forward to. There's this fresh vibe in the air, and it’s the perfect time to hit the reset button, refocus, and pick up some new habits that can really brighten up your life. So, there's no need to feel down! September brings its own benefits! Whether you're looking to boost your productivity, improve your well-being, or just soak in the beauty of autumn, here are eight things you can start doing this month for a fresh start.

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Why Do I Feel This Way? Understanding Trauma Anniversaries

Why Do I Feel This Way? Understanding Trauma Anniversaries

Have you ever felt a sudden wave of anxiety or sadness around a certain time of year, without really knowing why? Did you know this could be due to a Trauma Anniversary? Trauma anniversary is when the date or time period of a past traumatic event comes back around, and your mind and body remember—sometimes even if you don’t. This can bring back feelings and reactions like the ones you had during the original trauma. You might notice these feelings, or they could happen without you realizing it, often leading to more anxiety, stress, and other emotional ups and downs around that time of year. The truth is, that many people go through life without understanding what’s really happening to them. If you think you might be experiencing a trauma anniversary, it’s important to recognize the signs:


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Awaken Your Heart Chakra: The Key to Emotional Balance and Inner Peace

Awaken Your Heart Chakra: The Key to Emotional Balance and Inner Peace

Did you know that in your lifetime, your heart will beat approximately 3 billion times and pump enough blood to fill over 5,500 swimming pools? Even when you’re resting, your heart works harder than your legs do when you’re running. This hardworking organ is more than just a physical marvel—it’s the gateway to achieving wholeness, profound inner healing, and even higher states of consciousness. At the center of it all lies the heart chakra, known as Anahata in Sanskrit. As the fourth of the seven primary chakras, the heart chakra is situated in the middle of your chest, serving as the bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. When the heart chakra is balanced and open, it radiates love, compassion, forgiveness, and a deep connection to others and the universe. It’s not just about romantic love, but also self-love, compassion for others, and universal love. However, when the energy of the heart chakra is blocked, you may experience feelings of sadness, betrayal, loneliness, and even jealousy. The good news is, there are many effective ways to heal your heart chakra. One of my favorite methods is practicing affirmations. Here are 10 to raise the vibration of your Heart Chakra.

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3 Quick Hacks to Break Free from Negative Thoughts

3 Quick Hacks to Break Free from Negative Thoughts

Our thoughts can be both a gift and a curse. When we cross a certain threshold, we often find ourselves caught in the vicious cycle of overthinking. Ironically, the harder we try to escape, the deeper we seem to sink. Lingering too long in this negative space can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, anger, sadness, and in some cases, even depression. When this happens, our vibrational frequency—the energy we emit into the world—lowers, making us more likely to attract negativity into our lives. This is because, as the saying goes, like attracts like. But this doesn’t mean you have to be happy all the time or ignore your problems. It’s crucial to honor all your feelings. What’s more important is recognizing when you’re caught in negative thinking and understanding that these thoughts are often the root cause of how you’re feeling. Once you’re aware of this, don’t fight your thoughts. Simply acknowledge them with compassion, and then gently release them. It may be challenging, but it’s worth the effort. Here are a few practical ways to shift your energy and settle your mind.


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How To Ask The Universe To Manifest Your Desires

How To Ask The Universe To Manifest Your Desires

Can you imagine if the universe was a mind reader, and like a close friend, it could tell you exactly what you need to hear? Well guess what? This is exactly the kind of relationship you can and should have! Actually, having a conversation with the universe is exactly what you need if you want to manifest your desires. What does it mean to “listen” to the universe? And how do we ask for guidance from the universe? Here are the questions you should be asking and how to look for the signs that the universe is actually listening.

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Discover Your Financial Freedom Personality Type!

Discover Your Financial Freedom Personality Type!

When your alarm goes off… Do you often hit snooze, hoping for any excuse to stay home? Do you ever often feel trapped in a career that doesn’t light you up? If you’re ready for a career change but you’re unsure where or how to start… Did you know there’s a way to gain clarity on the best career path for your fulfillment, happiness, and financial success? The answer might lie in understanding your Financial Freedom Personality Type. Are you an Achiever, a Joy Maker, or a Discoverer? Each type has unique gifts, abilities, and talents that, when recognized and utilized, can lead you to a fulfilling career and financial success. Let’s dive into what each personality type entails and how you can harness your strengths to achieve financial freedom.


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How To Harness The Power Of Vortex To Manifest Fast

How To Harness The Power Of Vortex To Manifest Fast

Are you ready to step into the Vortex and manifest your desires faster than ever before? In case you’re new to the term "vortex"... it basically means finding a way to feel good. Because when you feel good about something, you're in the Vortex.

You can tell if you're in the Vortex by listening to your emotions—the worse you feel about something, the clearer the sign that you're out of the Vortex. In other words, it’s an analogy that Abraham Hicks created to help us visualize a place where all our manifestations are first created vibrationally before we can see, smell, taste, or touch them in this physical, three-dimensional, world. Because, as the Universe would have it, when you ask it is given. Meaning that when you want something, you automatically think it into existence and it becomes real (energetically). So even though you can't see it (yet) in "real life", it does indeed already exist as vibrational reality, as a possibility in the quantum field. When you "get into the vortex" you are simply coming into alignment with your highest self and becoming a vibrational match to everything you have already asked for. Ready to experience the vortex right now?

Here are 10 questions and 5 simple ways to help you get into the vortex quickly.

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