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Enlightening Wisdom For An Abundant, Joyful & Love-Filled Life

4 High-Frequency Practices To Try In 2023

4 High-Frequency Practices To Try In 2023

You know that feeling when you have this amazing dream, and you want it to come true so badly? Well, that's where manifestation comes in, and what an exciting journey it is! It all starts with a tiny thought that turns into this powerful energy force, attracting all the good stuff you desire into your life. But here's the secret sauce to make this magic work even better: understanding the role of vibration in manifestation! Here are 4 high-frequency practices to try in 2023 to raise your vibration instantly!

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4 Sneaky Ways You're Procrastinating Without Realizing It

4 Sneaky Ways You're Procrastinating Without Realizing It

Imagine for a moment you could free yourself from 1 bad habit… what would it be? As a personal growth coach and lifelong learner, I’ve asked this question to many of my friends and students and the resounding response is the same: Procrastination.

There are many solutions out there on how to end procrastination, for example: creating to-do lists, rewarding yourself, and breaking big tasks into smaller ones… all of these can be very effective IF you know you’re procrastinating. But what happens when you’re not? Did you know there are subtle ways in which we unconsciously block our productivity? Here are 4 sneaky ways you are procrastinating without even knowing it and what to do about it.

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Let These 3 Inspiring Quotes Guide You Toward Your Dreams

Let These 3 Inspiring Quotes Guide You Toward Your Dreams

Do you have a deep desire…. Or a secret wish that lights up your heart, but you often dismiss it as child's play? Or maybe you think, "Oh, I have more important things to worry about right now." Or maybe you’re just unsure of where to start, so you keep pushing those dreams to the back burner?

And let's not forget the ever-present limiting beliefs that can hold you back from pursuing what truly matters. But here’s the thing - those desires don't simply go away. They stay with us, silently sending reminders that something is missing. It’s a nagging voice whispering, "Hey, remember me? Don't forget about what truly sets your soul on fire.” And if you keep ignoring those longings until it's too late, you might end up filled with regret.

This is why today, I want to inspire you to take action toward any unfulfilled dream or desire and let these manifestation quotes be your intention this week.

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Shift from Energetic Chasing to Living in Abundance and Happiness

Shift from Energetic Chasing to Living in Abundance and Happiness

In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, it's easy to get caught up in the energetic chase. We find ourselves constantly comparing, obsessing, and worrying about what others are doing, whether it's on social media, in our relationships, or our pursuit of success. This chasing mentality often leads to a state of desperation and lack, where we feel perpetually unsatisfied and constantly striving for more.

But what if there's a different approach?

What if we could shift our focus from chasing to receiving, allowing us to live our lives with joy and contentment in the present moment? Let’s explore how to stop chasing and embrace the art of receiving.

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Breaking Free from the Negative Words That Keep You Broke

Breaking Free from the Negative Words That Keep You Broke

Are you constantly setting goals….Visualizing financial abundance… Yet still, struggling to manifest more success and money into your life? If you are, then chances are, there are money-limiting beliefs ingrained in the subconscious mind that prevent you from having the money you want.

One way our money-limiting beliefs come to the surface is when we speak negative words. Words carry energy and can shape our reality. And in this week’s blog, we’ll explore which words you must avoid manifesting more abundance in your life.

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Transform Your Life Through the Be, Do, Have Paradigm

Transform Your Life Through the Be, Do, Have Paradigm

Have you ever caught yourself thinking, "Once I find my perfect soulmate and HAVE that person in my life, THEN I'll be loved, happy, and complete"? Did you know this way of thinking keeps us in a state of want, need, and unhappiness? This is why today I want to share with you a new way of thinking called: the BE DO HAVE paradigm. Once you know how to apply it to your life, you’ll be able to truly enjoy the present moment and manifest your goals faster.

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Is Love On The Horizon? 5 Telltale Signs You're About To Manifest It!

Is Love On The Horizon? 5 Telltale Signs You're About To Manifest It!

The Universe is always speaking to us, yet oftentimes we're not sure what to look for, and we might be completely oblivious to the signs! Yet, did you know the signs you get from the universe are also signs from your higher self that flow through your heart center? If you want to know if love is on the horizon, here are 5 telltale signs you’re about to manifest love into your life.

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How To Use Quantum Physics To Manifest Your Dreams

How To Use Quantum Physics To Manifest Your Dreams

Can you imagine having the power to transform your physical reality by harnessing the power of your thoughts? What if you could manifest a vibrant, healthy body, a deeply fulfilling relationship, or the career of your dreams? Well, the truth is, you absolutely can! It's called manifestation, and its secrets lie within the realm of quantum physics. Understanding the principles of quantum physics opens up a world of possibilities, where your thoughts and intentions have the potential to shape your external reality.

It's a fascinating journey of discovering the profound connection between consciousness and the universe. Here’s how to manifest your dreams by using the power of quantum physics and create a life that exceeds your wildest dreams.

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