The Blog

Enlightening Wisdom For An Abundant, Joyful & Love-Filled Life

7 Prompts For Living in Alignment and Dismantling Limiting Beliefs

7 Prompts For Living in Alignment and Dismantling Limiting Beliefs

Do you ever find yourself stuck in a mental traffic jam, surrounded by honking thoughts like, "I'm not good enough," or "I'll never achieve my dreams"?

The truth is… We all do.

That's the relentless chatter of our inner critic, and it's like a backseat driver but with absolutely no sense of direction.

But here's the thing: sometimes, those backseat drivers take over the wheel and turn it into something much more sinister… Limiting beliefs.

A limiting belief is a block in your mind, a piece of negative programming burrowed inside your subconscious that negatively impacts a particular part of your life.

Yet, like most people, you probably don't even realize what limiting beliefs are inside your mind, or how they're stopping you from reaching your fullest potential. Your limiting beliefs are the REAL reason you doubt yourself. They're why you may sometimes feel unworthy of opportunities right before you - even when you've already put in the hard work to avail them. They even block your ability to be consistent in manifesting the Law of Attraction. And as long as you don't take the steps to erase your limiting beliefs, they will keep you playing small and never achieving your biggest goals. In this week’s blog, we’ll explore 7 prompts that can help you uncover these limiting beliefs and help you live in alignment.

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3 Money Principles That Will Expand Your Abundance

3 Money Principles That Will Expand Your Abundance

One of the questions I often get asked is…“Natalie, I work hard to achieve my goals and dreams and I’m tired of just surviving… Is there something I’m missing? What’s the secret to attracting more wealth and abundance?” When people ask me this, my answer is always the same: One thing that most people often forget is that money is energy. Money is something to be embraced and celebrated, not feared or judged. It is common for people to fear or judge money, often associating it with negative emotions such as greed or shame.

This energy, like everything else, is impacted by the thoughts, words, and emotions we fuel it with. If you resent money and treat it negatively, you’ll struggle to attract and hold onto it.

On the other hand, when you appreciate money and thank it, it becomes your friend, and it will come to you even when you least expect it. Why? Because you are welcoming it!

If you want to welcome more money into your life, then here are 3 money principles that will expand your abundance.

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The Manifestation Paradox: Less Consumption, More Creation

The Manifestation Paradox: Less Consumption, More Creation

In a world where we're surrounded by non-stop information, entertainment, and distractions, it's pretty common to get caught up in mindless consumption. Social media, news, streaming services, you name it… they're all competing for our attention. Don't get me wrong, staying in the loop and having fun is great, but there's a hidden truth that often goes unnoticed: the more you consume, the less you create. So today, let's dive into this whole creation vs. consumption paradox and why limiting your consumption can unlock a world of creative potential and more manifestation!

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Embracing Change: 8 Autumn Rituals to Welcome the Season

Embracing Change: 8 Autumn Rituals to Welcome the Season

As pumpkin latte season makes its grand entrance, we can't deny that fall is upon us. However, did you know that this season means more than a change of weather and cozy sweaters? It is a season of transformation. And just as the trees shed old leaves to a new vibrant foliage, we do too. The world around us undergoes this beautiful metamorphosis, making it the perfect opportunity to embrace the spirit of change in our own lives. To help you shed your worn-out old leaves to make way for new growth….Here are eight autumn rituals, so you can embrace this period of transformation and personal growth.

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The Secret Sauce to Manifestation: Intention Paired with Elevated Emotion

The Secret Sauce to Manifestation: Intention Paired with Elevated Emotion

You've likely come across the idea of setting intentions and their role in manifesting your desires. But do you know the art of pairing intention with the force of elevated emotion for maximum impact? If you’ve never tried this famous technique by Dr. Joe Dispenza, you’re in for a treat! Here in my blog, I explain it in 7 practical steps!

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How To Manifest What Seems Impossible

How To Manifest What Seems Impossible

A question that I am often asked is “Nat... How can I manifest when deep down inside I'm not sure it’s coming?” The reason I want to share my answer with you today is because one of the most important things when it comes to attracting what you want is to BELIEVE it's coming. But why is it SO hard to believe we are worthy of all the things we desire? If you’re constantly trapped in this toxic cycle of entertaining doubts or negative ideas and find it difficult to believe in what you want to attract, you’re not alone!

There is a crucial point I always emphasize to my students, which is the importance of starting with things they can truly believe they can receive. In other words, begin with goals that truly resonate with your beliefs. This is where the magic begins, and I'll explain why in just a moment.

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Keeping A Grateful Heart Through Challenging Times

Keeping A Grateful Heart Through Challenging Times

Last week was undeniably challenging for me. My heart felt heavy as my mum was admitted to a dementia ward at a nursing facility. Despite being miles away, I couldn't help but wonder how I could support my family and my mum during this difficult transition. In times like these, it's natural to be consumed by the negative aspects of the situation, allowing ourselves to feel the emotions that arise. However, it's crucial not to dwell there indefinitely. Instead, I've chosen to take a proactive approach. Go here to uncover it now!

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Unveiling Unworthiness: 3 Secret Ways It Might Be Impacting Your Abundance

Unveiling Unworthiness: 3 Secret Ways It Might Be Impacting Your Abundance

Back in 2020 when I was looking for my love partner, I thought I was too old for the men in my age group. I thought that they were looking for younger women, or that because I was successful, men would be intimidated. These thoughts were connected to a deeper belief... that I wasn't good enough.? So I decided to address my limiting beliefs and release them. That's when I was able to surrender into a beautiful and loving relationship.

I'm sharing this with you because if you’re working towards a goal – whether it’s love, career, or money – you may be experiencing similar internal blockages. These beliefs often come in different shapes and forms and it's difficult to be aware of them if you don’t know where to look. This is why today, I want to show you 3 sneaky ways the unworthiness limiting belief can show up in your life and how to overcome it!

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