The Blog

Enlightening Wisdom For An Abundant, Joyful & Love-Filled Life

Mastering Work-Life Harmony: The Art of Setting Boundaries

Mastering Work-Life Harmony: The Art of Setting Boundaries

One of my friends recently mentioned that all she seems to do lately is work… Sound familiar? I'm sure many of us have found ourselves in that situation at some point in our lives. However, it's crucial to establish boundaries to prevent feelings of resentment from creeping into any aspect of our lives. Boundaries come in various forms – whether they're mental, physical, or emotional, each presents its own unique challenges and requires distinct strategies to address effectively. So, it's essential to identify the boundaries that work best for you and implement them. Setting boundaries is not a one-time task; it's a continuous journey that demands ongoing effort, practice, and commitment to your well-being.

I have some rules, some golden rules that I like to stick to. And since I've met Bert, he's really helped me stick to them as well. While having an accountability partner can be beneficial, it's not absolutely necessary. Here's my approach to setting and maintaining boundaries.


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The Ultimate Guide To Holistic Health, Wellness & Healing

The Ultimate Guide To Holistic Health, Wellness, Vitality, & Healing

How exactly does your mind play such an important role in your health and wellness? And perhaps more importantly, how do habits like mindfulness and meditation keep you mentally, emotionally, and physically happy? In this Ultimate Guide, we'll answer these questions and more, so you can tap into the power of what may be your biggest asset for lifelong health, wellness, vitality, and healing. Check it out now.

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Unseen Wonders: Things That Exist, Yet We Can't See

Unseen Wonders: Things That Exist, Yet We Can't See

Hellen Keller once said: “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.” This is such a great reminder to keep our hearts open and to see and cherish the world not only with our physical senses but also with our emotions and spirit. It encourages us to appreciate these intangible qualities and experiences, as they genuinely enhance our lives and make us more profoundly connected as humans. A friendly touch, a warm hug, a kind look, or a simple 'how are you today?' are all part of what truly makes us happy. Here are 30 of them.

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My Secret Formula To Make New Habits Stick In 2024

My Secret Formula To Make New Habits Stick In 2024

Have you ever wondered why you can't seem to stick to your plans?

You know, like committing to reading more books, hitting the gym regularly, saving money, or finally kickstarting that creative project? And why does something you genuinely care about often end up taking a backseat in your life? The thing is, our lives are a reflection of our daily habits. How successful we are… how healthy… how happy or unhappy ... .So how do we change our thoughts, beliefs, and habits? Is it really possible to change from our core? According to James Clear, author of “Atomic Habits”, it is possible. There is a secret formula, that if you follow step by step, it’s 99% guaranteed that anyone can create good habits and eliminate bad ones, including YOU! Here in my blog, I reveal the 4-step secret formula that will help you start new habits that stick in 2024! Woohoo!


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5 Things I Learned In 2023

5 Things I Learned In 2023

2023 has been a bit of a rollercoaster, don't you think? I've been chatting with friends and colleagues, and it seems like we were all in the same boat. Not to mention inflation rising and the prices of EVERYTHING being so expensive! So, if you feel the same, you are not alone. But now, as we step into the new year, I think it's a perfect time to reflect on the valuable lessons that have shaped our journey. I am sharing five that have had a profound impact on my growth.

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How To Manifest A Magical 2024

How To Manifest A Magical 2024

As we step into a new year, we are presented with a blank canvas of possibilities, a chance to create the life we desire, and there's no better time to start than now. As a lifelong learner and coach, I’ve developed a few practices that are very practical and have allowed me to enjoy a more productive year filled with abundance, happiness, and success. Here are a few tips to help you manifest a magical 2024!

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8 Things I'm Leaving Behind In 2023 For A Fresh Start

8 Things I'm Leaving Behind In 2023 For A Fresh Start

How was your Christmas? Was it filled with lots of good moments, your favorite foods, and your most beloved people?

Mine was! I actually cooked a traditional American Christmas dinner:

The BIG turkey with the homemade cranberry sauce… The pumpkin pie and all the trimmings, it was very exciting because we don't usually do that in Australia.

We don't have turkeys and we don’t really eat pumpkin pie.

Normally at Christmas in Australia, we’re barbecuing, we're putting shrimp on the “barbie”, and, we're outside because it's so hot during that time of year.

So hosting an all-American Christmas feast for my Aussie friends was a great experience.

Now, I’m not big on New Year's resolutions… But I am all for making positive changes in my life. As we step into a new year, it's the perfect time to reflect on our lives, on the most valuable lessons, and let go of things that no longer serve us. Whether it's outdated habits or toxic relationships - We all have things we should consider leaving behind this year to pave the way for personal growth and a brighter 2023. Here are 8 of them that I’m leaving behind and I hope it inspires you to do the same!

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15 Things To Do Before The Year Ends

15 Things To Do Before The Year Ends

Ahhh the Holidays! Don’t you just love that time between Christmas and New Year’s? It’s all about enjoying the leftover treats, cozying with loved ones, and savoring the slow days. It’s also the perfect time for doing all those things that you often don’t have time for and that help you kickstart the new year on the right foot. I made a list of 15 essential tasks, and by ticking them off I hope they can help you wrap up the year on a high note and set the stage for a fresh start in the new year.


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