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Enlightening Wisdom For An Abundant, Joyful & Love-Filled Life

How To Manifest What Seems Impossible

How To Manifest What Seems Impossible

A question that I am often asked is “Nat... How can I manifest when deep down inside I'm not sure it’s coming?” The reason I want to share my answer with you today is because one of the most important things when it comes to attracting what you want is to BELIEVE it's coming. But why is it SO hard to believe we are worthy of all the things we desire? If you’re constantly trapped in this toxic cycle of entertaining doubts or negative ideas and find it difficult to believe in what you want to attract, you’re not alone!

There is a crucial point I always emphasize to my students, which is the importance of starting with things they can truly believe they can receive. In other words, begin with goals that truly resonate with your beliefs. This is where the magic begins, and I'll explain why in just a moment.

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Keeping A Grateful Heart Through Challenging Times

Keeping A Grateful Heart Through Challenging Times

Last week was undeniably challenging for me. My heart felt heavy as my mum was admitted to a dementia ward at a nursing facility. Despite being miles away, I couldn't help but wonder how I could support my family and my mum during this difficult transition. In times like these, it's natural to be consumed by the negative aspects of the situation, allowing ourselves to feel the emotions that arise. However, it's crucial not to dwell there indefinitely. Instead, I've chosen to take a proactive approach. Go here to uncover it now!

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Unveiling Unworthiness: 3 Secret Ways It Might Be Impacting Your Abundance

Unveiling Unworthiness: 3 Secret Ways It Might Be Impacting Your Abundance

Back in 2020 when I was looking for my love partner, I thought I was too old for the men in my age group. I thought that they were looking for younger women, or that because I was successful, men would be intimidated. These thoughts were connected to a deeper belief... that I wasn't good enough.? So I decided to address my limiting beliefs and release them. That's when I was able to surrender into a beautiful and loving relationship.

I'm sharing this with you because if you’re working towards a goal – whether it’s love, career, or money – you may be experiencing similar internal blockages. These beliefs often come in different shapes and forms and it's difficult to be aware of them if you don’t know where to look. This is why today, I want to show you 3 sneaky ways the unworthiness limiting belief can show up in your life and how to overcome it!

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3 Mindset Hacks For Personal Growth Lovers

3 Mindset Hacks For Personal Growth Lovers

Do you have a morning ritual that sets the tone for the rest of your day? For me, it is listening to an audiobook while exercising or simply walking by the marina. I love how just doing seemingly small things like walking or reading a book can inspire us to make significant changes in our lives. This is why today, I want to share 3 cool mindset hacks that I’ve learned from 3 of my all-time favorite books that I hope become your favorite too.


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Embracing Stillness: Where Your Guides' Whispers Come Alive

Embracing Stillness: Where Your Guides' Whispers Come Alive

Do you believe in spirit guides? Well, whether or not you're on board with the concept of spirit guides, we all possess intuition – a guiding compass meant for daily use, a gift we are meant to use to help us and others. In my experience, most of those sudden instincts, those gut feelings, have a spiritual origin – often emerging from the realm of guides and angels. And they come in contact with us when we most need them to teach and protect us. If you’re going through a challenging time and you need the guidance and support of your spirit guides, here’s how to communicate with them.

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Feeling Stuck? Here Are 4 Clues You're Out of Flow and How to Reconnect with Your Creative Genius

Feeling Stuck? Here Are 4 Clues You're Out of Flow and How to Reconnect with Your Creative Genius

FLOW…ever heard of it? Flow is a remarkable state of mind where your focus, productivity, creativity, and intuition soar to near-superhuman levels. When you're in flow, you awaken the best possible version of yourself. Your inner blocks and brain fog disappear. But did you know that unlocking limitless creative potential isn't about reinventing the wheel? Here are 4 subtle cues that indicate you're drifting away from flow, and 4 simple hacks to ground yourself, reconnect with your body, and unleash your boundless creativity once again.

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4 High-Frequency Practices To Try In 2023

4 High-Frequency Practices To Try In 2023

You know that feeling when you have this amazing dream, and you want it to come true so badly? Well, that's where manifestation comes in, and what an exciting journey it is! It all starts with a tiny thought that turns into this powerful energy force, attracting all the good stuff you desire into your life. But here's the secret sauce to make this magic work even better: understanding the role of vibration in manifestation! Here are 4 high-frequency practices to try in 2023 to raise your vibration instantly!

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4 Sneaky Ways You're Procrastinating Without Realizing It

4 Sneaky Ways You're Procrastinating Without Realizing It

Imagine for a moment you could free yourself from 1 bad habit… what would it be? As a personal growth coach and lifelong learner, I’ve asked this question to many of my friends and students and the resounding response is the same: Procrastination.

There are many solutions out there on how to end procrastination, for example: creating to-do lists, rewarding yourself, and breaking big tasks into smaller ones… all of these can be very effective IF you know you’re procrastinating. But what happens when you’re not? Did you know there are subtle ways in which we unconsciously block our productivity? Here are 4 sneaky ways you are procrastinating without even knowing it and what to do about it.

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