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Enlightening Wisdom For An Abundant, Joyful & Love-Filled Life

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7 Surprising Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make (That You Should Avoid)

Let’s face it - starting a business is not always as glamorous as it sounds. The truth is, you’ll make a lot of mistakes along the way! Luckily, there are many others who have taken this journey before you and made a lot of them. Here are 7 most common mistakes entrepreneurs make, check it out!

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woman fist up

6 Things Great Leaders Always Do

All great leaders share some common traits. Whether that be prioritizing “me time” or learning from their mistakes, they all have the qualities it takes to be successful. So what are the habits of people like Albert Einstein, Warren Buffet, and Oprah Winfrey? I’ve put together a list of tips for success that anyone can follow, check them out now!

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woman with coffee mug

10 Essential Time Management Hacks Guaranteed To Increase Your Productivity

Why do some people seem to accomplish way more in a single day than others? The answer is quite simple: They’ve mastered the skill of time management. If you’d like to beat procrastination and become the most productive person you know, then start by applying these 10 time management hacks now!

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[Video] Can We Guess Your #1 Money Block?

Are you struggling to reach financial success despite all of your talent and hard work? If yes, did you know the ‘money blocks’ in your subconscious mind could be hindering your success? Here are 5 common money blocks and how to clear them once and for all!

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woman stretching

7 Amazing Personal Growth Apps Everyone Is Downloading (And Why)

How much time of your day do you spend on your smartphone or tablet? Whether it’s texting, exploring apps, or scrolling through social media feeds, there’s no doubt we’re spending a lot of time on our mobile devices! So why not use them to achieve our goals? Here are 7 awesome apps that can actually create a positive change in your life. Check them out!

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man on top of rocks

10 Life Secrets They Didn't Teach You In School

A majority of us spend around 12-16 in school, yet, we weren’t taught many real-life skills to handle real-life challenges. From registering your first car and paying taxes to learning about health insurance and balancing checkbooks - it’s probably safe to say you weren’t given the tools from the education system to handle these type of situations.

Coach and speaker Sean McCool shares 10 life secrets that we didn’t learn from school, and how these tips can help you with any challenges you may face.

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Holding hands in the snow

10 Fun Winter Activities That Will Make You Wish Summer Never Comes

What does the winter and the holiday season mean to you? Is it a time to strengthen your values and practice some self-reflection? Or do you experience nothing but stress and winter blues? Although winter can be cold and dreary, there's no reason you can’t spend time on yourself and enjoy all this season has to offer! Here's how to embrace this time as a period for self-reflection and help you prepare for the birth of the New Year.

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love without money

Love and Money: 4 Tips for Monetary Bliss

Despite what we want to believe, sometimes the saying “love conquers all” just doesn’t hold true for relationships. But money doesn’t have to be a wedge between you and your partner, and there are ways to learn to talk about finance in a healthier, satisfying manner. This week, guest blogger and award winning Life and Relationship coach Monica Cobis shares her tips to avoid letting money dominate your love life. Check it out!

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