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7 Reasons Why It's Worth Being a Morning Person

It’s no secret - I am a morning person!

I have specific morning rituals that help set me up for success every single day - and I live by them.

Someone recently asked me for the formula or ‘secret’ to becoming a morning person. I don’t really have a secret - I consider myself to be born this way!

I do know the great benefits of waking up at 6:30 am every day instead of hitting snooze several times.  

Now, I’m not saying that you should wake up this early too, especially if your creative juices flow more effectively and you function better at night. 

But I know, in my case at least, it helps me in many different ways. 

Here are the 7 ways being a morning person massively benefits my life:


Powerful Benefit of Being a Morning Person

This is by far one of my favorite reasons for waking up early! Why? Because there are barely any people out, which means no traffic noise, no kids yelling, no distractions - just peace and serenity. This is an excellent time where you can actually enjoy yourself, and focus on yourself before you begin your day. 


As I prepare my bulletproof coffee every morning, I like to practice mindfulness and gratitude. There’s something very grounding about acknowledging simple things like the aroma of coffee, the sounds of silence, and savoring every sip in the quiet of the morning. For some people, a benefit of being a morning person is having a delicious and healthy breakfast. Whatever it is you enjoy most when you wake up, make sure you make time for it. 


Powerful Benefit of Being a Morning Person

I ran my whole life until a knee injury made me replace my morning jogging with paddle-boarding on the marina, and so far, I love it! I usually take my pup Bella with me, and together, we enjoy the peaceful water. We have even had dolphins swimming right next to us, which is hard to beat! I don’t think we could've experienced this incredible moment if more people had been there. 

Powerful Benefit of Being a Morning Person


It’s hard not to be excited to face the day when you’ve meditated, enjoyed coffee and swam with dolphins! So by making time in the morning to do what I love, and enjoy myself, I can also be motivated and inspired for success. 


Powerful Benefit of Being a Morning Person

I have a lot of energy in the morning, and therefore, I’m more productive. And by giving myself time to prioritize my day, I can think about how to tackle it more effectively. I know that by getting things done earlier in the day, I don’t have to worry about them when the evening comes, and I can actually spend time with my friends or family. 


LA traffic is one of the worst ways to start your day! So by commuting earlier, I can enjoy a lighter traffic and save time. I’ve also noticed I’m more clear-headed, so it’s fair to say I’m a better, safer driver in this headspace! 


Sometimes we forget how amazing it is to simply wake up to a new day and be grateful for being alive. I like to practice gratitude by saying: “I AM grateful for this day”, or set an intention for the day. Try it! It’s a great way to start your morning and even has the power to put you in a better mood!

Now, if you’re reading this, I’m sure you’re looking to create success habits that will keep you committed to your life’s goals.

And if this is true, then I highly encourage you to check this out! 

It’s a system designed for people who wish to break through their success blockers and create a successful mindset that leads to amazing and unprecedented results.

Go here to try it out, and prepare to RECEIVE and MULTIPLY the success you want with grace, gratitude, and positivity! 

And if you practice any other morning rituals that you find really powerful, please share them with our community in the box below. :)


Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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