The Blog

Enlightening Wisdom For An Abundant, Joyful & Love-Filled Life

How to enjoy being alone

Do you fear being alone?

And has the fear of being alone ever kept you in a relationship that wasn't right for you?

Well surprisingly, there are many people that feel this way, and maybe we all have had this fear at some point in our lives...

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The Dos and Don'ts of Long-Lasting Friendships

The Dos and Don'ts of Long-lasting Friendships

Do you have a best friend? A friend that you trust and share a deep level of understanding and communication? Building strong friendships takes time and energy, but it can be one of the most enriching experiences in our lifetime! If you’d like to discover how to attract and maintain healthy, loving friendships, read on for my top Dos and Don’ts for lasting friendship right here!

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Watch Our Ice Bucket Challenge (Aussie Style!)

So, Glen (my partner in Mind Movies) and I, were called out to do the Ice Bucket Challenge and to donate towards research for ALS.

Of course we were happy to help a good cause, but to be honest, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into!

To make things worse, my friend who was recording my challenge at the beach paused the camera exactly when I threw the ice water buckets over my head... so guess what?! I had to do it all over again!

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7 Easy Ways To Put Your Own Happiness First

7 Easy Ways To Put Your Own Happiness First!

Do you often fear that people will reject you or not accept you for who you truly are? If yes, you're not alone - many people mask their flaws in an effort to make people like them better. Stop trying to please everyone else and start living your very best life by following these 7 tips. Check out right here!

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5 Powerful Ways To Drain Negative Energy

A popular question amongst all of us is: “How can I be positive and happy all the time?” While it may seem difficult, there are actually simple techniques you can do to be the happy person you and others love to be around!

Here are 5 ways to attract and maintain positive energy while draining out the negative energy.

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girl standing alone at the beach

5 Tips For Ending Relationships That No Longer Serve You

Relationships appear in our lives at different times for different purposes. As we grow and evolve, so do our relationships. And with this growth, sometimes we need to end relationships that no longer serve us.

Here are 5 tips to transition through these relationships in a healthy and positive way.

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Giving Flower

How Giving to Others Can Change Your World

With the right attitude, giving to others can be one of the best things that you can do for yourself. It’s a great way to shift your mindset and practice gratitude. It’s also a powerful opportunity to channel the Law of Attraction and to allow more positive vibrations and energy into your life.

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sunset on a boat

4 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy

The more things we get, the happier we are - true or false? Whatever your answer is, you’ll see that by releasing and letting go you will find more inner peace and happiness. Here are 4 things you should give up right now to become a happier person.

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