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We are currently in the midst of some very challenging times where it can seem easy to fall into a state of panic.

Places where we normally gather are slowly closing around the world along with both national and international borders. The threat of this virus is settling into our everyday lives. And now, it's getting to the point where it's necessary for us to create a new normal and a new reality during such interesting, unknown, and again, challenging times.

So, when panic and worry seem to be looming around us, how do we remain calm?

Well, interestingly enough, we learn about all of these incredible manifestation techniques, how to be grateful, how to show up as the best versions of ourselves, etc., so it's easy to apply those lessons when things are generally going great. But it's important we maintain those practices and work to apply and embody them in times like this, more than ever. Again, this is a very interesting time to be in, so,

I urge you to think about a different perspective on how to look at the reality we are all facing.

A close girlfriend of mine, Jennifer Hough, founder of The Wide Awakening, sent out an email recently that really got me thinking about where things stand. She asked:

What does this all mean when it comes to prevention, fear, our connection, and ultimately, the existential meaning of all of this?

After thinking long and hard about her questions, I came up with a few things… So I want to share some valid concerns, and digestible bullet points you can reference to help us (and the entire world) repurpose our energy and provide some calm during these very unsettling times.

How do we find strength to remain calm?

  • We don't have to give our power away to our circumstances. Instead, we've got to make use of our personal power because we're going to need it now more than ever.

  • Remember, each individual is having their own experience throughout this right now, so it's important to make compassion and understanding a priority.

  • Despite so much conflicting information in the media and online, you are always free to believe whatever it is that you want – that's what makes us human, so no need to judge or feel guilt or shame about that.

  • Use your instincts and knowledge around the Law of Attraction to come from a sense of peace, rather than reaction and fear.

What now?

  • Understand that we get to choose how we want to navigate through this – remember, you already possess the personal power to make that choice.

  • We have the fundamental skills and know-how for navigating through life, so it's a matter of applying those skills when it counts, especially in trying times.

  • Let's make sure we feel empowered to move through this interesting time by creating a plan to ensure the experience is comfortable for all: the safety and health of ourselves and those closest to us.

How do we navigate these next few months of uncertainty?

  • Start by assessing your levels of consciousness to get clear on the situation, first by making sure you aren't lingering too much in victimhood, where you feel like everything is happening to you, and you have no control.

  • Use your manifestation skills:

    • Remember, a lot of what we teach at Mind Movies is about being grateful for all the things we have and grateful for what's going on right now.

    • Tap into your higher frequency emotions.

    • Be in a place where you can see solutions, so you're not caught up in the panic.

  • Set an intention by asking yourself how do you want to navigate through this?

    • Through love and compassion? 

    • Feeling empowered? 

    • Use visualization to see yourself navigating from that intention:

      • What does that look like realistically for me? 

      • For my family? 

      • For my community?

  • Then take action (that's how you're going to get through it). For a lot of us, we're feeling out of control, but you've got to ask the important questions to make sure you are taking the kind of actions that are practical:

    • Am I staying healthy? 

    • Am I stocked up? 

    • Do I have enough for my entire family? For my pets?

  • Surrendering is the last and most pivotal step because, in this particular situation, we can think of it as everything is happening exactly the way it's supposed to and for our highest good. To surrender, ask yourself things like:

    • How do we look at this time in our lives differently?

    • How can we use the situation to the best of our ability? (Shall I create a new Mind Movie? Can I learn a new skill or ritual?)

What can the future look like?

  • Talk about the future to get past the unusual times we're in to help create and manifest it as a new reality.

  • The recipe for future success is both belief and action steps working together. So things like making healthy changes such as getting enough exercise and taking supplements.

  • We must shift our perspective and put energy behind it. So instead of thinking of it as being stuck or in quarantine at home, shift to words like:

    • I'm choosing to spend time with myself.

    • I'm using this time to spend quality time with my family.

    • I’m using this opportunity to stay productive and not forget about my goals and desires.

  • We're not isolating because we're scared, we're using solitary time so we can nurture ourselves. Remember, putting a different energy and intention behind your words is propelling you towards a better future.

  • Understand that the virus doesn't discriminate – it's a threat to all of us. So could this be an opportunity for all of us to come together?

  • The more we can stay calm, empathetic, compassionate, and self-loving, the more it will serve us.


And I get it, sometimes the fear of it all can seem just as bad as the virus itself, so making sure to keep those lower vibration emotions to a minimum is really going to help shift your energy. Remember, we're practicing self-responsibility out of love for ourselves and love for others.

Two Hands Sharing a Heart

Even though we may be limited to the confines of our homes, we can still share love, unite, and come together as a community. I have to mention how grateful I am for the internet :-) because virtual community support is what we all really need right now.

And that's exactly why I felt so inspired to open up a new community Facebook group to keep this conversation going and continue to raise the positive vibration around us by doing things that keep us healthy and happy.

It’s called The Daily Gathering: Support, Connect, Align - and we'll be opening up this new community to discuss and implement topics like:

 - How to use pain and chaos for growth

 - The usefulness of alone time

 - Practicing empowering rituals

 - Embracing change

 - Letting go of negative thinking

 - Productivity to keep away stress, and so much more!

Our daily live sessions will take place at 10am PT Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Then also at 6pm PT on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday.

Join now!

So I encourage you to join right now on Facebook so we can all work together to stay safe, take care of ourselves, and take care of our loved ones.

We're in this together - see you soon! :-)

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Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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