The Blog

Enlightening Wisdom For An Abundant, Joyful & Love-Filled Life

coffee and chocolate

Coffee & Chocolate - The Health Facts You Need To Know

Ahh chocolate and coffee - a classic combo! Now if you’re like many people out there, I’m sure you love to make a hot cup of coffee in the morning and settle down at night while enjoying a nice piece of chocolate! So what about when you combine the two? On this week’s blog, we share a special article from author, teacher, and researcher Mitravinda Savanur where she shares the important health facts of these two popular items. Check it out now!

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Boost your confidence

6 Ways To Build Confidence

No matter how confident you feel at times, everyone can experience doubts and insecurities in certain situations. We all need a boost of confidence sometimes, so I’ve put together a list of easy tips to put you back on the road to feeling great again. Check it out now!

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vacation tips

5 Ways To Avoid Getting Sick On Vacations

Picture this: you’ve been planning a leisure vacation for months and the day has finally arrived! You’re so thrilled and cannot wait to have some time off to enjoy with family and friends. And then out of nowhere - you feel sick! Have you experienced being sick on vacation? It’s definitely not something we plan for, but we can take steps to plan ahead and avoid getting sick on vacation. On this week’s blog, journalist and blogger Smith Willas shares 5 ways to avoid getting sick while you’re on vacation. Check it out now!

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5 universal chakras

Discover How To Tap Into Your 5 Universal Chakras

If you’re interested in energy healing, then you might agree that we give most of our attention to our 7 core Chakras. But did you know you have five Universal Chakras beyond your physical body, hovering just above your head? Unlike the commonly known 7 Chakras inside your body, your five Universal Chakras are the key to your innermost truths, beyond anything conscious or physical. Discover how to tap into them here!

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chronic pain

How Chronic Pain Affects Physical and Emotional Aspects of Life

Have you ever experienced physical or emotional pain that leaves you feeling debilitated? Or perhaps pain that leaves you stressed or extremely agitated? The truth is, chronic pain affects more people around the world than we think. On this week’s blog, journalist and blogger Smith Willas shares various forms of chronic pain and warning signs you shouldn’t miss. Check it out now!

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essential oils

6 Essential Oils To Check Out Now!

Essential oils have long been used in various cultures to heal physical ailments, but they are also great for the mind and soul. What’s more is that essential oils can have a greater impact on our being when used in conjunction with the Law of Attraction. I've put together a list of my favorite oils and how I use them to attract health, abundance, and peace of mind. Check them out now!

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Woman yoga

10 Yoga Myths: Busting Age-Old Saga

Yoga is practiced by all walks of life whether you’re a man, a woman, old, young, religious, not religious, an athlete, not an athlete, and everyone in between. But if yoga can be for anyone, why do a lot of people shun away from it? On this week’s blog, we share an article from health and fitness writer Margaux Diaz that debunks common yoga myths. Check it out now!

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health tips

7 Health Tips That Will Make You Feel 10 Years Younger!

A lot of us may think that degenerative disease is part of the aging process. But did you know our aging is often dictated by our lifestyle? So how can you tweak your daily habits to stay younger inside and out? Here are seven little-known health tips that will make you feel 10 years younger. Check them out!


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