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How To Show Gratitude For The People In Your Life

In the spirit of giving, I wanted to share some thoughts about how to pay it forward and express gratitude to the people in your life. And for my friends in the United States, Thanksgiving is the perfect reminder to give back to others, reflect on everything you DO have, and be grateful for every moment.

Did I mention I am grateful for you today? ;-)

We all have our personal ways that we show gratitude to others, and of course, there are many different ways to express it to close family members, friends, and work associates. At Mind Movies, we try to have holiday gatherings so everyone can get together and have fun. It’s one of the ways Glen and I express our gratitude to the people who work so hard to keep our message going. We also have company retreats, lunches, and outings to give back to those that work towards our mission.

But there are many ways to show gratitude and it doesn’t always have to be monetary. I wanted to share some thoughts on giving back with you in case you’re needing to come up with some fresh ideas this year.

Here are 5 of my favorite ways to show thanks to the people in my life:

1) Send a handwritten card or letter

This sounds so simple, but it’s very powerful. I absolutely love to get a card or letter in the mail. It feels so personal and I’m always grateful that someone took the time to sit down and write me something by hand. I can’t recommend this one highly enough!

2) Perform a random act of kindness

This could be anything. If you live with someone and they ordinarily do the dishes, then surprise them by cleaning up after dinner. Or, buy one of their favorite things to eat or drink and let them find it by surprise. Do the same for a co-worker in the community kitchen at the office. Better yet, leave something that everyone in the office can enjoy. If you bake, take some cookies in. Or offer (if it’s in your budget) to get coffee/tea in the afternoon. A little kindness goes a long way!

3) Tell them!

Verbalize to the people in your life why they matter to you, what about them you’re grateful for, and how happy you are to have them in your life. Another thing that seems so simple yet has a profound effect!

4) Be available

Whatever being available means to you, give it a shot over this holiday period. Another way of doing this is to say “yes” to what’s asked of you, within limits, of course. For example, if you don’t usually like to go out during the week but it’s the only opportunity to spend time with certain people, then make yourself available for that. If you ordinarily let your phone go to voicemail, try picking it up. You’ll be amazed at how great you feel by being there for people when they ask/want/need.

5) Hug them!

Who doesn’t love a good hug? Especially when it’s from someone you care for and it’s unexpected. And hugs are good for everyone - they increase oxytocin and help to lower stress hormones like cortisol. 

So get to hugging :-).

What are some of the ways you show your gratitude to the people in your life? Do you have any tips you can share in the comment section? Would love to hear your thoughts!

Speaking of gratitude, I have an exclusive gratitude offering for you that you don’t want to miss out on. It’s my bestselling Rich With Gratitude system that will help you raise your vibration, feel the power of gratitude, and inspire you to be the best version of yourself.

If you’re in the U.S. I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving with friends and family. Now go Get Rich With Gratitude and start living in a state of gratitude every moment of every day!


Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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