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How To Ask The Universe To Manifest Your Desires

How To Ask The Universe To Manifest Your Desires

Can you imagine if the universe was a mind reader, and like a close friend, it could tell you exactly what you need to hear? Well guess what? This is exactly the kind of relationship you can and should have!

And actually, having a conversation with the universe is exactly what you need if you want to manifest your desires.

What does it mean to “listen” to the universe?

Chatting with the Universe is basically asking for its guidance, and listening to the universe, essentially, is tapping deeper into your own intuition.

How do we ask for guidance from the universe?

First, get SUPER clear on what it is you’re asking. If you’re uncertain, the guidance will be unclear. Show action and do research around it, as if you are proving your capability to a trusted adviser.

Then, speak clearly and directly to the universe: “I am asking for guidance about _____ because it will help me _____.” It helps if you write it down, and revisit your intention daily.

Finally, visualize the universe answering your guidance prayer. What does it feel like? Look like? Sound like? This communicates your trust in its support.

How do we hear what the universe is saying?

To begin, ground yourself and quiet the mind, so that the chatty ego doesn’t take over.

When you ask the universe a question like: “Is this job offer right for me?” see what pops up.

Maybe it’s words, an image, or tension in the body—generally this is a hard no. Or perhaps it’s the feeling of excitement, meaning yes!

Guidance can also show up in nuggets of hidden messages. Pay attention.

How do we apply it?

Here are three ways to apply conversations with the universe in everyday life:

1. Making a big decision.

“Is this decision in the best interest of my highest good?”

Get grounded, close your eyes, and feel into the decision. How does it feel physically? Emotionally? Is your breath shallow? Deep? Listen to the sensations that arise. The physical body can be a clear vessel of guidance from the universe.

2. Feeling stuck or lost.

“What can I do to shift this?”

Sit with this question. Ask it often. Listen closely. Look around. Remain curious. And, most importantly, be patient.

3. Looking for love.

“How can I become a magnet for love?”

Write down this question and then have a conversation with love like it’s one of your best friends. Ask questions like: “Where can I find you?”  or “What is the lesson you want me to learn?”

Take some deep breaths between each answer and see what comes up. This, in theory, is the universe talking through you.

Remember that conversing with the universe is a two-way dialogue, where there’s speaking and listening, asking and receiving. One good quote that describes it beautifully is, “Praying is asking, and meditating is listening and receiving.”

Don’t forget to listen: Start seeing everything in your life as a sign, and look for the bigger message in all of those smaller moments in life—like when you see repeating numbers everywhere (these are called “angel numbers”), or when a feather falls in front of you, or you open a book to a random page where the sentence tells you exactly what you need to hear.

All of these “signs," or synchronistic communication from a higher power (the universe, your spirit guides, angels, ancestors … whatever you believe in!) give you a light nudge or acknowledgment of how you’re doing, and whether or not you’re heading in the right direction.

Those signs of guidance are always there, and it depends on your openness and level of awareness to perceive them or not.

Now, to help you open your awareness, I’ve created a guided meditation that you can use any time of the day so that your manifesting power becomes that much more amplified. And for a limited time, you can use this manifesting amplifier visualization exercise for FREE!

Once you start listening, you’ll discover how to instantly raise your vibrations and creation power to create, be, and, ultimately, achieve anything.

Download it now to join the thousands of people, just like you, working to maintain success in their personal development.


Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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