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What To Do When Bad Things Keep Happening, and You Don't Know Why or What to Do About It

Hey, it's Heather Mathews here, and I have a deeply personal and heartfelt message for you today.

Most people don't know this about me, but long before I achieved success as an online Law of Attraction specialist, I failed over and over and over in my life - for ten years in a row.

In fact, I failed so much and made so many stupid mistakes that I lost nearly everything: 

- My friends

- My health

- My boyfriend

- My confidence

- My pride

- My savings

- My self-esteem

- My ability to just feel happy that I was even alive!

At one point, I was working 60 hours a week, I was $18,000 in debt, I was taking pills for anxiety and depression, I was carrying 35 pounds of excess fat, and at age 35, I was sleeping on the couch at my mom's house...

... because I couldn't afford a motel and I had nowhere else to go. 

The humiliation, shame, and PANIC was indescribable. 

I didn't know what to do. 

I didn't know how to fix things. 

I felt that everyone else had it together, while I was stuck in some emotional and financial backwater, struggling my butt off and getting NOWHERE. 

I just couldn't figure out why all these horrible things kept happening to me. 

And while I worked like a maniac, it seemed to make no difference. Every time I started to get a little bit ahead, some 'emergency' would happen and I'd end up right back at ground zero. 

I tried not to be bitter...

...but seeing everyone else get ahead while I struggled, pinched, and scrimped was like swallowing a mouthful of vinegar.

How come others were living lives of abundance, while I was slaving my guts out every day and getting nowhere?

Yet looking back, that string of humiliations and failures was hands-down the BEST thing that ever happened to me. 


Because it led me to a chance meeting with an old friend...

...and a set of simple, almost magically effective 'abundance principles' that turned EVERYTHING around for me.

Here's the story. 

(Warning: embarrassing confession ahead.) 

One day, I was walking along, silently fretting to myself about bills and my weight and the stressed-out wrinkles popping up on my forehead, when I randomly bumped into an old friend.

He asked me how I was, and listened in silence while I blurted out the ugly truth like a sick cat vomiting up hairballs.

I have to admit, the story of my failures was pretty pathetic. 

And I was expecting some sympathy, some pity, maybe a hug... 

But instead, he said something that felt like a slap in the face.

'Heather,' he said sternly, 'You've been going about this 'abundance' thing all wrong. 

'You seem to believe that abundance comes to those who work their asses off and never, ever give up.’

'But the truth is, hard work just plain isn't how you get ahead in life.' 

'What,' I snapped, 'so I should just sit on my butt eating bonbons all day??'

'No,' he said calmly. 'You just need to stop trying so damn hard all the time.’ 

'See, abundance doesn't respond to stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.’

'It responds to what you're THINKING AND FEELING on the inside.'

Well, I was pretty annoyed by his simplistic approach to the complicated trainwreck that was my life...

...but at the same time, I'd run out of ideas on how to fix it myself.

So I swallowed my pride, and asked him, 'What should I do?' 

And he gave me 5 principles - 5 tiny, easy principles that turned EVERYTHING around for me.

These days, I'm solvent, secure, confident, and healthy. 

I've dropped from a pudgy size 14 to a slim size 8. 

I'm in a relationship with a wonderful man who makes me smile every single day. 

I truly love my life.

And my biggest goal in sharing this personal story is to empower YOU with the tools I used to turn despair into prosperity and happiness. 

In fact, these principles will help to turn your life around so fast you'll be doing cartwheels in the grass and screaming THANK YOU! to the Universe at the top of your lungs. 

The Five Abundance Principles:

1. There's no such thing as the 'privacy of your own thoughts'; they are a megaphone right to the Universe's ear. That means that whatever you're thinking about, you'll attract more of. 

2. Worrying and stressing is like praying for what you don't want. Stop worrying about running out of time, money, energy, or love. Know that whenever you spend valued resources in the joyful pursuit of what you love, you will generate MORE of those things. So stop praying for what you don't want. 

3. Doing too much to get ahead is WORSE than not doing enough. Quietness, downtime, and time to relax is the fuel that feeds your abundance fire. If you want MORE, then quiet time is not a luxury; it's a necessity. 

4. Never, ever stop getting back up off the ground. No-one - and I mean NO-ONE - is exempt from criticism, suffering, pain, and failure. At some point, those things will strike us all. So quit giving yourself such a hard time. So you screwed up? SO WHAT! Get back up, and keep getting back up, as many times as it takes. Your attitude is the one thing that determines whether you'll stay down on the ground, or if you get back up again.

5. Underneath every adversity hides a gift with your name on it. There is a purpose behind every problem - the Universe is preparing you for something bigger and better. So never, ever, ever give up. 

So remember: No matter what you're going through right now. No matter how desperately you need things to change. No matter how bad you've screwed up - I can almost guarantee you, I've been there or lower.

And I still managed to pick myself up and bounce back higher than ever before, simply through applying these principles to my life. 

'Ok Heather, so how do I actually USE these principles? What's the next step?'

If you want to know EXACTLY how to turn catastrophe, overwhelm, poverty and stress inside out and unleash true abundance in your life, then you should click here and watch this free presentation I put together for you. 

In it, I'll share my humiliating (and exhilarating) journey of discovery, and teach you a powerful mindset shift called Destiny Tuning - a simple, effective vibrational technique that plugs you into the greatest source of power and abundance in the Universe, and drags more of what you love into your life.

Heather Mathews is a highly successful energy coach, life consultant and leading Law of Attraction expert. Heather’s passion is to free people from their current manifesting constraints and teach them how to use her simple but incredibly powerful ‘Destiny Tuning’ technique to unlock their powers of abundance. Over the last year, she has literally helped over 8,000 men and women to make manifesting work for them – more easily than they ever could have imagined!

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