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With the ups and downs of daily life, making sure we are content and keeping our happiness as a priority can take quite a bit of mindful action. It can be easy to go through the motions of your day, and start to feel complacent with mundane tasks or a busy schedule. That’s why I’d like to share with you a variety of simple things you can do to infuse joy and happiness into your daily life. These are the small and realistic things you can actually do every single day to keep your vibrations high and stress levels down. Here are 50 tips on how to be happy today – Enjoy!

Happy Woman in a Field


1. Take a deep breath (and repeat)

2. Think about the things you are grateful for

3. Set your alarm to wake up and watch the sunrise

4. Or sleep in

5. Make yourself a delicious breakfast

6. Take a short walk for fresh air

7. Make your bed

8. Write down a goal or dream

9. Dress up or wear something that makes you feel confident

10. Go for a bike ride

11. Give a compliment

12. Listen to a podcast on a new topic you’d like to learn more about


13. Look in the mirror and smile

14. Take a break

15. Stand up and stretch

16. Get some exercise

17. Say “no” to something that doesn’t serve you

18. Tidy up your workspace

19. Smile at a neighbor/stranger/passerby

20. Work on a hobby

21. Laugh at something funny

22. Have an open mind

23. Share a positive post on social media

24. Eat a healthy lunch

25. Be generous

26. Educate someone on a topic you know well

27. Save or put money away

28. Plan a future experience (hike, picnic, trip to the beach, etc.)

29. Perform a random act of kindness

30. Take a picture of something beautiful

31. Get some sunshine

Man Holding Happy Baby


32. Take some time to meditate

33. Declutter a room

34. Express love to someone close to you

35. Write in a gratitude journal

36. Let go of a grudge

37. Find a silver lining in something that didn’t go your way

38. Play a board game or puzzle

39. Leave a nice comment for someone on social media

40. Listen to music (instead of turning on the TV)

41. Reminisce on a fun memory with a friend

42. Watch the sunset

43. Light a scented candle

44. Enjoy a soothing cup of tea

45. Take a relaxing shower or bath

46. Look in the mirror and express love to yourself

47. Go to bed earlier than normal

48. Reflect on your day

49. Practice visualization

50. Be thankful for life

As you can see, these little practices you can do for yourself to be happy don’t always have to cost you money or be super expensive! A little indulgence that simply makes you smile and feel good is really all you need. You see, it’s our daily habits and routines that help us to shape our lives, so making sure those habits are healthy ones and setting your day up for success is crucial. And while you’re here, don’t forget to take the Success Blocker Quiz to help you get to the bottom of what could be causing blocks toward your self-fulfillment or growth. Sometimes it’s the habits we are unable to see that can cause the self-sabotaging setbacks we’re trying to avoid. So take this quiz today to reveal your happiest you!


Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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