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5 Law of Attraction Books That Changed My Life (& Can Change Yours Too!)

Books are kind of like people.

Some are bad, some are good, many are interesting in their own way; but every now and then you stumble on an extraordinary one that leaves you questioning everything you know.

Here are 5 books on the Law of Attraction that changed my perspective on life - and may just do the same for you:

1. The Secret - Rhonda Byrne
The Secret

None of the personal development books I had read prior to The Secret were as clear and simple in giving me a step-by-step process for creating anything I want in life.

The Secret not only taught me about the importance of aligning mindset with action, and why working hard with the right attitude is the secret to success: it taught me about the immense power of creation that lies in all of us, and that we often forget.

2. Ask And It Is Given - Abraham Hicks
Ask And It Is Given

In just 300+ pages, this eye-opening book lays bare the secrets of the cosmos itself.

Pay special attention to Abraham's incredible 22 different effective methods to achieve your goals and overcome obstacles.

Regardless of where you stand in life, there’s a technique that will help you improve your life on the spot. 

3. Leveraging The Universe - Mike Dooley
Leveraging The Universe

I never realized the importance of aligning your beliefs with your dreams until I read this book. 

Dooley's 7-step process to harness the power of the Universe and achieve our wildest dreams is refreshingly straightforward.

This is a must-read for anyone who wants to know the “how to” in simple, easy steps. 

4. Wealth Beyond Reason - Bob Doyle
Wealth Beyond Reason

I had my own misconceptions about attracting prosperity until I read this book. Its scientific approach and the secrets mentioned in the book completely washed away my skepticism. 

After you read it, you’ll discover how to naturally create more wealth and live the life you passionately desire.

5. The Key to Living the Law of Attraction - Jack Canfield
The Key to Living the LOA

What makes this book so great is the thought-provoking way it guides you through each step of defining your dreams, goals and desires.

Not only did I get a brilliant sense of clarity on what I really want; but I also got a greater understanding of myself and my purpose. 

If you’re looking to increase your awareness and get a sense of why you’re here, then this one's a must-read.

And since we're on the subject of the Law of Attraction...

So many people struggle to consistently keep their vibrations up and manifest the things they want. In fact, some even wonder if the Law of Attraction is real.

As someone who's been studying and teaching the Law for over a decade, let me assure you it's very real - and it's actually surprisingly easy to work with, once you know how.

That's why I've created the Law of Attraction 101 system (or LOA 101 as our students like to call it).

LOA 101 is an easy-to-follow 7-step process that demystifies the Law and gets it working for you - no matter what may have held you back in the past.

Try it out and let's turn you into an unstoppable force of manifesting nature :)

Discover the 7 steps to easy breezy Law of Attraction mastery.

What’s the Law of Attraction book that has changed or shaped you in some way? Share it in the comment box below! :)

Law of Attraction 101

Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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