Natalie interviews personal development gurus and inspiring people from all over the globe on her super popular online show!

Episode # 398   Mira Kelley

About The Episode:

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author and past life regression therapist, Mira Kelley. Mira joins Natalie to discuss her amazing personal success story with regression therapy and how she now uses it to transform people’s lives. Mira, who suffered from TMJ condition, was able to miraculously cure herself instead of having to go through a painful jaw surgery. During the show, she explains that when people need guidance making decisions, want to resolve emotional and health issues or want to understand their purpose in life and the events that surrounds them, they can turn to this powerful healing method. Mira also reveals that through this transformative process you explore one or more of your past or future lives and will receive answers to the questions you have from your higher self, your angels and our guides. Plus, she unveils the most important thing we must cultivate in order to successfully create our lives.

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Mira Kelley



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