Natalie interviews personal development gurus and inspiring people from all over the globe on her super popular online show!

Episode # 383   Michele Rosenthal

About The Episode:

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author, speaker and post-trauma coach, Michele Rosenthal. Michele joins Natalie to discuss trauma, its effects and how she has successfully helped people to recover from it. During the show, Michele opens up about being a trauma survivor who struggled with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for over 25 years. She explains that we can’t always find meaning in our trauma, but we can learn to make meaning come out of it. She also reveals the 3 most important steps to overcome any little or big trauma in life, which are also contained in her latest book called ‘Your Life After Trauma’. Michele’s book is recommended for anyone who wants to release the past and move into the present (and then on into the future) with an increased sense of courage, confidence and control.

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Michele Rosenthal



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