Natalie interviews personal development gurus and inspiring people from all over the globe on her super popular online show!

Episode # 463   Laura Lane - Hope And Happiness For Cancer Kids

About The Episode:

On this heartfelt episode of The Inspiration Show, the courageous Laura Lane joins Natalie Ledwell to discuss her inspiring journey, which started when her daughter was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Little did she know that 500 miles away, another family was going through a very similar experience… and this family would become the most precious support in their life as they were going through this difficult time. During the show, you’ll be reminded of how fragile life is, but most importantly, when and how to surrender to both life and death. It is a source of insight and a great lesson on how to hold on to hope and faith. Plus, discover the important details of Laura’s upcoming virtual summit called “Hope & Happiness For Cancer Kids”, which helps support parents of children diagnosed with a life threatening disease.

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Hope For Cancer Kids



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