Natalie interviews personal development gurus and inspiring people from all over the globe on her super popular online show!

Episode # 371   Julie Kleinhans

About The Episode:

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks for the second time with Julie Kleinhaus, an amazing certified Law of Attraction and life coach for teens and young adults. Julie joins Natalie to discuss her upcoming event, ‘Successful Kids Revolution’, which is a yearly event that aims to help parents and teachers empower their children to go beyond their limitations and achieve success in all areas of their life. During the show, Julie shares that some of the key things that parents will learn at her event are: how to help kids overcome ADD, achieving unlimited happiness, creating enlightened kids and how to understand their emotions through their energy. Plus, she reveals exactly how to introduce the LOA at home and at school, to young kids.

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Julie Kleinhans



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