Natalie interviews personal development gurus and inspiring people from all over the globe on her super popular online show!

Episode # 227   Dr Katherine T Kelly

About The Episode:

Today on the show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Dr. Katherine Kelly to discuss her 'Soul Health' approach to healing and wellness. Dr. Kelly explains that there is no way to separate the different aspects of health because they are all so interrelated. The 'Soul Health' model uses 10 different areas which must be balanced for optimal health and spiritual growth. These include 'physical, psychological, interpersonal, social, financial, intellectual, environmental, sexual, recreational, and spiritual branches of health.' Dr. Kelly explains that if one aspect of health is 'broken' it is impossible for the rest of the branches to function properly. She works with patients to reach their highest potential by balancing the mind, body and soul.

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Katherine Kelly



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