Natalie interviews personal development gurus and inspiring people from all over the globe on her super popular online show!

Episode # 400   Barnet Bain

About The Episode:

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with producer and writer Barnet Bain, known for the movie ‘What Dreams May Come’. Barnet joins Natalie to discuss his latest book called ‘The Book Of Doing And Being’, which is packed with lessons, tools and techniques to tap into people’s creativity. During the show, Barnet explains that we’re all innate creative creatures, we just don’t know it, or can’t understand our own creative thoughts. And for us to tap into this source of creativity that we’re born with, we need to allow it to come to us through our intuition and practicing consciousness. He also shares that logic is not the enemy of creativity, but only one of the colors of creativity. Barnet’s book can help anyone who’s looking to jumpstart a project, create a work of art, experience a more fulfilling relationship or make other dreams come true.

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Barnet Bain



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