Natalie interviews personal development gurus and inspiring people from all over the globe on her super popular online show!

Episode # 5   Are You in Your Happy Place? pt 2

About The Episode:

Thought leader Natalie Ledwell elaborates on her last episode with a Part 2. She gives some awesome success tips and invites you to take part in her feel good exercise. She will also pose two questions that you will not want to miss!

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What do YOU do to make you feel good?


Episode # 5 Are You in Your Happy Place? pt 2

Natalie : Hi. It's Natalie here and welcome to the Inspirational Show. Now today, we're gonna be following on from the information from the last video, which is going through the information that I have in the first chapter of the book that I'm writing at the moment. Now the chapter at the moment I'm calling is "Are You in Your Happy Place." But this section is followed like to call the" whatever blow your hair back" or "whatever float your boat" or "whatever put a smile in you dial section." Now these are the utmost importance that we create a routine, which will eventually become unconscious part of our everyday routine. So, without us even noticing, we are just in a positive vibration all of the time. So, just a recap on the reasons why it's important to maintain a positive vibration and this is the stuff that they covered in the last video. Remember, that when you contemplate goals while you're in your positive vibrations, your goals will be set from inspiration and not desperation. A positive vibration instills excitement and belief that you can reach your goals. A positive attracts positive, but the law of retraction, you put in positive vibrations at, and you tracking positive ids and resources and opportunities that you need to be able to achieve your goal. Positive vibration sets the energy vibration for the day. It motivates you into action, it creates a line with all of those things that you want to attract, it speeds up the manifesting time frame and, it maintains a positive emotion around your goals even when negative things are coming up and, it laminates negative emotions around your goals. So, do I need to say anymore? We will understand how important it is that we are in that vibration. So, how do you maintain a positive vibration? Well, do by doing things that make you feel good, and you do them regularly, and you do them a lot, and you make it a habit out of doing these things, so the lighter they can become an unconscious part of your daily routine. That's it. So some of the examples that I can think offhand, that can create a positive vibration, things like gratitude. Now, most of you who've been following me through Mind Movies, you know that I always advocate that we have this habit of writing down five things every day that you're grateful for. Now the trick is not to write the same five things because that way you're always looking for something positive throughout your day to be able to write down in your journal of a nurse. Going to sleep in that positive vibration of writing out what you're grateful for, and then waking up the next day seeing the pen and paper and remembering the things that you are grateful for from the day before, puts into that positive vibration, and gets you ready and for that day. Another habit that you can incorporate is connecting with others and surrounding yourself with people that will support you. You can join like any online forum, local community groups, you can, you know, a bunch of things that you can do to be able to connect to other people, that believe in you, and that can support you, that can actually set you up, so that when you're striving for a goal that's bigger than yourself or a lot bigger than you, you have that support group that they gonna, actually support you and keep you in that positive vibration, and not get bogged down with people saying " Ah, you can't do it," "It's too hot," "It's" whatever. Okay? Another thing you can do just keeping up a positive vibration is exercise, you know. I'm not talking about like going out there and slogging, and go and forth. Just getting out on, at least walking. You know, I know living here in San Diego, I love to get out of a walk, maybe downtown or walk around the harbor, and I will have my iPod with me, sometimes I'm playing music but sometime I bring books, audio books, so I can actually be educating myself at the same time. Just being out in nature, and knowing that I'm listening to some information, that's really gonna be, you know, advancing and helping me push me into that positive state. I have a new edition actually, I don't know, we can't really see the controls over there but I just bought myself an Xbox. Oh my god! How much fun is that? You know Xbox, you know, not just playing video games but I think I've got the Just Dance, I've got the Michael Jackson Sing Experience, and I think I got the, one of the Karaoke one as well. So that's the corny thing that you like to do, you know. Put aside a half an hour a day, play a game, have a, you know, that's could a good form of exercise as well, you know. I actually have a habit of a singing in the car. If anyone ever saw, or anyone that I know saw me, they'd be coming up the side, may now silly singing away having the best time, but that makes me feel good, I'm pursuing that positive vibration, you know. What about random acts of kindness? You know, doing some, you know, leaving some couple of extra coins in a meter for someone that's gonna be parking behind you. I mean, how cool is that, when you broke up to the meter, you only gonna be five minutes, and then there's at least five or ten minutes left in the meter, how cool is that, so, doing that for somebody else, helping a little old lady across the street, or paying the toll, you know the toll rides, for the person behind you, or helping someone with the groceries, volunteering, you know, giving your time to help other people working in a soup kitchen, or picking up garbage, or doing anything like that. You know, you want to try to do something that really puts you into that positive vibration. And now, for those of you who are now familiar with the, The Mind Movie story, I think it's in 2008 was when Ron and Glenn and I came her to the US. We spent six months of really trying to, doing everything what we'll be working, 24 hours a day, just full on trying to launch my movies to the world. It was a practically stressful time. We are way outside of our comfort zone and you know, we didn't, Glenn and I had new very little bag of fuse and hose to have in to learn how to use video editing, and software and everything just put, because we had, you know, no one else to do it for us. And in the time that we were completely and oddly stressed and sick with stress we're like, "alright, we need to get out of this, we need to step outside, we need to get into a positive vibration." So Glenn and I would actually, get in the car, we go down, grab a cup of coffee, and then we drive down to the Dog Beach. And for those of you who don't know, Glenn and I have a couple of dogs, that we leave in Australia and we miss them terribly. But I tell you, there is nothing like watching the sheer joy of dogs, running all over the place of the beach and the happiness of their face, which really help you raise your vibration. So, to be successful in creating a habit of these things and this is the things or anything that makes you feel good, what I suggest is that you choose one or two things and incorporate them every day and make a commitment in doing these things every day for the next two weeks. And what I'd like to do is to help you do this. So can go form the list that I spoke about. You may do things now or you may think about things that you'd love to do but you don't do it in a regular basis, you don't make a habit out of it. There could be many things that you do, that I haven't even mention, I'm sure, there's a gazillion. But what I want you to do is to commit to doing two things every day for the next two weeks. I wanna help you do that. So, I propose, that we make a promise here and now, that you're going to stick to it, that you'll gonna do these two things every day for the next two weeks to consistently feel good. Are you in?

Okay. If you're in, what I like you to do is to sit up, raise your right hand, and I would like you to repeat after me. "I, (state you name), do hereby state my intention and give my personal promise to adopt at least two habits per day that will make me feel good and help me maintain a consistently positive vibration, I will achieve these goals not only for myself but to also be an inspiration to those I care about." Okay, now I'm gonna hold you to it. So, for those of you who are participating in this little group exercise, I would love you to be able to share here any questions, any challenges, any breakthroughs, anything that you're experiencing as you're incorporating these two, at least two things every day for the next two weeks. Please share your stories cause it could really help other people along the way as well. So, whether you're participating on the feel-good-exercise or not, I actually have two questions that I would like you to give me feedback on. And this is the type of information that I want to incorporate in the book. Okay, now the first question, what do you do to make yourself feel good? It is something that I could include in the book along with your name, which I would love to do. By sharing this, you could also give someone else great idea that they could adopt for themselves as well, something that I haven't mentioned today. Okay, question number two, if you have already set yourself goals, I recommend reviewing them again once you have been maintaining the positive vibration. Now, if you are one of these people that do that can you please share with me if you have made any changes as a result of being in this positive vibration, or what experience did you have, or did you elaborate, or were there any changes you made to those goals. So if you can share the answers to those two questions with me here on the blog, and hopefully I can get any contact with you, and hopefully we can incorporate with that in the book as well. Thank you in advance for sharing your answers here with me and remember live large, choose courageously, and love without limits. Thanks guys, bye for now.

Okay. If you're in, what I like you to do is to sit up, raise your right hand, and I would like you to repeat after me. "I, (state you name), do hereby state my intention and give my personal promise to adopt at least two habits per day that will make me feel good and help me maintain a consistently positive vibration, I will achieve these goals not only for myself but to also be an inspiration to those I care about." Okay, now I'm gonna hold you to it. So, for those of you who are participating in this little group exercise, I would love you to be able to share here any questions, any challenges, any breakthroughs, anything that you're experiencing as you're incorporating these two, at least two things every day for the next two weeks. Please share your stories cause it could really help other people along the way as well. So, whether you're participating on the feel-good-exercise or not, I actually have two questions that I would like you to give me feedback on. And this is the type of information that I want to incorporate in the book. Okay, now the first question, what do you do to make yourself feel good? It is something that I could include in the book along with your name, which I would love to do. By sharing this, you could also give someone else great idea that they could adopt for themselves as well, something that I haven't mentioned today. Okay, question number two, if you have already set yourself goals, I recommend reviewing them again once you have been maintaining the positive vibration. Now, if you are one of these people that do that can you please share with me if you have made any changes as a result of being in this positive vibration, or what experience did you have, or did you elaborate, or were there any changes you made to those goals. So if you can share the answers to those two questions with me here on the blog, and hopefully I can get any contact with you, and hopefully we can incorporate with that in the book as well. Thank you in advance for sharing your answers here with me and remember live large, choose courageously, and love without limits. Thanks guys, bye for now.

Mind Movies 3.0



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