Natalie interviews personal development gurus and inspiring people from all over the globe on her super popular online show!

Episode # 477   James Van Praagh - The Power Of Love

About The Episode:

Do all mystical and spiritual things fascinate you? Are you longing to step out onto your highest spiritual path, perhaps as a healer or a conscious creator? Or do you simply feel the need for Higher guidance and connection? For over 3 decades, James Van Praagh (a.k.a. “The Original Ghost Whisperer”), has served as the voice of the Spirit world- with books and talks that have helped millions receive insights from the other side. During this otherworldly episode of The Inspiration Show, James shows you how to pierce the veil of this other side, and connect with both unconditional love and your soul's true purpose.

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Episode # 477 James Van Praagh - The Power Of Love


Hi, everyone! My name is Natalie Ledwell and this is the Inspiration Show. Today on the show, we're going to be talking about the power of love. It's going to be a fantastic show! I can't wait to get into the content with you. But before we do that, I just wanted to remind you that if you’re watching this show on Youtube, please click the link below after you finish watching the show, so that you can take my 30 second quiz and we can figure out what is blocking you from success. And of course, if you're watching this on Mind Movies, make sure you leave your email so we can send you the Manifesting with the Masters video e-course. So, guys, please help me in welcoming my guest today, James Van Praagh. James, how are you today?



I’m great, Natalie! How are you?



I am fabulous! We were just talking before about James’ new book which is called The Power of Love and James is a medium. It’s an interesting subject, or topic, to be writing about so tell me a little bit. Let's go back and tell them a little bit about your story. Did you always have the gift of being a medium? Have you had it your whole life and then how did it progress into writing this message?



Well, I’ve been doing this for 35 years. As a child, I've always seen spirit move; they were around. I see colors and lights around people and I see aura. I inherited it from my family, so my grandparents, and great-grandparents had the abilities. In those days, it was just called “the knowingness”. It wasn’t anything special. For me, also, it wasn’t anything really special. I thought everybody could see things like this and my Mother said, “No, not many people can, so you need to be very careful who you tell this to”. But it was never fear-based. It was never fear- based. It was always there, if you will. In my teenage years, I just was a normal, everyday teenager. It didn't come out again until probably my mid-twenties when I started meditation and I went to see a medium from England just as a fun thing with a friend- nothing about mediums. And he said, “ You're going to communicate with the spirit world in two years time”. I said, “What? This guy must be crazy”. And what happened was, I started, again, meditation and started seeing spirits like when I was a child. One day, I was working at an office, at a regular corporate office, and I saw a dead lady behind this girl. I know it's her grandmother and I give her details that surely only her and her grandmother knew. I ran home freaking out and called this medium from England because I didn’t have anyone else to talk to. He said, “Don't you remember that the spirit world told you that you’ll be talking in two years time to the spirit world. And I said, “yeah, yeah, yeah?”. Well James, those two years, they’re exactly today. That was 35 years ago and since then, of course, developed and learned about it and really worked on my crafts – developing my craft, my sensitivities. I developed my circle for 10-15 years and really have worked with spirit since then. So, 15 books later, here I am.


Wow, 15! You have been busy my friend!



Yeah, I’ve been very busy all around the world, jumping all around the world opening people up to love. Yeah.



Yeah. So is this, The Power of Love,  different to the other books that you've written before?



It's very different. Every book I do is different. A lot of books are about mediumship, or children growing up in heaven, or grief counseling/ grief work. This book came to me obviously from spirit. The Power of Love because really we've talked about many, many times that they come through in love. The only reason spirits have to manifest is because the love bonds that are created on the earth continue on. So they want everyone to know that everybody can have love. There's no reason why love would escape you. Everybody is made from love. That’s your natural vibration. It’s your natural energy, so why does it escape you? It's like the oxygen around us that we breathe in. So if only the human being would understand/ remember that they are love, that they're made from love, then you can have love in your life. So this book is all about remembering who you are and why can't you have it.



So, it sounds like you’re talking about self-love as well as family love, as well as relationship love?



Yeah, because if you can love yourself first, then you can love others. The first step is loving ourselves and having that relationship with your soul and understanding you're good no matter what, and you don’t have to please anybody. What everyone thinks about you is none of your business. Nobody can love you more than you can love yourself because nobody knows you more than you know yourself. So you first have to establish that sense of self- love, self-awareness and really forgive yourself. We’re all souls, having this human experience. The bad and the ugly. We’re all made up of all these wonderful things, so stop the judgment because judgment is very fear- based and step into the love space. I think life is a series of choices between love and fear, and that's all it is. We can make more of it than that, but it’s love or fear- so choose love.That’s what I say.



Yeah. Well you know, I'm sure there's many people watching the show right now, me included, who are pretty tough on ourselves.



Yeah, you are.



Yeah, we set high...Well, let me talk for myself. I set high expectations. I beat myself up when I don't meet them. So how do I step into... How do I practice self-love? What does that look like?



Well, you would have to have a relationship with who you really are, which is, your a soul having a human experience.You've been through many, many, many, many lifetimes- if not on this earth, or other planets of star and systems as well. So first realize that your soul is having the experience and that you’ve come back to the school room for the soul. There are a lot of lessons learned here: forgiveness, or patience, or compassion, or peace. It's all to evolve the soul. It's not to hurt us, or judge, or punish us. It's really to evolve and learn something. Nothing happens by accident. I think everything is divinely led and divine timing is a part of it. I really believe that our natural sense of the soul and actual vibration is that loving essence, if you will. We can't force others to love us if we don't love ourselves. So we first have to find some aspect of ourselves that bring us joy, that something about ourselves - even if we have to go back to our childhood, to a very happy time or a happy memory and try to tune into that happy time and let that resonate with us. I often say to people, “go back to your childhood and pick a happy, happy memory. Now go forward to present day. What has changed and why are you different?”.  A lot of people say, “Well, I care too much what other people think of me”. That's an illusion, again, because you're giving away your power. Your power has to stay within you. Again, no one can make you better than are yourself. You can love yourself, you're the only one who can love yourself truly for who you are.



Yeah. You know, I was at a conference not long ago and one of the speakers said that creation doesn't make mistakes.


James: True.


Natalie: So our feeling of unworthiness is arguing with creation that we're not perfect the way that we are. And I agree. We’re here in this lifetime, in this particular incarnation, and learning the lessons that we need to learn to evolve to the next level. So…



And this world, this 3 dimensional world, this physical world, is the world of the illusion. None of this is real. The only thing that’s real is love. This body will be gone temporarily- the conditions around here, this

three-dimensional world. Our home is the spirit world; This is our temporary school. So this is the illusion and we live in the illusions. A lot of people live stories, whether it’s the victim story or whether it's abandoned story, or whatever stories they listen to and work out, if you will. And that will work for them for a little bit, but then they evolve somehow. Things look different and they change. The world around them is different too and they have to get into this brand new world, which in a way I think is great. That gives them liberation, gives them freedom to look at themselves for who they truly are, instead of who they think they are.



Absolutely. So let's talk a little bit about soulmate love. The information that we can find in the book, does it teach us how to attract our soulmate, or find our soulmate?



One of the things about, or one of the areas I cover, is based upon that we are all magnets. Everyone is a magnet- magnetic energy. What you think becomes reality. So as you think, so it is. And really, in the book, we talk a lot about the vibration that you set up in the atmosphere around you, what you draw to you, what you attract to you. We attract those qualities of another soul that is right for you and right for them. So I talked about that in depth- about how to attract those people in your life who are right for you and right for them. I also teach a lot in my workshops about living in love - coming from the head to the heart. When you start having that relationship with self and loving self, and loving who you are for everything, you send that vibration frequency around you. I talk in the book about, on an everyday basis, maybe doing meditation while you're in the shower, just bring yourself back to a space of love and surrounding yourself in love. Then I say, you’ve got to program your day. So everyday I wake up, I program my day by cleansing myself and spiritually evolve. I bring a very beautiful light in and surround myself with this loving light and then I will say, “May God go before me and show me the day. May I have love all around me”. And the word love and the word God are the fastest vibrations we have. So, your programming your world; you’re programming your day. It’s interesting there's another universal law, which is “like attracts like”. So you will attract to you that which you thin. So if you're thinking of love and you're on that vibration, the frequency that you're on, you’ll only magnetize that or the same vibration.


Natalie: Yes.


James: Most people in your life who are not genuinely loving you, or generally right for you, will eventually slough off that part of your experience because it can't sustain that vibration. So I'm going into depth about that in the book. That's really, very true about love. I've seen best friends that were best friends say bye-bye, family members bye-bye, job changes to working horses. A lot of things happen when you really come from love.



Yeah. Yeah, and it sounds like what we're doing is tapping into this higher vibrational resonance so that-  and it's not just about attracting a soul mate. I'm sure it's about attracting all the things that we want to create in our lives, right?



Exactly right, exactly right. If you come from a space of fulfillment, abundance, limitlessness... God says, yes. God is pure love. God always says yes. Our egos say no, so the human says no. It's a matter of letting ourselves get away from the ego, which is fear- based, and living really from a soul- base, which is pure love. When the spirit of people who come back and speak to me, they only come in love- the faster vibration of love. They’ll talk about things that they weren’t proud of when in their lifetime, or things they didn't know or aware of, but when they come through they certainly bring in that loving energy. That's the only reason I can connect with them, is through the love.



Right. Exactly. So, I know we're talking about a connection with God here as well, so is there a daily practice or something that we can do so that we can have that communion every day?



So that’s what we just talked about when I said “every morning when I shower and cleanse myself physically…”, I’m really sending out thoughts. Every morning, some people should.. I have a mantra, which is great. You can look at the mirror when you're brushing your teeth, or washing your face. Every morning and every night and you can write it on the mirror, or the mirror  in the bathroom, and say, “Healthy am I, happy am I, Holy am I”. That’s it. “Healthy am I, happy am I, Holy am I” (repeat). What that does is...You're focusing on the vibration of those words to Self, so “healthy am I, happy am I, Holy am I”. It's forcing that vibration to sustain around you. The more one reminds oneself of that, you're creating that atmosphere around you, so that's what you'll attract. That's what you'll experience. Because that’s the thing, you will have experienced exactly that which you focus on. Whatever you focus on expands.



Absolutely. So I'm imagining there'll be a lot of people that are watching the video right now that are thinking, “Okay, well if I'm in this high vibration of love, and I’m maintaining it and being in a consistent way, surely that helps me show up even in my career, my business, or anything like that, in a completely different way as well”.



Oh, very much so. It affects every area of your life so whether it’s business, whether it's, “should I take that change in my business”, “should I open up a company of my own”, “should I go out on my own”, “should I join this company”, “should I do something creative”? It changes all that. It gives you permission to be yourself and take the risk. And many people, especially in business or love, people don't want to take a risk because it’s fear-based. But when you step out of yours, there's nothing but love, fear against the ego base. So when you step out, it is a test of trust and faith, but you have that sense of working with that vibration of love, the magic happens. You're giving yourself permission to have the magic in your life and we should! Life is too short not to be lived.



No, I know. So let's just talk about a practical application of this. You know recently we had the election and and not everyone was happy with the outcome...


James: Yes..



And there was… Well, my Facebook feed blew up. A lot of the people that are my friends-  I mean there was no hate in my Facebook feed which was great- but we were talking about stepping up in our light and doing that. So let's just say we’re in this situation and we’re going “ok, that is not what I expected.” I’m in shock. Because of the campaign that was run leading up to that election, it brought to the surface a lot of things that were not love- based. So how do I, or someone watching this show go, “Ok. I can see that fear is around me, the fear seems to be in my community. How do I rise above that, or how do I permeate that out so that I can affect the people around me”?



Well number one, we’re souls having a human experience, so we will have certain human conditions which get pulverized like, “oh, what's going on here!” And this human behavior like, “What? This is not right, or not resonating.” Number one, at least it’s coming into the light. At least it’s being shown for what it is. Whatever the issues are, there's more attention to this – whether it's sexism or judgment or male chauvinism - whatever it might be, whatever it is out there, at least it’s coming to light. I think that it's important, I think that the political pain of the U.S. … Very interesting because I came back from Europe and they have a very different perception, which is very interesting. It's all about perception. But, part of me wants to think and hopefully... Well, I think everything is in divine order, so I'm sure things are meant to be the way they’re going to be, but I believe that there had to be a separation between the two parties. Because Trump wanted to get in. He wanted to get in. So, I know him... I met him a couple of times. And I feel that something's going to happen; he's not going to be as extreme as he may have put out on the political campaign.



I agree.



I think he is a lot softer that he comes out; He really is very different. I think it's, in a way, it'll be a blessing that has come out because there are some issues in the country that we’re definitely facing and there have to be changes- so who knows. Let's just hold it in a space of love. I really believe that this divine inspiration, however it is going to be played out in the human, we have to hold it love because it’s beyond us in some ways. And who knows about karmic obligations of the country, karmic obligations of the individual, there's all these other factors that are involved. But, I think if we bring it down to the lower level, we just go down. We don't want to do that, we into a higher level of standard.




Yeah. I think the really important point here is that we get to create our own reality, regardless of who is in power. It doesn’t matter who is in power. America is not the only country that has two people to choose from where you go, “I don’t think I want either one of them”. Yes. So we have the ability to create our reality and our experience. From what I hear you saying, as long as we’re coming from love, we get to create something that's outstanding for ourselves.



Sure, Natalie. And in the past of couple years people have said to me “the world is in a really bad place”, “what am I going to do”, “I am really upset”, “I’m very depressed about the world situations”, “oh my, what am I gonna do?”.  Well, you can't stay in your room and feel depressed and eat bon bons all day. What you can do, proactively,  is be aware of the microcosm- which is you, within you. So you're in charge of this vehicle right here and you can choose love or fear. Now, I believe in the rippling effect. I believe that what you have, you will create the atmosphere around you and eventually, I do believe it will ripple out to the universe, or to other people. I'm living proof of that because 35 years ago you couldn't find a medium on television, not lot like there is today. I was one of the first ones out there and people used to think, “Oh, he's crazy. He should go to a mental institution”.  I'll tell you that the spirit world were right when they said, “We're going to reach the mass consciousness”- and they have. And you’d think 35 years ago, “talking to dead people...That's going to be in the center of the consciousness of people? No”. Now, of course, it is. Everybody knows what mediumship is. The same thing about love. The same thing about changing the world. I think it's going to be a rippling effect and I think it has to start with self. I think we’ve got to be very, very careful where we place our thoughts and our words, or our deeds. It's all very important where we hold the vibration.



Yeah, I agree. It just means that we can have an ecstatically, fantastically, awesome, happy life.



It’s the joy in the journey- which is,  j-o-y-n-e-y. Joy in the journey.



Yes, absolutely. So thank you so much for joining me today. If people want to connect with you and get their hands on the book, which is the best way they can do that?



The best way is my Facebook page, which is James Van Praagh and it’s a public figure page.


Natalie: Wonderful.


James: Oh, also my website, which is




There you go. And guys, remember if you're watching this online, just click the banner to the side. It will take you straight to James’ site from there. If you're watching on an app, there’s a banner that's underneath. So I encourage you to share this video. Please, let's get the word out! You can do that by clicking the Facebook and Twitter share buttons on this page. Also, don't forget, if you're watching this on Youtube, click the link below now that the show is over and you can do the 30 second quiz so we can figure out what is blocking you from success. Leave your email on the box if you're online at so we can send you the Manifesting with the Masters video e-course. So, until next time. Remember to live large, choose courageously and love without limits. We’ll see you soon.

The Power Of Love



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