Natalie interviews personal development gurus and inspiring people from all over the globe on her super popular online show!

Episode # 451   Dr. Toni Luisa Rivera - How To Listen To Your Body's Wisdom

About The Episode:

On this exclusive episode of The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with chiropractic doctor and author of the book “The Propelled Heart”, Dr. Toni Rivera. Dr. Toni joins Natalie to discuss the importance of listening to your body’s wisdom, as many traumatic experiences from your childhood often develop as illnesses in our bodies. During the show, Dr. Toni opens up about the unusual way she discovered she was a victim of sexual abuse, and how she turned the wounds of this traumatic event into the gifts that she now shares with the world. Dr. Toni reveals that when we focus on external situations, we can’t listen to our body’s wisdom, intuition or spirit. However learning to understand the language of our body is extremely important as it helps us to heal from injury and pain so much faster.

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The Propelled Heart: Moving from Injury to Insight



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