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Our Top 10 Instagram Posts Of 2019!

Since I know you’re already following @mindmovies on Instagram ;-)

You’re probably familiar with the daily doses of positivity we drop into your feed, right when you need it! And according to all 40.1k of you, there have been some very popular quotes this year that have helped to inspire and uplift people from all over the world.

Whether it’s an affirmation, manifesting tip or a quote to help boost and brighten your day, we absolutely love engaging with all of you.

And because a new year (and new decade) is just days away, I always like to look back on the year to highlight our top Instagram posts. So whether you’re looking to set new goals, new intentions, or new resolutions, I hope reliving these posts will help you get into the right mindset for 2020!

3 months from now you will be in a completely different space

I am becoming a powerful money magnet


Blessed with financial abundance

Grateful for what I already have

Manifest your dream life

Ready to prosper beyond my wildest dreams

Everything is falling into place for me

I allow prosperity to flow into my life

In the mood to receive a check for $600k

The miracles you need are coming to you as you read this

So if you could pick one, which post would you like to take with you into 2020?

Sometimes it can be hard to pick just one resolution, but the key is to get clear on your intentions and on what you really want out of life. And if you still feel like you are struggling to overcome any challenging situations before the end of the year, you must try this eye-opening quiz. And all it takes is a quick 30 seconds to help you uncover exactly what could be sabotaging your potential. I know we’re all hoping for an amazing 2020, so make sure you are ringing in the new year just the way you want it to be. Happy New Year, everyone!

success blocker

Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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