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Manifest Your Dreams With This Writing Meditation

Manifest Your Dreams With This Writing Meditation

If you’re reading this, then you most likely already use meditation to visualize your ideal life.

Yet, did you know you can also use writing meditations to see and feel your dreams and desires?

One of the things I love most about writing meditations is that it helps you get super clear on what you want to attract.

Also, it can be an incredibly therapeutic practice as it provides a safe space to explore our feelings and emotions that we often suppress.

Plus, the simple act of writing is a way of focusing on your energy, which makes the manifestation process 10x more powerful!

So take a moment to get comfortable, have a seat, grab a pen and paper, and let’s get started.

Step 1. Imagine your dream life.

Imagine a life where you can have anything you desire. Now, what pops into your head?

It could be the things you own, the people you're with, the experiences you have, and so on. Just brain-dump anything that comes to mind.

And don’t worry too much about making this look perfect right now, you can organize it after.

Step 2. Write down your feelings.

Write out some of the feelings and emotions that you’ll experience when you reach that dream life.

Feeling the future emotion in the present moment - whether that’s gratitude, love, happiness, fulfillment, excitement, etc. is such an important part of manifestation.

Take a moment and describe the feelings that you’ll experience consistently when you reach your goals and dreams.

Step 3. Describe your ideal career.

What job or career are you doing in your dream life?

Write out exactly what you want to be doing - basically, a job or career, or passion that would bring you the most joy and fulfillment.

And to take this question one step further, I want you to get detailed about what this looks like and how it would make you feel on a daily basis.

Write out things like where you would work or pursue this passion, who are you with, what projects you would be working on, and so on.

Step 4. Think about your external lifestyle in your dream life.

What travels or adventures are you doing? Who do you do these adventures with?

Are you able to travel to 5-star restaurants or on tropical vacations?

Write down a few dream goals you have for your lifestyle in your desired future. This one should excite you!

Step 5. Turn your attention inward.

How will you feel mentally and physically in your dream life?

Try to be descriptive here and feel this in your body when you write it down.

How is your physical health in your dream life? Do you feel strong and confident?

And how is your emotional, mental, and spiritual self in your dream life?

Do you have specific practices and rituals to strengthen your intuition and your self-love?

Get clear on the feelings and emotions you’ll have towards yourself - including your body, mind, and spirit - in your dream life.

Okay, so how did that feel? Hopefully, you are inspired by this writing meditation and can now see your future a bit more clearly.

And before you go, I want you to take a moment and breathe into the fact that ALL of these things you wrote down, CAN be your future.

When you tap into the high-frequency emotions of your desires and start acting, speaking, and thinking like your future self, you will achieve your dream life faster than you think.

Remember, you are deserving of everything you want in this life and you are on your way to creating it. 

And while you're here, if you're now further wondering how to manifest miracles fast, I have a very special gift for you. 

It's our Manifest Miracles Meditation Power Pack that includes 5x specially engineered guided meditations for manifesting your miracles in just a few minutes a day.

So if you're ready to experience new possibilities and even deepen your connection to the divine, go here now to get your hands on our incredible meditation power pack – I know that the results will amaze you!

Manifest Miracles

Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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