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Whew! Can you believe it’s almost October?

This year has been life changing for most of us, and many people in our community have reached out over the past several months saying that they are struggling to get back on track ~

And that manifesting what they want with the Law of Attraction has become a bit more difficult lately.

Can you relate?

Well, when you think about the nature of manifesting and the Law of Attraction, it's no real surprise.

As you probably know, manifesting your desires - whether it's wealth, success, opportunities, love, healing, or anything really… It all requires the exact same ingredients.

You need clarity of mind. You need to be centered. And you need to be operating at a high vibration, so you can in turn attract high vibrations.

And with the way the world's been lately, it makes sense that this has been a little challenging. Especially for those of us whose lives have been directly affected by everything that's going on.

That’s why it’s so important to get back to the FUNDAMENTALS of manifesting.

As someone who has studied the Law of Attraction for years, I’ve realized now more than ever that your daily habits are the key to overcoming any challenge ~

Daily actions that help keep your mind vibrating on the same frequency as what you want to attract - whether that’s money or career success or love or health or happiness.

One tool that I use each day, to keep my mind in an optimal state is to practice affirmations. And because so many people have said that finances have been a struggle lately, I made a video specifically for abundance affirmations.

So, if you’re ready to get back on track, and aligned with the Universe, watch the video here.

Not only will they help put you in an abundant mindset, but they’ll also help you to overcome limiting beliefs around money!

Watch this video now and discover Abundance Mindset Rituals to help you foster a money mindset and start creating an abundant life immediately!

And speaking of creating a more abundant life, be sure to grab the special gift I have for you; 100 Success and Abundance Affirmations! Read these positive affirmations out loud each day to remove your limiting beliefs around money and allow prosperity to rush into your life.

Get your FREE motivational affirmations here <—


Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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