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7 Unspoken Steps Millionaires Take To Attract More Wealth

I'm not a financial consultant.

But as a peak performance coach who's worked with over 2.1 million people, I can tell you that no matter where you're at in life, and no matter where you came from… 

You can attract more wealth and abundance with little to no struggle or worry. 

Here are 7 steps that have helped my clients (and me) detach from a scarcity mindset, and welcomed more abundance, happiness and security into our lives:

Take your free 30 second quiz to discover what’s blocking your wealth.

Step 1. Set a clear intention. 

What does wealth represent to you? Is there a specific sum of money that you want to manifest?

The more specific you are when deciding what you want, the easier it will be to attract it.

Take your free 30 second quiz to discover what’s blocking your wealth.

Step 2. Appreciate the money you have now. 

Rather than dwelling on what you’ve lost, focus your energy on how to cultivate the wealth you now have.

Remember that gratitude is the gateway to greater abundance. 

Take your free 30 second quiz to discover what’s blocking your wealth.

Step 3. Change your mindset from lack to abundance. 

Be consciously aware of the energy you’re putting out every time you spend, receive or talk about money. 

Next time you're paying a bill, instead of allowing yourself to feel angry or annoyed, try being grateful that you have the money to pay for it.

Take your free 30 second quiz to discover what’s blocking your wealth.

Step 4. Stop comparing yourself to others. 

Comparing yourself to others is not the best use of your time and energy.

Remember that everyone is on a different journey, so don’t fall into the comparison trap.

Instead of competing with others, compete with yourself by being the best you can be. 

Take your free 30 second quiz to discover what’s blocking your wealth.

Step 5. Learn how to effectively manage your wealth. 

If you struggle to manage the money you have, then it's only going to get harder once you make even more money.

So make a conscious choice to educate yourself on this topic, and take responsibility for your finances. 

Take your free 30 second quiz to discover what’s blocking your wealth.

Step 6. Amend your relationship with money. 

Good relationships are based on love and respect, and your relationship with money is no different.

Since money is the final result of all your hard work and effort, why not be nicer to it by being more aware of your thoughts and opinions towards it?

Take your free 30 second quiz to discover what’s blocking your wealth.

Step 7. Cure yourself from the ‘unworthy’ limiting belief.

Yes, your heart might crave a 5-bedroom house by the beach, or a year-long world tour sabbatical.

But if on a subconscious level you don’t truly believe you deserve these things, then chances are you’ll never have them, and none of the steps above will even matter. 

This is why it’s crucial to believe you’re worthy of all the happiness, abundance and love in the Universe.

Now, if you suspect you might have a subconscious limiting belief around money - and even if you’re not sure - I encourage you to take this 30-second quiz -

Which reveals your no. 1 source of self-sabotage, and how to break free from it.

Just be ready, because the answer might come as a surprise.

Take this free 30-second quiz and discover how you may be unknowingly sabotaging your own wealth and abundance.

And if you have any other tips on how to manifest more wealth and success, please share them with our community in the box below :)

Wealth and Abundance Quiz

Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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Wealth and Abundance Quiz