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A Peek Inside Mind Movies Growing Team!


Woah - It’s June!

Where did this year go? We, the Mind Movies Team, have definitely made the most of 2018 so far. From team outings and birthday celebrations to company luncheons and conferences - we’ve sure been busy. 

And as the year goes on and we continue to reach and even surpass our team goals, our community only continues to grow.

We are beyond grateful for each and every one of our Mind Movies tribe members (and yes - that includes you).

As the movement grows, we want to continue operating less like a company and more like a community.

What that means is getting you more involved in our projects, giving you more intimate opportunities to grow with us, and even allowing you to co-create our vision as we move forward.

But it also simply means getting closer to our team and being part of the Mind Movies family :-)

So today, we wanted to give you a behind the scenes look at our team. More specifically, we want to introduce you to our newest member - Mckenna! 

Mckenna joins us at a very exciting time, playing a crucial, multifaceted role as Assistant to our CEO and Event Coordinator. 

Check out this fun video we recorded - or just read her introduction below! Enjoy :-)

Hi everyone! My name is Mckenna and I’m originally from San Diego. For fun, I love yoga (I even teach yoga), any outdoor activities, and enjoying a nice cold beer!

I join Mind Movies as the Assistant to the CEO and the Event Coordinator. 

Question: What are some of your goals this year?

Professionally, I’d love to learn more about design. So this includes videography, graphic design, and animation. Personally, I’m aiming to get my skydiving license this year!

Question: What’s your favorite food?

Any fancy cheese - gotta love cheese. And green smoothies..mmm!

Question: What countries have you visited? Where would you pick to go next?

I definitely haven’t been too enough countries, I love to travel. I’ve been to Mexico and Ireland. Next up on my list is Greece or Spain! 

Question: What’s something unique about you?

I have a beer blog! And I actually was recently featured in Men’s Health Magazine - which is super cool. 


Stay tuned for more updates to come from the Mind Movies Team. And before you go, we want to invite you to experience The Limitless You meditation pack: one of our most powerful systems that includes 4x10 minute multi-sensory guided meditations.

All designed to help you become more confident, empowered, and free yourself from the emotional blocks impeding you from attracting the life you deserve. 

Just press play and let the Limitless You meditation pack do all the work. - See for yourself here. 

limitless you

The Mind Movies Team is a group of passionate individuals dedicated to helping people from all over the world improve their lives. Teamed up with some of the most forward thinking people in our industry, everyone at Mind Movies has one common goal - helping people through the power of visualization and the Law of Attraction to materialize their dream life. And our team is here to help you transform those dreams into your reality. Because remember: your future starts today, not tomorrow.

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limitless you