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7 Random Acts Of Kindness That Will Melt Your Heart

Natalie Ledwell

As I looked at this cute writing on the wall at one of my favorite coffee shops here in LA, it reminded me of a recent chat I had with one of my students.

She was telling me how much she hates the long lines at the DMV. So this time she actually made an appointment and got there early. 

Everything was great, but as she was walking in she realized she had forgotten one of her documents. She could feel her frustration starting to consume her as she would have to run back home to retrieve it. But before she let anger get the best of her, the clerk was kind enough to oversee it and she got her new license. 

This simple act of kindness was enough to brighten her whole day! 

As a result, she left the DMV (which is definitely not anyone’s favorite place) with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. She simply couldn’t wait to pay it forward. This is the power of gratitude

The truth is, most of us are quick to judge that the world has changed and that it may have gotten worse. Which means we have lost - or are losing - Our faith in humanity!  

Yet, what we often don’t see is that change starts with each and every one of us.  

If you’ve lost faith in others, it only means we need to make compassion, kindness, and gratitude a priority. 

Have you contributed kindness to our world today? 

If you’re in need of ideas, here are 7 of my favorite random acts of kindness that I’m sure will change your perspective and put a smile on your face: 

This random act of kindness will melt your heart


This random act of kindness will melt your heart

This random act of kindness will melt your heart

This random act of kindness will melt your heart

This random act of kindness will melt your heart


This random act of kindness will melt your heart

This random act of kindness will melt your heart

Now, as a way to pay it forward, I have a very special offer to share with you. 

It's called the Rich With Gratitude system. And inside, you'll discover how to instantly channel more joy and happiness into your life.

The Rich With Gratitude system has been designed to effortlessly retune your mind to the frequency of gratitude. 

This 3-part system is jam-packed with our most powerful tools and technologies for shifting you into an unbreakable gratitude mindset. 

And speaking of gratitude, it's a buy one get one free, so you can share this incredible system with a loved one. Check it out now!

Which one of these acts of kindness is your favorite? Have you experienced your own, or have you offered one lately? Share in the comment box below! 



Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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