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6 Life-Changing Strategies To Stay Focused, Eliminate Distractions, & Discover Your Purpose

6 Strategies To Stay Focused, Eliminate Distractions, & Discover Your Purpose

After you watch my video, get the Instant Positivity Pack here!


When was the last time you did an audit on what might be keeping you distracted from the things that matter in your life?

Well, the reality is, we live in a world that can be full of distractions.

Emails. Phone notifications. The news. Group chats. Social media.

It can feel like there is always something keeping us from being able to be productive and to focus on what’s important to us.

And the ability to remain focused isn’t just about keeping up with a priority list or crossing a task off of your checklist.

It’s about being able to stay committed to your purpose and what makes you happy. And using that drive to keep you moving toward even bigger and better possibilities for your future.

When you are regularly distracted or overwhelmed by outside factors, it can lead you to feel anxious, irritable, or unmotivated to stick to your long-term goals.

So how do you switch off the “distracted” part of your mind to stay focused and find success in life?

Well, there may not be an official “off” button, but if you’re looking for things to help you overcome temptations, get things done, be more mindful, and generally feel happier, I’ve got a few tips for you.

Here’s how to stay focused:

1. Hold space for “thinking time”

When was the last time you spent some time thinking? Like really thought about what it is that you want for your life?

Well, one of the best things you can do for instant clarity is to carve out thinking time, like a “think week”. This is when you take one week to think big picture and do some life planning.

Use vacation days if you need to, take time to slow down, gather the resources you need to plan out your life for a few months at a time. Visualize your plan for your future, your career, your relationships, and so on. And then also use that time to determine how you’ll be implementing these ideas into your life.

When it comes to focusing, sometimes it’s just a matter of holding space for the ability to think big. And when you do give yourself that dedicated time and space to think and plan, you’ll be surprised by how much you’re able to uncover!

2. Start a strict content diet

It can sometimes be hard to tell what’s distracting us when we aren’t aware of our triggers. So when you’re feeling a bit distracted or unfocused, it’s important to take note of what you’re consuming at the time that could be contributing to this behavior.

Person Looking at Computer Tablet

Consider doing some reflecting on the content you are consuming, almost like an inventory check. Just like you might track the foods you are eating when you’re trying to lose weight, you can write down things to help you uncover what’s keeping you distracted.

So that’s things like:

- The people you are texting with
- The kinds of things you are watching on TV
- Mindless activities, like snacking or endless scrolling on social media

Taking an inventory of what you consume will help you establish a more productive way of prioritizing your time and energy. And you can use that information to get more intentional and even reconsider who you are spending your time with – think of it as a content meal plan for success!

3. Take a social media detox

Social media is a big part of our world, and the reality is that it’s here to stay. But unfortunately, social media can be one of the biggest distractions when we’re trying to stay focused.

That’s why you can incorporate a social media detox into your content diet or cut back on your social media interaction completely when you need to focus. Maybe that means putting your phone in another room or out of reach when you’re trying to work, or even removing social media from your phone altogether so you’re not tempted to “check” to see what’s happening.

Because you see, when you’re focused on one single thing, free from distractions, it’s easier to get it done. Think about taking a group workout class, going to the movies, or even taking a shower. When you don’t have anything distracting you, you have no choice but to stay present.

You can treat your productivity the same way, especially if constantly checking your phone or social media is your #1 distraction. Take advantage of “airplane mode” on your phone or set timers for when you need to block out distraction-free time.

4. Shift the focus to Y-O-U

In a society filled with bells and whistles constantly urging us to look elsewhere, it can be hard to find time to look inward. But part of staying focused for greater success requires the ability to get clear on what matters to you.

So what do YOU want?

Spend some time reflecting on your values and priorities to make sure you are putting your energy there as opposed to everywhere else!

This also means that you must stop focusing on what other people are doing too, especially when it comes to your personal and professional life. Getting caught in the comparison trap can take you down a rabbit hole that only leads to feelings of lack and unfulfillment.

So make sure that you and your priorities are at the top of your focus, as this will allow you to make decisions for the future you truly want to create.

5. Distinguish priority vs. pressing matters

What is your personal #1 priority in life right now? What’s the one thing that if you had all the time in the world, you would be doing? If you need a moment to think about this, you’re probably not alone.

There can often be so much going on in life that requires a certain sense of urgency within us to get things done. Getting to work, performing work-related tasks, paying bills, taking care of children or the home. And unfortunately, we can tend to forget ourselves when we’re busy in life being “busy.”

This is why it’s a good idea to ditch the old “to-do” list and start a priority list, or a list of things that help move you forward in all areas of life.

Consider creating a priority list each morning and committing to it until everything on that list has been completed. Yes, this can include important or more pressing tasks, but your priority list should also include things that make you happy or keep you in flow.

So if you prefer starting the day with a nice workout or would love to make room for meditation in your day but never seem to have the time, be sure to add those items to your list too! This will help get you in the habit of making your needs a priority so that you can have more control over your life and overall happiness.

6. No more multitasking

The days of trying to juggle as much as possible are over. Multitasking may seem like something to brag about or make you feel productive, but at the end of the day, this skill proves not to be as effective as we think.

Person at Desk Painting, Writing, and Looking at Computer

When you’re trying to focus on several smaller tasks at the same time, your brain is constantly moving back and forth with little recovery time. But when you do things in batches or smaller, more dedicated windows of time, you are allowing your brain the full focus to get things done more efficiently.

Maybe this means carving out some time at work when you can switch on “do not disturb” if there’s a pressing task that needs to be prioritized. Set a timer if you have to or block off time in your calendar for a specific task to ensure you’re able to get it done, free from distractions.

This gives you the breathing room to also think clearly, ask questions, and be creative. Maybe that time includes meditation, where you’re able to drop into a quiet state to help nurture and develop brewing ideas.

You see, staying focused isn’t just about being able to get things done. It’s about providing yourself with the opportunity and permission to get things done that contribute to your overall happiness in life.

So are you happy? Are you living the kind of life YOU want to be living? Are you doing everything in your life right now to nurture an abundant life?If you’re just not there yet, I have something really important to show you. It’s called the Instant Positivity Pack and for a very limited time, we’re offering it at an amazing discount - so you can tap into your most authentic self, eliminate your limiting beliefs, and discover your true purpose.

Once you discover how simple it is to align with your true self through this program, you’ll experience total self-confidence, motivation, and focus. Inside the pack, you’ll find 6 handpick tools and exercises that will help you quickly and easily replace your negative thought patterns with positive energy and behaviors. Plus, some incredible bonuses to help you set and achieve your most audacious goals.Are you ready to experience the life you are MEANT to live? With total happiness, peace, love, abundance, and fulfillment? Check it out now - and hurry, this special offer won’t last long!


Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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