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5 Ways to Live More Abundantly Right Now!

Living an “abundant life” can mean different things to different people.

To some, abundance is defined by wealth and achievement, while for others, it’s characterized by creativity and confidence.

Whatever abundance may mean to you, I have an important question to ask you today - are you manifesting all that it has to offer?

Here are 5 simple tips & techniques that have helped me welcome more abundance into my life - and I’m certain will do the same for you:

1. Set Realistic Expectations

We all know the feeling of guilt and dismay when we achieve less than we set out to. Of course it’s important to set high expectations for yourself, but make sure they are realistic.

For example, when I’m planning out my workday, I like to make sure I know what’s actually possible to accomplish in the next 8 hours or so, before I even start prioritizing To Do items from my list.

I aim to achieve as much as I can without setting the bar too high, otherwise I’ll just wind up feeling guilty for not accomplishing everything I put on my To Do list that morning - even if it was an unmanageable work load to begin with.

2. Form Good Habits

It is near impossible to live a life full of joy, happiness, and abundance if you are constantly tired, grumpy, overworked and overwhelmed.

Establishing good habits within your daily routine allows you to create time for the things you enjoy.

Every morning, I set time aside for myself to enjoy a healthy, balanced breakfast - without any distractions. This helps me stay mindful of the day ahead without becoming overwhelmed.

Forming good habits are essential to staying productive and on track towards accomplishing all of your goals and aspirations.

3. Practice Self-Acceptance

Have you ever said to yourself, “This is too good to be true” or, “Good things like this don’t happen to people like me”? If you have, you may be sabotaging yourself.

Instead of practicing self-doubt, try and truly accept yourself for all of the joy, good fortune, and good opportunity that can and will come into your life.

When you start acknowledging your worth and appreciating yourself, you allow yourself to enjoy, accept, and appreciate life more than ever before.

The key to stop chasing external approval is to discover and embrace your deepest personal truths. This makes you immune to people’s unsolicited judgments and opinions, and frees you to live to your highest potential.

4. Engage in Creative Visualization

It’s no secret that shifting your mindset into one of abundance and prosperity can seem like a challenge. But if you are looking to experience true freedom in your life to achieve your goals, it’s vital that you gain control over your thoughts.

Creative visualization is one of my favorite techniques to do just that – and to invite more abundance into my life, of course.

Creative visualization is the process of purposefully generating visual images and positive affirmations in your conscious mind to produce a desired change in your life.

This technique uses your imagination to create success and transforms all of your dreams and goals into an attainable reality!

5. Stop Waiting for Tomorrow

Putting off your goals, aspirations, and interests in the pursuit of a “greater tomorrow” can be hindering your potential to live in abundance today.

However, living in the moment and reflecting on the now can be a very difficult task and it does take time to adopt this concept.

But if you can train your mind to be present and really appreciate your current reality, you will find yourself more at ease and open to a more abundant life!

Stop waiting for tomorrow and instead appreciate today at this very moment!

Now, are you ready to experience your greatest life with ultimate abundance, excitement, inner peace, and unlimited happiness?

Then you have to watch this video.

During the video, Bob Proctor and I share the REAL secret to successful visualization and how to live more abundantly, right now!

After you watch the video, you’ll understand how to REALLY get results with the Law of Attraction, and how to manifest more of anything you desire for your best year yet!

Watch this video, and while you’re there, grab the $234 manifestation gift I’m giving away for free!

What would you add to my list above? Are you choosing to live more abundantly, every single day? Let us know in the comments below :)

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Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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