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The Key To Getting Things Done When You're Feeling Down

The Key To Getting Things Done When You're Feeling Down

Let's be honest, a bad mood and a long to-do list just don't mix. It can be tough to focus and get things done when you're feeling down or anxious, as your mind will often default to feeling like everything is a struggle.

So when you're overwhelmed and stressed out, that to-do list can seem much longer than it is, causing you to procrastinate and even beat yourself up when you're emotionally unable to get to every task.

Woman Sitting on Rock Looking at Sunset

But I want to remind you that rough days happen, and they can be overwhelming. But it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the road. So it's important to make sure you are taking care of yourself during these times and providing yourself with ample space to feel your feelings and recover. Because once you've taken some time for YOU, you'll be better equipped to take on your to-do list and all else that needs to get done.

So! I want to share some helpful tips on working to get things done when you're faced with challenging or low-frequency emotions:

Make a list of the tasks you need to complete and put them in order of importance. This will help you spread things out, stay focused, and avoid getting overwhelmed. So even if you're unable to take action on the list just yet, you'll at least be setting yourself up for success with an organized plan of attack. Sometimes it’s simply a matter of taking that first step to motivate you to power through!

Break down your tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. When you bite off more than you can chew, it will often take longer than it should to digest (or accomplish) what you've set out to do. Breaking tasks down into smaller bites will help them seem less daunting and will be less overwhelming. This will also give you the breathing room to see things more clearly going forward.

Take some time for yourself to relax and rejuvenate. The truth is, you simply can't pour from an empty cup. So setting aside some time for yourself can help clear your mind and make it easier to focus on your tasks. Journaling is an excellent practice to help reinvigorate your day to feel empowered. Taking a break to write down all of your thoughts and emotions of what you're currently feeling (even if those feelings aren't so great) is a fantastic way to stay present and accept your feelings for what they are. You allow yourself to leave the worry and anxiety all on the paper rather than stuck inside your mind. This also gives you a chance to mindfully get to the root of what could be causing anxiety, so you know how to cope and manage if it happens again.

Man Writing in Journal at Desk
Take breaks as needed. Stand up and stretch! Take a walk around the block. You can even take this time to practice meditation for anxiety or stress reduction. It's important to not work yourself too hard, especially when you're feeling anxious or down. You can even consider setting a timer and scheduling dedicated time for breaks. This way, you'll help to refresh your mind, making it easier to focus on your tasks while also sticking to a productive schedule.

Ask for help or delegate tasks as needed. There's no shame in asking for help. In fact, asking others for help shows mindful forward-thinking, efficiency, and responsibility, making it easier for things to get done. By being self-aware and making sure your tasks match your bandwidth, you're able to become more aligned with your energetic frequency in real-time.

Celebrate your accomplishments! Acknowledging all the progress you've made (even if it doesn't look like much) and giving yourself credit where credit is due will help keep you motivated and inspired to continue. So don’t forget to show gratitude for all that you have done, because you’re doing a fantastic job! And if a little celebratory reminder will help keep your spirits lifted, celebrate away!!! :-)

And at the end of the day, we can't forget that the key to getting things done when you're feeling down is to take it one step at a time. Don't try to do everything at once because that's just going to stress you out more. Instead, focus on one task, and take your time with it.

Tackling your to-do list when you're feeling down can be challenging, but it's definitely doable. Just remember to take things one step at a time and to be kind to yourself. You'll get there!

And as a little something to help you on your way, I have a very special mini-guide for you. It includes ten simple steps to help you release fear and anxiety, one by one! Because, you see, fear is the state of mind that has the power to hold us back from accomplishing not only important tasks, but also our wildest dreams! So go here now to download your FREE mini-guide and get ready to let go of your fear and anxiety for good!


Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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