January 03, 2013

Productivity Expert Robert C. Pozen Says to “Identify and Rank Your Priorities” in Order to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Productivity Expert Robert C Pozen Releases the Highly Anticipated Book, “Extreme Productivity: Boost Your Results, Reduce Your Hours.” Mind Movies Co-Founder Natalie Ledwell Agrees That Focusing On Priorities Makes It Easier to Achieve Goals and Create a Satisfying Life.

Mind science is moving in a new direction for self development. Robert C. Pozen recently released his brand new book “Extreme Productivity: Boost Your Results, Reduce Your Hours” to help people be more focused and industrious at work.

A productivity expert, Pozen is a senior lecturer at Harvard, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and the author of six books. Pozen’s latest book explains the keys to working faster and smarter, which boosts career performance and provides a way to develop a satisfying life outside work.

According to Pozen, “You can’t start achieving your goals until you know what exactly your goals are.” This is achieved by writing down short, medium and long term goals and ranking them according to importance.

Pozen points out, however, that it's not simply a matter of choosing what you want for yourself. “Although you should certainly consider what you want to do and what you’re good at, you should also think about what your organization most needs from you,” Pozen clarifies.

Law of Attraction and personal development guru Natalie Ledwell agrees with Pozen’s belief that identifying and focusing on priorities frees you to achieve goals more quickly and easily. “Defining goals is an essential part of self development because it will create positive energy, and that creates positive results,” Ledwell explains.

“Time is a valuable resource, and it should be used to explore what you truly need to accomplish. Once you have identified those goals, you can use Law of Attraction techniques to help you achieve results. Visualizing yourself achieving your goals helps you recognize opportunities to meet them.”

Ledwell shares that vision boards can also help with the process of discovering and prioritizing goals. By focusing on the positive aspects of identifying and ranking goals they will be easier to reach.

Over 1 million people worldwide have already received Natalie Ledwell’s free pre-made Mind Movies, which are dynamic moving video vision boards that help viewers visualize and achieve their desires and goals faster and easier than they ever thought possible.

To find out more about Mind Movies and to download 6 free pre-made Mind Movies, visit: http://mindmovies.com

About Mind Movies:

Founded in 2007, Mind Movies’ mission is to help empower people from all over the world to visualize their goals and manifest their greatest dreams and desires. Mind Movies has touched the lives of over 1 million people around the world and is headquartered in downtown San Diego, California.

Company Contact Information:

Mind Movies
Media Relations
113 West G Street #122
San Diego, CA 92101

See Full Press Release: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/1/prweb10224948.htm