December 27, 2012

Law Of Attraction, Positive Affirmations, Visualization, Meditations And Gratitude Are The Key To Success In 2013, According to Salvatore Ingoglia's New Book

Law of Attraction Techniques, Positive Affirmations and Aligning Mentality with Actions to Manifest Goals Are The Topics of a Newly Released Book by Author Salvatore Ingoglia. Law of Attraction Guru and Mind Movies Co-Founder Natalie Ledwell Shares How Others Can Use the Law of Attraction to Manifest Success in their Own Lives.

Napoleon Hill, Deepak Chopra and others were the inspiration for Salvatore Ingoglia’s new e-book, “How to Become Successful: A Guide to Building Self Esteem & Other Inner Strengths by Positive Affirmations, Laws of Attraction, Visualizing, Meditations & Gratitude That Will Manifest Your Desires,” now available on

In the book, Ingoglia shares his story of how he went from a life of financial and emotional hardship to a life of peace and success through changing the way he thinks. In the 11-page guide, Ingoglia offers tips on how to practice gratitude, mediation, positive affirmations throughout one’s day, visualization and the law of detachment to let go of old self-limiting beliefs and manifest success.    

Law of Attraction guru and Mind Movies co-founder Natalie Ledwell agrees and also suggests positive thinking and gratitude for manifesting goals. She feels that having a “positive vibration” is the key.

“When you contemplate goals when you are in a positive vibration, goals will be set from inspiration rather than desperation. The Law of Attraction states that if you put positive vibrations out, you attract the positive ideas and resources that you need to be able to achieve your goals,” says Ledwell.

Ledwell shares that you can put yourself in a positive vibration by doing things that make you feel good, practicing gratitude by writing down five things that you are grateful for each day, surrounding yourself with supportive people, exercising and practicing random acts of kindness.

Ledwell recommends mediation to aid in manifesting goals. Ledwell believes that through mediating, we “take our subconscious mind into a state of peace to connect to the source. By creating this connection, it opens you to receive the ideas you need to work out the solution to achieve your goals.”

Over 1 million people worldwide have already received Natalie Ledwell’s free pre-made Mind Movies, which are dynamic moving video vision boards that help viewers visualize and achieve their desires and goals faster and easier than they ever thought possible.

To find out more about Mind Movies and to download 6 free pre-made Mind Movies, visit:

About Mind Movies:

Founded in 2007, Mind Movies’ mission is to help empower people from all over the world to visualize their goals and manifest their greatest dreams and desires. Mind Movies has touched the lives of over 1 million people around the world and is headquartered in downtown San Diego, California.

Company Contact Information:

Mind Movies
Media Relations
113 West G Street #122
San Diego, CA 92101

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