November 07, 2012

Deepak Chopra Releases New Book ‘Super Brain’ This Week, Revealing the Secrets to Unleashing the Power of the Mind to Achieve Greater Happiness Fulfillment

Deepak Chopra and Co-Author Rudolph E. Tanzi Release the Highly Anticipated Book ‘Super Brain: Unleashing the Explosive Power of Your Mind to Maximize Health, Happiness, and Spiritual Well-Being.’ Mind Movies Co-Founder Natalie Ledwell Agrees That the Mind Can Be Used to Effectively Bend Reality.

Mind science is potentially about to move into a whole new direction as this week, spiritual teacher Deepak Chopra releases his brand new book ‘Super Brain: Unleashing the Explosive Power of Your Mind to Maximize Health, Happiness, and Spiritual Well-Being.’

Chopra is a world-renowned mind-body healing pioneer, author of several best-selling books and the founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, California.

Chopra’s latest book release walks readers through how to use the brain as a gateway for achieving health, happiness, fulfillment and spiritual growth.

The book is co-authored with Harvard Medical School professor Rudolph E. Tanzi. Tanzi is one of the world's most renowned experts on the causes of Alzheimer’s Disease, a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior.

According to Amazon, Chopra and Tanzi propose in the book that “through a person’s increased self-awareness and conscious intention, the brain can be taught to reach far beyond its present limitations.”

Mind Movies co-founder and Law of Attraction guru Natalie Ledwell agrees with Chopra and Tanzi’s belief that your mind can essentially bend reality.

According to Ledwell, “One of the most effective ways to shift your reality and create more positive results in your life is to activate your Reticular Activating System through visualization.”

“Your RAS is a small bundle of nerves at the base of your brain stem and it’s the gateway that filters information from your subconscious into your conscious mind,” says Ledwell. "When you visualize yourself achieving a specific goal on a continuous basis, you program your RAS to help you more easily recognize opportunities, as they arise, that will help you reach that specific goal.”

Over 1 million people worldwide have already received Ledwell’s free pre-made Mind Movies, which are dynamic moving video vision boards that help viewers visualize and achieve their desires and goals faster and easier than they ever thought possible.

To find out more about Mind Movies and to download 6 free pre-made Mind Movies, visit:

About Mind Movies:

Founded in 2007, Mind Movies’ mission is to help empower people from all over the world to visualize their goals and manifest their greatest dreams and desires. Mind Movies has touched the lives of over 1 million people around the world and is headquartered in downtown San Diego, California.

Company Contact Information:

Mind Movies
Media Relations
113 West G Street #122
San Diego, CA 92101

See Full Press Release: