October 24, 2012

Visualization Too Difficult? New Study Reveals that a Quick Power Nap May Be the Secret to Achieving Your Goals More Quickly and Easily

Visualization Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult, Provided You Take a Few Minutes to Refresh Your Mind, According to a New Georgetown University Study and Mind Movies Co-Founder and Law of Attraction Guru Natalie Ledwell

Achieving goals may become a heck of a lot easier if you combine power naps, visualization and the Law of Attraction, according to a new study released by Georgetown University and Mind Movies co-founder Natalie Ledwell.

In the study recently released by Dr. Andrei Medvedev of Georgetown University’s Center for Functional and Molecular Imaging in Washington, D.C., researchers attempted to explain how so-called “power naps” spark renewed mental creativity.

To do this, Medvedev’s team used a type of brain imaging known as near-infrared spectroscopy to monitor the brain activity of 15 at-rest individuals. The researchers found that, during short “power naps,” the right side of the participant’s brains were still “chattering busily” while the left sides of their brains appeared to remain relatively quiet.

Generally speaking, the two different sides of the brain handle two different modes of thinking. The left hemisphere deals more with logical, analytic thinking while the right side handles more creative functions, like visualization.

Medvedev explains that this activity in the right brain during a time of rest seems to indicate that the right brain performs some kind of “housekeeping” during a power nap, moving newly acquired memories into the brain’s long term memory banks.

Medvedev’s team speculates that this newly cleared mental space in the right hemisphere of the brain is what leaves the participant feeling mentally refreshed and with renewed creative abilities upon waking.

“For anyone who believes in the power of the Law of Attraction and visualization, these findings are important,” says Law of Attraction guru and Mind Movies co-founder Natalie Ledwell.

“Visualizing your goals on a daily basis with emotion is essential to attracting the people, resources and opportunities that you want in your life, and you need your creative energy to do it,” says Ledwell. “If you’re someone who has trouble with visualization, consider taking a quick 10 to 15 minute power nap before you get started to refresh the right side of your brain and make visualization easier.”

Over 1 million people worldwide have already received Ledwell’s free pre-made Mind Movies, which are dynamic moving video vision boards that help viewers visualize and achieve their desires and goals faster and easier than they ever thought possible.

To find out more about Mind Movies and to download 6 free pre-made Mind Movies, visit: http://mindmovies.com

About Mind Movies:

Founded in 2007, Mind Movies’ mission is to help empower people from all over the world to visualize their goals and manifest their greatest dreams and desires. Mind Movies has touched the lives of over 1 million people around the world and is headquartered in downtown San Diego, California.

Company Contact Information:

Mind Movies
Media Relations
113 West G Street #122
San Diego, CA 92101

See Full Press Release: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/10/prweb10037071.htm