September 06, 2012

Law Of Attraction Guru Natalie Ledwell Reveals the Secrets To Living an Extraordinary Life

Law Of Attraction Guru and Mind Movies Co-Founder Natalie Ledwell Pulls Back the Curtain on Her Top 5 Success Habits To Living an Extraordinary Purpose-Driven Life and Manifesting Monumental Success

Mind Movies co-founder and Law of Attraction guru Natalie Ledwell announced today the release of the latest episode of her online TV show, The Inspiration Show. In the 13-minute episode, Ledwell reveals the five crucial success secrets to living an extraordinary life.

To watch the full episode, visit:

According to Ledwell, attitude has an enormous impact on either achieving a goal or letting an opportunity pass by. "People place imaginary boundaries in the mind, and these limiting beliefs will deter possible success," said Ledwell.

In the episode, Ledwell reveals simple yet powerful steps anyone can follow to overcome procrastination, plus how to deal with failure and exactly how to discover one's true passion and life goals.

Ledwell focuses on the importance of taking action while working towards a goal. "Action and achievement are so closely intertwined that it is impossible to separate them," said Ledwell. "After you take the first step, it will become easier. You will gain momentum if the goal is something you are passionate about."

According to Law of Attraction guru Ledwell, creating cystal clear goals is the fastest way to experience massive success. "You don't have total clarity until you have specific measureable details about your goal," said Ledwell. "You need to be totally clear about what you actually want so you can find the fastest path to manifest success."

Over 900,000 people worldwide have already received Ledwell's free pre-made Mind Movies, which are dynamic, moving video vision boards that help viewers visualize and achieve their goals faster and easier than they ever thought possible.

To find out more about Mind Movies and download 6 free pre-made Mind Movies, visit:

See Full Press Release: