July 19, 2012

Martial Artist Tristan Truscott Reveals to Mind Movies Co-Founder Natalie Ledwell How He Healed a Five-Year Debilitating Back Injury Using Qigong and Visualization

In the Latest Episode of The Inspiration Show, Martial Artist and Satori Method Practitioner Tristan Truscott Reveals to Mind Movies Co-Founder Natalie Ledwell How He Healed a Five-Year Debilitating Back Injury Using a Combination of Ancient Chinese Qigong and Visualization

Mind Movies co-founder Natalie Ledwell announced today the release of the latest episode of The Inspiration Show featuring martial artist and holistic healer Tristan Trusscott. In this short 17-minute interview, Truscott reveals how he went from injured and barely able to walk for over five years to completely healed using a combination of ancient Chinese Qigong and visualization.

After practicing high-level martial arts for over 30 years, Truscott became injured one day while teaching a women's self-defense class one night in Austin, Texas.

"I'd just shown these ladies this technique where you drive your knee up really hard and knock the guy out," said Truscott. "I put my leg down and took a couple of steps and my back just totally gave out. I literally just collapsed on the floor. I couldn't move, I couldn't get back up, I couldn't even roll onto my side."

Friends helped carry Truscott out of the martial arts studio later that evening, and for the next two months, Truscott lay flat on his back with a serious injury, barely able to move. Doctors recommended back surgery, but Truscott resisted.

"I've always been into the power of the mind to heal the body, but no matter what I did I could not fix it," said Truscott, who eventually gave in and traveled to Beverly Hills to have the $90,000 back surgery. Still, 5 years later, Truscott found that he could barely walk.

"I'm sure people can relate to that place where you feel so depressed and so desperate and you don't know what to do next and you've tried everything," said Truscott. "I'd lost all my students, I'd lost my health, I'd gained a ton of weight and life sucked. You feel like quitting. But I could hear my karate teacher's voice in my mind 'If you show me a quitter, I'll show you a loser.' And I'm not a loser."

Truscott shares that he decided to make a deal with his higher power in exchange for healing, saying "I opened my mind and made a deal with God or the divine or whatever you want to call that. If you can help me find a way to heal, I'll pay it forward and do everything I can to help other people get back into their power."

Shortly afterwards Truscott discovered the ancient Chinese practice of Qigong and, combining it with visualization, was able to heal his debilitating back injury. "I finally made the connection between the mind and the body," said Truscott "and I knew in that moment that I could reclaim all of my power and rebuild my body."

Truscott's healing experience led him to develop the Satori Method with his partner Sabrina, now taught out of their studio in Austin, Texas. Truscott describes the Satori Method as a holistic personal development system that helps practitioners awaken their life-force energy to promote optimal mind and body wellness through six specific daily rituals.

To watch the full video interview, visit: http://theinspirationshow.com/index.php?25408&episode=111

See Full Press Release: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/7/prweb9713506.htm