July 18, 2012

Shawn Stephenson Reveals to Mind Movies Co-Founder Natalie Ledwell how he Used the Law of Attraction to Heal his Degenerative Back Condition in Just Six Weeks

Renowned Nutritionist and Medical Miracle Shawn Stephenson Shares with Mind Movies Co-Founder Natalie Ledwell how he Used the Power of Intention and the Law of Attraction to Cure his Degenerative Back Condition in Just Six Weeks and to Help Impact the Health of Tens of Thousands of People Worldwide

Mind Movies co-founder Natalie Ledwell announced today the release of the latest episode of The Inspiration Show featuring expert nutritionist and medical miracle Shawn Stephenson. In the brief 15-minute interview, Stephenson shares how he used the power of intention and the Law of Attraction to heal his own debilitating back condition and help tens of thousands of others live in optimal health.

Stephenson, an aspiring athlete at the time of his diagnosis, reported feeling devastated when doctors told him he would never fully recover from a painful, degenerative spinal condition. After taking prescription medication for chronic pain for two years, Stephenson experienced a transformational moment where he set a personal intention towards healing.

"It was right around the time I discovered the Law of Attraction that I set out that day and I scripted out a plan for myself," said Stephenson. "I started to move my body again with exercise and in six weeks, I had lost 30 pounds and my energy and vitality came back and all of my pain was gone."

According to Stephenson, his doctor was in complete shock at his patient's seemingly inexplicable turnaround, telling him "Whatever you are doing, keep doing it."

Stephenson shared that since regaining his health, he has been able to positively impact thousands of people by teaching them about visualization and the Law of Attraction as it relates to health and diet. Stephenson has since written several books on how to overcome various diseases and shares his health expertise with tens of thousands of readers each week through BeWellBuzz, one of the Internet's top wellness websites.

Stephenson attributes much of his recovery and success to visualization and the Law of Attraction, saying "It is through the law and actually making a decision about what you want, what your standard is, and of course feeling it and then acting upon it." Stephenson believes that through diet and by using specific techniques to visualize yourself in perfect health, it is possible to heal the mind and body without medication.

To watch the full video interview, visit: http://theinspirationshow.com/index.php?25408&episode=113

See Full Press Release: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/7/prweb9710716.htm