The Blog

Enlightening Wisdom For An Abundant, Joyful & Love-Filled Life

These 5 Quotes Will Make Your Dreams Come True

These 5 Quotes Will Make Your Dreams Come True

In previous blog posts, I’ve shared with you the powerful effect that quotes can have on our lives. Quite simply, they motivate us, inspire us and help us to keep perspective on what’s really important in life.

I’ve also shared quotes from my favorite authors that I believe could bring more value into your life…

But today I’d like to share with you 5 quotes cited by ME!

My intention is to not only inspire you, but to also help you live your dreams faster!


Let yourself feel happy about the abundance you will have, because it will come.

Live large, choose courageously and love without limits.

It's amazing what we're capable of when we believe we can.

Consistently focus upon your great life story and visualize with emotion those things you want to manifest.

You have no idea how your actions can cause a ripple effect of positivity. 

Quotes and affirmations are a great way to start your day feeling empowered, excited and enlightened, so I hope you liked my quotes and share them with your friends and family to help spread the love :)

And speaking of spreading love… I have a free gift for you that will help you achieve your goals and dreams faster.

It’s a premium package of 6 pre-made Mind Movies especially designed to help you enhance the 6 most important areas of your life: Love, Health, Wealth, Confidence, Friendship, & Inner Peace.

Mind Movies is a visualization tool so effective, that by watching one for just 3 minutes a day, you’ll be reprogramming your subconscious mind to release your mental obstacles and manifest your desires.

Whatever you’re looking to manifest in your life this year, you’ll find it all here.


Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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