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Enlightening Wisdom For An Abundant, Joyful & Love-Filled Life

Billionaire-Making Affirmations You Need To Repeat Each Day!

Billionaire-Making Affirmations You Need To Repeat Each Day!

Limiting wealth beliefs can come from the most unexpected places. Mine came from my childhood. Every day without fail, a gang of the town's wealthiest kids in Australia would walk up to me in the playground and yell in the thickest Australian accent: "Hey Natalie, why don't you go roll off a hill?" (My maiden name was Natalie Rohloff, you see.) My encounter with bullying left me with a limiting wealth belief that stuck with me for years. On a subconscious level, I was afraid and distrusting of rich people - because part of my mind believed they were all cruel and selfish! It was only years later that I gained the tools to erase those beliefs from my subconscious mind. That's why I now want to share with you my favorite affirmations that helped me the most with my limiting wealth beliefs. Here are my 7 top Billionaire-Making Affirmations You Need To Repeat Each Day:

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9 Effortless Ways to Manifest Prosperity

9 Effortless Ways to Manifest Prosperity

The reality is that some of life's most rewarding achievements require patience and perseverance. Achieving optimal health, financial abundance, and career success all require dedication and persistence. However, the journey to getting there doesn’t have to be overwhelming or filled with sacrifice. True prosperity and abundance come from a state of inner peace and contentment. Here are 9 effortless ways you can manifest prosperity into your life that prove it.

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How To Brainwash Yourself For Success & Abundance

How To Brainwash Yourself For Success & Abundance

In the personal development space, the concept of self-brainwashing might sound controversial or even alarming at first glance. After all, the term "brainwashing" is usually linked to images of manipulation and coercion. But this is not what I’m referring to here. Brainwashing when approached with intention and mindfulness, can be a potent tool for reprogramming the mind towards success and abundance. Brainwashing involves intentionally reprogramming the subconscious mind through repetitive and affirming thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Here are some key steps to harness the power of self-brainwashing for success and abundance:

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5 Things I Learned In 2023

5 Things I Learned In 2023

2023 has been a bit of a rollercoaster, don't you think? I've been chatting with friends and colleagues, and it seems like we were all in the same boat. Not to mention inflation rising and the prices of EVERYTHING being so expensive! So, if you feel the same, you are not alone. But now, as we step into the new year, I think it's a perfect time to reflect on the valuable lessons that have shaped our journey. I am sharing five that have had a profound impact on my growth.

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Weekly December Prompts For Success in 2024!

Weekly December Prompts For Success in 2024!

As December arrives, it brings the magic of the holiday season and the promise of a fresh start in the coming year. So what better time than this to reflect on the months that have passed, express gratitude, and tap into your creative spirit? To help you make the most of this special month, I’ve curated a collection of my favorite prompts designed to inspire introspection, creativity, and personal growth. There are 4 prompts, designed to be explored one each week! So be prepared to embark on a journey of self-discovery and embrace the beauty of December.

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3 Money Principles That Will Expand Your Abundance

3 Money Principles That Will Expand Your Abundance

One of the questions I often get asked is…“Natalie, I work hard to achieve my goals and dreams and I’m tired of just surviving… Is there something I’m missing? What’s the secret to attracting more wealth and abundance?” When people ask me this, my answer is always the same: One thing that most people often forget is that money is energy. Money is something to be embraced and celebrated, not feared or judged. It is common for people to fear or judge money, often associating it with negative emotions such as greed or shame.

This energy, like everything else, is impacted by the thoughts, words, and emotions we fuel it with. If you resent money and treat it negatively, you’ll struggle to attract and hold onto it.

On the other hand, when you appreciate money and thank it, it becomes your friend, and it will come to you even when you least expect it. Why? Because you are welcoming it!

If you want to welcome more money into your life, then here are 3 money principles that will expand your abundance.

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Are You Suffering From Manifesting Anxiety? Here Are The 4 Signs!

Are You Suffering From Manifesting Anxiety? Here Are The 4 Signs!

Working on manifesting a goal can be a thrilling journey… But oftentimes it can lead to feelings of anxiety and despair, especially after realizing it requires more than just thinking positively and reciting affirmations.

Manifesting requires patience, trust, and the ability to let go and live in the present without stressing about the future. If the manifestation process doesn’t feel fun or joyful anymore, then it might be time to step back a bit. So how do you know if you’re suffering from manifestation anxiety? Here are the 4 signs!

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3 Beliefs That Will Make You A Money Magnet

3 Beliefs That Will Make You A Money Magnet

Many of us aspire to reach financial freedom, where money is no longer a source of worry and instead brings joy and fulfillment. Too often, though, it’s our subconscious beliefs about money that limit our ability to attract wealth into our lives. So rather than living in fear or focusing on lack, why not focus on abundance and gratitude for the success we already have?

If you're struggling to bring more money into your life, try adopting these 3 money beliefs that will instantly rewire your brain and help you become a money magnet!

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