Thank you for filling out our survey!

As promised, your free gift is at the bottom of this page. But before you go, I have just one more special surprise for you…

Save Over 70% on My Groundbreaking New “Full Immersion” Success School
Mastermind with a powerful community of people from around the world, all striving to hit their goals and create lives they love... just like you!
One-time opportunity available on this web page only

Hi, it’s Natalie here...

Just before you go I have one more very exclusive bonus surprise for you to express my gratitude for sharing your valuable feedback with me. About 12 months ago, my team and I began working day and night to create an absolutely groundbreaking “full immersion” experience unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.

After a year of intense development, a few months ago, we allowed a small group of elite “Evaluation Candidates” to test-drive everything we’ve prepared for you. I’m happy to share that the feedback we’ve received is literally off the charts!

And now today, to thank you for filling out my survey, I’d like to pull back the curtains and show you exactly what’s inside.

After Over 365 Days in the Making,
Here’s My BIG REVEAL...

I’ve been receiving emails for YEARS from people requesting more personalized coaching and help from me, but I just didn’t have the ability to provide the level of support that I really wanted to – until now!

Today, I’m absolutely thrilled to share with you the Ultimate Success Masterclass – or “USM” for short – my brand new 12-week online success school where I’ll be able to work with you more closely than ever before to help you achieve your #1 most audacious goal at lightening speed.

And the doors for the next semester open next Sunday!

We’ve got very limited seats left and the clock is ticking. I’d hate for you to miss out and have to wait until the next time.

So if you’re ready to break out and do something you’ve never done before to get the kind of incredible life-altering results you’ve never had until now, then I invite you to read carefully to see if this is right for you.

Let’s Have Some Fun... What’s Your BHAG?!

What’s your Big Hairy Audacious Goal?

  • Do you want to land that dream job you’ve been yearning for, or reach your goal of earning an extra $10,000 per month doing something you love?
  • Are you finally ready to meet your soul mate, that perfect partner who understands you like no other, or put the passionate spark back into your current relationship?
  • Are you ready to start that new passion-based freedom business that will bring you all of the time and money freedom you’ve been dreaming of?
  • Or is it finally time to hit those health or weight loss goals that have always felt just outside your reach?

Whatever #1 goal you choose to set for yourself, at the start of the USM starting next Sunday, for the first time ever you’ll receive absolutely ALL of the coaching, tools, accountability structure, encouragement and support you need to make it an absolute reality.

Plus, your success is 100% guaranteed! I’ll tell you more about my no-risk money back guarantee in a moment.

Join a Community of Go Getters,
All Rooting for Your Success

Once you save your spot in our next semester starting next Sunday, you’ll get access to something unlike ANYTHING you’ve ever seen before.

Inside the Ultimate Success Masterclass you’ll find:

12 paradigm-shifting Modules, each one containing a “deep dive” video lesson with yours truly (details on these below), plus a downloadable PDF ebook, an audio download AND step-by-step exercise worksheets
Powerful Mastery Exercises: At the end of each module, I’ll assign you specific Mastery Exercises designed to move you closer toward your goal. Once you’ve completed them, you’ll unlock access to the next module.
Accountability & support: Easily track your progress inside the Members Area. I’ll be watching how you go and if you need extra help, I’ll personally follow you up by phone, text or email, to help you stay on track and always moving forward!
Incredible mastermind community: Here’s one of the most exciting features of the USM! Inside you’ll get access to our private Members-Only discussion forum where you’ll be able to trade insights, encouragement and support with me and other USM members.
Weekly LIVE Q&A Teleseminars: Join me each week for a live Q&A Teleseminar where I’ll go deeper into the lessons from each of the modules and answer your most burning questions.
Exciting never-before-seen features! We’ve built in powerful features that’ll knock your socks off, including one that allows you to schedule and send automatic messages – like powerful uplifting affirmations – to yourself by email, text or voicemail!
Here’s Exactly What We’re Going
To Cover Together Over Our 12 Weeks Together:

I promise you – what you’ll find inside The Ultimate Success Masterclass is truly unlike anything that you’ve ever seen before.

    • First off, we’ll start by creating a rock solid foundation for your 12-week success journey by taking a close look at the 4 power stations of success – Intention, Goals, Affirmations and Intuitive, Inspired Action...

    • And this is extremely important, because as you’ll discover, when you activate all 4 in a specific chain reaction, you’ll be well on your way to reaching any goal you set for yourself at warp speed!

  • Next, we’ll workshop through how to set a powerful intention for the area of life that you’d most like to impact in the USM – and then I’ll work with you to set a crystal clear #1 goal for yourself that I’ll help you achieve by the end of our 12 weeks.

After this, we’ll take the next step on your success journey:

    • You’ll learn the #1 thing that you absolutely MUST do before you ever try to set an intention or a goal – and this is so important! Skip this step, you’ll find that trying to move towards your #1 goal will be like walking through quicksand wearing concrete boots

    • Next, I’ll share with you easy but highly effective Daily Success Rituals that can take as little as 10 minutes a day… but that can multiply your manifesting power ten-fold, helping you to subconsciously and automatically attract exactly what you need to quantum leap yourself closer to your #1 goal


Believe me, that module alone is worth its weight in gold!

  • Next, I’ll reveal for the first time precisely how to create what are called ‘Power Affirmations’ – advanced “next level” affirmations that have the power to instantly obliterate self-limiting beliefs and other obstacles that may have been preventing you from realizing your full potential for years!
  • You’ll also discover my 3 secrets to visualization – easy, fun and fast techniques you can use to quickly level up your vibration and transform yourself into a superconductor for attracting positive energy, people and circumstances anytime, anywhere

And listen close now, because this next one is FASCINATING:

    • In Module 5, you’ll discover why “taking action” doesn’t have to mean there’s hard work to be done or lots of effort to be made – and how thinking this way can actually work AGAINST you, taking you further away from achieving your goals! That is absolutely true.

    • In Module 6, I’ll take you through a step-by-step exercise that will help you uncover even the most deeply embedded self-limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns that may have sabotaged your success and happiness for years...

    • Plus I’ll be bringing on a very special VIP guest to show you exactly how you can use a revolutionary new healing modality called the ‘Emotional Freedom Technique,’ or EFT, to lovingly dissolve these self-limiting beliefs for good – so that you can finally be free to express your full potential in life!


And here’s something that’s EXTREMELY important to your success:

  • Have you ever felt like you lacked direction in your life – a bit like a life raft floating out to sea? Well, soon, that will be a thing of the past...
  • Because in Module 7, I’ll take you through a fun and extremely powerful exercise that we’ll use to uncover your top 5 Core. Once you’re clear on these, you’ll never feel like you’re just drifting along in your career, relationships, health or finances ever again.

And now here’s something REALLY exciting, so you’ll want to pay special close attention here...

  • In Module 8, I’ll be bringing on another very special guest who will take us step-by-step through an AMAZING mini-workshop called ‘The Passion Test’ – featured in Oprah magazine, it’s quickly become the #1 formula being used all over the world to help people just like you and me to clarify our passions, so that we can have more fun and experience more flow in life!

After that, I’ve got something very exciting in store for you...

    • We’ll dive right into how to break through absolutely ANY challenge that may cross your path as you get closer and closer to achieving your #1 goal – including how to easily deal with negative people and other low vibration situations that may have derailed you from your goals in the past.


And here’s one of my personal favorites:

  • In one of our final workshops together, you’ll learn super simple but very powerful ways to increase the volume of your “inner guidance system,” so that you can use it to guide yourself towards the best actions to take in ANY situation to achieve greater success, happiness and abundance for yourself and those you care about!

We’ve got a very exciting 12 weeks ahead, and if you’re ready to finally take that step forward towards living your BEST life as your BEST self, I would love for you to join us.

Today Only, You’ll Save an Incredible
70% Off of Your Tuition

Before I created the USM, the only way you could access this level of support around achieving your biggest, most inspiring goals would be to enroll in a series of intensive one-on-one coaching sessions...

Or a week long private mastermind in some distant city with a top personal growth guru.

And unfortunately, each of these can cost upwards of $5,000!

But part of why I created the USM is so that I can offer the same level of service to you, but for a fraction of the price.

Right now, the tuition for new USM members is $1,997, and considering what’s inside, (once you see) I’m sure you’ll agree, that is an incredible deal. But that’s not what you’ll pay if you take action today.

In fact, if you save your spot today, you won’t even pay $1000.

Today, to thank you for filling out my survey, if you take inspired action and register for the next semester of the USM that begins next Sunday, your tuition is the very reasonable low one-time investment of just $1997 $597.

However, once you leave this page… this offer is gone for good! We obviously can’t give this option to everyone or we’d be out of business very quickly. ☺

And of course, you’ll be covered by the famous Mind Movies 60-day money back guarantee. If, within the first 60 days of the USM you feel dissatisfied for any reason, simply let me know and I’ll rush you a 100% refund – no hassle and no questions asked.

Plus, There’s 2 Extraordinary Bonuses...

Register your spot in the next semester of the USM today and receive:

Bonus 1:

Mind Movies is a video vision board creator that you can use to easily create your own short 3-minute video vision board – a picture of your perfect life – that combines powerful photos and images, present tense affirmations, and emotionally inspiring music to help you stay focused on your goals, dreams and desires.

If you can drag and drop, you can create your own inspiring Mind Movie in as little as 10 minutes. It’s really that easy!

Then, by watching your Mind Movie for a just few minutes twice each day, you imprint the treasury of your subconscious mind with the images of what you want to create...

And the Universe responds by providing you with the people, resources and opportunities you need to make your dreams a reality – and FAST!

Mind Movies is valued at $197. But today, because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s the perfect companion to all of the good work that we’ll be doing inside the USM, I’m going to include it for you for FREE.

I just know you’re going to love it!

Bonus 2:

My first ever book, Never In Your Wildest Dreams, valued at $19.95.

Drawn from my personal quest for success, this interactive book reveals how to passionately move forward in life in a compelling narrative. You'll also get access to exclusive 'behind the scenes videos' to further help you on your self development path. It will be shipped direct to your door, fresh off the print, early next year!

But Now, the Real Question is This:

Are you a person of action or reaction?

When a golden ring of opportunity to achieve your goals and take your life to the next level falls in front of you, do you reach out to grab it?

Or do you step over it, content to maintain the same levels of wealth, health, happiness and love that you currently have?

If you’re reading this, chances are you KNOW deep down inside that it’s time to make a change. So right now, I invite you to take my hand and let me help you to move forward into becoming everything that you know you can be, and so much more.

Simply click on the Add to Cart button below now to snap up one of the few remaining seats in my Ultimate Success Masterclass starting next Sunday.

Your private Members-Only access details will be sent to you right away so that you can begin seeing everything that I have in store for you, plus you’ll receive instant access to Mind Movies!

Say YES to more abundance, more happiness, more success, love, fulfillment and prosperity right now by clicking on the Add to Cart button below now.

I hope to see you next Sunday – I can’t wait to work with you!

To your abundant success,

Natalie Ledwell

P.S. A quick reminder that this One Time Opportunity to register for the USM at a whopping 70% off of the regular tuition expires as soon as you leave this web page. It doesn’t matter if you call our office or try to revisit this page. This opportunity is flying by, so act now.


Your Free Gift

Our Brainwave Entrainment and Subconscious Programming specialist, Morry Zelcovich, has created this extremely special audio download that will help you transform your mind into a laser sharp precision instrument.

Using the latest in subliminal messaging technology to deliver thousands of positive messages directly to your subconscious, you’ll find that the more you listen to this audio, the more easily you’ll be able to stay sharp, focused and in control in any given situation!

Instructions: Click the button below to download the audio, then play it at a low volume while going about your day.

DO NOT listen to this with headphones or at a high volume. The subliminal messages are at a very high frequency and can be unhealthy if too loud or through an earpiece. The best volume is one where you can barely hear it.

Also, do not play around dogs and cats, as they will be sensitive to the high frequencies.