The Blog

Enlightening Wisdom For An Abundant, Joyful & Love-Filled Life


7 Chakra Healing Affirmations For Optimal Health

Balancing your Chakras can be as simple as eating the right food and practicing affirmations. But the effects from a balanced body are amazing! Heal your body, mind and soul with these 7 positive affirmations for optimal health, balance, and wellness.

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Billionaire-Making Affirmations You Need To Repeat Each Day!

Billionaire-Making Affirmations You Need To Repeat Each Day!

Limiting wealth beliefs can come from the most unexpected places. Mine came from my childhood. Every day without fail, a gang of the town's wealthiest kids in Australia would walk up to me in the playground and yell in the thickest Australian accent: "Hey Natalie, why don't you go roll off a hill?" (My maiden name was Natalie Rohloff, you see.) My encounter with bullying left me with a limiting wealth belief that stuck with me for years. On a subconscious level, I was afraid and distrusting of rich people - because part of my mind believed they were all cruel and selfish! It was only years later that I gained the tools to erase those beliefs from my subconscious mind. That's why I now want to share with you my favorite affirmations that helped me the most with my limiting wealth beliefs. Here are my 7 top Billionaire-Making Affirmations You Need To Repeat Each Day:

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How To Activate Your Magnetic Energy in 7 Steps!

How To Activate Your Magnetic Energy in 7 Steps!

Are you constantly pushing to make things happen? Do you often feel a need to control every outcome? Do you struggle to let go and trust in the natural flow of life?

Did you know that discovering how to tap into your feminine magnetism might be the key to effortless manifesting? When there's an imbalance between masculine and feminine energies, manifesting becomes challenging. For example, if you catch yourself thinking: “Success only comes through relentless effort and sacrifice”…Or “Without hard work, I won't achieve anything worthwhile”. The thing is, when you operate from this low vibrational mindset, you will continue creating this reality. If you find it challenging to embrace your feminine energy, letting go, and simply being, you're not alone. As a Transformational Coach & Law Of Attraction Leader, I’ve helped many women activate their magnetic energy. So get ready to activate yours too! Let’s get started!

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9 Effortless Ways to Manifest Prosperity

9 Effortless Ways to Manifest Prosperity

The reality is that some of life's most rewarding achievements require patience and perseverance. Achieving optimal health, financial abundance, and career success all require dedication and persistence. However, the journey to getting there doesn’t have to be overwhelming or filled with sacrifice. True prosperity and abundance come from a state of inner peace and contentment. Here are 9 effortless ways you can manifest prosperity into your life that prove it.

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Secret Mind-Trap Keeping You Stuck!

Secret Mind-Trap Keeping You Stuck!

I recently read something that struck a chord with me: If you're okay with things staying the same in your life, then it's fine to keep doing what you're used to. But if you want things to change, it's time to break free from what's familiar. And this is so true! Sticking to what you're used to can make you feel like you're going around in circles, and that's what we call being stuck. It's common to get stuck in life. We stick to what we know because it feels comfortable, even if it's not good for us anymore. We might stay in situations where we're not valued, just because they're familiar. But here's the thing: if you keep doing the same things, you'll keep getting the same results. It's time to break free from the familiar and step into a new version of yourself. Here’s how:

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How To Brainwash Yourself For Success & Abundance

How To Brainwash Yourself For Success & Abundance

In the personal development space, the concept of self-brainwashing might sound controversial or even alarming at first glance. After all, the term "brainwashing" is usually linked to images of manipulation and coercion. But this is not what I’m referring to here. Brainwashing when approached with intention and mindfulness, can be a potent tool for reprogramming the mind towards success and abundance. Brainwashing involves intentionally reprogramming the subconscious mind through repetitive and affirming thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Here are some key steps to harness the power of self-brainwashing for success and abundance:

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7 Key Attributes of Highly Effective Coaches: Are You Ready?

7 Key Attributes of Highly Effective Coaches: Are You Ready?

Are you someone who dreams of taking control of your career and making a positive impact on others' lives? Do you envision being your own boss, working from home, setting your own schedule, and transforming lives forever? If so, personal growth coaching might be the path for you. Over a decade ago, I found myself yearning for all these things and more. That's when I discovered the power of personal growth coaching through the global Mind Movies movement and The Mind Movies Method. I also manifested a 27x higher income, the freedom to travel the world, and the ability to live life on my own terms. Now, I'm blessed to help millions of people live their best lives while living mine to the fullest. Today, I invite you to explore this transformative path that has changed my life and the lives of countless others: the path of personal growth coaching. But before embarking on any profession, it's essential to understand what it truly entails and the skills required to succeed. Let's delve into the seven key attributes of highly effective coaches:

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Do's and Don'ts of Dating Over 50

Do's and Don'ts of Dating Over 50

After my marriage with Glen failed, I had a hard time feeling worthy and lovable again. It took me a few years to get back into the dating pool. I thought I was too old for the men in my age group... That all men were looking for younger women... or that maybe I was too successful and men would be intimidated…I had to overcome LOTS of ridiculous thoughts that were connected to a deeper belief in me... that I wasn't good enough. So I decided to work on my limiting beliefs, recognize them for what they were, and release them.

It wasn't easy, and it's been a journey, but doing so allowed me to embrace a beautiful, loving relationship. And I couldn't be happier that I did! The truth is that dating can be challenging at any age. And I won't sugarcoat it – dating over 50 comes with its own set of complexities. With the shift to more texting, dating apps, and social media, the way people date has evolved.

But despite the challenges, dating at this stage can also be incredibly rewarding. You know yourself better than ever before, and your life experiences have enriched you.

Now, I'm no longer afraid to speak my mind because I've learned that things can and do work out in the end.

After many failed attempts and one successful one, I've gathered my own share of wisdom and I can confidently say, there are Do’s and Don'ts when it comes to dating after 50.

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Your Brain's Focus Switch: The Reticular Activating System Explained

Your Brain's Focus Switch: The Reticular Activating System Explained

Do you ever feel trapped in a never-ending cycle of negativity, unable to break free? Repeating the same errors, envisioning bleak scenarios on repeat, or encountering the same unfortunate events repeatedly?

It might seem like bad luck or an inevitable fate, but did you know that you could be unconsciously training your brain to attract negativity?

That's where the Reticular Activating System (RAS) comes into play.

This powerful part of the brain acts as a built-in focus switch, influencing our ability to achieve our goals and manifest our dreams.

In this week’s blog, we'll explore the intriguing realm of the RAS, delving into how it functions and its profound impact on your life, decision-making processes, and ability to manifest your deepest desires.

If you’re new to this topic or if you’re struggling with manifesting your desires, then this will be a game-changer for you!

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