My High-Frequency Manifesting Secret Revealed!

Ever find yourself yearning for your biggest dreams like… financial security, your dream home, or the freedom to chase your passions? It's like craving a radio station but not quite tuning into the right frequency. Here's why: mindset matters. And tuning into the right frequency is everything. If negative thoughts take over, you might attract more doubt and worry instead of the abundance you crave. It's like sending out a signal to the Universe for more of the same low-frequency energy. So when it comes to manifesting a specific item, goal, or lifestyle, it’s CRUCIAL to start from a happy place no matter what. And I’m not just talking about any happy place, I’m talking about YOUR happy place – or the mindset you need to be in to dial UP those high-frequency emotions. I want to get a little personal this week and I want to share with you my story of purchasing my very own condo.


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Billionaire-Making Affirmations You Need To Repeat Each Day!

Limiting wealth beliefs can come from the most unexpected places. Mine came from my childhood. Every day without fail, a gang of the town's wealthiest kids in Australia would walk up to me in the playground and yell in the thickest Australian accent: "Hey Natalie, why don't you go roll off a hill?" (My maiden name was Natalie Rohloff, you see.) My encounter with bullying left me with a limiting wealth belief that stuck with me for years. On a subconscious level, I was afraid and distrusting of rich people - because part of my mind believed they were all cruel and selfish! It was only years later that I gained the tools to erase those beliefs from my subconscious mind. That's why I now want to share with you my favorite affirmations that helped me the most with my limiting wealth beliefs. Here are my 7 top Billionaire-Making Affirmations You Need To Repeat Each Day:

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How To Activate Your Magnetic Energy in 7 Steps!

Are you constantly pushing to make things happen? Do you often feel a need to control every outcome? Do you struggle to let go and trust in the natural flow of life?

Did you know that discovering how to tap into your feminine magnetism might be the key to effortless manifesting? When there's an imbalance between masculine and feminine energies, manifesting becomes challenging. For example, if you catch yourself thinking: “Success only comes through relentless effort and sacrifice”…Or “Without hard work, I won't achieve anything worthwhile”. The thing is, when you operate from this low vibrational mindset, you will continue creating this reality. If you find it challenging to embrace your feminine energy, letting go, and simply being, you're not alone. As a Transformational Coach & Law Of Attraction Leader, I’ve helped many women activate their magnetic energy. So get ready to activate yours too! Let’s get started!

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9 Effortless Ways to Manifest Prosperity

The reality is that some of life's most rewarding achievements require patience and perseverance. Achieving optimal health, financial abundance, and career success all require dedication and persistence. However, the journey to getting there doesn’t have to be overwhelming or filled with sacrifice. True prosperity and abundance come from a state of inner peace and contentment. Here are 9 effortless ways you can manifest prosperity into your life that prove it.

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Secret Mind-Trap Keeping You Stuck!

I recently read something that struck a chord with me: If you're okay with things staying the same in your life, then it's fine to keep doing what you're used to. But if you want things to change, it's time to break free from what's familiar. And this is so true! Sticking to what you're used to can make you feel like you're going around in circles, and that's what we call being stuck. It's common to get stuck in life. We stick to what we know because it feels comfortable, even if it's not good for us anymore. We might stay in situations where we're not valued, just because they're familiar. But here's the thing: if you keep doing the same things, you'll keep getting the same results. It's time to break free from the familiar and step into a new version of yourself. Here’s how:

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How To Brainwash Yourself For Success & Abundance

In the personal development space, the concept of self-brainwashing might sound controversial or even alarming at first glance. After all, the term "brainwashing" is usually linked to images of manipulation and coercion. But this is not what I’m referring to here. Brainwashing when approached with intention and mindfulness, can be a potent tool for reprogramming the mind towards success and abundance. Brainwashing involves intentionally reprogramming the subconscious mind through repetitive and affirming thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Here are some key steps to harness the power of self-brainwashing for success and abundance:

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7 Key Attributes of Highly Effective Coaches: Are You Ready?

Are you someone who dreams of taking control of your career and making a positive impact on others' lives? Do you envision being your own boss, working from home, setting your own schedule, and transforming lives forever? If so, personal growth coaching might be the path for you. Over a decade ago, I found myself yearning for all these things and more. That's when I discovered the power of personal growth coaching through the global Mind Movies movement and The Mind Movies Method. I also manifested a 27x higher income, the freedom to travel the world, and the ability to live life on my own terms. Now, I'm blessed to help millions of people live their best lives while living mine to the fullest. Today, I invite you to explore this transformative path that has changed my life and the lives of countless others: the path of personal growth coaching. But before embarking on any profession, it's essential to understand what it truly entails and the skills required to succeed. Let's delve into the seven key attributes of highly effective coaches:

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Do's and Don'ts of Dating Over 50

After my marriage with Glen failed, I had a hard time feeling worthy and lovable again. It took me a few years to get back into the dating pool. I thought I was too old for the men in my age group... That all men were looking for younger women... or that maybe I was too successful and men would be intimidated…I had to overcome LOTS of ridiculous thoughts that were connected to a deeper belief in me... that I wasn't good enough. So I decided to work on my limiting beliefs, recognize them for what they were, and release them.

It wasn't easy, and it's been a journey, but doing so allowed me to embrace a beautiful, loving relationship. And I couldn't be happier that I did! The truth is that dating can be challenging at any age. And I won't sugarcoat it – dating over 50 comes with its own set of complexities. With the shift to more texting, dating apps, and social media, the way people date has evolved.

But despite the challenges, dating at this stage can also be incredibly rewarding. You know yourself better than ever before, and your life experiences have enriched you.

Now, I'm no longer afraid to speak my mind because I've learned that things can and do work out in the end.

After many failed attempts and one successful one, I've gathered my own share of wisdom and I can confidently say, there are Do’s and Don'ts when it comes to dating after 50.

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Your Brain's Focus Switch: The Reticular Activating System Explained

Do you ever feel trapped in a never-ending cycle of negativity, unable to break free? Repeating the same errors, envisioning bleak scenarios on repeat, or encountering the same unfortunate events repeatedly?

It might seem like bad luck or an inevitable fate, but did you know that you could be unconsciously training your brain to attract negativity?

That's where the Reticular Activating System (RAS) comes into play.

This powerful part of the brain acts as a built-in focus switch, influencing our ability to achieve our goals and manifest our dreams.

In this week’s blog, we'll explore the intriguing realm of the RAS, delving into how it functions and its profound impact on your life, decision-making processes, and ability to manifest your deepest desires.

If you’re new to this topic or if you’re struggling with manifesting your desires, then this will be a game-changer for you!

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Easy Ways To Feel Better Without Even Trying

One of my big goals this year is to really take care of myself. While this may seem self-indulgent to some and too simplistic to others, the reality is that with all the demands of life, it can be quite challenging. But guess what? Making yourself feel better doesn't always have to be this massive task. Sometimes, it's the little things that can instantly lift your spirits and brighten your day. My favorite thing lately is to add some small, simple actions to my daily routine that I know can quickly shift my mood and cultivate a more positive mindset.

And you know what? They've been working like a charm! So, I thought I'd share 14 of these easy and simple ways to improve your mood without even trying.

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7 Signs Someone Is Good For You

After my divorce from Glen, I decided to take some time for self-reflection. I needed to understand what had gone wrong in my previous marriage and acknowledge my role in its breakdown. Also, I wanted to figure out what I truly desired in my future relationship. When I eventually felt ready to reenter the dating scene, I turned to dating apps and enlisted the help of a dating coach. Initially, it was challenging to gauge whether someone could be the right fit for me. However, as I navigated the dating world, I gained valuable insights into the key signs that indicate someone might be a good match. Here are my top 7 signs.

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Mastering Work-Life Harmony: The Art of Setting Boundaries

One of my friends recently mentioned that all she seems to do lately is work… Sound familiar? I'm sure many of us have found ourselves in that situation at some point in our lives. However, it's crucial to establish boundaries to prevent feelings of resentment from creeping into any aspect of our lives. Boundaries come in various forms – whether they're mental, physical, or emotional, each presents its own unique challenges and requires distinct strategies to address effectively. So, it's essential to identify the boundaries that work best for you and implement them. Setting boundaries is not a one-time task; it's a continuous journey that demands ongoing effort, practice, and commitment to your well-being.

I have some rules, some golden rules that I like to stick to. And since I've met Bert, he's really helped me stick to them as well. While having an accountability partner can be beneficial, it's not absolutely necessary. Here's my approach to setting and maintaining boundaries.


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Unseen Wonders: Things That Exist, Yet We Can't See

Hellen Keller once said: “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.” This is such a great reminder to keep our hearts open and to see and cherish the world not only with our physical senses but also with our emotions and spirit. It encourages us to appreciate these intangible qualities and experiences, as they genuinely enhance our lives and make us more profoundly connected as humans. A friendly touch, a warm hug, a kind look, or a simple 'how are you today?' are all part of what truly makes us happy. Here are 30 of them.

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My Secret Formula To Make New Habits Stick In 2024

Have you ever wondered why you can't seem to stick to your plans?

You know, like committing to reading more books, hitting the gym regularly, saving money, or finally kickstarting that creative project? And why does something you genuinely care about often end up taking a backseat in your life? The thing is, our lives are a reflection of our daily habits. How successful we are… how healthy… how happy or unhappy ... .So how do we change our thoughts, beliefs, and habits? Is it really possible to change from our core? According to James Clear, author of “Atomic Habits”, it is possible. There is a secret formula, that if you follow step by step, it’s 99% guaranteed that anyone can create good habits and eliminate bad ones, including YOU! Here in my blog, I reveal the 4-step secret formula that will help you start new habits that stick in 2024! Woohoo!


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5 Things I Learned In 2023

2023 has been a bit of a rollercoaster, don't you think? I've been chatting with friends and colleagues, and it seems like we were all in the same boat. Not to mention inflation rising and the prices of EVERYTHING being so expensive! So, if you feel the same, you are not alone. But now, as we step into the new year, I think it's a perfect time to reflect on the valuable lessons that have shaped our journey. I am sharing five that have had a profound impact on my growth.

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How To Manifest A Magical 2024

As we step into a new year, we are presented with a blank canvas of possibilities, a chance to create the life we desire, and there's no better time to start than now. As a lifelong learner and coach, I’ve developed a few practices that are very practical and have allowed me to enjoy a more productive year filled with abundance, happiness, and success. Here are a few tips to help you manifest a magical 2024!

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8 Things I'm Leaving Behind In 2023 For A Fresh Start

How was your Christmas? Was it filled with lots of good moments, your favorite foods, and your most beloved people?

Mine was! I actually cooked a traditional American Christmas dinner:

The BIG turkey with the homemade cranberry sauce… The pumpkin pie and all the trimmings, it was very exciting because we don't usually do that in Australia.

We don't have turkeys and we don’t really eat pumpkin pie.

Normally at Christmas in Australia, we’re barbecuing, we're putting shrimp on the “barbie”, and, we're outside because it's so hot during that time of year.

So hosting an all-American Christmas feast for my Aussie friends was a great experience.

Now, I’m not big on New Year's resolutions… But I am all for making positive changes in my life. As we step into a new year, it's the perfect time to reflect on our lives, on the most valuable lessons, and let go of things that no longer serve us. Whether it's outdated habits or toxic relationships - We all have things we should consider leaving behind this year to pave the way for personal growth and a brighter 2023. Here are 8 of them that I’m leaving behind and I hope it inspires you to do the same!

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15 Things To Do Before The Year Ends

Ahhh the Holidays! Don’t you just love that time between Christmas and New Year’s? It’s all about enjoying the leftover treats, cozying with loved ones, and savoring the slow days. It’s also the perfect time for doing all those things that you often don’t have time for and that help you kickstart the new year on the right foot. I made a list of 15 essential tasks, and by ticking them off I hope they can help you wrap up the year on a high note and set the stage for a fresh start in the new year.


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Best Holiday Gift-Giving Ideas That Nurture Self-Growth!

Gift-giving is pretty awesome, right? It's a sweet way to show your love and appreciation to your friends and loved ones, especially during the Holidays.

Yet, the Holidays can quickly turn into a nightmare when you can’t figure out what to gift to those people who seem to have it all.

But here’s the thing… We're on a never-ending journey of transformation, so there's always something new to learn or a new habit to adopt.

Plus, it’s really the thought that counts, not the price. So the gifts don’t have to be expensive, they just have to be meaningful.

Also remember – if you’re into personal growth and development, or interested in self-discovery, many of these gifts can be great for you, too!

So stick around as we dive into 7 really cool personal growth gifts that will actually help you and your loved ones be their best selves in 2024!

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Sleigh Your Holiday Stress and Rediscover the Joy

When you think about the Holidays... What comes to your mind? Is it the whirlwind of stressful shopping and a calendar packed with social obligations? Or perhaps the image of snug winter days, inviting you to unwind in the warm embrace of your cherished ones? The truth is… I’ve been on the whirlwind December ride more times than I can count…But guess what? I've stumbled upon a little secret that lets me wind down the year gracefully and truly relish life during this festive season. And let me tell you, it's all about creating some much-needed space and wholeheartedly embracing the art of slowing down. Here’s how to sleigh your holiday stress and rediscover the joy!

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Weekly December Prompts For Success in 2024!

As December arrives, it brings the magic of the holiday season and the promise of a fresh start in the coming year. So what better time than this to reflect on the months that have passed, express gratitude, and tap into your creative spirit? To help you make the most of this special month, I’ve curated a collection of my favorite prompts designed to inspire introspection, creativity, and personal growth. There are 4 prompts, designed to be explored one each week! So be prepared to embark on a journey of self-discovery and embrace the beauty of December.

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It's Never Too Late: An Unexpected Lunchtime Lesson

A few days ago, I was in a course to become a certified clinical hypnotherapist.

The experience was enlightening and filled with learning and personal growth.

However, it was a lunchtime conversation that truly stood out and left a lasting impression on me.

Seated at the table was a couple, another woman, and myself.

What struck me immediately was the uncanny resemblance between the couple and my partner, Bert, and me.

As the conversation flowed, they shared their own beautiful love story, mentioning how they had initially met on Hinge, a dating app.

We were swapping great relationship stories and sharing how grateful we are that at this time of our lives, we have found an amazing relationship, so much love and happiness.

But then, something unexpected happened.

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Elevate Your Manifestation Game with These 7 Gratitude Quotes!

Do you ever struggle to feel gratitude? If you do, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, many of my students do too. Yet, what they don’t realize is that they struggle to recognize the feeling of gratitude because they spend most of their time feeling stress, frustration, and negativity. But here's what’s most interesting: once you start feeling even a tiny bit of gratitude where you begin to appreciate and feel thankful, something remarkable happens. Gratitude has its own emotional signature… it's that feeling you get when you're receiving something, or when something good has happened to you or is happening right now. It's like saying "thank you" to life because you're receiving its gifts. ?But here's the challenge: you have to keep that positive state of mind and body throughout your entire day, no matter what's happening around you, no matter how strongly those old emotional habits try to pull you back, and no matter how much time passes.? And guess what? When you can maintain this state long enough, get ready for some REAL magic because unexpected things start happening! Synchronicities, coincidences, opportunities… They come to you without you having to chase them down. It's like the universe delivers them right to your doorstep.

?To help you get into this powerful vibrational state all year long, I’ve handpicked for you my favorite gratitude quotes. Hope you enjoy them!

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Navigating Tough Times: Discover How Small Acts of Love Can Bring Peace

Last month was undeniably challenging for me. My heart felt heavy as my mum got admitted to a dementia ward at a nursing facility. Despite being miles away, I couldn't help but wonder how I could support my family and my mum during this challenging transition.

In times like these, it's natural to be consumed by the negative aspects of the situation, allowing ourselves to feel the emotions that arise. However, it's crucial not to dwell there indefinitely. Instead, I've chosen to take a proactive approach.

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Are These 7 Toxic Childhood Beliefs Affecting Your Adulthood?

Do you often find yourself stuck in a recurring pattern where self-doubt and negativity dominate your decisions, even though you've been trying hard to switch things up?

Did you know your limiting beliefs are the real reason you doubt yourself?

They're why you may sometimes feel unworthy of opportunities right before you - even when you've already put in the hard work. The majority of these beliefs take root when we’re 6-7 years old and they remain buried so deeply that we often go through life oblivious to their existence. Yet, their influence on us is undeniable. To change the negative patterns in your life, you must first identify and release the limiting beliefs in the subconscious and then replace them with new, empowering beliefs. ?In this week’s blog, we'll explore 7 common toxic childhood beliefs and how they can affect your adulthood.


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Harnessing the Power of Affirmations During the Full Moon

Ever gazed up at the night sky and found yourself spellbound by the radiant allure of a full moon?

The full moon is a captivating celestial event that has fascinated humanity for centuries.

Its luminous presence, bathing the night sky in its radiant light, has given rise to many captivating myths and legends.

But here's the thing… These myths aren't just tales told around the campfires or whispered in hushed tones under the moonlight.

No, they've been believed and embraced by cultures around the globe for centuries.

From the idea that the full moon can nudge us toward madness to the belief that it can impact our physical health, potentially leading to an increase in accidents, hospital admissions, or even a surge in births.

But, amidst this celestial web of stories, one thing remains clear… The full moon exudes a profound energy that can be harnessed for personal growth and transformation.

In this week’s blog, we'll explore how you can use affirmations to amplify the potential of the full moon and manifest positive change in your life.


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7 Prompts For Living in Alignment and Dismantling Limiting Beliefs

Do you ever find yourself stuck in a mental traffic jam, surrounded by honking thoughts like, "I'm not good enough," or "I'll never achieve my dreams"?

The truth is… We all do.

That's the relentless chatter of our inner critic, and it's like a backseat driver but with absolutely no sense of direction.

But here's the thing: sometimes, those backseat drivers take over the wheel and turn it into something much more sinister… Limiting beliefs.

A limiting belief is a block in your mind, a piece of negative programming burrowed inside your subconscious that negatively impacts a particular part of your life.

Yet, like most people, you probably don't even realize what limiting beliefs are inside your mind, or how they're stopping you from reaching your fullest potential. Your limiting beliefs are the REAL reason you doubt yourself. They're why you may sometimes feel unworthy of opportunities right before you - even when you've already put in the hard work to avail them. They even block your ability to be consistent in manifesting the Law of Attraction. And as long as you don't take the steps to erase your limiting beliefs, they will keep you playing small and never achieving your biggest goals. In this week’s blog, we’ll explore 7 prompts that can help you uncover these limiting beliefs and help you live in alignment.

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3 Money Principles That Will Expand Your Abundance

One of the questions I often get asked is…“Natalie, I work hard to achieve my goals and dreams and I’m tired of just surviving… Is there something I’m missing? What’s the secret to attracting more wealth and abundance?” When people ask me this, my answer is always the same: One thing that most people often forget is that money is energy. Money is something to be embraced and celebrated, not feared or judged. It is common for people to fear or judge money, often associating it with negative emotions such as greed or shame.

This energy, like everything else, is impacted by the thoughts, words, and emotions we fuel it with. If you resent money and treat it negatively, you’ll struggle to attract and hold onto it.

On the other hand, when you appreciate money and thank it, it becomes your friend, and it will come to you even when you least expect it. Why? Because you are welcoming it!

If you want to welcome more money into your life, then here are 3 money principles that will expand your abundance.

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The Manifestation Paradox: Less Consumption, More Creation

In a world where we're surrounded by non-stop information, entertainment, and distractions, it's pretty common to get caught up in mindless consumption. Social media, news, streaming services, you name it… they're all competing for our attention. Don't get me wrong, staying in the loop and having fun is great, but there's a hidden truth that often goes unnoticed: the more you consume, the less you create. So today, let's dive into this whole creation vs. consumption paradox and why limiting your consumption can unlock a world of creative potential and more manifestation!

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Embracing Change: 8 Autumn Rituals to Welcome the Season

As pumpkin latte season makes its grand entrance, we can't deny that fall is upon us. However, did you know that this season means more than a change of weather and cozy sweaters? It is a season of transformation. And just as the trees shed old leaves to a new vibrant foliage, we do too. The world around us undergoes this beautiful metamorphosis, making it the perfect opportunity to embrace the spirit of change in our own lives. To help you shed your worn-out old leaves to make way for new growth….Here are eight autumn rituals, so you can embrace this period of transformation and personal growth.

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The Secret Sauce to Manifestation: Intention Paired with Elevated Emotion

You've likely come across the idea of setting intentions and their role in manifesting your desires. But do you know the art of pairing intention with the force of elevated emotion for maximum impact? If you’ve never tried this famous technique by Dr. Joe Dispenza, you’re in for a treat! Here in my blog, I explain it in 7 practical steps!

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How To Manifest What Seems Impossible

A question that I am often asked is “Nat... How can I manifest when deep down inside I'm not sure it’s coming?” The reason I want to share my answer with you today is because one of the most important things when it comes to attracting what you want is to BELIEVE it's coming. But why is it SO hard to believe we are worthy of all the things we desire? If you’re constantly trapped in this toxic cycle of entertaining doubts or negative ideas and find it difficult to believe in what you want to attract, you’re not alone!

There is a crucial point I always emphasize to my students, which is the importance of starting with things they can truly believe they can receive. In other words, begin with goals that truly resonate with your beliefs. This is where the magic begins, and I'll explain why in just a moment.

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Keeping A Grateful Heart Through Challenging Times

Last week was undeniably challenging for me. My heart felt heavy as my mum was admitted to a dementia ward at a nursing facility. Despite being miles away, I couldn't help but wonder how I could support my family and my mum during this difficult transition. In times like these, it's natural to be consumed by the negative aspects of the situation, allowing ourselves to feel the emotions that arise. However, it's crucial not to dwell there indefinitely. Instead, I've chosen to take a proactive approach. Go here to uncover it now!

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Unveiling Unworthiness: 3 Secret Ways It Might Be Impacting Your Abundance

Back in 2020 when I was looking for my love partner, I thought I was too old for the men in my age group. I thought that they were looking for younger women, or that because I was successful, men would be intimidated. These thoughts were connected to a deeper belief... that I wasn't good enough.? So I decided to address my limiting beliefs and release them. That's when I was able to surrender into a beautiful and loving relationship.

I'm sharing this with you because if you’re working towards a goal – whether it’s love, career, or money – you may be experiencing similar internal blockages. These beliefs often come in different shapes and forms and it's difficult to be aware of them if you don’t know where to look. This is why today, I want to show you 3 sneaky ways the unworthiness limiting belief can show up in your life and how to overcome it!

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3 Mindset Hacks For Personal Growth Lovers

Do you have a morning ritual that sets the tone for the rest of your day? For me, it is listening to an audiobook while exercising or simply walking by the marina. I love how just doing seemingly small things like walking or reading a book can inspire us to make significant changes in our lives. This is why today, I want to share 3 cool mindset hacks that I’ve learned from 3 of my all-time favorite books that I hope become your favorite too.


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Embracing Stillness: Where Your Guides' Whispers Come Alive

Do you believe in spirit guides? Well, whether or not you're on board with the concept of spirit guides, we all possess intuition – a guiding compass meant for daily use, a gift we are meant to use to help us and others. In my experience, most of those sudden instincts, those gut feelings, have a spiritual origin – often emerging from the realm of guides and angels. And they come in contact with us when we most need them to teach and protect us. If you’re going through a challenging time and you need the guidance and support of your spirit guides, here’s how to communicate with them.

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Feeling Stuck? Here Are 4 Clues You're Out of Flow and How to Reconnect with Your Creative Genius

FLOW…ever heard of it? Flow is a remarkable state of mind where your focus, productivity, creativity, and intuition soar to near-superhuman levels. When you're in flow, you awaken the best possible version of yourself. Your inner blocks and brain fog disappear. But did you know that unlocking limitless creative potential isn't about reinventing the wheel? Here are 4 subtle cues that indicate you're drifting away from flow, and 4 simple hacks to ground yourself, reconnect with your body, and unleash your boundless creativity once again.

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4 High-Frequency Practices To Try In 2023

You know that feeling when you have this amazing dream, and you want it to come true so badly? Well, that's where manifestation comes in, and what an exciting journey it is! It all starts with a tiny thought that turns into this powerful energy force, attracting all the good stuff you desire into your life. But here's the secret sauce to make this magic work even better: understanding the role of vibration in manifestation! Here are 4 high-frequency practices to try in 2023 to raise your vibration instantly!

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4 Sneaky Ways You're Procrastinating Without Realizing It

Imagine for a moment you could free yourself from 1 bad habit… what would it be? As a personal growth coach and lifelong learner, I’ve asked this question to many of my friends and students and the resounding response is the same: Procrastination.

There are many solutions out there on how to end procrastination, for example: creating to-do lists, rewarding yourself, and breaking big tasks into smaller ones… all of these can be very effective IF you know you’re procrastinating. But what happens when you’re not? Did you know there are subtle ways in which we unconsciously block our productivity? Here are 4 sneaky ways you are procrastinating without even knowing it and what to do about it.

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Let These 3 Inspiring Quotes Guide You Toward Your Dreams

Do you have a deep desire…. Or a secret wish that lights up your heart, but you often dismiss it as child's play? Or maybe you think, "Oh, I have more important things to worry about right now." Or maybe you’re just unsure of where to start, so you keep pushing those dreams to the back burner?

And let's not forget the ever-present limiting beliefs that can hold you back from pursuing what truly matters. But here’s the thing - those desires don't simply go away. They stay with us, silently sending reminders that something is missing. It’s a nagging voice whispering, "Hey, remember me? Don't forget about what truly sets your soul on fire.” And if you keep ignoring those longings until it's too late, you might end up filled with regret.

This is why today, I want to inspire you to take action toward any unfulfilled dream or desire and let these manifestation quotes be your intention this week.

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Shift from Energetic Chasing to Living in Abundance and Happiness

In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, it's easy to get caught up in the energetic chase. We find ourselves constantly comparing, obsessing, and worrying about what others are doing, whether it's on social media, in our relationships, or our pursuit of success. This chasing mentality often leads to a state of desperation and lack, where we feel perpetually unsatisfied and constantly striving for more.

But what if there's a different approach?

What if we could shift our focus from chasing to receiving, allowing us to live our lives with joy and contentment in the present moment? Let’s explore how to stop chasing and embrace the art of receiving.

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Breaking Free from the Negative Words That Keep You Broke

Are you constantly setting goals….Visualizing financial abundance… Yet still, struggling to manifest more success and money into your life? If you are, then chances are, there are money-limiting beliefs ingrained in the subconscious mind that prevent you from having the money you want.

One way our money-limiting beliefs come to the surface is when we speak negative words. Words carry energy and can shape our reality. And in this week’s blog, we’ll explore which words you must avoid manifesting more abundance in your life.

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Transform Your Life Through the Be, Do, Have Paradigm

Have you ever caught yourself thinking, "Once I find my perfect soulmate and HAVE that person in my life, THEN I'll be loved, happy, and complete"? Did you know this way of thinking keeps us in a state of want, need, and unhappiness? This is why today I want to share with you a new way of thinking called: the BE DO HAVE paradigm. Once you know how to apply it to your life, you’ll be able to truly enjoy the present moment and manifest your goals faster.

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Is Love On The Horizon? 5 Telltale Signs You're About To Manifest It!

The Universe is always speaking to us, yet oftentimes we're not sure what to look for, and we might be completely oblivious to the signs! Yet, did you know the signs you get from the universe are also signs from your higher self that flow through your heart center? If you want to know if love is on the horizon, here are 5 telltale signs you’re about to manifest love into your life.

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How To Use Quantum Physics To Manifest Your Dreams

Can you imagine having the power to transform your physical reality by harnessing the power of your thoughts? What if you could manifest a vibrant, healthy body, a deeply fulfilling relationship, or the career of your dreams? Well, the truth is, you absolutely can! It's called manifestation, and its secrets lie within the realm of quantum physics. Understanding the principles of quantum physics opens up a world of possibilities, where your thoughts and intentions have the potential to shape your external reality.

It's a fascinating journey of discovering the profound connection between consciousness and the universe. Here’s how to manifest your dreams by using the power of quantum physics and create a life that exceeds your wildest dreams.

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Boost Your Gratitude: Try This Effective Technique for a Positive Shift

By now, you probably know that gratitude can help shift your perspective into a more positive one and make you happier and more fulfilled overall! It’s very easy to feel gratitude when things are going our way. Yet, do you know how to be grateful when things are not going as planned? You might even think… “How can I be grateful when my life is falling apart?”If this is you, and you’re struggling or going through a difficult moment in life, then today, I’m going to share with you my little secret that you can use to cultivate the feeling of hope and gratitude regardless of what’s happening around you.

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Transform Your Day: Make this Affirmation Your Guiding Intention

Are you tired of limiting beliefs holding you back from the success and abundance you deserve? Did you know that repetition is the key to reprogramming your mind? With repetition, you can implant new thought patterns and beliefs by creating neural pathways in the brain that lead to lasting, long-term results. This is why I love affirmations!

Now, when you make an affirmation a focal point for your energy and attention, it becomes extremely powerful. By aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your intention, you direct your energy toward manifesting your desires. This focused energy sets in motion the universal forces that conspire to bring your intention into reality. This is why the effect is so powerful!

If you’d like to try this today, pick one of my favorite affirmations for manifestation below and let it serve as a consistent reminder to strengthen your belief in the manifestation of your desires and keep you motivated and inspired along the journey.

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Unlocking Optimal Well-Being: Mastering the Law of Attraction

Isn't it incredible how powerful our mind is? Sometimes, its power blurs the lines between what's real and what's just in our imagination. Take, for example, the curious case of imagining yourself drinking lemon juice. It's wild to think that just picturing that tangy, citrusy taste can make your mouth water as if you were actually sipping on a lemonade.

Our minds have this funny way of making us believe in something so strongly that our bodies react, almost like a real experience. If our thoughts have the power to create physical responses in our bodies, then how can we use the concept of mind over matter to create a healthy and vibrant life?

Here are 5 ways you can manifest optimal health and wellness through the power of your thoughts and beliefs.

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Stop Trying To Manifest Your Specific Person And Do This Instead!

How to manifest a specific person is a very trending topic that I hear when it comes to the Law of Attraction, and it's something I get asked about a lot. If you’re wondering this too and you’re tired of trying affirmations, visualizations, and fake advice that doesn’t work then keep reading, as in a few moments, you’re going to discover the truth about manifesting a specific person.

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4 Signs Your Manifestations Are On Their Way

Do you find yourself working continuously towards manifesting your dreams and desires, but still constantly questioning if your efforts have been fruitful or not? If so, rest assured, you're not alone. It can be frustrating when you're putting in all the hard work but not seeing the results.

So how do you know when a manifestation is close?

Ideally, you’ll start receiving some clear signs from the universe that your manifestation is coming. But if you’re not paying attention or you don't know what signs to look out for then you might miss them.

Here are four signs to look out for, indicating that you are on the right track!


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4 Tools To Speed Up The Manifestation Process

Have you ever wished there was a way to speed up the manifestation process?

Are you looking for ways to make your desires a reality? The truth is, good things in life take time - like sculpting a fit body, building financial freedom, finding career success, and finding your soulmate. But after helping over 10 million people manifest their wildest dreams and experimenting with countless manifesting techniques, I've found 4 basic and powerful tools that will help you accelerate your manifesting speed. Here are my top four.

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Should You Try Manifesting One Or Multiple Things At Once?

Should you try manifesting multiple things at once? Or should you only focus on one thing at a time? These are very common questions that I used to ask myself when I first started learning about the law of attraction. And one of the most important things I’ve learned in my manifesting journey is that manifesting is a personal practice and even though there are no set rules…

Some principles increase your chances of success and once you understand them and master them, you can bend them as you wish! This is why in this week’s blog, I want to explore the pros and cons of each approach to help you determine the best path for your manifestation journey.

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Manifest Your Dreams With This Writing Meditation

If you’re reading this, then most probably you use meditation to visualize your ideal life. Yet, did you know you can also use writing meditations to see and feel your dreams and desires? One of the things I love most about writing meditations is that it helps you get super clear on what you want to attract.

Also, it can be an incredibly therapeutic practice as it provides a safe space to explore our feelings and emotions that we often suppress. Plus, the simple act of writing is a way of focusing on your energy, which makes the manifestation process 10x more powerful! So take a moment to get comfortable, have a seat, grab a pen and paper, and let’s get started.

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Are You Suffering From Manifesting Anxiety? Here Are The 4 Signs!

Working on manifesting a goal can be a thrilling journey… But oftentimes it can lead to feelings of anxiety and despair, especially after realizing it requires more than just thinking positively and reciting affirmations.

Manifesting requires patience, trust, and the ability to let go and live in the present without stressing about the future. If the manifestation process doesn’t feel fun or joyful anymore, then it might be time to step back a bit. So how do you know if you’re suffering from manifestation anxiety? Here are the 4 signs!

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3 Beliefs That Will Make You A Money Magnet

Many of us aspire to reach financial freedom, where money is no longer a source of worry and instead brings joy and fulfillment. Too often, though, it’s our subconscious beliefs about money that limit our ability to attract wealth into our lives. So rather than living in fear or focusing on lack, why not focus on abundance and gratitude for the success we already have?

If you're struggling to bring more money into your life, try adopting these 3 money beliefs that will instantly rewire your brain and help you become a money magnet!

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Powerful Technique To Manifest Fast!

If you haven’t used the 33x3 manifestation method yet…You’re missing out on a very powerful tool to manifest your desires! It’s super easy and effective (especially if you’re a beginner) as its power relies on the number 3. In numerology, the number 33x3 means that you are aligned with the Universe. This angel number also is connected with the trinity: optimism, creativity, and intuition.

So, if you tried to manifest before and it didn’t work then the 33x3 method might be what you need! Here’s how it works in 3 simple steps!

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How Self Love Can Help You Manifest Your Dreams

Ever found yourself deep in visualization, meditation, and journaling, trying to conjure up the life of your dreams? Or maybe binge-watching manifestation videos, always optimistically pushing through challenges with a "glass half full" attitude. Yet, despite your best efforts, you still can't seem to create the reality you desire. Well, it turns out, you may be missing the secret ingredient to success in the law of attraction: self-love!

In a few moments, I’m going to reveal to you why self-love is one of the main ingredients for manifestation! Keep reading!

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How Do You Get Your Partner To Believe In The Law Of Attraction?

Is your spouse's disbelief making you doubt your power of manifestation? If you’re struggling to keep yourself in a high vibration, it's essential to take responsibility for your vibration and nurture it, so that nothing and no one can sabotage it. To help you maintain your vibration toward your dreams, here are 5 things you should do when your partner or loved ones don’t believe in the law of attraction.

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4 Things To Let Go Of To Manifest More Abundance!

Do you often feel bored, stuck, and clinging to toxic ideas of what abundance should be rather than living in abundance? Did you know that when our energy isn't flowing the right way, we also feel this way? When we choose to let go of beliefs, things, people, and situations that are no longer serving us, we’re getting rid of everything that may be blocking our path to abundance. Here in my blog, I share with you 4 things you must let go of now if you want to manifest more abundance into your life.

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Powerful Affirmations For The New Year

One of the biggest roadblocks many people have when it comes to manifesting is that they don’t believe they are worthy of receiving what they want. Luckily, with affirmations and music, you can overcome those limiting beliefs. Check out this blog post to start manifesting your dream life today!

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Are You On The Wrong Path? Here are 7 Warning Signs

Just like the Universe speaks to us when we’re going in the right direction, it also does when we’re heading in the wrong direction. Yet, it can be difficult to recognize when it's time to change direction. If you’re wondering if you’re going down the wrong path, here on my blog are 7 warning signs from the Universe that you should turn back or change direction before it’s too late!

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Is Your Intuition Ever Wrong?

We often seek answers and guidance from other people... and while it's great to have a support system around us, oftentimes, the answers we seek are within us. It's our inner voice that it's always there to guide us in ways that no one else can - it has an innate understanding of our wants and needs and can help us find the answers we are looking for. This inner voice is our intuition.

The question is… how can we tell the difference between fear vs our intuition calling? Here are the signs.

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Are You Manifesting Your Own Problems?

Most people associate manifestation with the Law of Attraction, which states that whatever you think you will attract. This means that by thinking about something specific and focusing on it, it will eventually become a reality in your life.

But does this theory apply to “bad” thoughts as well? Can thinking about bad things bring them into your life? Find out now!

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How To Experience Your Deepest Awakening Through Kundalini

Are you ready to discover one of the most powerful and ancient tools to help you activate your fullest potential? Did you know that through Kundalini you can channel powerful energy and experience the deepest awakening of your life? Whether you’re highly skilled in meditation or completely new to this practice… Keep reading, because you’re about to uncover how to use this practice to expand your consciousness and reach a state of lightness, joy, and boundless love.

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Abraham Hicks' Shortcut to Abundance (now yours)

By now you’re probably aware of how important having the right mindset is to attracting your desires. Yet, did you know that according to the law of attraction pioneer Abraham Hicks, there is a very important factor that most people overlook and that’s equally important to manifest what you want? It’s called Intentional Segmenting. And in a few moments, you’ll uncover how to use Intentional Segmenting as one of the most powerful ways to tap into abundance in your life!

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These 5 Books Will Improve Your Mindset & Your Finances

Do you love easy-to-read books that not only keep you glued to the couch, but also inspire you to be the most abundant version of yourself? If you do, then you’ll love these hand-picked money mindset books! These five books were written to help you cultivate an abundant mindset regardless of what’s happening around you. Whether it's learning how to create wealth or developing sound investing practices, they’ll provide you invaluable insight into improving your money mindset!

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Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs With This Guided Meditation

Limiting beliefs can be hard to remove if you don’t have the right tools. Luckily for you, I’ve created a guided meditation that will help you release them for good. Check it out in this blog post now!

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Open Your Third Eye Chakra With This Powerful Mind Movie!

Did you know you have 7 chakras in your body? And that your sixth chakra, also your third-eye chakra, is associated with your intuition? But when out of balance, this chakra can lead to confusion, depression, and more. This is why I created this mind movie packed with third eye chakra affirmations for you to choose from, and your perfect tool if you’d like to use it as a meditation to activate your pineal gland! Watch it now!

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How To Use The Power Of Manifestation To Achieve Your Dreams

Are you struggling to manifest what you want? When you open up and surrender, suddenly the universe responds in your favor - creating a powerful chain reaction! Check out this blog post for a simple process to help you start manifesting anything you desire ASAP!

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5 Manifesting Rituals To Implement In 2023

With a new year upon us… I think it’s safe to assume you want to make a change in your life this 2023, right? I know that change can be scary and making commitments like “resolutions” every year can feel overwhelming. This is why today, I want to share with you 5 of my favorite new year rituals I practice to embrace what’s to come and create real and long lasting change. These new year rituals help me to create and give me the inspiration and energy I need to manifest my desires. I hope they do the same for you!

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How To Have Your Happiest Holiday (even when you're sad)

The truth is, life is filled with ups and downs… and sometimes those downs happen over the holidays. So if you're sort of dreading this Christmas or just struggling to get into the spirit, I hope these 7 holiday tips will help you beat any holiday blues, and help you have a happy holiday this year, even if circumstances are not ideal.

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Ready To Manifest Your Dream Job? Try These 5 Things

Ready to (finally) land that dream job? Well, you're not alone, and there is hope for making that happen! That's why I'm sharing the five steps to help manifest your dream job faster than ever!

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Creating Miracles In Your Daily Life

Most people think of miracles as something that only happens occasionally and usually requires some kind of divine intervention. However, if you change the way you look at them, you'll see that miracles are all around you, and they happen every day. That's why I'm sharing with you how to experience more miracles in your life and discover the miracles that already exist around you.

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A Guide To Daily Gratitude & Happiness

Are you feeling grateful today? If not, you should be! Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools we have for creating a happy and fulfilling life. And I'm sharing an easy guide to help you shift your perspective to see all that's right in your world and incorporate gratitude into your daily routine.


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Fall In Love With Money: The Key To Overcoming Financial Anxiety

For many of us, things like worrying about paying the bills, saving for retirement, and putting a roof over our heads can cause a great deal of anxiety. So how can we take the anxiety out of money and transform it into excitement? Check out these tips to get you started.

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11 Things I Stopped Doing To Find Inner Peace

What do you think of when you hear the phrase "inner peace"? For me, it conjures up images of calmness, serenity, and a sense of contentment with oneself and one's surroundings. But attaining this state can be tough – it requires letting go of certain habits, beliefs, and ways of thinking – all of which I'll be sharing with you today.

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How To Manifest Something (3 Things You Must Avoid!)

Are you confused about how to manifest the life of your dreams? There’s a lot of information about manifestation and it can be overwhelming. That’s exactly why I’m sharing the simple things you can do to master manifestation. Enjoy!

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The Ultimate Guide To Manifesting More Wealth & Success

One of the first steps to manifesting success and making more money flow is to believe that it is possible. When we truly believe in our capabilities and worth, we attract abundance into our lives. And that's why I'm sharing with you some manifestation practices that have personally helped me manifest success and increase my income.

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Are You Still Single? Say This To Attract Love Now!

Are you ready for love? If so, affirmations can be an incredibly powerful way to attract more love into your life. In this blog post, I’m sharing a Mind Movie that’s filled with love affirmations to help you harness the power of the Law Of Attraction to manifest love. Enjoy!

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The Dos And Don’ts Of Manifesting The Life Of Your Dreams

Ever felt confused about how to manifest the right way? It can be easy to get caught up in the excitement and rush to manifest everything we want, but it's important to remember that there are certain dos and don'ts when it comes to manifesting. And that's exactly what I'm sharing with you today!

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Feeling Anxious? Try This Guided Meditation For Anxiety Relief

Do you often lose sleep to overthinking and anxious thoughts? If so, make sure to check out my blog post for a powerful guided meditation to help you calm your mind and experience deep relaxation. Enjoy!

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8 Signs You're In The Middle Of A Spiritual Awakening

Are you feeling a deep sense of inner change and growth? Are you experiencing synchronicities and coincidences that feel like they have a deeper meaning? These could be signs that you are going through a spiritual awakening, and I'm sharing exactly what to look out for!

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Eliminate Self-Doubt & Achieve Your Goals With This Technique

Are you blocking your success? If you’re not sure, make sure to check out my blog post where I’ll help you discover if you’re currently holding yourself back from your goals and how to welcome more success into your life ASAP. Enjoy!


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The Season Of Transition & Growth: How To Reset & Refocus This Fall

Are you in need of a fresh start? Well, Fall just so happens to be a season of growth and transition, so why not use that to your advantage? So here are a few ways to start fresh this fall.


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How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Do you wish you could tap into your subconscious mind and manifest your desires? If yes, check out my blog post right now for simple ways to reprogram your subconscious mind and create the reality you desire and deserve. Enjoy!

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Simple Ways To Stay Balanced & Regulate Your Nervous System

Are you seeking more balance in your life? Well, you're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, it's more important than ever to take care of our bodies and minds, and one way to do this is by regulating our nervous system. And that's why I'm sharing some simple techniques that you can use to stay balanced.

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Powerful Manifestation Affirmations

Are you ready to take your manifestation abilities to the next level? If yes, check out my blog post for a special Mind Movie that I created for you to help you create the life of your dreams!


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21 Days To Abundance

Are you ready to achieve more abundance in your life? Well, if you give yourself 21 days, you can do just that! Here's how the 21-day abundance challenge works.


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It's Never Too Late To Turn Your Life Around!

Do you ever feel like it’s too late for you to succeed? Or like you’re too far gone to reach new levels of success? We can all feel like this sometimes but it doesn’t have to stay that way! Check out my blog post now for simple tips to get back on track and achieve your goals, at any point in your life!

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Here's Why You're Procrastinating And How To Overcome It

Struggling with procrastination? You're not alone. In fact, it's one of the most common challenges people face. The good news is that you can overcome procrastination with the Law of Attraction, and I'll show you how.


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How To Embrace Your Failures & Learn From Them!

Are you afraid of failure? Many people are but failure is essential to your growth and success. In my blog post, I share some simple ways that you can redefine failure and boost your self-confidence. Enjoy!

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17 Easy Ways To Relax & Destress

Finding stillness in daily life can be hard when we lead busy lives. That's why it's important to make time for relaxation, so we can recharge and face the world with fresh energy. So here are some simple ways to relax that you can do easily throughout the week.

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How To Stay Mentally Strong When You're Sick

Being sick can be challenging. But there are ways to keep your mental vibration strong and high during these times. If you want to learn how to build your resilience, make sure to read my blog post now for simple ways to stay mentally strong when you’re sick. Enjoy!

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How To Regain Motivation & Focus At Work After A Vacation

Feeling sluggish after a vacation?  If so, you’re not alone. It can be tough to jump back into work mode after some time off, but that's why I'm sharing some tips to help you regain motivation and focus at work.

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Discover The Law Of The Mirror & How To Use It To Attract What You Want

Do you know about the law of the mirror? It’s not the same as the Law of Attraction, but it’s just as interesting and powerful. If you’re ready to make some changes in your levels of success, happiness, and love, make sure to check out my blog post to discover how to harness this power now. Enjoy!

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Improve Your Mental Health And Achieve Your Goals With These Simple Habits

Ever wondered why some people seem to have it all together while you can't even get out of bed in the morning? Well, it all comes down to habit. Routines may seem boring, but they actually hold a lot of power, and I'm going to reveal how harnessing that power can improve your mental health and help you achieve your goals.

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5 Easy Exercises For Fast & Effortless Wealth Attraction

Are you struggling with your finances? If so, and you’re ready to experience financial freedom, make sure to check out my blog post where I reveal 5 easy exercises you can practice for fast and effortless wealth attraction. Enjoy!

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17 Books To Help You Harness The Law Of Attraction & Achieve Your Dreams

Books are still an important part of learning about the Law of Attraction. In today's day and age, we often seek things like social media and Google to answer our questions, but it's still important to use books that focus more deeply on the topics we want to master. That's why I've put together this powerful reading list for anyone looking to learn more about the Law of Attraction.

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Rise Above Your Limiting Beliefs To Become Your Best Self

Are you ready to achieve your dream life? If so, you must make sure no limiting beliefs are holding you back. That’s why I created this blog post that helps you discover any limiting beliefs and how to eliminate them for good. Enjoy!

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How To Tap Into Your Genius & Discover Who You Really Are

What would you say is the best way to really tap into your unique skills and gifts? Well, it starts with taking the time to get to know yourself. To build an internal compass of sorts that will help guide you through life.

And that's why I'm sharing with you some unique ways to take your journey of self-discovery to the next level for an even more fulfilling life.

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The Easiest Way To Write Affirmations For Manifestation

Do you want to use affirmations to manifest your dream life? If so, you have to ensure that you’re correctly writing and speaking them. That’s why I created this blog post for you to walk you through what words to use and which ones to avoid when crafting your affirmations. Enjoy!

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Are You Ready For A Vacation? Here's How To Use The LOA To Manifest One!

Vacations are all about disconnecting from your everyday life and recharging your batteries. Whether it's a staycation or an epic trip abroad, taking some time for yourself is essential. That's why I'm sharing how you can use the Law of  Attraction to manifest your dream vacation.

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Visualization Techniques To Increase Your Success At Work

Are you ready for a promotion or a raise at work? If so, make sure to check out my blog post where you’ll discover a simple visualization technique that will help boost your confidence, improve your skills, and get ahead of the game. Enjoy!

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Are You Stressed Out By Work? Try Meditation For Instant Relief

We all know that work can be stressful. Sometimes it feels like we're constantly under pressure to perform, and it's easy to get overwhelmed. But there are ways to manage that stress so it doesn't take over our lives. One of those ways is through meditation and today I'm sharing exactly why it works so well for managing work stress.

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Night Time Rituals That Will Make You 10 Years Younger

Do you have a nighttime routine that sets you up for success? If not, make sure to check out this incredible blog post where I chat with age reversal expert, Larisa Petrini, who is known for turning back the clock 10 years. Enjoy!

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The Power Of Rituals: How To Turn Simple Tasks Into Meaningful Moments

For quite some time, rituals have been used to mark significant moments in our lives. They help us to connect with our ancestors, to express our gratitude, to celebrate special occasions, and to show our respect.

But what if we could also use rituals to bring more intention and mindfulness into our everyday lives? Here are some easy yet powerful ways to turn everyday habits into sacred rituals.

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How To Overcome Self-Sabotage & Manifest Your Greatest Life!

Are you sick of self-sabotaging habits keeping you stuck? If so, don’t miss my video where I reveal simple ways to overcome these behaviors and manifest your greatest life. Enjoy!

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Getting Back To The Basics Of The Law Of Attraction

Feeling stuck on your goals? Need help manifesting your dreams? Well, it just may be time to take things back to the basics! That’s why I’m sharing some simple yet powerful Law of Attraction Strategies to help you get back on track.

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Say This To Acquire An Abundance Mindset Instantly!

Do you struggle to maintain a positive mindset when it comes to money? If so, you’re not alone! Many people struggle with feelings of lack or scarcity, which is exactly why I created this video which reveals a powerful money affirmation, which will instantly shift you into an abundance mindset! Enjoy!

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The Key To A Healthy Relationship With Food

Are you ready to finally take control of your health and weight loss goals? Well, mindful eating just may be the secret ingredient. That's why I'm sharing all about what mindful eating is and how it can help you lose weight in a healthy way.

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Life Lessons From Abraham Hicks To Make This Year Amazing

There’s still time to make 2022 your best year yet, and I’m here to help! If you’re ready to welcome more joy, wealth, and love into your life right now don’t miss this video where I reveal 5 powerful lessons from Law of Attraction guru, Abraham Hicks, which will help you do just that. Enjoy!

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Simple Sunday Practices To Ensure An Amazing Week Ahead

Goodbye "Sunday Scaries." And hello, successful Sundays! Here are my top life hacks to guarantee a great week ahead!


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5 Reasons You're Not Getting What You Want

Are you tired of not achieving the life of your dreams? If so, there may be something blocking you from successfully manifesting. If you’d like to discover what it is and how to overcome it, check out my blog post now for 5 reasons you’re not getting what you want!

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Is Your Relationship Suffering? Try Practicing More Mindfulness

Are you seeking more love and happiness in your relationship? Well, the practice of mindfulness could be just what you need to really take things to the next level. Find out why!

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3 Ways You Can Use Your Chakras To Open The Flow Of Wealth

Did you know that your chakras may be holding you back from achieving the levels of abundance you desire? It’s true, and if you’d like to discover exactly how to clear your chakras and open the floodgates to total wealth, watch my video now. Enjoy!


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How To Use Music To Heal From The Inside Out

Not only does music make us feel happy, but it can also be used for healing! So if you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or even experiencing physical pain, consider music therapy. I’m sharing all about it and how it can improve both your body and mind.


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2022 Money Habits Unlocked!

Do you know that the small actions you take each day can create MASSIVE changes in your levels of wealth and abundance? It’s true, and if you’d like to attract more wealth this year, don’t miss this blog post where I reveal some simple habits you can adopt to achieve your money goals. Enjoy!

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7 Brainstorming Techniques For Great Ideas

Ever wondered what it takes to spark that million-dollar idea? Creative brainstorming! And I’ve got 7 different techniques you can use to help you brainstorm and problem-solve effectively.

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Abundance Hack You Need To Try!

Do you wish you could create more wealth in your life? Are you sick and tired of just getting by? If so, don’t miss my blog post where I share a simple abundance hack that will help you create more wealth and prosperity in your life. Read it right here!

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Is Gratitude The Secret To More Resilience?

There are countless benefits to practicing gratitude. But did you know that it can make you more resilient? Well, that’s why I’m sharing exactly why gratitude is the key to building resilience and how you can use it to experience more joy and fulfillment.


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Here's What To Put On Your Vision Board To Manifest Your Dreams

Have you ever wanted to create a vision board but you weren’t sure what to put on it? If so, don’t miss this blog post where I reveal how to create an inspiring and empowering vision board to help you manifest your dream life. Enjoy!


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3 Powerful Lessons From Abraham Hicks That Will Change Your Life

Feeling like you haven’t quite manifested the life of your dreams can be frustrating.

But Abraham Hicks, a well-known teacher on the Law of Attraction, has some powerful lessons that can help you get perspective, create abundance, and live up to your full potential. That's why I'm sharing three of their most powerful lessons with you today.

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Live More Mindfully With These 6 Simple LOA Practices

Are you sick of living life on ‘autopilot’? Where you just feel like you are barely surviving each day? If this sounds familiar, don’t miss this blog post where I share 6 simple LOA practices to help you live more mindfully and happily. Enjoy!

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Use These Self-Love Affirmations To Increase Your Levels Of Confidence

Ready to take your confidence to the next level? Ready to experience better self-love, success, and happiness? Well, use these affirmations to increase your confidence levels and watch as your life transforms for the better!

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A Simple Way To Open Your Third Eye Chakra & Boost Your Intuition

Have you ever had a gut feeling about something but ignored it? Only to have it proven right later? If so, this was probably your intuition trying to speak to you. If you’d like to be more in touch with your internal guidance system, make sure to check out my blog post that will help you do just that. Enjoy!

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How To Manifest Abundance Into Your Life Quickly & Easily

Are you ready to attract more abundance into your life? Although abundance can sometimes be hard to see, there are a few things you can do. That’s why I’m sharing some simple, yet powerful ways to increase the abundance in your life across the board.

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Are You In A Sexless Relationship? Here's How To Reignite The Passion!

Has your relationship lost all of the passion? This can happen for many reasons and it’s much more common than you’d think! If you’d like to rekindle the love and spark with your partner, don’t miss this eye-opening interview that’s packed full of invaluable relationship advice. Enjoy!

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Increase Your Levels Of Happiness & Success With Spiritual Self-Care

We all know that self-care is important. But what about spiritual self-care? Well, here is the rundown on why it's important to insert spiritual self-care into your life and how to do it!

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8 Qualities Of An Abundance Mindset

Are your limiting beliefs holding you back from financial freedom? The truth is, certain traits separate people with abundance from a regular person, and these are traits that you can achieve, quickly and easily. If you’re ready to create more wealth, watch this video to discover the 8 traits of an abundance mindset. Enjoy!

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23 Ways To Romanticize Your Life

When was the last time you really romanticized your life? Or took some time to appreciate and even celebrate all the wonderful things that are worth celebrating? Well, here are some simple ways to make your life even more joyful and inspiring.


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Have You Ever Dealt With Relationship Trauma? Here's How To Heal

Has someone close to you ever broken your trust? If so, then you could be healing from relationship trauma. If you can relate to this, don’t miss this empowering interview where I speak with someone who helps you understand how to heal and thrive in your relationships moving forward. Enjoy!


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How To Discover If You Have A Soul Connection

Do you have a soul connection? You know, that special someone who just gets you? Look for these signs to discover if you have a soul connection.

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Recite These Affirmations To Overcome Adversity!

Are you going through a tough time in life? Maybe you’ve lost your job, a relationship, or you’re simply just feeling down. If this sounds like you, don’t miss this video where I reveal a simple, yet powerful tool you can use to quickly bounce back from adversity. Enjoy!

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Sleep hygiene: All You Need To Know To Train Your Brain For Sleep

Sleep. Are you getting enough of it? Well, did you know that you can actually train for better sleep? Here’s all you need to know to train your brain for better quality sleep.


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How To Do Less & Achieve More

Do you ever feel like you’re constantly working hard but aren’t achieving your goals? If yes, don’t miss this podcast episode where I speak with an expert on this topic and he reveals exactly how you can begin to do LESS but achieve MORE. You don’t want to miss this. Enjoy!

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3 Steps To Manage Your Emotions & Elevate Your Energy

Feeling all over the place with your emotions? Ready to finally take control of your emotions instead of your emotions controlling you? Here are the three steps to managing your emotions for elevated energy.

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Ground Yourself Anytime With This Happy Place Meditation

Is something causing you to stress or worry? If your answer is yes, don’t miss out on this guided meditation where you’ll discover how to cultivate a happy place in your mind that you can return to any time you need to recenter and find peace. Enjoy!


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The Key To Improving Each And Every Day

Do your goals feel stale and stagnant? Do you feel like you’ve hit a personal growth plateau? Well, here on my blog, I’m sharing why now is the time to embrace the 1 percent rule of working to improve your life little by little each day for overall success.


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How To Use Aromatherapy For Healing

Have you ever wondered how aromatherapy works for healing? Or have you ever tried it to connect better to yourself or the divine? If you’re interested, don’t miss my blog post where I reveal exactly how you can use this practice to transform your life! Enjoy!

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Taking Back Control of Your Time And Your Life

Do you ever feel like you're just not in control of your time? Like there's too much to do and not enough hours in the day? Well, it just might be time for a time audit, and today, I’ll show you how and why it can help turn your life around for the better!

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This Simple Exercise Will Help You Heal From The Inside Out

Are you holding onto any physical or emotional pain? Sometimes we are not even aware of the underlying pain that holds us back in life. The good news is, there’s a simple technique you can use to identify and release any pain, in only a few minutes a day. Check it out right here!

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Reintegration After A Pandemic: Building Confidence In Social Settings

There's no doubt that the global pandemic has shifted the way we navigate "normal" life. So it's totally okay if you feel like you could use a confidence boost while jumping back into social settings and meeting new people. That's why I'm sharing some communication tips on building confidence as we reintegrate back into everyday life.

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Positive Affirmations To Manifest More Money

Are you ready to create unlimited wealth in your life? Well, using affirmations is an incredibly powerful way to manifest more money and in this video, I’ll show you exactly how to do it! Enjoy!

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Stretch It Out! The Benefits Of Moving Your Body With Mindful Movement

Did you stretch today? Well, stretching can be incorporated into your day to aid in both your mental and physical wellbeing. This is why I’m sharing some benefits and techniques to make stretching your new favorite mindful practice.

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3 LOA Questions Answered By Nat

Who do you turn to when you have LOA questions or need advice? If you want some free insight, don’t miss this video where I answer some of the most commonly asked questions from my students. Enjoy!

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12 Ways To Save Money By Simplifying Your Life

Do you want to be debt-free? Save more money? Spend less? Here are 12 simple and effective ways to save more money, all by simplifying your life.

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Removing The Stigma & Fear Around Menopause

Does menopause scare you? If so, don’t miss my blog post where I feature an inspiring interview with a menopause expert who helps us understand how to remove the shame, fear, and stigma around this experience. Enjoy!

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The Key To Getting Things Done When You're Feeling Down

Does being in a bad mood prevent you from getting things done? Are you tired of letting your low-frequency emotions get the best of your days? Well, understand that bad days can happen and tackling your to-do list can be challenging. But it is doable, and I’m going to show you how.

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Watch This Love Mind Movie And Manifest Your Soulmate!

Did you know I created a love Mind Movie to manifest my current partner? It’s true! And in real life, he’s exactly like I described him in my Mind Movie. If you’re looking for love, get excited because I’ve created a love Mind Movie for you to help you attract your soulmate. Enjoy!

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Daily Affirmations To Boost Your Levels Of Happiness & Success

It’s positive affirmations that help us to reveal our most wildest dreams and desires. And as we know, conditioning our minds to embody a more positive mindset takes time, so reciting positive affirmations isn’t only a one-time thing.

So here are some happiness-raising positive affirmations you can use throughout different times of your day to keep the abundance flowing!

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What's Your Enneagram Personality Type? Find Out Here!

Have you ever heard of the Enneagram personality test? The test helps people understand their behavior and personality on a deeper level and in this podcast interview, you’ll discover how you can use this information to achieve your goals and desires this year. Enjoy!

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Powerful Self-Improvement Tips To Transform Your Life

The truth is personal development is an ongoing journey. So, at times it can be hard to keep up with and stay committed to our personal development goals. And that’s why I want to share with you some simple yet powerful tips you can use every day to see big, transformational changes in your life.

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PTSD Treatment: How To Heal From Inside Out

Many people face trauma throughout their lifetime and overcoming trauma is not an easy thing to do. If you’d like to understand more about overcoming PTSD, don’t miss this important podcast episode where you’ll discover helpful tools to overcome negative experiences and live the life of your dreams. Enjoy!

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14 Quotes To Help You Invite Love Into Your Life This Year

Love is in the air! In fact, love is always in the air. So whether you're in love, looking for love, or learning to love yourself a little more, here are some quotes to help you invite love into your life this year.

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Are You In A Toxic Relationship? Here Are The Signs!

Are you in a toxic relationship? Toxic relationships can take many forms and it’s not always black and white. If you’re not sure if a relationship is bringing negativity into your life, don’t miss this podcast episode where my guest helps you identify any red flags and remove yourself from any toxic situation. Enjoy!

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How To Break Out Of A Rut & Feel Inspired

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut? Well, if you have ever experienced a lack of inspiration in your life, you’re not alone. That’s why I’m sharing a few tips on how to find happiness and inspiration in your everyday life.

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Watch This To Deactivate Your Money Limiting Beliefs

Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough for the wealth and success you desire? If so, you’re not alone! Most people face limiting beliefs when it comes to their finances, which is exactly why I’ve created this visualization exercise to help you identify and eliminate them right away. Enjoy!

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21 Ways To Create A Healthier Home On A Budget

Taking care of our health is typically the most popular resolution for the new year. But taking care of the home is just as important. So here are some simple ways to upgrade your home to improve your health and wellbeing.

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Feeling Stressed? Try This Meditation For Instant Relief

Did you know that you don’t have to be seated to enjoy the benefits of meditation? It’s true! One of my favorite ways to meditate is while walking and that’s exactly why I’ve created a moving meditation that you can try yourself. If you’re struggling with stress or anxiety, this meditation is for you. Enjoy!

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Bring Out The Best In Yourself & Others: The Ultimate Guide To Meaningful Relationships

Words of encouragement can go a long way, especially from those we love. And the relationships we have with those around us are truly what makes life meaningful. So if you’re ready to strengthen your existing relationships or cultivate new ones, here’s how to show up as the best version of yourself in your relationships.


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The 5 Money Beliefs Sabotaging Your 2022 Goals!

Did you know there are 5 core limiting beliefs that hold most people back from financial success? It’s true and in this video, I’ll reveal exactly what those limiting beliefs are and how to eliminate them for good. If you’re ready to make 2022 a successful, wealthy year, watch this video now!

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6 Strategies To Stay Focused, Eliminate Distractions, & Discover Your Purpose

Need a little help staying focused these days? Well, in a modern world, naturally filled with distractions, it can be easy to lose sight of what really matters to us. But I’ve got a few productivity-boosting strategies you can use to eliminate distractions and rediscover your purpose.

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Positive Affirmations 2022: Savor Each Moment in Life!

Have you been feeling anxious or frustrated lately? If so, you may need help reconnecting with your true self. If you want to discover the key to unlocking your potential, make sure to check out my video now where I reveal a powerful tool to help you do just that. Enjoy!

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The Importance Of Practicing Financial Self-Care

Money and self-care. Did you ever think you’d see those two phrases in the same sentence? Well, if you ever find yourself stressed about money, you can use the empowering money management habits I’m sharing with you today to reinvigorate your current self-care practice.

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The Secret To Losing Weight After Forty

Are you having a hard time losing weight after forty years old? If so, you’ll love this podcast episode! Inside, I speak with Dr. Cari Schaefer who reveals the factors that lead to weight gain and will help you achieve all of your fitness goals this year. Enjoy!

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Check It Out! Our Top 10 Social Posts Of The Year

We are so grateful for the social community we have here at Mind Movies. Which is why we’ve rounded up our top social posts of the year. So please enjoy this compilation of the posts you enjoyed the most in 2021!

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Start The Year Right New Year Affirmations 2022

The New Year is right around the corner and if you’re ready to manifest your dream life in 2022, make sure to check out my video that’s packed with powerful affirmations that will help you harness the Law of Attraction and align yourself with your goals. You don’t want to miss this one!

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How To Manifest Your Dream Life This Year!

Are you ready to reveal your dream life? Well, with a new year right around the corner, now is the time to set some new year intentions. And you can use these journal prompts to help you boost your success and happiness in the new year.

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Use This Meditation To Form New Habits (In Just 5 DAYS!)

Are you struggling to overcome a bad habit? If so, you're not alone! Many people struggle to create new habits in their life but luckily for you, I've figured out a way to lock in empowering habits in only 5 days. If you're ready to see a massive transformation in your life, make sure to watch my video where I explain exactly how you can do this with the practice of meditation.

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Intentional Gift Giving: Make An Impact This Holiday Season

It’s the most wonderful time of year! And it also happens to be the most wonderful time to give gifts that give back. So check out my list of creative and intentional gift-giving ideas to spread some holiday cheer.

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Online Dating Mistakes And How To Overcome Them!

Does online dating seem intimidating? Or do you feel discouraged about finding love online? If so, make sure to watch this episode of my podcast, ‘Not Over Just Different’, where I chat with a certified relationship coach who reveals the secret to demystifying online dating so you can find your perfect match. Enjoy!

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Is Indecision Keeping You Stuck?

Are you tired of always overthinking your decisions? That you’re rarely ever able to make a decision at all? Well, you’re not alone, and I’m sharing my tips on overcoming indecision to accomplish your goals for success.

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Reconnect With Yourself! Most Powerful Visualization

Have you been feeling bored or anxious lately? Sometimes the stress of daily life can distract us from what’s really important. If you’ve been feeling this way, make sure to check out this quick video I’ve created to help you get back on track so you can wake up tomorrow feeling inspired, fulfilled, and excited about life again. Enjoy!

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The Importance Of An End Of Year Self-Review & Goal Setting

The end of the year is nearly upon us, and what better time for a little self-review. End-of-the-year check-ins work wonders for setting yourself and the upcoming year up for success. So here are my tips on how you can finish the year off with a bang!

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Practice This Meditation To Manifest Miracles!

Gratitude is one of the highest emotional states you can experience and will help you manifest your desires fast. So, if you’re ready to welcome more abundance, happiness, and fulfillment into your life this year, don’t miss out on this gratitude meditation. Enjoy!

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8 Simple Ways To Practice Self-Care During The Holidays

There’s no denying it – the holidays are a very busy time of year. That’s why it’s also the best time of year to provide yourself with the much-needed self-care you absolutely deserve. So here are my tips to show yourself some love and care this holiday season.

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Are Your Short-Term Money Beliefs Keeping You Broke?

Do you know the difference between short-term vs. long-term thinking and how each type of thinking impacts your finances? Long-term thinking is essential for financial freedom and if you’d like to discover how to use it to your advantage, make sure to watch my video now to find out!

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You ARE Enough! The Key To Overcoming Shame & Doubt

Ever get those thoughts where you feel like you’re just not good enough? That no matter what life throws your way, you revert back to doubting yourself? Well, I’m here to tell you that you ARE enough! And here’s why!

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How To Set Money Goals In 6 Simple Steps

If you were given a large sum of money, would you know how to successfully manage it? Many people struggle with their finances but you don’t have to anymore! If you’re ready to welcome in more wealth in 2022, make sure to watch my video now for 6 ways to nurture your money and become financially free. Enjoy!

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How To Determine If You're Settling

Do you know the difference between being grateful for what you have or simply settling in life? Well, in today’s world, it can be easy to constantly compare our lives to the lives of others, tarnishing our innermost definitions of true happiness. And that’s why I’m going to show you how to determine if you’re settling for less than you deserve.

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Dissolve Your Limiting Beliefs Before You Wake Up!

Do you feel like you can’t get ahead no matter how hard you try? If so, you may have limiting beliefs that are blocking your success. The good news is, I created a video for you where I share a 3-minute technique you can use before bed to eliminate your limiting beliefs in your sleep. Check it out right now!

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Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life

Tired of the mental loops that seem to only cause you stress and anxiety? Ready to change your perspective for more happiness in your life? Here are a few tips you can use starting now!

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Creative Visualization For Morning Motivation

Have you lost your zest for life? Maybe you’re feeling a bit bored or simply unfulfilled? If either of these sound like you, then I highly suggest watching my new video! Inside, I share a simple exercise you can do each morning to boost motivation and joy in your life. Enjoy!

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How To Use Journaling To Overcome Difficult Times

The thing about life is that sometimes it catches us off guard. So knowing how to cope with the ups and downs can be challenging. And that’s why I’m sharing with you one of the most powerful tools you can use to overcome difficult times, and that’s journaling.

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Creative Visualization Exercise For Social Anxiety

Do you ever feel anxious in social situations? If so, you may have social anxiety, which many others deal with on a regular basis! If you’d like to discover how to ease your mind and quiet your inner chatter, make sure to watch this video where I share a powerful technique that will help boost your confidence in only minutes a day. Enjoy!

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The 7 Types Of Rest You Need To Fully Recharge & Reset

Are you getting all the rest you really need? Well, according to experts, we actually need 7 different types of rest, some of which you may be surprised by. So here they are and why they’re important!

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Are You Sick Of Absorbing Other People's Energy? Here's How To Stop!

Do you ever feel like you're a magnet for attracting negative energy or people? It can be difficult to protect our energy if we’re constantly surrounded by negative people, which is why I created a video that has a powerful technique to overcome negative energy and instantly boost your mood. Check out the video right here!

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What Is Your WHY? The Key To Discovering Your Life's Purpose

Are you ready to finally fulfill your purpose in life? Well hop on board because the time is now! Here’s how to live life with more meaning by uncovering your life’s purpose.

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How To Manifest Anything In 68 Seconds According To Abraham Hicks

Do you want to discover how to manifest anything within 68 seconds? If yes, make sure to check out my video where I reveal one of Abraham Hicks’ most powerful techniques to help you harness the Law of Attraction and create your dream life. Enjoy!

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25 Quotes To Help You Surrender, Trust The Process, & Manifest Your Dream Life

One of the most challenging steps in the manifestation process is to surrender. But once you do, the results are incredible! So here are some inspirational quotes to help you learn to trust the process and reveal the life of your dreams.

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How To Use Abraham Hicks' Emotional Guidance Scale

Have you ever heard of Abraham Hicks’ emotional guidance scale? If not, I encourage you to watch this video where I explain how you can use this powerful concept to transform every area of your life, especially if you’re facing a challenge or obstacle right now. Enjoy!

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How To Stop A Bad Moment From Ruining Your Entire Day

Do you find yourself spiraling in feelings of negativity and lack when you experience a bad moment? And does that bad moment sometimes throw off your entire day? Well, if you can relate, here are some simple and effective ways to turn a bad day around.

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Manifesting Hack: The Power Of Intention

Are you clear on your goals for the rest of the year? If not, you may find yourself aimlessly going through life feeling unfulfilled or unhappy. The good news is, there’s a simple way to shift your mindset and create long-lasting change in your life, which is exactly what I reveal in this video. So if you’re ready to learn a manifestation technique, click play now!

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Here's Why You Need To Create A Joy List Today

Are lofty goals and long to-do lists preventing you from actually living a fulfilling and joyful life? Well, there’s a new type of list in town that could just be the secret weapon to success.

So are you ready to bring joy back into your life? Here’s why it’s time to make a joy list starting now!

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Worthiness Affirmations To Heal Your Mind And Soul

Do you ever feel like you aren’t worthy of happiness or success? If so, you’re not alone! Many people experience moments of self-doubt, but it’s important to understand how to shift your mind to a more positive place, so you don’t continue to vibrate at a low frequency.

If you’re ready to manifest your dream life, watch this video now for powerful worthiness affirmations that will boost your confidence instantly!

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Feeling Overwhelmed? Try This Quick, Free Technique For Instant Relief

Feeling stressed and overwhelmed in life right now? Are you ready to get grounded to feel like yourself again? Then check out this quick and totally free technique for stopping stress and anxiety right in its tracks.

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Achieve Anything in 5 minutes With This Powerful Visualization Technique

Is there a goal you want to achieve badly? Maybe it’s in your personal or professional life? Well, whatever goals you’re striving for, the powerful technique that I reveal in this video will help you succeed much faster.

If you’re ready to quickly and easily achieve any goal you have, make sure to watch my video right now! Enjoy!

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The Importance Of Resilience & How To Strengthen Yours

Do failures and setbacks make it hard for you to bounce back in life? Do challenges seem to prevent you from taking action and finding solutions? Well, I’d like to share with you the importance of resilience and how to strengthen yours in your every day life.

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Expect Miracles With This Gratitude Creative Visualization!

Are you ready for more abundance to flow into your life? If so, you’re in luck because I’ve created a special video for you, which includes a powerful gratitude visualization that will quickly change your mindset and open you up to unlimited prosperity! Enjoy!

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Do You Suffer From Vacation Guilt? Here's How To Enjoy Your Time Off

Do you suffer from vacation guilt? Well, you’re not alone! That’s exactly why I wanted to share some words of encouragement so you can fully enjoy your next vacation.

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Most Powerful Visualization To Create Your Own Reality!

Did you know you’ve been a powerful manifestor since the day you were born? It’s true but you may have forgotten how to tap into this part of your mind. If you’d like to attract the life of your dreams, make sure to check out my video now for a powerful visualization technique that will help you quickly harness the Law of Attraction. Watch it now!

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18 Ways To Infuse Stillness & Mindfulness Into Your Daily Life

With the ups and downs of life and busy schedules, it can be hard to quiet the mind. But peace and calmness can actually be achieved by surrendering to stillness – a mindful practice of removing chaos from daily life.

That’s why I’d like to share a few ways on how you can infuse stillness right into your regular routine to welcome clarity, good health, and your greatest life yet.

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2 Ways To Erase Your Limiting Beliefs Around Money

Do you often find yourself struggling to attract wealth and abundance into your life? If so, you’re not alone! Most people have at least one negative belief around money, which makes it almost impossible to create true financial freedom.

If you’re ready to remove any negative beliefs and manifest unlimited abundance, make sure to watch this video for 2 ways to erase your limiting beliefs around money!

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Could Essentialism Be The Key To Your Success?

Feeling burnt out or stretched too thin? Ready to reclaim your time and energy for better productivity? Well, we’re covering the topic of essentialism and how it just may be the key to your future success.

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Transform the Negative Beliefs That Hold You Back

Do you tend to think that you’ll only be happy ONCE you achieve your goals? If so, make sure to watch my video where I share why this type of thinking could be the reason you aren’t achieving success.

Plus, I’ll reveal a simple way that you can shift your thoughts to allow you to feel happy in the present moment while also manifesting the life you desire. If you’re ready to create your dream life, then don’t miss this video!

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Simple Ways To Add Exercise Into Your Daily Life

Tired of stale and repetitive workouts that never seem to get the job done? Are you finally ready to find a workout that really sticks? Well, here are some fun and simple exercises you can incorporate right into your daily life.

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3 Simple Ways To Break A Bad Habit

Do you wish you could quit a bad habit? If you struggle to create long-lasting change in some of your behaviors, then make sure to watch my video with 3 simple ways to break bad habits and replace them with empowering ones! You’ll be surprised at how quickly you can change your habits with these simple, yet powerful tools. Enjoy!

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My New Intentions For The Month - Will You Join Me?

Are you ready to finish off the year strong? Well, with the start of  a new month, it’s the perfect time to set some new intentions. That’s why I’m doing a new month intention challenge, will you join me?

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3 Minute Mind Movie For Success (In Every Area Of Your Life!)

Do you ever feel too old or set in your ways to make a change in your life? If so, don’t worry because in this blog post I reveal a simple way that you can radically transform your life (no matter your age or external circumstances) in only a few minutes a day. Enjoy!

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How To Escape The Comparison Trap For Good

Are you struggling to free yourself from the trap of constantly comparing yourself to others? Well, as hard as it may feel, especially when in the moment, there are a few things you can do to help shift your energy. So here’s how to escape the comparison trap for good!

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8 Things You Must Do Before You Sleep

How do you spend the last hour of the day before going to sleep? Well, some of the healthiest and most successful people in the world have a nighttime routine they practice religiously to maintain good health and productivity. That’s why I’m sharing 8 things you must do each night before you sleep to get the most out of your days.

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Powerful Visualization Technique For Unlimited Abundance

Have you used the power of creative visualization to manifest your wildest dreams? If not, check out my blog post now for a simple, yet effective way to use this tool to achieve your goals! Read it now and discover a powerful tool to harness the Law of Attraction!

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Simple Ways To Feel Rich (Even On A Budget)

Ready to take your abundance to the next level? Well, the fastest way to being wealthy is to feel wealthy! And here on my blog I’ve got some simple ways to feel rich, even on a budget.

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We're Halfway Through 2021 - Are You On Track Towards Your Goals?

Can you believe 2021 is more than halfway over? Well, with so much that has transpired over the last year or so, it’s important to check in on yourself and where you stand with your goals. That’s why I’d like to share a mid-year review guide to help you finish off the year strong!

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Unlock Your Full Power Of Manifestation With These 10 LOA Quotes

Are you feeling a bit down or simply need a boost of inspiration? If so, look no further because I’ve compiled 10 of my favorite Law of Attraction quotes to help you unlock your full manifestation power to attract your most audacious goals and dreams. If you’re ready to feel motivated and inspired, check out my blog post right now!

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A Podcast For Every Mood

With over 2 million podcasts currently streaming all over the world, it’s safe to say that there’s a podcast out there for everyone. Everything from health, business, relationships, and motivation, the opportunity to learn something new is endless. So here are my top picks for the best podcasts to improve every area of your life.

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Use This Powerful Tool To Manifest Anything In 3 Minutes!

If you want to learn how to manifest anything fast… then you’ll love the simple yet powerful tool you're about to discover! It only takes 3 minutes but the results are incredibly powerful! Give this a try and you’ll be surprised at how quickly and easily you can transform your life. Enjoy!

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Dealing With Negative Thoughts & Emotions In A Healthy Way

Are you having trouble coping with your negative thoughts? Well, here’s the thing, negative thoughts are going to happen, but the way we deal with them is how we set ourselves up for success. Here are my tips for dealing with negative thoughts and emotions the healthy way.

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Listen To This Guided Meditation And Let Go Of Your Worries

Do you find yourself constantly worried about your past? If you do, and you’d like to discover how to move on, you’re in luck! Because in today’s video, I’ll be guiding you through a meditation to release the past and help you create space for all the wonderful things still coming your way. Enjoy!

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To Quit Or To Keep Going? Answer These Questions First

Is it time to finally let go of that goal that’s no longer serving you? Or are you ready to put your head down and persevere? Well, if you’re struggling to decide, I’m sharing a few questions you can ask yourself first on whether it’s time to quit or keep going.

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Motivation Affirmations To Get Things Done!

Do you find it difficult to get things done? If procrastination often keeps you stuck, then don’t miss this video I created for you to help you overcome any obstacle to achieve your goals!

Inside, you’ll discover powerful motivation affirmations, plus a free pack of Mind Movies to help you fast-track your success in every area of your life. Enjoy!

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How To Quickly & Easily Make More Money

Are you tired of spinning your wheels trying to figure out how to make money fast? Are you ready to transform into an unstoppable human money magnet? Well, you’re in for quite the treat because I’m sharing some simple yet powerful mind tools you can use to create the wealth you truly desire.

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Manifest Love - Attract Your Soulmate With The LOA

Do you know how to use the Law of Attraction to attract your soulmate? Or do you wish you could improve your current relationships with the LOA? If so, you’re in luck! I created a video for you where I reveal 7 Law of Attraction tips to help you manifest love, fulfillment, and joy into your life, almost instantly. Enjoy!


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10 Productivity Hacks That Will Change The Way You Work

Can you confidently say you’re staying productive throughout your workday? Well, if not, I’ve got just the hack for you! And not just one, I’ve got 10 productivity hacks that will change the way you work.

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Release The Past (Letting Go Affirmations)

Do you sometimes wish you could undo the past? We all do at some point in our lives, but unfortunately, there’s no magic way to undo the past completely. However, there is a way to accept and let go of the negative emotions surrounding past events, to help you move forward with your life with confidence.

If you’d like to discover how, make sure to check out my video now for powerful, healing affirmations that will help you release any negative attachments you have to the past, plus a visualization exercise. Enjoy!

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Are You Experiencing 'Languishing'? Here's Why You're Feeling A Bit Off Right Now

Are you feeling stuck right now as life continues to pass you by? Or maybe a little “off” not sure why? Well, there’s a name for these feelings, and it’s called ‘Languishing,’ and today I’m explaining why it exists and how to overcoming and start feeling like yourself again!

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How To Change DEEP Rooted Subconscious Beliefs Part 2

Limiting beliefs - we all have them, but it’s about how we deal with them that makes all the difference! If you’re ready to eliminate your subconscious blocks and to achieve the life you desire and deserve, make sure to check out my video where I reveal the exact steps you can take to do just that. Enjoy!

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30 Ways To Infuse Self-Care Into Your Workday

Who says self-care can only happen on Sundays? Self-care can actually happen at any time throughout your day. And today, I’m sharing 30 easy tips to infuse a little more self-care right into your workday.

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How To Change DEEP Rooted Subconscious Beliefs Part 1

Do you know exactly what’s holding you back from being more successful, more abundant, and from having stronger and deeper relationships? If not, make sure to check out my new video where I pull back the curtain on exactly what’s holding you back and how you can quickly and easily remove those blocks and welcome in abundance in every area of your life. Enjoy!

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The Dark Side Of Perfectionism & How To Overcome It

Would you consider yourself a perfectionist? Well, many of us are but may not even be aware of it. That’s why I’m going to show you how to beat perfectionism to start welcoming more love and fulfillment into your life for a happier you!

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Morning Affirmations To Boost Your Self Confidence

If I told you that you could drastically boost your self-confidence by making one small daily change that only takes 3 minutes, would you do it? If yes, check out this powerful Mind Movie laced with self-confidence affirmations that will help you feel more confident, almost instantly. You can use it each morning to boost your self-confidence and self-worth, so don’t miss out!

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5 Ways To Avoid The Sunday Blues & Prepare For The Week Ahead

Do you find yourself battling the Sunday scaries every week? Do you want to prep for the week ahead and still enjoy your weekends? If this sounds like you, here are five easy ways to avoid the Sunday blues and make the most out of your weekends!

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5 Reasons A Road Trip Can Be Good For Your Mental Health

Are you feeling stuck in your life? The last year has been challenging for many of us and some people are still struggling to feel motivated and inspired again. If this sounds like you, make sure to check out our most recent contributor’s blog post for 5 reasons a road trip can be good for your mental health.

This simple choice to get outside, disconnect, and experience new things can be the change you need to jumpstart your mental health and overall well-being, so make sure to read it here.

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Improve Your Brain Health & Boost Productivity & Focus

Ready to boost your brain health, focus, and productivity? Well, if you’re struggling with memory loss and need a little help getting back on track, I’m sharing with you some easy tips you can use right away to stay sharp. Improve your memory and brain health with these simple techniques!

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3-Minute Meditation To Overcome Anxiety & Stress

Feeling stressed or anxious? If so, you’re not alone! Stress and anxiety are extremely common and can seem unbearable if you don’t have the right management tools. Luckily for you, I’ve created a 3-Minute Mind Movie specifically designed to help you calm your thoughts and ease your mind. Simply sit back and hit play on this video to feel calmer and at peace, almost instantly!

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14 Ways To Slow Down & Recenter When You're Stressed Out

When life feels rushed and out of control, it can be easy for anxiety to creep in. That’s why it’s important to have some go-to remedies for when stress gets the best of you. Here are some simple and easy ways to slow down and relax when you’re overwhelmed.

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How To Manifest Your Wildest Dreams

Do you know that you’re 100% responsible for your life and everything in it? It’s true! And although this may seem like a hard pill to swallow at first, once you accept this, you can unlock unlimited success in every area of your life. If you want to discover exactly how then don’t miss this video I created for you, which will help you take responsibility and manifest your dream life by implementing 3 simple steps. Enjoy!

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Simple Mental Shifts To Make The Law Of Attraction Work For You

Need a little help in the manifesting department? Ready to finally attract your dream life? Here are my simple mental dos and don’ts to make the Law of Attraction work for you once and for all!

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5 Phrases Used By Highly Emotionally Intelligent People

Do you know what emotional intelligence is and how it impacts your happiness, relationships, and many other areas of your life? If not, make sure to check out my blog post to discover how you can cultivate YOUR emotional intelligence to live a life beyond your wildest dreams. You’ll be surprised at how much this simple mindset shift can improve your life, trust me!

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Powerful Writing Prompts For Self-Discovery & Motivation

Need a little help getting into a regular journaling practice? Well, look no further! I’m sharing some of the most powerful writing prompts for self-discovery and motivation.

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6 Powerful Ways To Manifest What You Want From The Universe

Do you ever feel like you can’t connect with the Universe or you’re struggling to manifest your dreams? If so, you may be missing one of the vital steps you must take to successfully connect and communicate with the Universe in a clear way.

But don’t worry, because I have a special blog post for you today to help you manifest your dreams with complete ease and confidence! So if you’d like to get a jump start on manifesting your goals and desires, make sure to read my blog post now for 6 powerful ways to manifest what you want from the Universe. Read it now!

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Reclaim Your Right To Grow Old

Afraid of aging? Well, look no further because the best years are yet to come. That’s why I’m sharing with you why it’s time to overcome the fear of aging and reclaim your right to grow old.

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Raising Vibration Affirmations For Unlimited Abundance (Mind Movie)

Do you live life with an abundance mindset? Or do you feel constantly sabotaged by a mindset of scarcity? It can be hard to feel abundant if you’re currently facing financial challenges, but it IS possible!

So if you often feel stuck in a lack mindset, and you’re ready to make a change in your levels of wealth, then don’t miss my new Mind Movie filled with powerful abundance affirmations that will instantly fuel your vibration and increase your levels of wealth.

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11 Quick And Simple Ways To Be Happier Today

Feel stuck in autopilot mode with not enough happy moments to keep your energetic frequency elevated? Well, look no further because I’m sharing with you 11 quick and simple ways to be happier today. Check out my tips to feel happier now with some easy rituals that take no time at all!

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7 Simple Visualization Techniques To Help Change Your Mindset

Do you struggle to keep a  positive mindset? I know that it can seem difficult to stay  positive while dealing with the challenges of daily life but there are simple ways to keep yourself in a more uplifted, positive state! One of the most powerful ways to do this is through visualization.

That’s why I created a video for you where I share 7 simple visualization techniques to help you shift your mindset towards positivity! You’ll feel an instant boost in your mood and happiness levels after watching this video. Check it out now!

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Open The Floodgates To Abundance By Raising Your Money Vibration

Do you feel like you’re constantly stuck in survival mode or feelings of lack? Do you wish to welcome more money and abundance into your life but just can’t seem to hit your stride? Well, you may be surprised because there are actually a few simple and easy things you can do each day to open the floodgates to abundance! Check out these tips to raise your money vibration and welcome the financial freedom you desire.

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20 Things To Be Grateful For All-year Round!

Have you found it difficult to feel an appreciation for life recently? If so, you’re not alone! This last year has been tough for many of us, which can make it pretty difficult to find things to feel grateful for.

However, gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to turn challenges into opportunities, plus it helps you manifest what you want quickly and easily. That’s why I created a special video for you with 20 things to be grateful for all year round. Watch this video to boost your energy and mood instantly. Enjoy!

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Feeling Uninspired? 21 Powerful Quotes To Boost Your Motivation

Feeling uninspired? Unmotivated? Here are 21 of my favorites quotes to keep your spirits high and on track towards your goals.

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The #1 Thing You Must Not Forget If You Want To Manifest Fast

Are you feeling confused or frustrated about your ability to manifest your desires? If so, you’re not alone! Many people think they are doing everything right when it comes to the Law of Attraction but they still struggle to attract the things they want.

So, if you’d like to learn more about how to attract your dreams, make sure to watch my video now for the #1 thing that you need to manifest your dreams, fast!

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36 Personal Development Tips For A Happy Life

What does living a happy life look like to you? Do you want to travel the world, start a new business, or welcome stronger relationships? Well, today, I’d like to share with you some of my best practical and easy tips to boost your personal development for a happy life.

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5 NEW Daily Habits To Raise Your Vibration & Remove Negative Energy

Do you find it difficult to stay positive? With so much going on in the world, it can be tough to feel good all the time, but it IS possible to become more positive, regardless of external circumstances. So if you’d like to discover some simple tricks to raise your vibration, check out my video now on 5 daily habits to remove negative energy right here!

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What Is Emotional Intelligence And How Do You Improve Yours?

Emotional intelligence is all about our ability to recognize, understand, and control our feelings and assess how those feelings impact those around us. So, do you possess emotional intelligence? Well, today, I’m going to share more about what it is, how to spot it, and how to boost it for more happiness and success.

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Open Yourself To Love - Heart Chakra Affirmations

Are you open to giving and receiving love? If you’re not sure, you may have a blocked heart chakra! Many people experience this but aren’t sure what to do about it.

If you feel like this could be, you’re in luck! Because I created a special video for you that’s packed with powerful heart chakra affirmations to help you invite more love into your life. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you notice a shift in the levels of love in your life when you use these love affirmations regularly.

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Easy Ways To Boost Your Creativity & Inspiration

Have you been experiencing a creative block lately? Does the monotony of life seem to be keeping you stuck in a funk? Well, today, I’d like to provide you with some easy ways to stay creative and inspired no matter what’s going on around you.

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Uncover What 2021 Has In Store For You!

Do you ever wish you had a helping hand to guide you through the most difficult life decisions? Did you know there’s a way to confidently anticipate any roadblocks or challenges ahead? Watch Law of Attraction expert, Natalie Ledwell, as she uncovers a way to anticipate what your 2021 will look like, and ensure it’s filled with abundance and success!

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7 Ways To Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Our health and wellness are one of the most important things we can nurture. Not only is our immune system impacted by our physical habits, but our mental habits as well. That’s why I’d like to share with you some tips on boosting your immune system in the most natural ways.

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Attract Your Soulmate With The Law Of Attraction

Have you ever wondered how to use the Law of Attraction to find your soulmate? Or have you ever wondered if you could use the LOA to get your ex back? There’s many misconceptions about how to manifest love and if you’d like to find out what they are, don’t miss out on this blog post.

Inside, I reveal how you can attract healthy, loving relationships and improve your current relationships. Enjoy!

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Turning Criticism Into Growth

Negative feedback can be a hard pill to swallow. Especially if you don’t possess the right tools to use that feedback properly. That’s why I’d like to show you how to bounce back from negative feedback and turn that criticism into growth.

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What "I AM Enough" Really Means - I Am Affirmations

Do you sometimes struggle to own your self-worth? Or maybe you desire to confidently step into your authenticity and show up 100% as you? If either of these ring true, I highly suggest you watch this video now! Inside, I share some super powerful wisdom from motivational speaker, Adam Roa, which will help boost your self-confidence instantly! Enjoy!

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Feeling Out Of Control? Discover Simple Ways To Manage Anxiety

Feeling anxious? Or out of control? Well, with so much happening in the world, it can be easy to fall into bouts of anxiety. That’s why I’d like to share with you some simple ways to manage anxiety and take back control of your mind.

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Use These Visualization Techniques To Achieve Your Goals

Did you know you have a natural, built-in tool that can powerfully aid you in the Law of Attraction? It’s true! By using visualization and imagination you can manifest your dreams quicker and with more ease.

If you’d like to find out exactly how to use visualization to achieve your goals, I highly recommend you check out this video where I reveal exactly how to do this!

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How To Live A More Authentic Life

Can you confidently say that you value the person you truly are? Getting clear about who you are and who you want to be all starts with authenticity. And today, I’d like to share with you some ways to embrace a more authentic life for a more authentic you.

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Affirmations For New Year's 2021

We hear the saying… “Happy New Year!” so much at the beginning of each year. But do you ever stop to think about what habits you can do to truly create a Happy New Year that lasts all year long?

Instead of relying solely on New Year’s resolutions to keep your vibration positive, I suggest you also start to utilize the power of New Year affirmations! Give them a try by watching this video with powerful 2021 affirmations.

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52 Ways To Practice More Self Care In 2021

Did you know that self-care isn’t just for Sundays? Well, if you could use a little more self-care in your life, I’ve rounded up some fun and healthy ideas to get you going. Here are 52 ways to practice more self-care in 2021.

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I AM Affirmations To Boost Your Self-Confidence Instantly!

How often does self-doubt interfere with your feelings of worthiness? If your answer is something like “way more often than I like”, then don’t miss this video for some powerful affirmations to boost your self-confidence instantly. These affirmations will help you identify your strengths as well as your weakness and use them to further your success. Enjoy!

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Do You Know The 5 Different Love Languages?

Ready to awaken your dream relationship? Well, the first step is to uncover your personal language of love. And today, I’m sharing with you the five love languages to help you improve and reinvigorate all of your relationships.

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How To Disempower Negative Thoughts According To Lisa Nichols

Are you looking for a way to overcome negative self-talk? Look no further! In this video, I share some wisdom from celebrated motivational speaker and best-selling author, Lisa Nichols, which you can use right away to start removing your self-limiting beliefs and replace them with more empowering thoughts. Start manifesting your dream life by watching this video now. Enjoy!

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How To Make 2021 Your Best Year Yet

2021 is here! And with that comes a fresh start for new opportunities and goals. So here are my tips on how to make the upcoming year your best year yet!

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Listen Every Day! "I Am" Affirmations For Chakra Healing

Are you feeling a bit ‘off’ lately? If so, you may need a bit of chakra healing. The best part is, chakra healing doesn’t take too much time or effort. In fact, you can instantly shift your energy into a more positive space by practicing affirmations, which is exactly what I have to share with you today! Get ready to boost your energy and mood when you watch this video featuring powerful affirmations for chakra healing.

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Our Top 10 Facebook Posts of 2020!

We just love sharing positive vibes with our amazing Facebook community. And it’s all of you that have made what we share so worthwhile. So here’s a roundup of our top Facebook posts of 2020!

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Morning Gratitude Affirmations

Are you using the power of gratitude to its full potential? Gratitude is one of my secret weapons to improve my life and manifest exactly what I want. If you’d like to start using gratitude to attract your dream life, make sure to watch my video for powerful morning gratitude affirmations that you can start using right away!

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The Lessons I've Learned In 2020

2020 has truly been a year to remember. And with that comes many lessons. So as we head into the new year, I’d like to share with you the important lessons I’ve learned this year.

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How To Use The LOA And Numerology To Manifest What You Want! (Pt 2)

Do you often feel as though certain numbers are following you? According to Numerology, that’s no accident! These repeating numbers can actually be signs from the Universe. If you’d like to learn more about some of the meanings behind repeating numbers, don’t miss this video. You’ll discover how to use Numerology to boost your Law of Attraction practice. Check it out now!

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8 Signs You Need To Let Go Of A Relationship

Need help navigating a relationship that may no longer be serving you? Not sure if you should hold on or let it go? Well, here are eight signs to look out for when it’s finally that time to let go of a relationship.

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How To Use The LOA And Numerology To Manifest What You Want! (Pt 1)

Do you often see repeating numbers and wonder if they are signs from the Universe? If you’re curious and want to find out if these numbers are random occurrences or angel numbers, make sure to watch my video now! Inside, I share the connection between numerology and the Law of Attraction and how to use both to harness your manifestation powers.

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Live In The Present - 6 Ways To Live In The NOW

Do you find yourself dwelling on the past? Or spending way too much time worrying about the future? Well, if the answer is yes, then you’re not alone. That’s why I’d like to share with you six tips for living in the present.

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Feel The Fear And Do It Anyways

How many times has fear kept you from doing what you want? If your answer is ‘way too many times’, you’re not alone! Self doubt holds many of us back, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. If you’d like to overcome your self limiting beliefs, to achieve the life you desire, make sure to watch my video now to discover how to feel the fear and do it anyway!

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The Power of Staying Flexible

This year has been filled with change, uncertainty, and many unexpected pivots for many. And although we may be navigating uncertain times, it doesn’t mean we have to throw our goals out the window. That’s why I’d like to share with you some tips for setting goals and the power of staying flexible throughout the process.

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The Best Law of Attraction Secrets

Are you ready for some Oprah Winfrey motivation? If so, look no further! I’ve created a special video for you where I highlight some of Oprah’s best LOA secrets to help you tap into the power of the Universe to manifest your dream life. Just push play to feel inspired and motivated in a few short minutes.

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Coping With Loneliness During The 2020 Holiday Season

The holidays are almost here, and with that can sometimes come the dreadful holiday blues. And if you’re coping with loneliness, understand that you are not alone. So here’s a little reassurance on how to feel a little less lonely this holiday season.

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Recite These Self Love Affirmations To Raise Your Self Worth

Did you know that people with higher levels of self confidence are more likely to have fulfilling relationships, work in their dream jobs, and have a more positive view of the world? It’s true! So, if you want a boost of self esteem, check out this video where I share some great self love affirmations. It’s only 3 minutes long, so you’ll feel amazing in no time!

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3 Key Ways To Master Problem Solving

Do you have trouble solving problems? Do you leave things up to chance when it comes to decision-making? Well, if you are ready to master the art of problem solving, here are three key ways to boost your skills.

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Do This Every Day To Raise Your Vibration

Have you felt your mental vibration shift into a lower place recently? If so, you aren’t alone! Keeping your mental vibration in a positive place can be more difficult during winter months, and this shift in vibration can negatively impact your future happiness and success. The good news is there are ways to maintain a positive mental vibration, regardless of external circumstances. And in today’s video, I reveal 20 small, realistic habits you can implement in your own life to keep your energy high and your stress levels down. Enjoy!

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15 Quotes To Boost Your Mental Health

There’s no doubt about it, life can be really tough at times. But sometimes, all we need is a little reassurance that everything is going to be okay. That’s why I’d like to share with you some powerful mental health quotes to keep your spirits lifted and your vibrations high.

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Is The Law Of Attraction Real? A Guide To The 7 Laws Of Attraction

Did you know there are 7 Laws of Attraction? If you aren’t sure what these laws are, you may be missing a key part in making your dreams come true. Yes, that’s even if you’re consistently working on your mindset with powerful tools like visualization, affirmations, and meditation! But don’t worry, I made a video for you to explain all 7 laws, which will help you harness the power of the universe quickly and easily. Don’t miss this!

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18 Ways To Avoid The Winter Blues

Winter is coming, and you don’t want to get trapped in the winter blues this year. That’s why I’m sharing with you 18 ways to avoid things like brain fog, burnout, and all the symptoms related to seasonal affective disorder. Check out my fun and easy tips for boosting your mental wellbeing this season.

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Recite & Receive Money With Affirmations

Do you have a positive money mindset? Your mindset around finances directly relates to how much abundance you’ll attract into your life, so it’s incredibly important to make sure your mindset is aligned with what you desire! If you’d like to learn how you can raise your vibration around wealth, make sure to watch my video ‘Recite & Receive Money With Affirmations’ right here!

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Beat Stress: 8 Reasons You're Making Your Stress Worse & How To Overcome it

Is self-doubt, fear, and negativity keeping you feeling stressed? Well, there could actually be some hidden reasons why you’re feeling this way. That’s why I’m going to show you exactly what to look out for and how to overcome stress to keep you headed toward your limitless potential.

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3 Positive Affirmations To Manifest The Life Of Your Dreams

Do you catch yourself hiding behind limiting beliefs like thinking you’re not good enough or it’s too late for you to reach success? The truth is, you DO have control over your beliefs and your reality! If you’d like to take control of your future and attract the life of your dreams, don’t miss today’s video, where I reveal 3 Positive Affirmations To Manifest The Life Of Your Dreams. You can shift your vibration and begin manifesting what you want as soon as today. Enjoy!

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Making Your Weekends Count: The 2020 Guide To Adventure & Fun

Are you feeling the effects of burnout these days? Are you ready to bring a little adventure back into your life? Well, I’d like to share with you my 2020 mini-guide to making the weekends count with some added fun!

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5 Things To Instantly Raise Your Vibration According To Aaron Doughty

Are you looking for new ways to harness the Law of Attraction? If so, look no further! In today’s video, I break down an important lesson from Law of Attraction expert, Aaron Doughty, on the ‘5 Things You Need To Give Up To Raise Your Vibration’.

You’ll discover how to optimize your mental state with simple, yet effective tools and how to attract your dreams and desires almost instantly. You don’t want to miss this!

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6 Habits For Bringing Your Dreams To Life

Burnout, stress, overwhelm – is life happening around you so quickly that you’re ignoring your dreams and desires? Well, I’d like to share with you a very powerful conversation with Laura DiBenedetto, best-selling author of The Six Habits: Practical Tools for Bringing Your Dreams to Life. We’re discussing the science of habits and how to implement her six key habits to welcoming a fulfilling life.

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What Sadhguru Says About Manifesting What You Want

Is there truth behind the saying “ask and you shall receive”? Well, according to Sadhguru, a leading spiritual master from India, there is! Inside today’s video, Sadhguru explains how to manifest what you want by training the quality of your thoughts and emotions. If you’re ready to attract your desires, I highly recommend you watch this video now.

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20 Inspiring Quotes To Boost Motivation

Does it seem like you could use a little motivation boost now more than ever?

Well, here are 20 of my favorite quotes that are sure to keep you motivated. Remember, it’s never too late to start or start over.

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Abundance Mindset Rituals

Do you wish you could attract wealth into your life? If so, you need to make sure your mindset is at an optimal state. This has gotten a little bit harder for many of us during the pandemic, which is why I created a special video for you to help you get back on track. Inside, you’ll discover my abundance rituals to attract abundance almost effortlessly!

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The Key To Creating Healthy Habits That Last

Ready to ditch those bad habits once and for all? Well, today, I’m going to share with you some realistic tips for overcoming the bad habits holding us back from becoming our greatest selves. Check out my tools for creating healthy habits that last.

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Don't Allow Your Success To Be Controlled By These 7 Things

Are you ready to stop holding yourself back? Do you crave success but aren’t sure how to succeed? Well, then you’re in the right place! I created a special video for you where I share 7 valuable success lessons that will help you stop doubting yourself and inspire you to take action now. Get ready to take your life to the next level and watch the video now!

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Food For Thought: How To Eat To Improve Your Mood & Well-Being

Want to know one of the best ways to keep our vibrations high? Well, it all comes down to how we treat our bodies. And that starts with the food we eat. So I’m sharing my tips on how to eat to improve your mood and overall well-being.

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LOA Secrets of Spiritual Money Makers

Can you be both spiritual and rich? The answer to that question depends on YOU! You see, money is simply a tool, which can help you create a life of fulfillment, purpose and joy when used correctly.

So, if you’re ready to tap into total abundance, make sure to check out my video now for 4 LOA Secrets of Spiritual Money Makers right now!

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Feel The Fear & Do It Anyway! (My Personal Experience)

It’s story-time! I’m here to share with you today a very special story of overcoming limiting beliefs. It’s a personal story of how I overcame fear and self-doubt to go after something I truly wanted. Here’s my story to help you acknowledge fear and do it anyway!

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Watch This Before You Start Your Day (Gratitude Affirmations)

Did you know the first few minutes of your day can massively impact the rest of your day? It’s true! My morning routine has completely transformed my life and continues to set me up for success. If you’d like to start your day with positivity, joy and excitement make sure to watch the 3-minute video I created for you to help you cultivate gratitude and set your intentions for the day. Watch it now!

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How To Manage Your Time & Achieve Your Goals

Have you been slacking on your time management and productivity lately? Well, as many of us are still working from home, it’s important to remain focused and on track towards our goals. That’s why I’d like to share with you some simple tips for managing your time and tasks for success.

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7 Personal Growth Practices Successful People Live By

Did you know that most successful people practice similar habits and rituals? It’s true! And if you’d like to learn how you can adopt the same habits to fuel your own success, make sure to watch the video I created for you today. Inside, you’ll find the 7 personal growth practices that successful people live by, so you can implement them in your own life, too!

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50 Ways To Be Happier Today

Life can get hectic at times and can seem even more hectic now more than ever. That’s why it’s important to focus on the small things you can do every day to improve your happiness. So I’d like to share with you 50 ways to be happier today!

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Timely Affirmations For Peace And Calm

Life can be stressful, which is why it’s so important to have a self-care tool kit you can use to help reset your mind and regain focus and calm. If you’d like to invoke more tranquility into your daily life, make sure to watch my video where I reveal 15 powerful affirmations for peace and calm.

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How To Release Control & Trust The Universe

It can sometimes be hard to let go of control when there’s so much in life that is out of our control. But what connects all of us on this earth is that fact life isn’t always going to go according to plan. That’s why I’d like to share with you some ways to help you release control to realize that everything is happening for our highest good.

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How To Use Journaling To Attract More Abundance

Did you know that keeping a gratitude journal is a very effective tool to improve your mental health, well-being, and even increase your ability to attract abundance? It’s true! And if you’d like to create a successful journal practice - make sure to watch my video where I reveal how I use journaling to attract more fulfillment and abundance and how you can too!

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The Secret To Attracting Great Relationships

So how would you describe the different relationships in your life? We’ve got to make sure the relationships we hold dear to us are radiating with love and happiness. So here are some tips for building and attracting healthy, meaningful relationships.

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Answer These 3 Questions To Manifest Perfect Health

The key to achieving physical health and well-being isn’t just about the body, it’s also about the mind! Your thoughts, feelings and emotions play a huge role in your well-being, so it’s critical to find out how your mindset is currently impacting your immunity. If you’re ready to achieve better health, make sure to watch my new video and answer 3 important questions!

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Can't Stop Overthinking? How To Live In The Present

Does worry or doubt ever get in the way of your everyday life? Does overthinking seem to be taking over so much that you just can’t seem to be present? If you can’t stop overthinking, I’ve got some helpful tips to help you combat it like a pro.


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10 Quotes That Will Awaken Your Inner Millionaire

Have you ever wondered how you can FEEL wealthy, before you’ve actually attracted the amount of wealth you desire?

This can seem difficult or almost impossible if you’re facing bills or debt on a regular basis. However, an abundant mindset is attainable if you have the right tools! So, if you’re ready to raise your energetic vibration and attract more wealth into your life, check out my video for my 10 favorite abundance quotes to awaken your inner millionaire.

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50 Questions To Tap Into Your Best Self

Ever wondered how to stay on track towards your goals and live your best life? Well, the key is to make time for mental check-ins. Asking yourself questions, even the tough ones, is important to ensure you are on the right path. And today, I’m sharing 50 questions you can use regularly to make sure you are taking the right steps in your personal development journey.

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Spiritual Manifestation: A Guide For Beginners

Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed by all the complex Law of Attraction techniques or the contradictory advice available on manifestation? Many people start out with great excitement when they first hear about the Law of Attraction, but more often than not, people easily lose faith in the process after a short amount of time. If you want to learn to successfully manifest the life you want, watch this video on a guide to spiritual manifestation for beginners. Check it out right here.

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Finding The Silver Lining in Crisis

In times of crisis, it can sometimes be hard to see beyond our challenging or difficult circumstances. And that’s why it’s so important, now more than ever, to try and seek the silver lining in any situation. So I’d like to discuss how my priorities and values have changed given the challenging year we’ve all experienced so far and why it’s important to find meaning in hard situations.

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The Top 5 Money Myths About Creating Wealth

Most people dream of attaining financial freedom - where money provides freedom, fulfillment and joy. If you’d like to attain that level of wealth, you must first rid your mind of some of the common money myths that keep people stuck. Check out my video to find out the top 5 myths around wealth and how to remove them today!

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Are Your Chakras Blocked? These Are The Signs To Look For

Do you know if any of your chakras are blocked? A blockage of any of your chakras can cause some very negative side effects, but luckily, spotting and removing a blockage may be easier than you think! That’s why I’m sharing with you the telltale signs to look for to identify an unbalanced chakra and how to free your energy with a few simple steps. Check out the simple steps in the blog post below.

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90 Seconds to a Life You Love with Dr. Joan Rosenberg

Have you ever repressed negative feelings like sadness, anger or vulnerability? Life isn’t always easy and negative emotions are almost unavoidable at some point throughout our lifetime. That’s why learning to process negative experiences in a healthy way is so important! If you’d like to learn how, join me for my chat with Dr. Joan Rosenberg, to discover how you can master your emotions and live a more happy, fulfilled life.

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10 Ways To Boost Your Self-Confidence

Do you feel like you’re lacking in the confidence department? Scared or nervous to go after what you truly want in life? Well, today I’d like to share with you my top 10 tips for boosting your self-confidence in any situation.

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6 Excuses That Hold You Back From Manifesting Your Greatest Life

Have you ever noticed that manifestation seems to come easier for some people than it does for others? Using the Law of Attraction successfully requires some key shifts in mindset - specifically around your limiting beliefs and behaviors.

If you’d like to discover what beliefs may be impacting YOUR life - so you can finally manifest the life of your dreams, make sure to watch today’s video. Inside, I share the simple, yet powerful technique to help you uncover the most common excuses and beliefs that are holding you back and how to remove them for good. Watch it right now!

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My Morning Routine: Set Your Day Up For Success

Getting in the habit of practicing healthy morning rituals is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made to keep me feeling energized throughout the day. And that’s why I’m giving you a look inside what a typical morning looks like for me. Set your day up for success with my essential guide to a successful morning routine.

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How to Sleep Better with Meditation

Do you ever struggle to fall asleep or to stay asleep throughout the night? Maybe you even experience insomnia resulting in brain fog or exhaustion the next day? If this sounds like you, and you’d like to find a natural remedy for deeper, more sound sleep - then make sure to watch my video about how to sleep better with mediation! You’ll also find a special gift inside to help you relax and unwind. Check it out now!

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Life After Heartbreak: Uncovering Your Happily Ever After

Heartbreak is never easy. But heartbreak doesn’t have to last forever. That’s why I’m unpacking what finding your happily ever after truly means, and the primary reason why navigating life after heartbreak isn’t so scary after all.

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How To Visualize Yourself Wealthy When You're Broke

Do you ever feel like something is blocking you from attracting more abundance into your life? If yes, you may have some limiting beliefs stuck in your subconscious that are repelling the wealth you desire. If you’re ready to finally make the Law of Attraction work for you, then check out my 3 tips for  creating a wealthy mindset through visualization right now!

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Top Tips To Protect Your Energy & Avoid Burnout

We all lead busy lives, and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and even unmotivated. That’s why keeping tabs on our mental health is crucial to our overall well-being. So I’d like to share with you some tips to help you protect your energy and combat emotional exhaustion and burnout.

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7 Ways To Remove Negative Feelings

Have you ever felt yourself falling into a spiral of negative feelings and emotions, but you had no idea how to stop? If yes, you’re not alone! It can be hard to stay positive all the time, especially if you’re unsure of how to identify and stop negativity in its tracks. If you’d like to improve your mood and well-being with more positive thinking, then check out my 7 ways to remove negative feelings for good!

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Self-Love vs. Self-Improvement - Do We Need Both?

Self-love or self-improvement? Do we need both? Over the years, I’ve discovered how important it is to find a balance between these 2 ideals in order to achieve happiness and contentment in our lives. If you’d like to learn how you can truly love yourself now, while still striving to be the best version of yourself, make sure you check out today’s blog post where I cover just that!

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Visualization Techniques For Anxiety And Fear

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by anxious thoughts and find yourself unable to focus on what you’re doing? Anxiety is something many people deal with at some point throughout their lifetime and it can be super debilitating if you don’t have the right tools to understand and process these feelings. If you can relate, make sure you check out today’s video to discover 7 practical visualization techniques to overcome fear and reduce anxiety!

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How to Have Tough Conversations & Process Difficult Emotions

It can be challenging to know how to navigate the tough and uncomfortable conversations that are necessary to our development as human beings. In the midst of uncertainty of all that’s happening in the world, it’s important we process difficult emotions in a healthy way. That’s why I’d like to share a few tips on how to move through uncomfortable conversations to get on the other side, feeling a better sense of understanding and growth.

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The 7-Step Formula To Manifest ANYTHING

Whatever you want to create in your life - more abundance, freedom, health or love - the manifestation process is actually the same & by learning a few simple tips, you too can manifest your own dreams and desires, almost effortlessly! If you’re ready to take your success to the next level, make sure to check out my video where I reveal my 7-Step Formula to Manifest ANYTHING!

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Why NOW Is The Perfect Time To Focus On Your Personal Growth

Feeling the weight of the world during these challenging times? Well, it’s totally understandable if you are, but you’ve still got to carve out some time for yourself. That’s why I’d like to share with you some enlightening tips on why now is the perfect time to focus on our personal growth.

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7 Powerful and Positive Affirmations For Loneliness

Have you been feeling lonely lately? With everything that’s going on in the world - and many of us stuck in isolation - it’s super common to feel some sadness and loneliness. If you’d like to infuse some joy back into your life, make sure you check out my video with 7 Powerful and Positive Affirmations for Loneliness to help you raise your vibration!

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How To Bring More Positive Energy Into Your Home

As we are all spending much more time at home than we probably ever expected, it’s important to make sure our home environment is free of negative energy. So welcoming positive and uplifting energy into the home is the key to keeping our vibrations high. That’s why I’d like to share with you some new ways to keep the positive vibes flowing at home.

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Why Life Should Be Fun According to Abraham Hicks

Have you ever wished achieving success could be FUN and EASY? If you’re sick of struggling - make sure you check out my new Law of Attraction video! Inside, you’ll discover the powerful belief system taught by beloved LOA teacher, Esther Hicks, which reveals the secret to manifesting your dreams with ease and joy.

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7 Tips To Boost Your Immune System

Did you ever think you would be living through a global pandemic right now? Well, staying healthy during such new and challenging times is crucial to our well-being. That’s why I’d like to share with you 7 tips for boosting your immune system.

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10 Affirmations To Change Your Limiting Beliefs

Did you know that limiting beliefs are the number one reason most people block the flow of success from their life and end up stuck in a rut? It’s true! Luckily, positive affirmations are an effective way to get to the core of your subconscious mind & eliminate these beliefs. If you’re ready to attract total abundance & happiness, then watch this video where you’ll uncover my top 10 affirmations to raise your vibration and remove your limiting beliefs for good!

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Discover 6 Wealth Affirmations To Attract Abundance

As we find ourselves getting more comfortable settling into the new normal of working from home and social distancing, you may be looking for new ways to make money. But keeping our mental health in tip-top shape is really what’s going to have the biggest impact on generating wealth. That’s why I’d like to share with you six powerful wealth affirmations you can use to attract abundance.

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A 3-Step Guide To Dealing With Anxiety

Does it ever feel like fear and anxiety are ruling your life? These negative feelings are only human but, the problem is, if you don’t address them, they can keep you from healing, growing, and evolving. If you’re tired of dealing with anxiety, and you’re ready to overcome it, then watch this video to discover useful and holistic tips for anxiety. Not only will this start clearing negativity from your mind, but it will also improve your mental health, focus, and happiness, watch my video now!

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How To Improve Your Mental Health With Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation has the power to reduce stress, anxiety, and  improve overall mental health. And given the current social climate, improved mental health is something we can all benefit from. That’s why I’d like to share with you all of the ways mental health can be improved by incorporating a mindfulness meditation practice into your daily routine.

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Top 3 Tips For Becoming A Leader In Times of Uncertainty

Dealing with uncertainty, especially during the challenging times we are all facing right now, can be scary. But I’ve uncovered a few ways on how to manage these uncertain times all through leadership. I’m going to share with you my tips for becoming a leader in times of uncertainty.

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How To Socialize While Social Distancing

Now more than ever, distance really seems to make the heart grow fonder. So it can be hard to feel like socializing when we’re all stuck at home. That’s why I’d like to share with you how to boost the “social” in social distancing with these fun and easy at-home activities.

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8 Tricks For Making Spring Cleaning Fun

Whoever said cleaning can’t be fun? Well, as we find ourselves indoors more than usual, it happens to be a great time to get ahead on your spring cleaning. And that’s why I’d like to share with you some tips and tricks for actually making spring cleaning fun.

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4 Ways To Avoid Toxicity (And Toxic People)

Unfortunately, you will run into a toxic person at some point in your life. But that doesn’t mean that you should feed into the toxicity by being toxic yourself. Toxicity will only breed more toxicity; so, unless you do something to fix this problem and make sure that it doesn’t reoccur, you’ll attract more and more negative vibes. Guest writer Regina Raap shares four ways to avoid toxicity, and to avoid mixing with people with such vibes. Check it out!

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How To Thrive Through Uncertainty

It’s hard not to feel worried about the challenging times ahead. However, there are ways to keep your vibrations high in light of the unknowns we all may be facing right now. That’s why I want to share with you a few things you can do to make sure you are thriving through the uncertainty.

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11 Things To Do If You're Stuck Inside

As we find ourselves having to stay indoors more than we are probably used to, it’s important to maintain healthy habits. Everything from our mental and physical well-being to our goals and desires, staying productive is key during these challenging times. That’s why I’d like to share with you 11 different things you can do if you are stuck inside.

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The Ultimate Guide To Holistic Health, Wellness, Vitality, & Healing

How exactly does your mind play such an important role in your health and wellness? And perhaps more importantly, how do habits like mindfulness and meditation keep you mentally, emotionally, and physically happy? In this Ultimate Guide, we'll answer these questions and more, so you can tap into the power of what may be your biggest asset for lifelong health, wellness, vitality, and healing. Check it out now.

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Creating Calm In The Chaos

In these uncertain times ahead, it's important now more than ever to create more calm through the chaos. And community support is exactly what we need right now, which is why I want to share some vital information with you to help keep each other in the highest spirits. Remember, we're all in this together, so let's make sure we do what we can as individuals for the success of the entire group.

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Why It's Not Over And Just Different

Not Over, Just Different. It’s my brand new podcast where I get to have the most raw, captivating, and candid conversations with experts, business leaders, and close girlfriends. So if you’re facing life’s new chapter, at any age, this show is for you.

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How To Find Your Community Using The Mind Movies Mobile App

Is it time to boost your personal development journey? Are you ready to connect with like-minded, motivated, and mindful people from around the world? Well, the Mind Movies mobile app allows you to do just that, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it.

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5 Ways To Maximize Your Personal Growth In 2020

Have you ever wished you had a personal growth teacher at your fingertips to help you make those tough decisions when you find yourself either at a crossroad, or when you just want to maximize your personal growth? Well, my Ultimate Success Masterclass students have the ability to ask for my advice whenever they need a little guidance, so I’ve decided to reveal 5 Q & A’s directly from me and my students so you can use them for your personal growth if you’re looking to really tackle your 2020 goals!

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7 Surprising Health Benefits Of Journaling

Journaling is a way of expressing yourself through writing. This freeform of writing is like a diary, but it focuses on more than just stories. To be specific, journaling can help you in interpersonal and intrapersonal development. It allows you to improve yourself by comparing the actions that you have written. It also allows you to become a better person to others. It is a tool in monitoring your life and plans. On this week’s blog, guest writer Lauren Louise shares 7 surprising health benefits of journaling. Check it out right now!

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5 Ways To Reinvent Yourself When You're Feeling Stuck

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in endless patterns in your life? Are you ready to makes some changes to boost your overall well-being? If that's you, I'd like to share some successful tips for reinventing yourself when you're feeling stuck.

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The Four Types Of Relationships Explained

It is the different relationships we have that help to bring fulfillment to our lives. And today, we’re talking about the 4 big ones: family, friends, acquaintances, and romantic relationships. So get ready to dive deep into the meaning and importance of each one to help build long-lasting relationships.

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A 3-Step Guide To Dealing With Anxiety

Does it ever feel like fear and anxiety are ruling your life? These negative feelings are only human but, the problem is, if you don’t address them, they can keep you from healing, growing, and evolving. If you’re tired of dealing with anxiety, and you’re ready to overcome it, then watch this video to discover useful and holistic tips for anxiety.

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Giving Back And Why It's Good For Your Health

Giving back to the community has incredible benefits. Everything from finding a sense of purpose, unifying communities, and seeing new perspectives. But did you know that giving back is also good for your health? Well, I’m going to show you how you can give back to support a healthy body and mind.

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The Eco-Friendly Sleeper's List: Innovative Ways to Make Your Sleep Environmentally Conscious

Choosing to upgrade your bedroom with eco-friendly textiles and materials can require a small investment of time and money to get it just right. The benefits, like more in-depth, more consistent restful sleep, are often more than worth that price. On this week’s blog, expert career coach Susan Ranford shares innovative ways to make your sleep environmentally conscious. Check it out right now!

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6 Ways To Make Your Wealth Habits Stick In 2020

Ready to take your money mindset to the next level? Want to put your finances on autopilot? Well, I’ve got some tips to make sure your wealth habits stick once and for all. Check them out right here!

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Ending Friendships That No Longer Serve You

Are certain people in your life draining you of your energy? Perhaps you have been holding on to friendships that are no longer healthy and have run their course. Here are some tips on breaking up with friends who no longer serve you. Check it out!

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6 Tips To Help You Let Go Of The Past And Embrace The Future

Are painful memories on repeat inside your head? Do minor situations seem to trigger you down a spiral of negative thoughts? Well, with the start of a new year, this is the perfect opportunity to start living life on purpose. Check out my tips on how to let go of the past and start embracing the future.

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Our Top 10 Instagram Posts Of 2019!

Have you ever stumbled upon an Instagram post that feels like it’s speaking directly to you? Well, based on the love you’ve shown us on Instagram this year, there are lots of people that can also relate. That’s why I’m going to share with you this year’s top 10 Instagram posts, so we can all keep the positivity flowing and start the new year off with a bang!

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7 Things I've Discovered This Year To Prepare For 2020

The end of the year is always a great reminder for how far we’ve come. With life’s ups and downs, I always like to take a moment to reflect on the things I’ve learned. That’s exactly why I’m going to share with you the top 7 things I’ve learned this year that I’m taking with me into 2020.

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Relieve Holiday Stress By Healing Your Chakras!

The holidays are officially here, and unfortunately, holiday stress happens to be one of the leading causes of blocked chakras. So to help you get back into the holiday spirit, I’m going to show you how to unblock the energy in your 7 chakras and start generating positive energy flow this season. Check out my chakra healing tips for making sure stress doesn’t become the uninvited holiday guest this year.


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Enhancing Productivity Through Mental Health

With the holidays right around the corner, many of us experience some form of stress, anxiety, sadness or lack of sleep. When we experience these things, our brains tend to get a bit foggy and we don’t see things as clearly as we should - which can leave us unproductive and restless. On this week’s blog, freelance writer Aimee Laurence shares how you can enhance your productivity levels through mental health. Check it out now!

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The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide For Shopping On A Budget

The holidays are right around the corner, and there are still plenty of gifts you can buy that won’t break the bank. That’s why I’m sharing with you the ultimate gift guide for shopping on a budget. Show your friends, family, and loved ones you care with these awesome gifts that won’t put a dent in your pocket.

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A Complete Guide To The 7 Laws Of Attraction

Ever wondered why the Law of Attraction just doesn’t seem to work the way you want it to? Well, regardless of where you’re at on your personal development journey, it’s always good to revisit your understanding of the LOA to keep your energy frequency in tip-top shape. That’s why I’m going to share with you the 7 Laws of Attraction to help restrengthen your manifesting power.

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20 Pictures To Remind You There Is Good In The World

When was the last time you made a kind gesture toward someone? When was the last time someone did something nice for you? Well, when life gets busy, it can be hard to notice the good happening around us and all over the world. So I’d like to share with you 20 pictures to remind us of what it means to be a good human being.

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7 Foolproof Hacks For Financial Freedom

Do you wish you had more money to start living your dream life? Does debt seem to be hovering over you like a dark cloud? Well, I’d like to share with you some easy hacks for obtaining the kind of financial freedom you’ve always dreamed of. Check it out now!

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6 Life-Changing Lessons I've Learned While Traveling

In my line of work, I’ve been grateful to have the opportunity to travel to many different places. Exploring new cities and trying new foods are only some of the benefits of traveling. But there are also many lessons you can learn by going to new places. That’s why I’m going to share with you some of the life-changing lessons I’ve learned from traveling the world.

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10 Creative Ways Of Giving Back

The holidays are a great time to spread a little cheer in your community. And what better way than to give back? I’m going to share with you 10 creative ways to give back to your community this holiday season. Check them out right here!

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5 Clever Ways To Start Saving Up For That Much Needed Beach Holiday

Let’s be honest - saving money can be hard. From our bills and necessities to fun live events and milestones, it can be difficult to prioritize saving money for something in the future.

On this week’s blog, our guest writer Lucy Manole shares that saving money doesn’t always have to be a dull chore! All it needs is a bit of spicing up to become more interesting and a more doable task. Here are 5 offbeat ways to start saving up for that much-needed vacation you deserve!

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How To Soothe Your Chakras Through Massage

Feeling stressed, sluggish, or just not quite like yourself? Well, there’s a chance your Chakras are blocked with built-up energy. Today, I’m going to show you how to release that energy and heal your Chakras through soothing massage. Check it out now!

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How To Attract More Love Into Your Life (6 Easy Steps)

Feeling a little loveless and not sure what to do? Or maybe you want to bring more loving vibes into your everyday life? Well, I’m going to show you how to bring more of the right kind of love into your life in just a few easy steps. Check it out now!

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Empaths Explained: Which One Are You?

If empathy is the understanding of another person’s thoughts and feelings, does that make you an empath? Empaths come in many forms, and today, I’m going to share with you the different types of empaths out there. Check out these social behavioral traits to see which kind of empath you are.

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8 Qualities All Leaders Have (That You Should Have Too!)

So, what makes an exceptional leader? Well, I’m going to share with you the 8 qualities all leaders have in common and why you should them have too! If you want to implement more leadership into your life or business, I’ll show you just how with these character traits. Check it out here!

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Tackling Your Goals With The Set Point System

Staying on top of your goals can sometimes be a challenge considering the busy lives we all lead. But if you’d like to also keep your goals at the top of your to-do list, I have a very special tool I’d like to share: The Set Point System! I will walk you through this unique guide for making sure you become a master at achieving each and every one of your goals.

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How To Slow Down The Aging Process

Aging. It’s that inevitable thing that happens to all of us. And since I can’t wave a magic wand to turn back the hands of time, I’d like to share with you my personal tips you can use to reverse the signs of aging and slow down the process altogether. Check it out here on my blog!

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Wellness Trends You Need To Try In 2019

Are you bored with your current fitness routine? Or maybe you’re looking for new ways to start taking care of your body. Well, we’ve rounded up our top health and wellness trends for 2019 right here! Check them out.

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The LOA Works (100% Of The Time) - You Just Might Not Be Working It Correctly

Let's be honest, we all want things we don't have! A nicer car, a fitter body, more energy, a better career - the list goes on and on! We are all human after all. But the truth is, to get the Law of Attraction on your side, you can't focus on what you don't have. Otherwise, you will never attract what you desire. On this week's blog, transformational coach Lynn Owens shares how to get the Law on your side - all the time. Check it out now!

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5 Tips For Staying Committed To Consistent Personal Growth

Even though you make an effort to go after your goals, when life happens, we can sometimes run into roadblocks in our personal development. Setbacks and missteps can make it hard to stay motivated and on track with our commitments to success. So if you are feeling the urge to give up, check out these tips to stay consistent in your personal development and commit to your goals for good.

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It's Never Too Late To Redesign Your Life!

As someone in the Personal Development field, it’s very common to hear my students say things like, “It’s too late for me.” Or “I missed my chance, there’s no point in trying now.” And whenever I hear this type of negative self-talk, I always try and remind my students it’s absolutely NEVER too late to change your life. So this week, Transformational Coach and blogger Suzie de Jonge shares how it’s never to late to redesign your life. Check it out now!

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How To Create New, Successful Habits With Ease

Do you find it hard staying focused on a single project or task? Are you having a hard time creating new habits that boost productivity and overall success? Well, if you’re done feeling like you have to give up, check out my success tips for mastering new habits and skills will ease.

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Self-Care For Your Chakras!

Let’s be honest - life can be pretty stressful. Between managing your career, finances, relationships, and family priorities, it’s no wonder our health sometimes takes the back burner. To stay balanced and aligned during these intense times we need to care for our energy centers, so they can be the blueprint for our physical health.

On this week’s blog, Hillary Faye shares how to balance your energy centers (or Chakras) by practicing self-care. I guarantee you will enjoy it!

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Top 5 Timeless Relationship Tips To Hold On To Forever

Are you currently in a longterm relationship? Or perhaps you are just starting to date someone new? No matter where you are in your love life, in this blog you’ll learn my best timeless relationship advice for a long and healthy love life.

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The "I AM" and Your Crazy Brain HACK

For anyone who knows me, they know I just love affirmations. They raise your vibration, level up your frequency, and make you feel happy and fulfilled inside. But sometimes affirmations can feel difficult if you don’t see results yet - or if you don’t believe in using them at all! On this week’s blog, transformational coach Lynn Owens shares her hack for making affirmations work for her - I hope they work for you too!

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Dealing With Uncertainty? Here's How To Manage Confusion & Stress

Does the uncertainty of life seem to always stop you dead in your tracks? Are you finding it hard to manage confusion and stress due to fearing the unknown? Well, if you need help learning to deal with uncertainty, you can find out how in just a few steps. Follow my personal formula for combatting life’s unknowns.

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8 Tragic Ways You Sabotage Yourself (And How To Stop Right NOW)

If you've ever found yourself having feelings, making choices, or saying things that pull you further away from what you want in life, know that you're not alone. Self-sabotage is the single biggest reason most people never realize their greatest lives - and also the hardest one to detect. Here are eight of the most common forms of self-sabotage, along with suggestions for overcoming each one. Check it out on my blog!

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100 Ways To Spread Positive Vibes

It doesn’t cost anything to share a little positivity with the world and spread good vibes with the people you encounter. The truth is, it’s actually rewarding to be kind to others. That’s why I’m sharing 100 different ways you can use random acts of kindness to spread positive vibes with those around you.

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Wonders Unknown: Transforming Grief Through Travel

Everyone handles grief differently. Some tend to shy away from new experiences and spend time with friends, while others like to distract themselves and make sure they aren’t bedridden from grief and sadness. On this week’s guest blog post, Paula Meyer shares how traveling can help you manage any grief you may be experiencing. Check it out now!

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8 Books That Will Change The Way You Think About Money

Is there something blocking you from attracting the abundance you truly desire in life? Are you looking for comfort or peace of mind surrounding money? Well, I’d like to share with you some of my favorite books that will help you change the way you think about money, once and for all! Check it out here on my blog!

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The Instant Manifestation Formula: 5 Steps To Getting Anything You Want (In Record Time)

As you may know, I’ve committed most of my adult life to mastering the Law of Attraction. I’ve experimented with virtually every manifesting technique under the sun. I’ve read countless books on the subject, and even written one of my own. And through Mind Movies, my team and I have helped over 5 million people manifest their dream lives. So if you’re ready to manifest the life you desire, here are 5 steps to help you quickly get there!

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Overcoming Procrastination Like A Pro

Does procrastination seem to be getting in the way of your daily life? Are you having trouble accomplishing important tasks or making big decisions? Well, if you need a little help with productivity, I’d like to share with you my best tips for overcoming procrastination once and for all.

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How To Set Healthy Boundaries In All Relationships

Do you wish to seek better, happier, and healthier relationships? Well, setting boundaries just might be the answer to your needs. Whether it’s at work, at home, or with your significant other, here are my personal tips to set healthy boundaries in all of your relationships. Check it out over on my blog!

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The 3 Money Missteps You're Making (And How To Break Free For Good!)

Are you struggling to make ends meets? Are you also having a hard time saving money every month? Well, I’m going to share with you the money missteps you’re making and how to shift your mindset for more abundance. Check it out on my blog right now!

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Q&A Series With Natalie: Part 3

Just recently, we launched our Q&A series with me, Natalie! We dived deep into questions about career, abundance, law of attraction, relationships, and more! Our purpose of these posts is to help answer any questions you may have about your personal development journey and share any tips with our other community members. We hope you enjoy part 3!

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5 Personal Freedoms That Will Change Your Life

I’m interested - what do you think it takes for a human being to be truly free? True freedom transcends politics. It's not just about being free of external pressure - but also about being free on the inside. In my many years as a personal growth teacher, I've helped people from all walks of life create lives of greater freedom and autonomy! What I've discovered is that there are five particular types of freedom that reliably awaken greater joy, love, success, and abundance. Check them out here!

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How To Supercharge Your Relationships With Astrology

Astrology is all about understanding energy. Therefore, understanding how our own energy and the energy of another person may interact can help us better understand our relationships. While everyone is unique, knowing about your own Sun Sign, or your partner’s Sun Sign, can tell you a lot about your (and their) default approach to relationships.

On this week’s blog, blogger Chris H. shares the general relationship style of each Sun Sign. Check it out now!

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7 Ways To Eliminate Distractions For Better Focus & More Success

Having trouble managing your time? Are you looking for ways to be a little more productive in getting things done timely and efficiently? Well, I’d like to share with you some of my best tips for eliminating the distractions that could be hindering your productivity. Check it out over on my blog!

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The Art of Embracing Change

Are you overwhelmed by the fear and uncertainty of change? Has a change occurred in your life, but you just aren’t quite sure where to go now? Well, I’d like to share with you my personal tips on embracing change to get you headed in the right direction. Check it out over on by blog!

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How To Use Writing To Help Heal Yourself

Writing is a really powerful tool to use to improve your life. It can help you deal with past traumas, discover your own strength, and even help you to plan your path towards the happiness and joy you wish to bring into your life. On this week’s blog, writer Chloe Bennet shares how you can use writing to help heal yourself. Check it out now!

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6 Steps To Become Phenomenally Fearless

Are you fearful of tackling your biggest desires in life due to anxiety, self-doubt or worry? Well, just know you’re not alone! Many of us struggle with reaching our goals due to our own limitations we set on ourselves. And perhaps you need a little guidance on how to get to the other side of fear. That’s why I’d like to share with you my personal success tips for becoming phenomenally fearless.

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18 Self-Care Tips For Success

Listen - the truth is, we’re all very busy. From work priorities and appointments, to family events and celebrations with friends, we all have a lot going on in our lives. And with this busy schedule, we sometimes forget to prioritize something extremely important to our well-being: self-care. Here are 18 self-care tips to get you on track (even if you’re super busy!).

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Tips For Making Money While You Travel

Got the travel bug? Are you itching to get out there and see the world but not sure how to maintain a steady income? Well, did you know that you can make money and travel at the same time? Here are some awesome tips and inspiration for putting extra cash in your pocket while you are on the go.

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Why Do You Keep Seeing Repeating Numbers Everywhere?

Do you ever glance at the clock and see 11:11? Or are you ever driving in the car and see a license plate that says 888? Repeating numbers sequences are everywhere, and sometimes they can catch you off guard and make you wonder why you noticed them and if they have any meaning. Despite what many think, seeing these repeating number sequences, or ‘Angel Numbers’, is not a random event.

On this week’s blog, guest blogger Christine Hirlehey shares why you may see these numbers and what they could mean. Check it out now!

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Combatting Self-Doubt For Success

Do you suffer from self-doubt? Are you wanting to take that leap of faith, but just can’t seem to get past the feeling that you might fail? Well, I’m here to help you combat those self-limiting beliefs that may be preventing you from living up to your highest potential. So let’s tackle that negative self-talk and start living life on purpose!

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6 Simple Mindfulness Exercises To Practice Throughout Your Day

Does a jam-packed schedule consume your everyday life? Are you desperately looking for a little ‘me time’ to start living in the present? It’s hard to believe that 2019 is half over - so what better time to embrace the moment then NOW?! Incorporate these 6 simple mindfulness exercises into your daily routine to help you become more self-aware in leading the life you’ve always dreamed of.

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Q&A Series With Natalie: Part 2

Just recently, we launched our first ever Q&A post on our new series of posts with me, Natalie! We dived deep into questions about career, abundance, law of attraction, relationships, and more! Our purpose of these posts is to help answer any questions you may have about your personal development journey and share any tips to our other community members. We hope you enjoy!

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The Top 25 Quotes You'll Ever Need to Manage Stress

Do you get overwhelmed or anxious in your daily life? Does stress always seem to get the best of you? Well, sometimes, all we need is a little reminder that everything is going to be okay. You can use these 25 quotes as a bit of a pick-me-up to get you through those tough moments and manage those stressful days.

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An Introvert's Guide To Meeting New People

Do you need a little help coming out of your shell and meeting new people? Does being an introvert sometimes prevent you from putting yourself out there when you actually really want to? Here’s a quick guide on how to meet new people when you’re an introvert. Check it out now!

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Reasons Why You Should Stop Being A Night Owl (And How)

Do you need help getting to sleep at a reasonable hour? Are you over your night owl ways? Several scientific studies have shown that the amount (and quality) of sleep you get can significantly impact your body! If you’re ready to start implementing healthy habits to get a good nights sleep, check out these tips and hacks for getting some more shut-eye.

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Q&A Series With Natalie: Part 1

Having reached over 5.8 million people worldwide, I’ve noticed I receive many of the same questions from students of all walks of life. Some want to know how to land the career of their dreams. Some want to learn how to banish their limiting beliefs around success. While others want to discover why they can’t seem to reach their goal weight.

Regardless of the question, many are the same. So, I’ve decided to start a short series of Q&A sessions with me, Natalie, where I’ll share some recent questions I’ve received along with some advice. I hope you enjoy!

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4 Simple Ways To Silence Your Inner Critic

When faced with decisions, big or small, do you hear a little voice inside your head guiding you towards the worst case scenario?  Has that voice trained you to think negatively when faced with new or tough situations, causing stress, anxiety or even fear of failure? If yes, these 4 helpful tips are going to teach you how to silence your inner critic and start living your life with intent. Check them out now!

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Mindset Shifts For A Fulfilling Life

Do you have dreams of living a more fulfilling life, but just can’t seem to get there? When “life happens” do you feel overwhelmed instead of ambitious to tackle the day?  Are you longing for more but just can’t seem to crack the code? If life seems to just be passing you by, here are a few mindset shifts to help you achieve a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. Check it out now!

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5 Easy Life Hacks To Replace Old Habits

Have you noticed that your bad habits are starting to get the best of you? Do you want to start forming new healthy habits to shift the way in which you live your life? Well, it’s possible! Here are 5 easy life hacks you can use to reformat your daily routines to live the life of your dreams.

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Mental Shifts For Living A Happier, Wealthier, And More Successful Life

Many things in life are out of our control. Whether it be experiencing really bad traffic, other people’s negative moods or actions, or unexpected illnesses. But there are a few things in life that are in our control, and if we understand how to harness this control, it can be absolutely life-changing. On this week’s blog, journalist and blogger Smith Willas shares a few mental shifts that will help you lead a happier, wealthier, and more successful life. Check it out now!

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5 Powerful Affirmations For The Lonely Soul

“I will break through the illusion of emptiness.”

I simply love this affirmation, as it defines emptiness as an illusion - something we can break free from and move past. No matter how lonely or empty you feel at times, your soul sees you as “whole”! If you need a little help getting out of a slump, here are 5 positive self-help affirmations you can use to combat feelings of loneliness and harness the power of the Law of Attraction!

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What's In Your Blind Spot?

Have you ever been driving down the street and forgot to check your blind spot - almost swerving into another car? It’s quite the adrenaline rush, and can make you almost instantly go into fight or flight mode! Similar to this, we all have blind spots in our lives that sometimes appear out of nowhere! On this week’s blog, Transformational Coach Sandra Biskind shares a guest post on how to identify what’s in your blind spot in life. Check it out now!

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Do You Feel Too Far Gone To Turn Your Life Around?

One of the most common limiting beliefs out there is that, ‘it’s too late’ to change your life. ‘I’m too old’ or ‘I’m too far gone’ are some of the most damaging thoughts that many of my students suffer from. If you have ever been able to relate, you must check out my blog right now and discover that it’s never too late to live your dream life. Learn more here!

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Linguistic Intelligence And Its Benefits

The term intelligence is often associated with IQ tests or perhaps the intellectual potential of a person. But did you know there are multiple intelligences? On this week’s blog, Mindvalley Academy shares what intellectual intelligence is and its benefits. Check it out!

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How To Battle Your Inner Critic - And Win! [8 Tips Inside]

William Shakespeare once said, “There’s nothing either good or bad, but thinking it makes it so.” Do you ever have a little voice in your head, telling you ‘if you try, you will fail’. Or perhaps a voice telling you, ‘it’s too late, you’re too far gone.’ Listen, we all have inner critics in our head. It’s normal! But it’s how you handle these sabotaging whispers!

On this week’s blog, personal development enthusiastic and blogger Luke, reveals how to successfully battle your inner critic - and win! Check it out now!

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6 Ways To Maximize Your Abundance With Passive Income!

When I ask my students what they desire most in life, oftentimes it has something to do with wealth and abundance. Many crave financial freedom without the burden of overwhelming bills or long hours at the office. And one of the best ways to work towards a more abundant lifestyle is to generate passive income. But how? Check out my blog to learn more now!

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When You Are Not Getting What You Want in Relationships: Using The 'Law Of Allowing' To Attract The Best Aspects In Others

I’m sure you’re familiar with the Law of Attraction and how important it is to attracting what you want and creating the fabulous life you deserve! And understanding the Law of Attraction is key to create positive, flourishing relationships. But why are there so many people actively working with the law who are dissatisfied with their relationships? In this week’s blog, transformational leader and bestselling author, Christy Whitman, reveals how to successfully apply the Law of Attraction into your life. Check it out now!

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6 Reasons Why You Should Set A Budget This Year

Budgeting is one of the biggest (if not THE biggest) keys to managing your money. Many people are turned off by the simple word ‘budget’ because they associate it with restrictions and other negative connotations. However, budgeting can determine how successful you are and can help you live a life of financial freedom. Here are 6 reasons why you should set a budget this year, check it out now!

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How To Manifest Anything In 68-Seconds

What if I told you that if you're struggling in any way right now - whether you're feeling stuck, or lost, or lonely, or in pain, or frustrated and unfulfilled - you can overcome ALL of it by using your mind as a gateway to access this incredible power? The technique I'm about to share with you today is based on a phenomenon often spoken about by Law of Attraction pioneer Esther Hicks - and it's something we at Mind Movies believe in deeply too… and the best part? It only takes 68-seconds!

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How To Attract More Love Into Your Life

If you know me at all, you know that I firmly believe our thoughts attract our reality. So when it comes to your relationships, are you attracting positive, flourishing ones? Or are you perhaps pushing loved ones away or sending negative frequencies out into the universe?

On this week’s blog, Transformational Coach Sandra Biskind shares a guest post on how to attract more love into your life. Check it out now!

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The Top 5 Myths About Creating Wealth

There’s a lot of advice out in the world about how to create wealth. But which ones are real and which ones are myths? You see, if you’re not attracting the wealthy and abundant life you crave, you may be a victim of wealth myths. I’ve put together a list to debunk the myths surrounding the path to wealth, so you can start living the prosperous life you deserve! Check it out now!

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7-Step Formula For Achieving Any Goal You Set For Yourself In Any Area of Your Life

Do you ever feel that something is holding you back from achieving your dreams? Or do you ever feel that you’re doing everything right, yet not accomplishing the goals you set?

If you’re ready to live the abundant, thriving life you’ve always craved, check out my 7-step formula that can help you achieve your wildest dreams!

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How To Effectively & Quickly Manifest The Life You Want!

One of the questions I get asked by my students most is, “How can I manifest what I want, quickly?” And the answer to this sought after question may be simpler than you think. You see, a key component in the manifesting process is being present and embracing the current moment. When you allow yourself to stay present, you are releasing resistance from the past and any worries for the future. In turn, your desires can manifest much more quickly.

If you’re not sure how to manifest your dreams and get what you want, there is a system that you can follow, and in this blog, I share a revealing video on how to quickly start living the life you deserve. Check it out now!

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6 Signs Your Ego Is Dragging You Into Negativity & How To Stop It

Sometimes we let our ego’s get the best of us! We’re just human after all. But it’s important to be aware that your ego is taking over your higher self, which can drag you into a negative vibrational state. I’ve put together some signs to look for when your ego is acting up, check it out on this week’s blog!

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7 Genius Tips To Organize Your Life

With the holidays behind us, and Spring right around the corner, it seems there’s no better time to get organized. I like to use this time of year to go through aspects of my life and find ways to be more efficient. I’ve put together some of my best tips to help you get organized, check it out now!

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My Top Affirmations For A Successful Life

Affirmations are one of the foundations of the Law of Attraction - and one of the best ways to create your most successful life! I use them daily to help me stay focused, positive, and enthusiastic about taking on a new day. If you know me, you know I love to share how well they work to manifest your desires! I’ve put together a list of my favorite affirmations so you can start creating your ideal life. Check it out now!

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5 Different Types Of Meditation To Try Now

Meditating is one of the best things you can do for yourself. From relaxation to visualization, meditation is a great tool to have in your life and has many benefits! But which meditation is right for you? I’ve put together a list of some of my favorites for you to choose from!

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5 Things You Should Change In Your Lifestyle For Optimal Mental Health

For many of us, we tend to cater to our physical health on a daily basis. We try and eat healthy, get some exercise, practice self-care, and so on and so forth, ensuring our bodies are taken care of. But what about our mental health? On this week’s blog, we share an article from guest blogger Michelle Joe that reveals the 5 things you should change in your lifestyle for optimal mental health. Check it out!

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The Ultimate Guide To Rising Above Your Limiting Beliefs And Awakening Your Limitless Potential

Does your own mind ever try to convince you that you're unworthy, undeserving, and unprepared for greater success? In this Ultimate Guide, we'll take a journey into your subconscious mind, and explore how to find and erase the limiting beliefs that quietly hold you back every day of your life. Check it out now!

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5 Ways To Let Go Of The Past And Live In The Future

In order to create your best future, you must learn to forgive yourself and release your past. Of course, that takes some work and focus (and a bit of practice). And since it’s the new year and all, I’ve put together an easy list of ways to let go of your past and embrace your future! Check it out now!

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Do You Love Yourself?

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “We need to love ourselves before we can love anyone else”. If we want to truly love others unconditionally, we must first give love to ourselves. So let me ask - do you love yourself? On this week’s blog, Transformational Coach Sandra Biskind shares a guest post on loving yourself. Check it out now!

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5 Easy Steps To Use The Law of Attraction

Now that the New Year has begun, it’s time to revisit one of the core teachings at Mind Movies - the Law of Attraction. More specifically, I want to share how to use the LOA in easy ways to manifest your best life. I’ve put together some easy steps for your success so you can start your year strong! Check them out now!

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10 Motivational Quotes To Kickstart The New Year

Now that we’re just a few days away from the new year, it’s time for some inspirational quotes to kick us into high gear for 2019. It’s great to have some personal development tips at your fingertips, so I put together a list of some of my favorite quotes. Check them out now and make 2019 your best year yet!

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My Top 10 Favorite Holiday Treats For 2018

Well it’s that time of year again! That time when my sweet-tooth is ready for some holiday treats! I like to try out some old favorites, but also put new and popular desserts into the mix. I’ve collected 10 of my favorite recipes so you can try them too and make the end of 2018 sweet! ;-)

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5 Tips To Set Achievable Goals In 2019

As we head into a new year and make our resolutions, it’s important to think about setting realistic goals. It’s easy to get bogged down with ambitious goals and get distracted when we juggle too much at once. So this year, let’s try something more simple. I’ve put together a quick list for you that will help you set realistic resolutions so you can accomplish your goals with ease and grace! ;-)

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7 Tricks To De-stress This Holiday Season

It’s that time of year again - the time we can easily get overwhelmed with the holiday season tasks, lists, and the associated stress. Even though we may tell ourselves that this is the year we’re going to go easy on ourselves, somehow it doesn’t seem to happen. I’ve put together a list of tips for de-stressing during the holiday season, check it out!

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7 Tips To Build Self-Discipline

It’s the time of year we all start to think about our New Year’s resolutions. But having a plan in place to stick to your goals and create better self-discipline is equally as important as actually setting your resolutions. I’ve put together a list of tips that I use to build self-discipline. Check it out now!

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Tips For Early Morning Motivation

Let’s face it - getting out of bed isn’t always easy (especially if you live in a colder part of the world right now!). From getting to work on time, getting the kids ready, or just mentally preparing yourself for the day, sometimes it can be hard to feel motivated in the morning. On this week’s blog, Mindvalley Academy shares their insider tips to becoming more motivated, energized, and inspired in the morning. Check it out now!

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How To Show Gratitude For The People In Your Life

Thanksgiving. A time to give thanks. A time to be grateful. A time to reflect! I try and express gratitude often to the people in my life, but at this time of year, I like to pay special attention to giving back to others. I put together some of the ways I show people I’m grateful to have them in my life. Check it out!

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6 Questions To Ask Yourself If You Want To Transform Your Life

Ahh life. There are times when we’re ready to change our lives, and times when we’re not sure if we are on the right path. But one thing is certain: change is one of the only guarantees live provides. I’ve put together a list of questions to ask yourself if you want to transform your life. Check it out now!

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Top 7 Foods To Boost Your Mental Power

Since we were a very young age, most of us have been told what foods to eat, what foods to avoid, and what foods strengthen and fuel our bodies! But in recent times, we’ve also been shown what foods to eat for optimal brain health so we can function at our peak. I’ve put together a list of some of my favorite foods to help boost mental power, check it out right now!

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6 Lessons I Learned In Africa That Changed My Life (And Could Change Yours Too!)

Do you enjoy helping others? Do you ever find more meaning in life by teaching someone something or giving back to the world? Well, that’s exactly how I feel about my latest trip to Africa. I thought I was there to just teach personal development to young Liberians but it has proved to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Here’s why over on my blog!

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7 Ways To Strengthen Your Relationships

All relationships need attention - whether they be professional, romantic, platonic, or family - relationships take time and work. Sometimes it’s hard to see when (and how often) you need to nurture your current relationships, especially if things are seemingly sailing smoothly. I’ve put together a list of some ways to strengthen your relationships, check it out now!

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10 Mental Hacks That Will Boost Your Memory

Do you have an easier time remembering the words to a song from childhood than where you put your keys or cell phone a few minutes ago? Unless you “train your brain”,  your memory can be affected over time. I’ve come up with some ways to exercise that often neglected - but extremely important - part of your body. Check it out now!

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5 Mindfulness Exercises That Can Change Your Body

Many of us know the benefits of practicing mindfulness and staying in the present moment. But did you know practicing mindfulness can make drastic improvements to your mental, emotional, and even physical wellbeing? On this week’s blog, Community Manager and mindfulness enthusiast Ana Farr shares 5 mindfulness exercises that can actually change your body. You won’t want to miss this - check it out now!

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6 Simple Ways To Get Out Of A Funk

Even the most spiritual and content people in the world can fall victim to a ‘funk’ once in a while. The world can be a challenging place and sometimes we get stuck in a bit of a rut. We’re all human after all! But if you feel like you’ve been in a funk lately and are ready to move past it, check out my list of a few things I personally do when I feel stuck, discouraged, and unmotivated.

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Mindvalley Presents: Exercises For Brain Training

Have you ever been driving to work, mindlessly following the same route you take every day and realized you aren’t really paying attention to your surroundings? I think everyone can say we operate on ‘autopilot’ at one point or another. It’s only natural for us to not expend all our energy on something as monotonous as driving or brushing our teeth. But what if we fully engage our mind in these type of activities? What would happen?

On this week’s blog, Mindvalley Academy shares some brain training exercises to sharpen your mind. Check it out now!

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How To Combine Numerology With The LOA To Manifest More Prosperity!

Perhaps you’ve used numerology to uncover what your lucky number is or find out what your birthday date means. Yet, did you know numerology can depict so much more than that?  Especially combined with the Law of Attraction, this can be your secret weapon for creating more wealth and prosperity in your life! Check out how on my blog!

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Transform Your Life For The Better (By Bringing More Zen Into It)

In today’s busy world, between the demands of work, bills, relationships, health, and more, it can be extremely hard to balance everything at once. And with this balancing act comes a whole lot of stress, anxiety, and sometimes even mayhem! In the midst of this chaos, adding Zen into your life can do wonders. On this week’s blog, journalist and blogger Smith Willas shares how to add more Zen into your life and change it for the better. Check it out now!

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The Area Of Life You Should Be Working On Right Now! (According To Your Horoscope)

There are so many bases to cover in life, that it's sometimes hard to know what area to focus on first. Should you be trying to increase your income? Learn a new skill? Get in shape? Find the perfect partner? Don't leave your decision to chance, use your zodiac sign to discover the most rewarding path to take right now!

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Why Communication Is The Key To Better Mental Health

For many of us, communication requires effort. It is an essential skill to build better relationships with your kids, significant other, coworkers, boss, clients, and many others. Communicating the right way builds trusts, improves problem-solving, and contributes to social and emotional well-being. On this week’s blog, we share an article from guest blogger Michelle Joe that reveals why communication is the key to better mental health. Check it out!

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My 12 Favorite Health And Lifestyle blogs

Thanks to the massive expansion of the internet and social media over the past few years, I find an endless amount of inspiration online that helps me write this blog for you! From blogs about meditation, spirituality, personal growth to even home decor, parenting, and healthy recipes, there is an infinite supply of creative minds out there that I cannot get enough of. I’ve put together a list of my personal favorite health and lifestyle blogs to share with you on this week’s blog. Check it out!

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Effective Office Yoga Techniques For Treating Back Pain

With everyday stresses, obstacles, and workloads, it’s no wonder we don’t always prioritize our health. Whether that means eating foods that don’t provide proper nutrition, avoiding exercise, or sitting at our desks hunched over, it’s important to recognize these habits are bad for our health! On this week’s blog, we share an article from health and wellness writer Jon Spinesmart that highlights yoga moves you can do while at work for alleviating back pain. Check it out now!

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6 Unexpected Ways Meditation Can Transform Your Life

There are so many benefits to practicing meditation on a regular basis. Aside from helping alleviate stress and bringing calm to your life, there are some not-so-obvious advantages. I’ve put together a list of the unexpected ways in which meditation has transformed my life. I hope they can do the same for you - check it out now!

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5 Surprising Ways Mindfulness Can Save You From Stress And Anxiety

I know it can seem strange to say, but experiencing anxiety is not always a bad thing. When anxiety or stress kicks in, it’s a sign that our body needs to be balanced. And in small doses, it can help you take action, prevent you from danger, and can serve as a wake-up call to practice mindfulness. Discover 5 ways you can use mindfulness to reduce stress and anxiety right here on my blog!

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Top 6 Secrets to Happiness In The Workplace

The Dalai Lama once said, “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” True to these wise words, you are in control of your own happiness. And since we spend a substantial amount of our lives in the workplace, finding happiness in what you do can bring immense joy and fulfillment to your life. If you’re ready to find enthusiasm and happiness in your work, check out these 6 secrets of mine that are sure to put a smile on your face!

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Reasons Why Some Businesses Succeed While Others Fail

Have you ever wondered why some businesses succeed while others fail? Sure, some people are in the right place at the right time or come across a bit of luck. But there are some common traits successful entrepreneurs have that set them apart from everyone else.  On this week's blog, entrepreneur Varun Datta shares why some businesses succeed while others fail. Check it out now!

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How To Open Your Root Chakra For More Wealth In 7 Steps

Are you struggling to attract more money and abundant opportunities into your life, despite doing everything you can? Did you know the key to your success and attracting more wealth could be hidden inside your Root Chakra? Discover here how to heal and unblock your Root Chakra for unlimited wealth!

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My Life Is A Rubik's Cube: Part 7

Do you ever feel like you’re living in a box? Where your goals, ideas, and aspirations are confined by imaginary walls - keeping you from pursuing your dreams? On this week's blog, published author Michael Fletcher shares part 7 of ‘My Life is a Rubik's Cube' and details how to live ‘outside of the box’ so your dreams can become your reality. Check it out now!

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Quick Ways to Reprogram Your Thoughts for Success

Research has shown that our thoughts have a powerful impact on how we feel, how we think, and how successful we are. It’s not always easy to access (and maintain) a positive mindset. Sometimes we need to find ways to reprogram our subconscious mind to think and act differently. I’ve put together some of my favorite shortcuts to get you there quicker.

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7 Reasons Why It's Worth Being a Morning Person

Many people rush through their mornings, starting the day stressed out and bogged down by obligations. But I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “The early bird gets the worm” - and I definitely agree with this statement. For example, by waking up just a bit earlier every day, you provide yourself the time to do things you usually put off. Whether that be meditation, exercise, meal prep, or anything really! Here are the 7 ways being a morning person helps me and I hope you too.

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Coffee & Chocolate - The Health Facts You Need To Know

Ahh chocolate and coffee - a classic combo! Now if you’re like many people out there, I’m sure you love to make a hot cup of coffee in the morning and settle down at night while enjoying a nice piece of chocolate! So what about when you combine the two? On this week’s blog, we share a special article from author, teacher, and researcher Mitravinda Savanur where she shares the important health facts of these two popular items. Check it out now!

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6 Ways To Build Confidence

No matter how confident you feel at times, everyone can experience doubts and insecurities in certain situations. We all need a boost of confidence sometimes, so I’ve put together a list of easy tips to put you back on the road to feeling great again. Check it out now!

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Crucial Tips For A Healthy Relationship

Theodore Roosevelt once said, “The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.” Positive, supportive, and honest relationships contribute to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled life. So let me ask you - do you have healthy relationships with others or do you find yourself pushing people away? On this week’s blog, Mindvalley Academy shares crucial tips on creating positive, long-lasting relationships. Check it out!

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10 Life Tips I'd Tell My Younger Self (That Could Save You Time & Worry)

Do you ever wish you could go back in time and do things differently? How about the advice of a wise older person to save you time and worry? When I look back on my younger years, I wish I learned to trust and relax - knowing that things will all work out in the end. Here are 10 things I’d like to tell my younger self so I wouldn’t have focused so much on the future and instead just enjoyed the present! Check it out!

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5 Ways To Avoid Getting Sick On Vacations

Picture this: you’ve been planning a leisure vacation for months and the day has finally arrived! You’re so thrilled and cannot wait to have some time off to enjoy with family and friends. And then out of nowhere - you feel sick! Have you experienced being sick on vacation? It’s definitely not something we plan for, but we can take steps to plan ahead and avoid getting sick on vacation. On this week’s blog, journalist and blogger Smith Willas shares 5 ways to avoid getting sick while you’re on vacation. Check it out now!

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7 Core Principles For Successful Entrepreneurship

Winston Churchill once said: “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” True to this statement, I personally failed several times before achieving the level of success I desired. Over time I’ve learned there are a few core principles every entrepreneur must follow in order to achieve success in business and in every area of their lives. If you’re ready to start your own business venture, make sure you read this first!

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Online Dating: 4 Ways To Stay Spiritual

Have you ever been on a date with someone and felt like you were counting down the minutes until it was over? Or did you ever want to ask someone on a date but were too afraid you would be rejected? Let’s be honest, dating is hard! So how can you stay positive and spiritual while online dating? On this week’s blog, Life Coach and speaker Natalie Speakman shares quick dating tips - check it out now!

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Discover How To Tap Into Your 5 Universal Chakras

If you’re interested in energy healing, then you might agree that we give most of our attention to our 7 core Chakras. But did you know you have five Universal Chakras beyond your physical body, hovering just above your head? Unlike the commonly known 7 Chakras inside your body, your five Universal Chakras are the key to your innermost truths, beyond anything conscious or physical. Discover how to tap into them here!

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7 Ways To Bounce Back After A Setback

Even the most successful and famous people in the world face failure and setbacks. Everyone has had to figure out how to recover and overcome rejection in order to truly thrive. But how do they do it? I’ve put together a list of ways to bounce back after a setback, check it out now!


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Tired Of Living On Autopilot? Create A Life of Purpose With These 10 Mindfulness Affirmations!

Do you ever feel like you’re going through your days on autopilot? Are you just waiting for your dreams to come true so you can finally enjoy true happiness? If you’re ready to start seizing the day and living your best life, here are  10 of our best mindfulness affirmations that will help you create a life of purpose.

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My Life Is A Rubik's Cube: Part 6

Does the Universe really say “NO” to us? Sure, sometimes things don’t always work out as planned and sometimes our paths look different than we had initially imagined. But that doesn’t mean we should give up on our hopes and dreams! On this week's blog, published author Michael Fletcher shares part 6 of ‘My Life is a Rubik's Cube' and details how to play the game of life so your visions become your reality. Check it out now!

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7 Strategies To Master Productivity In The Workplace

Being productive - in what sometimes seems a mundane routine -doesn’t always come naturally or easily. And that’s normal! But there are ways to mitigate productivity-killers and get you motivated for success. For those days when you’re just not feeling driven, I’ve put together a list of steps I use to be more productive in the workplace. Check it out!

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Start The Journey To Discover Yourself

Between balancing our personal and professional lives, life sometimes can be tricky. We want to be successful but we also want to be happy. In order to achieve both, we must discover our purpose. But how? On this week’s blog, Mindvalley Academy shares their insider tips on discovering yourself through hypnotism. Check it out now!

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7 Random Acts Of Kindness That Will Melt Your Heart

Many people complain about the world being chaotic, the lack of connection between each and every one of us, and the loss of sense of community. Yet, what we fail to see is that change starts within us. If you’ve lost faith in humanity, it only means we need to make compassion, kindness, and gratitude a priority.

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How Chronic Pain Affects Physical and Emotional Aspects of Life

Have you ever experienced physical or emotional pain that leaves you feeling debilitated? Or perhaps pain that leaves you stressed or extremely agitated? The truth is, chronic pain affects more people around the world than we think. On this week’s blog, journalist and blogger Smith Willas shares various forms of chronic pain and warning signs you shouldn’t miss. Check it out now!

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5 Shortcuts To An Attitude of Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is one of the best paths to a fulfilling and successful life, but it’s a muscle that needs to be exercised. It’s not easy to feel gratitude at all times, but there are tactics you can use to work those muscles. I’ve put together some shortcuts to use to jump quickly into an attitude of gratitude.

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7 Surprising Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make (That You Should Avoid)

Let’s face it - starting a business is not always as glamorous as it sounds. The truth is, you’ll make a lot of mistakes along the way! Luckily, there are many others who have taken this journey before you and made a lot of them. Here are 7 most common mistakes entrepreneurs make, check it out!

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A Different Look At The Sword In The Stone

I'm sure there's been a time in your life where something didn't go as planned and you said, “it just wasn't meant to be.” A time where you let fate take its course without hesitation or regret. So do you believe you have the power to change your destiny, or do you believe fate has designed your life to be a certain way? On this week's blog, published author Michael Fletcher gives his insight on the powers of the universe. Check it out now!

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6 Essential Oils To Check Out Now!

Essential oils have long been used in various cultures to heal physical ailments, but they are also great for the mind and soul. What’s more is that essential oils can have a greater impact on our being when used in conjunction with the Law of Attraction. I've put together a list of my favorite oils and how I use them to attract health, abundance, and peace of mind. Check them out now!

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10 Yoga Myths: Busting Age-Old Saga

Yoga is practiced by all walks of life whether you’re a man, a woman, old, young, religious, not religious, an athlete, not an athlete, and everyone in between. But if yoga can be for anyone, why do a lot of people shun away from it? On this week’s blog, we share an article from health and fitness writer Margaux Diaz that debunks common yoga myths. Check it out now!

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7 Health Tips That Will Make You Feel 10 Years Younger!

A lot of us may think that degenerative disease is part of the aging process. But did you know our aging is often dictated by our lifestyle? So how can you tweak your daily habits to stay younger inside and out? Here are seven little-known health tips that will make you feel 10 years younger. Check them out!


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The Neuroscience of Visualization

Albert Einstein once said, “Imagination is more than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create.” True to these powerful words, we must visualize what we want and take action or we won’t ever turn our dreams into reality. On this week’s blog, Dr. Amy Palmer shares the neuroscience behind visualization and why you should be using this technique in your daily life. Check it out now!

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6 Things Great Leaders Always Do

All great leaders share some common traits. Whether that be prioritizing “me time” or learning from their mistakes, they all have the qualities it takes to be successful. So what are the habits of people like Albert Einstein, Warren Buffet, and Oprah Winfrey? I’ve put together a list of tips for success that anyone can follow, check them out now!

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7 Secrets To Live A Harmonious Life

Leading a harmonious life is like living as a forest does, where every element has a purpose that contributes to one giant organism. So are you living a harmonious life? On this week’s blog, writer Carmen Jacob shares 7 secrets to living a full, prosperous, meaningful life. Check it out now!

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[Video] 10 Essential Self-Care Questions To Ask Yourself Today

Truth be told: you can’t practice self-care without truly believing you deserve it in the first place. If you’re ready to go deep within your core, face your fears, and truly start loving yourself from the inside out, then ask yourself these 10 questions for a healthier and happier you!

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My Life is a Rubik's Cube: Part 5

We all experience roadblocks and challenges that get in the way of our success. But it's how we handle these struggles that help define us and our future. All of your ideas, dreams, and goals rely on your ability to persevere despite what obstacles you may face. On this week's blog, published author Michael Fletcher shares part 5 of ‘My Life is a Rubik's Cube' and details how to play the game of life so your visions become your reality. Check it out now!

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6 Facts About Happiness (That You Need To Know)

Many people think happiness is an endpoint, but what they don’t realize is that happiness is actually a choice. There are many small ways to achieve happiness, from practicing gratitude to surrounding yourself with positive people. I’ve put together a list of facts about happiness that you need to know. Check it out now!

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How to Embrace Daily Gratitude Without Keeping a Journal

Countless studies have proven the incredible effects of expressing gratitude daily - from your health and quality of sleep, to your career and finances, and even to your relationships.The challenge for most of us is that too often, we just get too busy. We get stressed. We unconsciously let negativity take over. If you follow our blog, you know we are avid fans of keeping gratitude journals. But what other ways can you express gratitude?

Check out guest blogger Caroline Black’s alternative tips on how to embrace gratitude on a daily basis!

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Do You Love the LOA? Then Check Out These 10 Best Manifesting Blogs!

As a law of attraction teacher and student, I’m constantly looking for fresh new articles that can help me stay informed, positive and inspired. Yet there are only a few that have had the power to challenge my perspective and create change in my life. Here are 10 of them.

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6 Tips to Spring Clean Your Mind, Body, and Soul

Spring is the perfect time to declutter, reorganize, and reevaluate. With longer days, warmer nights, and summer right around the corner, Spring 2018 is an ideal time to tackle anything that’s been neglected, both on the inside and the outside. I’ve put together a list of some of my favorite tips for spring cleaning. Check them out now!

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How To Prepare Yourself For Mindfulness Meditation

Practicing mindfulness meditation has an unlimited number of benefits. From enhancing mental health and cognitive functioning to preventing anxiety and depression - mindfulness meditation helps heal the mind, body, and soul! On this week’s blog, online transformational education provider, Mindvalley Academy, shares how to prepare yourself for mindfulness meditation so you can start benefiting from it now.Check it out!

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10 Essential Time Management Hacks Guaranteed To Increase Your Productivity

Why do some people seem to accomplish way more in a single day than others? The answer is quite simple: They’ve mastered the skill of time management. If you’d like to beat procrastination and become the most productive person you know, then start by applying these 10 time management hacks now!

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Release The How, But Embrace The Who

We all have goals, dreams, and aspirations we set out to achieve. But often times, we get caught up on ‘how’ we are going to accomplish things instead of focusing on what our lives will look like once we do! On today’s blog, entrepreneur and life coach Lynn Owens will share the importance of letting go of the ‘how’ and embracing the ‘who’ to manifest your greatest desires. Check it out now!

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42 Affirmations To Heal And Balance Your 7 Chakras

So much wisdom comes from ancient cultures, and we can still use much of it in today’s modern society. Like calendars, math, and the written language, we can also benefit from chakra healing. Here are 6 affirmations for each of the 7 chakras that you can use on a daily basis.

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Dating In A Single World

Most of us have a dating horror story: You got stood up, they weren’t who they said they were, they made you feel uncomfortable, they got too handsy -  you get the point.  And while we’ve all had a bad date or two (or three), this by no means you should give up on finding true love. This week, guest blogger and award-winning Life and Relationship coach, Monica Cobis, shares her tips to successfully date in a single world. Check it out!

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3 Self-care Lessons Only Dating Can Teach You

Have you found yourself single again? Are you ready to date but the idea of it seems daunting and confusing? Breakups and relationships are hard. But if you let them, they’re also rewarding as they bring you a lot of experience and wisdom. Before venturing into the dating scene all over again, here are a few tips on how to use your dating experience to find true love.

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Discover How To Use Your Power Of Intuition To Always Make The Best Life Decisions!

Even though we’re all born with the fascinating and natural ability to know something without physical proof or evidence, know as our “intuition”, many of us choose to ignore it. Watch Law of Attraction expert Natalie Ledwell as she shares how to harness the power of intuition and live your life with greater clarity, confidence, and ease.

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My Life is a Rubik's Cube: Part 4

Vincent Van Gogh once said, “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” True to these powerful words, our lives are defined by the little challenges, obstacles, and successes we experience along the way. On this week’s blog, published author Michael Fletcher shares part 4 of ‘My Life is a Rubik’s Cube’ and details how to play the game of life so your visions become your reality. Check it out now!

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8 Travel Hacks for People on the Go

Even for the most seasoned jet-setter, traveling can be hectic and stressful. Between planning, budgeting, crowded airports, and unfamiliar places, what’s meant to be relaxing can often be overwhelming. I’ve put together some of my favorite travel hacks to help make it an enjoyable experience. Check them out now!

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Skin Care Tips For 2018!

Our resolutions usually have to do with weight loss or managing our finances better, but what about our skin? On this week’s blog, Mindvalley Academy shares their insider tips to achieving and maintaining healthier skin this year. Check it out now!


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[Video] Can We Guess Your #1 Money Block?

Are you struggling to reach financial success despite all of your talent and hard work? If yes, did you know the ‘money blocks’ in your subconscious mind could be hindering your success? Here are 5 common money blocks and how to clear them once and for all!

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Avoid These 7 Things If You're Feeling Overwhelmed

Even the most evolved people on the planet succumb to stress once in a while. The world is unpredictable, divided, and we’re inundated with a constant barrage of bad news. When we find ourselves in stressful times, we can become more vulnerable to stressors. That’s why I’ve put together a list of the top 7 things to avoid when you’re not in the best state of mind. 

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7 Amazing Personal Growth Apps Everyone Is Downloading (And Why)

How much time of your day do you spend on your smartphone or tablet? Whether it’s texting, exploring apps, or scrolling through social media feeds, there’s no doubt we’re spending a lot of time on our mobile devices! So why not use them to achieve our goals? Here are 7 awesome apps that can actually create a positive change in your life. Check them out!

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My Life is a Rubik's Cube: Part 3

We all face challenges, obstacles, and roadblocks that keep us from happiness. But it's how we handle these struggles that help define us and our future. Remaining calm in the face of bad or disastrous situations may be the best tool we have to respond to a situation.

On this week's blog, published author Michael Fletcher shares part 3 of ‘My Life is a Rubik's Cube' and details how to play the game of life so your visions become your reality. Check it out now!

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Expand Your Mind: Personal Development Books to Read this Year!

With dozens of books being released in the personal development field on a regular basis, it can be tough to narrow down which ones to choose. In the first few months of every year, I put together a list of books I have on rotation. Some are new to me, some I’m revisiting, and some I’ve seen and are just getting around to. Here’s my list of must-reads for the year.

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10 Life Secrets They Didn't Teach You In School

A majority of us spend around 12-16 in school, yet, we weren’t taught many real-life skills to handle real-life challenges. From registering your first car and paying taxes to learning about health insurance and balancing checkbooks - it’s probably safe to say you weren’t given the tools from the education system to handle these type of situations.

Coach and speaker Sean McCool shares 10 life secrets that we didn’t learn from school, and how these tips can help you with any challenges you may face.

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Inside Mind Movies: Our Favorite Habits for Happiness

We all strive for everlasting happiness, yet there will always be things outside our control that ultimately will challenge our happiness. The secret lies in maintaining a higher vibration and creating habits for happiness that will make us feel fulfilled, peaceful and satisfied much of the time. Check out our personal favorite habits that help facilitate happiness here at Mind Movies!

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3 of the Greatest Blocks to Happiness (And How to Shatter Them Once and For All)

As subjective as it may be, most of us seek the pursuit of happiness. But oftentimes, we attribute our lack of happiness to external things, like money and relationships. In reality, what could be holding you back from happiness is right inside of you - internal roadblocks keeping you from living your most fulfilled, happiest life.

This week, Transformational Coach and blogger Suzie de Jonge shares what these three blocks are and how to rid yourself of them for good. Check it out!

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6 Ways to Live Without Regrets

Most of us have things we’re holding onto that we regret. Whether it be actions from the past that may cause remorse or shame, or opportunities we missed or didn’t take. But what if we took a different approach and started to look at everything as a life lesson? What if our regrets were actually blessings in disguise, blessings that help us to learn to trust our gut? Here are 6 ways to live without regrets.

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5 Easy Ways to Boost your Health

Being healthy is more than eating right and being active! You see, if you want to achieve optimal well-being, you need to also make sure you’re taking care of your mental health. There are many simple ways to do this and I have 5 simple, yet effective ways for you in this blog post. Read on to boost your health and mood today!

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Our 7 BEST Instagram Posts from 2017!

As the new year has begun, it’s been a time for reflection here at Mind Movies. And we’re happy to say that 2017 sure didn’t disappoint. Since we all enjoy images, quotes and articles that inspire us, we’ve compiled 7 of our very BEST Instagram posts from last year according to our 21.4k followers. These positive messages fill us with hope, strength and energy - and we hope they do that for you too!

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The Importance Of Healing In Today's Life

Anxiety, stress, and emotional turbulence are normal when experienced once in a while. But do you find yourself constantly feeling stressed or physically and emotionally exhausted?  If your answer is yes, then there may be an underlying reason you’re feeling this way, and it has to do with your Chakras! On this week’s blog, online transformational education provider, Mindvalley Academy, shares the importance of healing and nourishing your Chakras in today’s hectic life. Check it out now!

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Moving On: Five Signs It's Time To Say Farewell To A Friend

Even if you know it's for the best, It's not always easy to walk away from a friendship.  Perhaps you've been friends for a long time, share a group of mutual friends, or met through family - sometimes we feel obligated to keep people in our lives that actually are doing us a disservice. Moving on from a relationship can be a very difficult choice, but taking advice from someone who’s been there can help. Here are 5 signs it’s time to say farewell to a friend.


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My Life is a Rubik's Cube: Part 2

Thomas Edison once said, “Vision without execution is hallucination.” True to these powerful words, your hopes, wishes, and dreams will never be actualized if you don’t take action. On this week’s blog, published author Michael Fletcher shares part 2 of ‘My Life is a Rubik’s Cube’ and details how to play the game of life so your visions becomes your reality. Check it out now!


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Improving Your Life: 10 Positive Changes Only You Can Make

Big changes can bring amazing gifts, but so can small changes. You simply need to be aware of what changes to make in your life and take small daily steps towards them. Here are 10 of my favorite small changes you can apply now that will create lasting positive effects in your life.

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3 Things Greater Than Goals: WHY Goal Setting Isn't Enough

As the new year is upon us, many people find themselves setting resolutions and goals to positively impact their life. Whether you want to get in better shape, become more financially free, or land the job you’ve always wanted - accomplishing your goals sometimes takes more than just writing them down. Coach and speaker Sean McCool shares three things that are more important than just setting your goal, and how you can implement them right now! Check it out!

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Lights Out: Evening Rituals That Set You Up For Success

After the busy schedule of the holiday season, it may be hard to get back to your night-time rituals. From parties to traveling to spending time with friends and families, your routine could be off-kilter. Here are 6 suggestions to help you learn to relax, get to bed on time, and make the most of the morning to come!

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29 Random Acts Of Kindness That Will Make You Fall In Love With Spreading Love

Can you agree that the world needs more love? How much better would life be if everyone practiced just one random act of kindness every day? Every small interaction with someone is an opportunity to have a positive impact on both of your lives. Here are 29 random acts of kindness to uplift the people around you (and yourself) this holiday season.

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My Life is a Rubik's Cube: Part 1

Have you ever sat down and tried to solve a Rubik’s Cube? The possibilities are nearly incomprehensible, it’s almost impossible trying to visualize all of the potential outcomes! Similar to the Rubik’s Cube, life has many twists, turns, and obstacles leading to various paths, and it’s hard to predict what will happen next. In this week’s blog post, published author Michael Fletcher shares some hints on how to solve life’s Rubik’s Cube. Check it out now!

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Our Favorite 30-Day Challenges To Jumpstart The New Year

It’s almost 2018, and it can be overwhelming to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions! With these 30-day challenges, there’s something for everyone. From keeping a gratitude journal, exercising regularly, meditation and more, these challenges are a great way to start a new year.

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How To Reignite Your Dreams: Even If They Keep Burning Out

It can seem like a scary task: chasing your dreams with the potential to fail. But time is the most precious asset we have, and when we fear failure we won’t don’t take the risks or make the sacrifices to turn our dreams into reality. On this week’s blog, coach and speaker Sean McCool shares how to reignite your dreams - even if they keep burning out!


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Uncover What May Be Energetically Stopping You From Success In 2018

Do you ever sense an invisible force might be keeping you from reaching your goals? Did you know there are energy blocks that hold you back from a life of prosperity and success? These blocks also prevent you from actualizing your goals and dreams. Watch Law of Attraction expert, Natalie Ledwell, as she shares how to uncover these blocks in 60 seconds, to ensure 2018 is filled with abundance and success!

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The Ultimate Guide To Gift Giving On A Budget

Who says an unforgettable Christmas gift needs to break the bank? Prepare to tug on their heartstrings with these unique tips, ideas, and hacks that will make you everyone’s favorite gift giver. From gorgeous handmade goodies to thoughtful presents they’ll never forget, here’s how to make every gift a WOW gift this holiday season - without going broke in the process.


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6 Crucial Qualities of a Charismatic Leader

History has shown that the most influential leaders of our time had one thing in common: charisma. They also all have had the ability to attract followers, motivate change, and inspire people to be their very best. On this week’s blog, Mindvalley Academy shares 6 crucial qualities of any charismatic leader and how you can become one. Check it out now!

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10 Fun Winter Activities That Will Make You Wish Summer Never Comes

What does the winter and the holiday season mean to you? Is it a time to strengthen your values and practice some self-reflection? Or do you experience nothing but stress and winter blues? Although winter can be cold and dreary, there's no reason you can’t spend time on yourself and enjoy all this season has to offer! Here's how to embrace this time as a period for self-reflection and help you prepare for the birth of the New Year.

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How to Rock Being Single During The Holidays

Being single during the holidays can sometimes make you feel like you should be in a relationship. But what many people fail to realize is that being single gives you the opportunity to focus on yourself, your dreams, and your future. So, how do you rock being single during the holidays? Rachel Watson, owner of the powerful lifestyle blog OurStart.com, shares her tips on how to embrace your singleness so you can maintain a positive, happy mindset.

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Love and Money: 4 Tips for Monetary Bliss

Despite what we want to believe, sometimes the saying “love conquers all” just doesn’t hold true for relationships. But money doesn’t have to be a wedge between you and your partner, and there are ways to learn to talk about finance in a healthier, satisfying manner. This week, guest blogger and award winning Life and Relationship coach Monica Cobis shares her tips to avoid letting money dominate your love life. Check it out!

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How A Single Raisin Can Help You Stop Stress Eating This Holiday Season

The joy of the holiday season also carries with it another visitor: overwhelming stress. Millions of people end up stress eating over the holidays, causing them to lose track of their health and weight loss goals. The good news is, you don't have to - just follow these easy steps to eat responsibly as you enjoy everyone's favorite time of the year.

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Gratitude Gains: 8 Easy Ways To Strengthen Your Gratitude Muscle

Want to be healthier, happier, and more successful? Your Gratitude Muscle is a vital part of your mental anatomy - but are you giving it the attention it deserves? Try these 8 daily Mind Workouts to shift your mind into a space of unbreakable thankfulness, and reap the rewards in every area of life.

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To Succeed Big, Start Small

Do you have big dreams but aren’t sure where to start? Do you ever feel like you’re waiting for the perfect, opportune moment before you go after them? If yes, the most important thing to do is to take the first step towards accomplishing small, manageable goals before reaching your BIG goal. Guest author, coach, and speaker Sean McCool shares his tips on goal setting and how there are four ways to set them, but only one truly successful way!


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Repeating Numbers: Is the Universe Trying to Tell You Something?

Do you consistently see number sequences? Many people believe this is not a coincidence, but rather, the Universe’s (or angels’) mysterious way of trying to tell you something. Discover here the meaning behind some of the most common numbers many people tend to see.

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21 Motivational Quotes to Inspire You!

Do you find yourself focusing on the negative things in your life rather than the positive? Negative thoughts and emotions affect many areas of our life - from our productivity and creativity to decision making and goal setting. So if you’ve been feeling a little uninspired, check out some of my favorite inspirational quotes to help boost your enthusiasm and create a more positive mindset!

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7 Powerful Steps To Creating a Vision Board That Actually Works!

Did you know you’re always in the process of becoming what you are thinking about most often? Your thoughts are shaping your actions and your actions become what you do and your experiences in life. When you focus your attention on the things that serve you, you’re aligning yourself with your dreams. This infographic shows you how vision boards can help you do just that.


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Effective Morning Routines to Skyrocket Your Productivity

Whether you’re an early riser or a night owl, we all start our day at some point or another. Some of us jump online immediately, checking emails and viewing social media. Others watch TV or even get some exercise in. But did you know the little habits and morning rituals we keep can drastically impact the rest of our day? Check out guest blogger and Life Coach Adam Rockman’s simple tips to creating a productive and efficient morning routine!

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8 Limiting Beliefs That Are Cheating You Of A Wealthy & Successful Mindset

Nobody is born with a sense of lack or unworthiness. What really pulls us away from our natural state of wealth and success is the limiting beliefs we absorbed while growing up. Here are 8 of the most damaging ones you must be aware of if you want to unblock your path to abundance.

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Ayurvedic Expert Yogi Cameron Shares The Difference Between Relaxation and Meditation

Have you ever tried to meditate but end up feeling defeated, frustrated, or even annoyed? Well, if you have, you probably are experiencing a negative emotion associated with meditation because you’re trying to force the experience instead of letting it come naturally. If you are looking to open yourself up to the powers of meditation, check out guest blogger and Ayurvedic expert Yogi Cameron's tips to cleanse your mind and open yourself up to the power of meditating without needing to ‘relax’.

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7 Ways To Naturally Increase Your Energy and Vitality

If you feel like you could use more energy lately, you’re not alone! A shocking 40% of people report feeling constantly fatigued and chronically tired. Do you have the right tools to revitalize and keep your energy at its peak? We’re giving you seven ways to naturally increase your energy without the caffeine and sugar.

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STOP! Are You Setting The Right Goals?

Have you ever stopped and wondered if you were setting the right type of goals for yourself? If you don’t know what you truly want or how to set goals with clear intentions, you’re unlikely to achieve the life you desire. If you are ready to reevaluate your goals, check out this week’s blog from Professional Development Coach Kristine Conway, as she sheds light on three key steps to setting the right goals for yourself.

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These 6 Excuses Are Keeping You From Happiness

Our minds are as fascinating as they are deceiving. Sometimes our minds can even convince us to not take action on new perspectives, things and opportunities that could benefit us. This leads us to make damaging excuses that prevent us from reaching our goals and obtaining the happiness we deserve. Here are 6 excuses our mind conjures up that could be keeping you from reaching your greatest potential.

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9 Crucial Traits of Healthy Relationships

Relationships - whether they are romantic or platonic - can be difficult. Maintaining a healthy, happy relationship requires sacrifice, honesty, appreciation, and of course, mutual respect. Are there relationships in your life that you wish were stronger and more resilient? Discover these 9 traits that are crucial to making any relationship work.

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3 Important Lessons About Success from Oprah's Favorite Guest of All Time

There are times in our lives when we meet someone that significantly impacts us, and the lessons they teach us are meant to permeate every action we take, as we traverse the journey we call life. For bestselling author Zhena Muzyka, this happened when she met Dr. Tererai Trent, who is considered one of Oprah’s favorite guests of all time. On this week’s blog, Zhena shares 3 powerful lessons she learned from Dr. Tererai Trent, author of The Awakened Woman, on how to truly be successful.

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Life in Color: What Color Lens Are You Wearing?

Have you ever been in a difficult position and reacted in a negative, unhealthy way? We are all guilty of lashing out once in a while, and maybe even losing control of our emotions. But have you considered that part of the reason we act like this is based on the way we are viewing the world? Check out guest blogger and transformation coach Suzie de Jonge’s insight on ‘colored lenses’ and the effect they can have on our emotions and actions.

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Powerful Confidence Building Tips That Will Make You Believe in Yourself!

Low self-confidence can be a result of many things, from limiting beliefs and negative childhood imprints, to fear of failure and fear of judgment. Building strong self-confidence, despite these obstacles, takes work, persistence, and practice. If you want to improve your self-esteem and boost your self-worth, here are five simple and effective techniques that will make you believe in yourself.

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Famous Fails: 6 People Who Turned Defeat Into Victory

The key to success depends greatly on how you view failure. Getting up over and over again after you’ve been knocked down not only builds resilience, but brings proven results. Read about these six inspiring famous people who turned failures into major victories.

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Daily Rituals That Will Speed Up Your Success

Every journey is made up of small steps. And when it comes to setting goals for success, it's the daily choices you make, the relationships you invest in, and the thoughts and habits you entertain, that determine whether you'll reach your destination - or end up lost.

On this week’s blog, entrepreneur and personal coach, Sai Blackbyrn, shares daily rituals that will speed up your success to help you achieve your goals!

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7 Energy Healing Teas to Naturally Vitalize and Nourish your Body and Soul

The ancient art of herbal tea is still one of the most common at-home remedies for body and soul nourishment. From a sneaky cold to chronic health issues, these versatile teas have many different benefits. Discover which type of tea is best for healing a particular Chakra.

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12 Positive Affirmations for a Happier, Healthier You!

Are you struggling to make healthier lifestyle choices? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything but you simply aren’t meeting your goals? Sure diet and exercise are integral ingredients for a healthy lifestyle, but have you tried using affirmations?  Positive affirmations have the power to transform your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Learn to fight temptation with these 12 affirmations for a healthier, happier you!

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10 Inspiring Books That Will Have You Reaching For The Stars

Have you ever picked up a book that just immediately inspired you to take action? Well, we know a few and we’ve listed some here across several genres. If you are feeling stuck or unmotivated, here are 10 books that will get you out of that rut and have you reaching for the stars!

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From Blah to Brilliant: 5 Keys to Personal Ingenuity

My experience, both personally and with many personal growth gurus I’ve worked with over the years, is that inspiration actually comes from within. Yet we often search outside of ourselves to find it. Becoming aware of your body, your surroundings, and your emotions are some of the first steps to tapping into that inspiration hidden right inside of you! On this week’s blog, we share a guest post from Law of Attraction coach Deborah D’Ippolito and her 5 secrets to awakening your inner inspiration.

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A Message From Natalie: Tips to Unwind, Relax, and Rejuvenate on Labor Day!

Labor Day is all about taking a break from the regular grind and celebrating your hard work, dedication, and contribution to our society. But are you taking the time to disconnect from your regular routine and practice some self-care? Here are a few of my personal tips to relax, recharge, and renew on this Labor Day!

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This Is Why Vision Boards Are The Secret To Making The Law of Attraction Work For You

Visualization is one of the most powerful techniques you can apply to your life to manifest your desires and reach your goals. Have you ever considered using a vision board to create your own reality? There’s a reason why so many people swear by vision boards (or dream boards), and why you should too, to finally manifest the life you desire!

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Does Transcendental Meditation Have Health Benefits?

Do you meditate on a regular basis? Research has shown that Concentration Meditation and Mindfulness Meditation have the ability to improve both our psychological and physical health. But what about Transcendental Meditation?

Online transformational education provider, Mindvalley Academy, shares what Transcendental Meditation is, how it works, and how to use it to positively transform your life!

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10 Money Saving Tips That Will Make You Feel Like A Million Bucks

When it comes to your budget, intention matters. Whether you feel like you’re not making enough money, have too much debt, or simply aren’t meeting your monetary goals, the way we think about money affects our thoughts and actions. Do you know how to shift your mindset from lack to abundance? Read our top 10 money saving tips that will put a boost in your vibration and in your wallet.

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Trusting Your Gut: 8 Reasons You Should Chase Your Dream Career Now!

It can happen to the best of us: we work hard in school, get good grades and finally land the job we thought we always wanted. But we still don’t feel fulfilled. Perhaps you have dreamed of a different career path to open your own business, be your own boss and truly chase your passions. If you have, here are eight reasons why you should trust your gut and chase your dream career right now!

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This is Why You Should Disconnect This Weekend: 10 Ways to Unplug From Technology

Do you ever find yourself so immersed in your phone or tablet that you are almost isolated from your surroundings? Have you ever tried to ‘detox’ yourself from constant social media, texting, and playing on apps? Sometimes we need to be reminded that technology has an off button and the world around us simply does not!

Consider these 10 ways to unplug from technology this weekend and learn to enjoy the beauty around you.

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The Journey to Inner Peace - Are You a Spiritual Shopper?

When you feel lost or uncertain in an area of your life, do you find yourself looking for answers outside yourself, or do you seek within? Do you go ‘soul searching’ or ‘spiritual shopping’ to figure out why things are the way they are? Transformational coach Suzie de Jonge reveals what it means to be a ‘spiritual shopper’ and how once you learn to seek inside yourself, you can positively impact your choices, your relationships, and your life!

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4 Easy Chakra Opening Tips For Beginners

Are you familiar with your Chakras? Beginning at the base of your spine and leading up towards the crown of your head, you have 7 ‘wheels’ of energy known as the Chakras. When your Chakras are in tune, you are emotionally and physically balanced. Check out these 4 easy tips to unblock your Chakras from our guest blogger and meditation expert, Bianca Ricoy!

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These Energizing Foods Will Make Your 7 Chakras Heal & Glow With Positive Power

Do you sometimes find yourself feeling unmotivated, tired, emotional, or just out of balance? Well, this could be a sign that one or more of your body’s energy centers, your Chakras, are blocked. But can you eat your way to energetic wellbeing?

Learn to heal and unblock your 7 chakras with this energizing selection of fruits, nuts and vegetables to achieve your highest level of physical health.

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Look and Feel Younger With The Same At-Home Exercise Tibetans Have Used For Over 2,500 Years

If you’re tired of trying all the latest fads to look and feel younger, and you want a more holistic approach to youth beauty and health, look no further! For over 2,500 years, Tibetans have been using this ancient 5-step anti-aging exercise, which energizes the chakra system and regain the body's youth and vitality. It’s broken down in 5 simple steps so you can try it home now!

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Activating Your Ideal Vision for a Life You Love: 5 Steps to Living Your Dreams

Wherever you are in your journey of life, you’ve likely been in a situation where you craved more. Perhaps you are content, but you haven't quite actualized your fondest desires or lived out your greatest dreams. So how do you begin to do so?

Guest blogger and Law of Attraction coach, Deborah D'Ippolito, shares her 5 steps to begin aligning your life with a powerful vision so you can finally live the life of your dreams!

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6 Proven Self-Motivation Techniques (To Reach Any Goal)

Is 2017 flying right past you? Do you feel like you’re still striving to accomplish your goals and aspirations, or are you letting your motivation slip away? Staying motivated is easier than you think. Here are 6 proven self-motivation techniques to breeze past your goals right now.

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Time Off Vs. Free Time: The Importance of Taking a 'Free Day'

We all need time off from work to recharge our batteries and dedicate time to other important aspects of our life. But is there a difference between time off and actually enjoying a free day? Guest blogger Lori Karpman shares the concept of having a 'free day’, and the importance of recognizing free time as YOUR time to enjoy hobbies, family time, and more.

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15 Insider Tips to Travel Like a Jet Setter on a Budget

Do you dream of jumping on a plane to an exotic location around the world, but you feel limited by your budget? Did you know there are little-known tips and tricks that savvy globetrotters use to help them save money, time and stress? Here are 15 of my favorites.


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6 Realizations Every Single Parent Should Have For A Successful, Happy & Wealthy Mindset

Being a single parent comes with its own set of challenges. But what if there is a way to turn those challenges into opportunities, simply by shifting your mindset? Here are 6 realizations every single parent should have to live a happier, more confident and more successful life.

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4 Ways to Practice Mindfulness in Your Daily Life

Are you an expert meditator or just a beginner? Either way, meditation is founded on a few core principles that both beginners and experienced practitioners use. One of the most important factors to consider while meditating is mindfulness.

Check out guest blogger Bianca Ricoy’s 4 guiding principles that can serve as a strong foundation for any meditation practice, regardless of the style or level!

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Tired of Waiting? Here's How To Effectively Use The LOA To Manifest Your Dreams

Whatever you’re desiring in life - a new car, a soul mate, more abundance - can be achieved with the Law of Attraction. The LOA is a powerful force that works all the time, as we consciously and unconsciously utilize it to manifest our goals. Here are some interesting ways in which you can get the Law of Attraction working for you.

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Dinner & A Movie? Try One Of These 13 Dreamy Date Night Ideas Instead

Is your relationship stuck in a rut? Do you feel uninspired doing the same things together, week in and week out? Did you know that you can turn things around and reignite the spark of your romance simply by trying a few new things? Here are 13 unique and fun ideas to start you off.

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Loving Universe, Loving Relationships: 6 Steps to Relating Magic

Do you ever notice that when you’re in a good mood, your connections with others seem to be more positive?

Being in a good mindset and a positive mood allows you to enjoy your time with loved ones more. Here are 6 things you can do to boost your mood and connect better with others.

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4 Powerful Tips To Free Yourself From Negative Beliefs (PLUS a free gift inside)

4th of July is all about independence and happiness. Give yourself the gift of independence by freeing your mind from any negative beliefs or mental blocks. Enjoy this short video with 4 tips on how to be the best, independent version of yourself.

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5 Areas Of Life Successful People Prioritize Most

Over the past few years, I've been working with my friend and colleague Sabrina Truscott (leader of our Abundant Entrepreneur movement) on mapping out a unifying theory of success. Together, we’ve used this roadmap to launch multiple 7-figure businesses and transition to a life of abundance and contribution. We call it the 5 Roots of Success.

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Purpose: The Key to Discovering the Door of Success

We all go through life trying to discover our “purpose”. Luckily for some, they’ve achieved this goal, while others are still confused on what “purpose” even means. Our guest blogger Suzie de Jonge shares her powerful journey and tips on how YOU can open the door to success by discovering your own purpose.

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6 Things That May Be Preventing You From Getting Quality Sleep

Did you know that even 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep is more effective than 8 hours of in-and-out sleep? The quality of our sleep is vital to our everyday mental and physical health. Discover six things that could be affecting your sleep and how to improve it.

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How to Stop Worrying About the Unknown and Lead a Life Free of Fear

Do you constantly worry about the future and the unknown? Do you feel stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed with what’s to come? Check out guest blogger and multi-award winning professional coach Lori Karpman’s tips on how to stop worrying about the future and start living your best life, free of fear.

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10 Nuggets Of Personal Development News To Make You Smile

Are you fed up with all the dreadful news out there? If you are, then you’re in the right place. We've compiled some of the most uplifting, heartwarming, feel-good stories in recent times that will help accelerate your personal growth and remind you that it's a wonderful world after all.

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Does Laughing More Really Make You Happier?

Can laughing really make you happier? Whether you’re watching a funny comedy, chuckling at a friend’s joke, or even laughing at yourself, laughter seems to do you good. But are you laughing form the heart or from the mind? Check out Ayurvedic and Yogic practitioner Yogi Cameron’s video “Does Laughing Really Make You Happier” to find out!

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7 Affirmations to Attract Abundance Now!

Do you ever feel that something is blocking your abundance? Or that you’re being held back from living the joyful, prosperous, abundant life you deserve? Check out these 7 affirmations that will remind you that abundance is not just about money; it’s much, much more than that!

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The Top 10 Money Stories That May Be Keeping You Stuck

Is your ‘money story’ a success or a disaster? What some people don’t know is that a lot of our emotions associated with money are less about the status of our bank balance and more about the ‘stories’ or the beliefs we have about money. So, what chapter are you living in your ‘money story’?

Check out guest blogger Suzie de Jonge’s 10 money stories that could be blocking your success right now!

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7 Habits Successful People Give Up To Reach Their Goals

What are you willing to do in order to reach you goals? Successful people know that they need to go outside their comfort zone and oftentimes give up things and habits to make sure they’re moving in the right direction. Here are 7 of the most common habits they give up.

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What's Standing Between You and Achieving Your Dreams?

Have you ever felt like there was something standing between you and achieving your dreams? Maybe it’s time. Perhaps it’s money. Whatever it may be, guest blogger Erin Cooper Reed shares five tips to finally remove the barrier between you and your greatest life.

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30 Easy Wellness Tips For a Happier & Healthier You!

Health trends may come and go, but the fundamentals of good health will always remain the same. Here are 30 wellness tips to bring more happiness and health into your life!

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Yogi Cameron & The Yogi Code: Seven Universal Laws of Infinite Success

To have life-changing experiences and to be able to sustain them over a lifetime, you first have to know how to practice and apply ancient methods to your lifestyle. The Yogi Code is a scientific and practical formula that needs practice and commitment from a dedicated Yogi. Check out this quick introduction to Yogi Cameron’s newest book The Yogi Code: Seven Universal Laws of Infinite Success.

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Love Yourself More Deeply By Asking These 10 Questions

Do you have a healthy and loving relationship with yourself? Asking yourself these 10 questions will help you shift into a state of self-love, no matter how you feel in this moment.

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5 Thoughtful Ways to Maintain Long-Distance Friendships

Not everyone gets to have their friends by their side at all times. Sometimes you have to deal with the fact that your best friend is miles, states, or even countries apart. Long-distance friendships might seem difficult to maintain when you think about it, but it doesn’t have to be impossible or even feel like a burden.

Here are 5 of my tips to keep your long-distance friendships alive and well!

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8 Law of Attraction FAQs (That Will FINALLY Get The LOA On Your Side)

Do you know what's blocking your success with the Law of Attraction? Is any of it confusing, frustrating or inconsistent to you?

Join Natalie Ledwell as she answers the 8 most common questions on the Law, as decided by her 2.1+ million students.

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4 Days of Matrix Mastery Day 4: A Remarkable Neuroscientific Technique To Attract Your Perfect Partner Into Your Life (By Just Being Yourself)

Are you searching for your perfect partner? Or do you want to be the perfect partner to your perfect partner? Acclaimed neuroscientist shares a remarkable scientific technique that will almost effortlessly draw your ideal mate into your life (no matter what your love life looks like now).

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4 Days of Matrix Mastery Day 3: A Simple 'Mind Trick' To Activate Your Brain's Weight Loss Switch

Is your own mind sabotaging your ability to lose weight and keep it off? Discover a simple 'mind trick' from brainwave entrainment pioneer Morry Zelcovitch, that activates your brain's weight loss switch.

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4 Days of Matrix Mastery Day 2: 7 Steps To A Deeper & More Loving Relationship With Anyone In Your Life

Mind Movies Matrix co-founder Morry Zelcovitch shares his 7 steps to form deeper and more loving relationships with your friends, co-workers, family and community.

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4 Days of Matrix Mastery Day 1: 7 Ingenious Tips To Activate Your Wealth Mindset

Want even better results with your Mind Movies Matrix?

Follow these 7 quick and easy tips to retrain your brain, and activate your wealth mindset.

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According To 5,000-Year-Old Ayurveda Science, Your Mind, Body, And Soul Can Heal Itself - Here's How

According to the 5,000-year-old science of Ayurveda, your mind and body can rejuvenate and heal you of any illness. Here are 5 simple daily Ayurvedic rituals to activate your natural healing mechanism.


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Giving the Gift of Kindness: 4 Tips to Get Started Today!

Giving the gift of kindness is one of the best things we can share with the world, and it can be as simple as smiling at a stranger or saying gentle things to yourself. This real-life inspirational story will show you how a simple act of kindness can make a huge, newsworthy impact on our world. Plus, enjoy four tips to learn how you can give the gift of kindness and inspire others to do the same.

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6 Ways Busy People Can Enjoy The Benefits Of Meditation (Without Actually Meditating)

Does the thought of meditating make you nervous? Do you find it difficult to sit down, close your eyes, and keep your mind focused? These 6 simple daily activities can help you enjoy the benefits of meditation, without actually meditating.

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The 5 Spiritual Wellness Blogs I Can't Get Enough Of

Are you on a path towards spiritual wellness? Revealed here are the best spiritual blogs from around the web to boost your spiritual development and awaken the powers within you!

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These 10 Mother's Day Gift Ideas Will Make Her Feel Like A Queen

Tired of the same old Mother's Day gifts? How about a more unique gift this year? Any of these 10 thoughtful ideas are bound to put a smile on her face.

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5 Secrets to Soul Mate Love

Have you had it with love? Are you looking for love in a hopeless place? Whether single or in a relationship, these 5 secrets to soul mate love, written by bestselling author Zhena Muzyka, will make you fall in love with LOVE and yourself all over again.

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7 Unspoken Steps Millionaires Take To Attract More Wealth

Most of us know that hard work, good habits, and determination are key elements to attracting wealth. However, there are other more hidden and little-known methods that separate rich from broke people. Here are 7 of them: 

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7 Simple Habits of Financially Successful People

Are you financially stable? While you’re building your own wealth, consider these 7 simple habits of financially successful people that you can start implementing in your daily life!

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30 Motivational Quotes That Inspire Wealth & Prosperity

Sometimes, a little motivation is all we need to inspire us to get into a wealthy mindset.

Here are 30 powerful wealth quotes from some of the world’s greatest thinkers which inspire wealth and prosperity.

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Living in Gratitude: How to be Grateful for the Difficult People in Your Life

From negativity to judgment to unwarranted criticism, we all have people in our life who challenge us. One of the best ways to turn these relationships into a positive one is by tuning them to the frequency of gratitude. Here’s how:

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Cultivating Positivity: 5 Tips to Start a Gratitude Journal

Do you keep a gratitude journal? A gratitude journal is a great way to keep yourself in a thankful and positive state of mind.

Check out some of my top tips to start a gratitude journal and cultivate more happiness today!

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The Benefits of Keeping a Gratitude Journal

Do you want more happiness in your life?

By keeping a gratitude journal, people report greater feelings of joy, fulfillment, and positivity. Here are real-life inspiring stories about the power of gratitude journaling.

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5 Law of Attraction Books That Changed My Life (& Can Change Yours Too!)

I’ve read many personal development and Law of Attraction books throughout my life, yet there are only a few that have had the power to challenge my perspective, and create change in my life. Here’s why you must read them too…


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Music & The Law of Attraction: Are You Listening to Your Desires?

Did you know that music has the power to affect our mood, feelings and behaviors, especially when applying the Law of Attraction?

Check out a few different ways I use music as a manifestation booster, and start living your dream life today!

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15 Law of Attraction Affirmations For Happier, More Positive Days

How do you choose to start each day? Do you set an intention, or fall victim to the stress of daily life?

Use these 15 powerful Law of Attraction affirmations to start your day on a positive, happy note.

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Spring Cleaning Your Brain: How To Vaporize Negative Energy In 3 Simple Steps

Are you stubbornly hoarding destructive beliefs, thoughts and grudges, the same way you're hoarding that torn pair of jeans?

Follow these 3 steps to spring clean your mind (and heart) from negativity - and replace it with a refreshing flow of happiness and abundance.

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5 Ways to Live More Abundantly Right Now!

Do you aspire to have more energy, more inspiration, more creativity, and more joy? Do you ever wish your life had less stress and more balance and ease?

Check out these 5 tips to start living a more abundant life, today and every day!

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Do You Fear Failure? Here Are 3 Reminders That Prove Failing Contributes to Your Success

Successful people attribute failure to their success. Not because they live without fear but because they embrace it, face it and pursue their goals in spite of it.

Here are 3 things to remember when fear of failure sabotages your goals.

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30 Quick and Simple Ways to Eliminate Stress Right Now

Do you suffer from anxiety, chest pains, and dizziness? Did you know these may be the unfortunate symptoms of stress?

Here are 30 ways you can eliminate stress from your daily routine and enjoy a calmer, more relaxed and joyful life.

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12 Mind-Stimulating Personal Growth Blogs to Follow in 2017

Not all personal growth blogs are made equal. These 12 are some of the most inspiring, fascinating and transformational ones I have curated over the years - each one a perfect addition to your daily reading list.


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Q&A: How To Launch Your Passion Into A Successful Business

Are you interested in launching a successful business in just 90 days or less?

Check out my Q&A session with visionary and entrepreneur, Scott Duffy to learn more!

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Eat This, Not That: 7 Quick & Easy Healthy Breakfast Swaps!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day - but it's often also the most rushed, which leaves many of us eating junk or skipping it altogether.

If this sounds like you, try these 7 quick & easy breakfast swaps to give your body a nutritional boost in the morning.

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Sit & Be Fit: 8 Proven Ways to Make Your Sedentary Job Less Sedentary

Are you feeling 'stuck' at your office all day?

Are you not finding enough time to workout?

Here are 8 proven ways to make your sedentary job less sedentary and to get your mind and body moving!

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Get Moving: The 7 Most Motivating Mantras For A Healthy Lifestyle

Working out can feel like a chore when it’s not part of our daily habits, and even then, there may be days when you need a little extra motivation to get your body moving.

With that in mind, we’ve hand-picked our favorite quotes to help you achieve a healthy lifestyle.  

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Creative Visualization, Vision Boards & Adele: The Perfect Recipe For Overcoming Adversity?

Do you want a way to overcome challenges and boost your manifesting power? If your answer is YES, look no further! I have a special blog post for you today which includes a powerful video and a FREE visualization gift to help you become a master at visualizing so you can manifest your dreams and desires, almost instantly!

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These 10 Abundance Quotes Will Awaken The Millionaire In You

Do you effortlessly attract wealth abundance?

Or is earning every cent an uphill battle?

Here are 10 of my favorite abundance quotes to help you move from a state of lack to one of pure prosperity.

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How To Finally Conquer Your Limiting Beliefs: 5 Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself

You know you have limiting beliefs - but are you taking the right steps to break free from them?

Here are 5 questions you should be asking yourself to finally become limitless in your finances, career, health and relationships.

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How To Use The Law of Attraction To Activate Your Brain's HAPPY Switch - In Just 4 Simple Steps

What kind of thoughts are occupying your mind right now?

Do they bring you happiness or anxiety? Discover here 4 beautifully simple ways to use the Law of Attraction to shift your vibrations and open the floodgates to joy in all areas of your life.

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How To Let Go of Someone You Love in 5 Simple Steps

It’s hard to let go of someone you love! But usually, the end of relationships happen for a reason and there are ways to overcome this challenge with grace and positivity even if it doesn’t feel that way right now.

If you’d like to discover how to move on from a past relationship and boost your personal growth in the process, make sure to check out my blog post now where I share 5 simple steps to let go of someone you love. Enjoy!

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8 Piece-Of-Cake Energy Healing Techniques For Releasing Negative Energy From Your Mind & Body

Negative energy is an unavoidable fact of life.

So instead of worrying about it, the most productive thing to do is perform ‘maintenance work’ on your mind and body, by releasing it from time to time.

Here are 8 easy yet powerful energy healing techniques to vaporize negative energy - no special skills required.

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6 Scientifically Proven Holistic Healing Practices

A few years ago, holistic healing was defined as therapies that were not taught in medical school or offered in mainstream hospitals.

But this no longer is the case.

From meditation to visualization to subliminal audios, explore 6 daily practices that are scientifically proven to awaken your mind's natural healing ability.

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Emotional Healing: Earth's Top Mind Science Experts Reveal How To Unlock Your Brain's Natural Healing Power

I’ve been fortunate enough to interview several amazing experts in the mind science field on The Inspiration Show and their stories are nothing short of miraculous.

Here are 3 of them that prove that it's possible to overcome emotional eating disorders, body ailments and even paralysis with the power of the mind.

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[FAQ] How To Harness The Power of Visualization for Healing

Are you familiar with all of the benefits of visualization for your health? Visualization has a variety of benefits, including fighting off disease and achieving optimal health. If you’d like to learn more about how you can use visualization to boost your wellness, read this blog post where I reveal how to harness the power of visualization for healing!

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The Ultimate Guide To Holistic Health & Healing (By Harnessing The Power Of Your Mind)

How exactly does your mind play such an important role in your holistic health?

And more importantly, how do you harness your mind to heal yourself, and keep you healthy?

In this Ultimate Guide, we'll answer these questions and more, so you can tap into the power of what may be your biggest asset for lifelong health and productivity.

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Can Cryotherapy Treatment Be The Newest, Most Effective Vitality Booster?

From Kobe Bryant, to Demi Moore, Jennifer Aniston, and the Denver Nuggets - they all love cryotherapy.

But is it a healthy idea? Is it safe?

I tried the controversial treatment at the recommendation of a friend. The experience was unforgettable in more ways than one...

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[PDF Download] Natalie Ledwell's Top 50 Success Affirmations & Checklist (for a more abundant 2017!)

Even if you’ve never consciously uttered an affirmation or used visualization before, with these 50 Success Affirmations you will discover that it’s very simple to do and it’s the door to more abundance and success in your life.

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6 Simple Meditation Techniques That Prove It's Easier Than You Think

Do you struggle to meditate on a regular basis? If so, it’s probably because you think it takes too much time or energy to fit it into your schedule.

The truth is, meditation can be quick, fun, and easy once you know a few key tricks! If you’d like to find out what they are, make sure to read my blog post for 6 meditation techniques that prove it’s easier than you think!

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30 Good Habits For Daily Peak Performance

Many of history's greatest thinkers, entrepreneurs, inventors and visionaries swear by repetitive (and sometimes strange!) daily rituals that keep them performing at their peak every second of the day.

Here are 30 good habits you can implement today:

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4 Mind-Blowing Ancient Secrets To Supercharge Your Spiritual Growth

What would have happened if instead of astrophysics and engineering and biotechnology, our brightest minds had an additional focus… a more spiritual and inward one?

One that not only taps into tangible science, but also into ancient secrets and the unseen side of life, which supercharges your spiritual growth.

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Favorite Daily Habits Successful People Use

The world's most productive, forward-thinking, successful, and wealthiest people still have their hang-ups.

They still have their bad days, get sick, procrastinate and make mistakes. BUT there is one major factor that separates them from the rest of us - and that's their daily habits.

Discover them here:

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The Ultimate Guide To Adopting Empowering Daily Rituals for Success

People are not just born successful, but rather they do certain things consistently that helps them develop their full potential.

Discover today's best science & proven strategies for adopting sustainable daily rituals that make you a happier, healthier, more productive & more creative person.

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How 5 Top Personal Growth Leaders Practice Daily Gratitude Through Rituals

Have you ever had one of those moments when everything seems dark and you lose sight of all the things you’re grateful for?

Personal Growth leaders know that practicing daily gratitude is one of the secrets to everlasting happiness.

Five of them share their daily gratitude rituals here:

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How To Improve Your Posture By Adjusting Your Mind Body Connection

How’s your posture right now? Are you slouched down and is your back curled? Or are your shoulders back and your head in alignment with your spine?

Did you know the way we feel is often reflected in our physiology?

Discover 5 ways you can use the power of the mind body connection to improve your posture and shift into a happier state.

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Supercharge Your Gratitude List: 15 Things To Be Grateful For (According To Our Mind Movies Community)

We polled 100 people in the Mind Movies community and asked them - what is the #1 thing you are MOST grateful for?

Do you need help supercharging your gratitude list this year? Discover here their top 15 answers.

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These 7 Gratitude Quotes Can Increase Your Happiness by 25%!

How would your life change if you woke up every day with energy, positivity, and the confidence to take on any challenge the day throws at you? Sounds pretty great, right? Well, according to research, you can do all of this by simply practicing gratitude! Here are 7 gratitude quotes that can positively impact your mood and raise your happiness levels by 25%!

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The Ultimate Guide To Unshakable Health, Wealth & Happiness... Through Simply Being Grateful

You may have heard that practicing gratitude is good for you. But do you really know why?

This guide is specifically designed to help you understand the incredible benefits of being grateful, and how to best enjoy these benefits through simple yet powerful tools, techniques and daily rituals you can start practicing immediately.

Are you ready to get your gratitude on? Let's begin with…

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4 Unexpected Ways That a Gratitude Attitude Can Change Your Life

When things are going well it’s easy to be in state of gratitude, but what happens when things don’t go as planned?

Discover here 4 ways to practice an attitude of gratitude every single day, regardless of what’s going on around you.

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6 Daily Positive Thoughts That Vaporize Negativity & Amplify Abundance

It’s easy to get stuck in negative thoughts and self-destructive patterns that deny you of success. But with the help of these 6 daily positive thoughts, you can silence your inner critic, and move closer to your goals.

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Recovering From Failure: How To Bounce Back From 3 Common Financial Blocks

For the last several years, I’ve asked my students what the number one thing was standing in the way of their happiest, most successful lives. And for the last several years the answer has remained the same: MONEY! Everyone goes through financial difficulties at one point or another, it’s just a part of life. It’s how you bounce back after these roadblocks that sets the most successful people apart from everyone else. Check out my blog on how to overcome 3 common financial blocks and rid yourself of them for good!

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[FAN CHOICE] 7 Best Quotes For Overcoming Your Success Challenges

Mark Amend once said, “Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it.” Whenever I need a pick me up, I love referencing this quote - as it empowers me to recognize my weaknesses, encourages me to ask for help, and gives me the power to remain strong in hardship. And according to our Facebook, this is one of our community’s favorite quotes too!

Check out our blog to discover 6 more quotes that help you overcome success challenges right here!

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Discover How To Use The Law of Attraction To Overcome Obstacles in Life

Setbacks are a natural part of life and by harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction, these can be turned into an incredible opportunity for growth. But how exactly?

Find the answers in this Q&A with my Ultimate Success Masterclass students on how to overcome any obstacle life throws at you!

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What Would Happen If You Had The Fear Of NOTHING?

How much of your life is ruled by fear? How is that fear affecting you? And how would your reality change if you could start living from a space of authentic fearlessness? This stream of consciousness text from Natalie might just get you thinking…

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4 Reasons ENERGY HEALING Is NOT A Big, Fat Lie

Energy healing: millions of people swear they’ve used it to overcome physical and emotional illnesses, while those unfamiliar with it often brush it off as pseudoscientific woo-woo. But does energy healing deserve its polarizing reputation? Before you answer, consider these four facts…

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Is Suffering Necessary to Discover Your Purpose In Life?

Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for almost 30 years, and yet he was able to turn his tragedy into wisdom, and discovered his purpose through his suffering.

Mary Morrissey travels to Africa and sits down with this great leader to find out what principles he used to turn his tragedy into wisdom.

Find out here how you can apply them in your life.

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6 Things That Are Quietly Poisoning Your Abundance Thinking

Our parents play a monumental role in shaping our lifelong approach to work, money and personal growth. Here are 6 “innocent” things they told you that may be quietly poisoning your abundance thinking.

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4 Essential Ingredients To Success (Hard Work Is Not One of Them)

Many people are going to disagree with me on this, but I’ll say it anyway:

Hard work is NOT always an essential ingredient to financial, professional and personal success.

There are 4 essential ingredients to success that are as important or even more important than hard work…

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Fact or Fiction: Can a Solar Eclipse Affect You?

Astrologists say that eclipses are more than just black outs.

They are catalysts for new beginnings, new decisions, and knowing how they affect you can be crucial to taking advantage of all the opportunities this cosmic shift has to offer.

Discover here if the next eclipse will affect you positively or negatively.

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[VIDEO] Wealth Expert Shares How To Instantly Boost Your Money Manifestation Mindset

Many people struggle with the limiting belief that being both financially successful and a good, spiritual person are mutually exclusive. Here’s a 3 minute exercise video to help you manifest money in a heart-centered way.

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10 Affirmations That Will Boost Your Mind Power

Positive affirmations are powerful words and statements that can change your life. By repeating affirmations every day, you are instilling new information into your subconscious mind, thus reprogramming your mindset for greater success and confidence.  Here are 10 powerful affirmations that will boost your mind power.

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Meditation Game Plan: How I Went From Stressed Mind To Beautiful Mind... In 5 Days

Studies say it takes 21 days to lock in a new habit.

But with a small amount of initial discipline, you can create a new habit that requires little effort to maintain.

Here’s the game plan I used to shed my bad evening habit, and helped melt away my stress stress and start meditating again in just five days:

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RANT: You've Got The Wrong Idea About 'Negative Energy'

Trigger warning! I have a rant today and it’s all about negative energy and why I believe that people need to STOP complaining about it.

Now, it may not be what you think!

And if you’re ready to take control of your thoughts and harness the power of the Law of Attraction, I highly recommend you check out my blog post where I reveal some serious truths about negative energy and how you can overcome it. Enjoy!

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The ONE Daily Habit I Implemented To Manifest My First Million Dollars

Many people believe that to be successful with their goals, they have to constantly take big sweeping actions. But this couldn't be further from the truth. Tyler Cowen, a brilliant academic, economist and writer, points out an important shift in our world today: “Information and resources isn’t what’s scarce; it’s the willingness to do something with them.”

And it’s true! If you feel like you’re trying everything to be successful but not reaching your goals, here’s one daily habit I implemented that might just help you too. Check it out!

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5 Easy Tips on How To Become a Better Lover by Loving Yourself First

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying before: “It’s impossible to love others if you don’t love yourself first.” And it’s true. If you think about it, how are you supposed to connect with someone on a deeper level if you aren’t recognizing your worth and value? Here are 5 easy tips on how to become a better lover by first loving yourself. Check it out on my blog!

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5 Basic Health Rules You're Probably Forgetting To Follow (That Could Improve Your Life!)

If you’re anything like me, you probably try and improve your health on a daily basis. Whether it’s trying a new diet, committing to a new exercise routine, or practicing a new healing energy method - I’m constantly trying to find ways to heal my mind, body, and soul. But what about the good old ‘basic’ health rules we should be following? If you’re ready to kickstart your healthiest year yet, check out my simple 5 health rules now!

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4 Common Success Strategies That Actually Make You LESS Successful (Do you do them?)

How often have you set a goal and then been debilitated by your beliefs? You want to get in shape - but you think you’re too far gone. You want to date - but you believe you’re too old. You want to start that business - but you think you will fail. More often than not, we aren’t successful with our goals because of our negative thought patterns.

Here are 4 common success strategies that actually make you feel less successful. Check them out now!

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[PICS] Our 7 Most Popular Quotes This Month!

Don’t you just love when a funny meme shows up on your Facebook feed and makes you laugh, especially during those times when you’re feeling down or bored? Or how about when a really inspiring quote pops up and it’s exactly what you needed to hear? 

Because we all enjoy images, quotes and articles that inspire us and fill us with hope, strength and positive energy… I’ve decided to include 7 of our most shared images on Facebook for you in this week’s blog… and I hope they are coming to you at just the right time!

Whether it comes in the form of advice, motivation, or simply putting a smile on your face, I hope you find enjoyment in them all :)

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5 Fun Lifestyle Tweaks For Boundless Energy From Morning To Night

Can you remember the last time you didn’t feel at least a little tired throughout your day? If you can’t, you’re not alone! Most Americans struggle with daily symptoms of stress and fatigue. But the good news is, it doesn’t have to stay that way!

So if you’re ready to make a change in your energy, check out my blog post for 5 fun lifestyle tweaks for boundless energy from morning to night.

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4 Innocent Mistakes Your Brain Makes To Keep You Safe (But That Actually Sabotage Your Life)

Our subconscious minds are interesting creatures. They are always actively storing memories, learning skills, processing body language and more. But, when ignored or left unattended, your subconscious mind can act like an untamed beast creating self-sabotaging behaviors that hurt you instead of help you. Check out these four innocent mistakes your brain makes that are actually preventing you from happiness, success, and fulfillment - and how to avoid them!

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How To Hypnotize Yourself For Success In 20 Minutes Or Less!

Society’s perception of hypnosis has changed drastically over the last couple decades and has become more popular amongst those in personal development. Skeptic or believer, hypnosis is certainly a fascinating topic! And if this interests you, I’d like to share that performing self-hypnosis is simpler than you might think.

In fact, all you need to do is follow these 5 easy steps, check them out now!

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How To Stop Over-Apologizing in 5 Easy Steps!

Did you know that saying “I’m sorry” too much, not only creates guilt in your mind but it also undermines your own self-esteem? If you fear you may be using these two words more than you should, follow these 5 simple steps to discover how to stop over-apologizing and saying “Thank YOU” instead!

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6 Easy Tips To Living in Free-Flowing Happiness

Becoming a happier person is not an easy task - but definitely a possible one. There are small things you can do daily to severely increase your happy hormones that can drastically improve your quality of life. Check them out now!

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How To Manifest With The Law Of Attraction in 4 Easy Steps

Do you struggle to manifest your desires with the Law of Attraction? If so, you’re not alone! Many people struggle to make their dreams come true because of limiting beliefs that hold them back.

If this sounds like you, and you’re ready to manifest your desires with confidence and ease, make sure to read this blog post where I share 4 simple steps to harness the Law of Attraction, almost instantly!

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3 Positive Affirmations To Reprogram Your Mind For Success (at any age)

As we get older, we tend to believe the saying: “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, yet people don’t learn new things because of their age, it’s simply because they make the decision to stop learning (whether they realize it or not). If you’d like to take charge of your beliefs, then here are 3 positive affirmations to reprogram your mind for success.

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5 Effortless Ways To Balance Your Chakras in 3 Minutes or Less!

If you’re familiar with Chakras, or the energy centers in our bodies, then you know it’s important to keep them aligned in order to experience peace, happiness, and vibrant health. When these energy centers are out of balance, we may experience worry, fear, depression or even fall ill. So how do we keep our chakras in balance, you might ask?

Here are 5 super easy ways to keep your chakras aligned, check it out now!

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[Video] 5 Easy Steps to Take Back Control of Your Life TODAY!

Sometimes life can feel hectic, monotonous or incomplete, and there are many factors and situations that are outside of our control that can cause us to lose focus on our biggest goals. But the thing is, we CAN turn this around by taking back control of our lives.  If this is something that you’ve been struggling with lately, then watch this cool video I created for you and read below to learn: 5 Steps to Take Back Control Of Your Life TODAY!

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3 Keys To Unlocking Yourself To All That Life Has To Offer

Do you often find yourself saying no to new experiences, new adventures, or even new love interests or friendships? Or, do you ever hold yourself back from sharing your uniqueness with the world? If so, I have a few tips for you to help open yourself up to all that life has to offer - without hesitation! Check them out on my blog now!

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[VIDEO] 5 Easy Steps To Relaxing Without Feeling Guilty

Are you always trying to squeeze the most out of every last waking minute? Do you ever feel guilty for setting aside time to relax and recharge your batteries?

If you do, you’re not alone.  There’s no doubt that we live in a time-obsessed world where “slowing down to smell the roses” is, to many people, nothing but an old saying…

People are so used to being busy that when they decide to take some time off to relax, they feel guilty for no reason.  But here’s the thing: it’s all about the quality of the time you spend, not the quantity. 

So if you’ve been struggling to find a balance between relaxing and working hard, then in today’s blog post I’d like to share with you my 5 easy steps to recharge your mind, body and spirit… without feeling guilty.

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7 Essential Questions To Know What You Really Want To Do With Your Life

Do you know exactly what you want to do with your life? If not, you’re not alone! Many people struggle to find their purpose in life, but it doesn’t have to stay that way!

If you’d like some direction on how to live your most authentic, fulfilling life, make sure to check out my blog post for 7 essential questions to ask yourself to help you get crystal clear on your goals for the future.

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10 Success Affirmations That Will Create Change in Every Area of Your Life

Have you been struggling to keep up the excitement and passion required to achieve your goals throughout your journey? You see, although there may be certain situations or challenges that cause you to lose motivation, confidence or hope, it’s important to realize that the only person responsible for your self-motivation is YOU! The benefits of using affirmations and visualization will not only help you stay motivated but be able to create your own future of success.

Want to know the tricks of the trade to stay motivated throughout the process? Here are 10 Success Affirmations That Will Create Change in Every Area of Your Life.

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5 Essential Steps To Eliminating Negative Subconscious Imprints (For Good!)

Is something from your past holding you back from living the life you want? Our past memories and experiences are stored deep inside us and our subscious minds trigger them through feelings, thoughts, and dreams.

Learn how to eliminate negative subconscious imprints with these 5 powerful steps.

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9 Signs from the Universe - Take Action or Surrender to Fate?

It's somewhat common knowledge that one has to work hard for something that they want in life. But is it possible that working too hard can actually steer you away from your life's purpose? Focusing too hard on what you think you want might actually be preventing you from manifesting your greatest life. Read this blog to see all the signs you may be missing!

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5 Spiritual Rules For Attracting More Wealth

Mark Attwood famously said, “Money is just energy - let if flow.” And I couldn’t agree more. You see, many people believe that building or acquiring more wealth can’t be achieved without hard, long work.

And sure, this is an important ingredient to success. But the truth is, there are a few ‘spiritual’ steps you can take to attract more wealth, way faster than you have ever imagined. Find out what they are on my blog now!

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[VIDEO] Lisa Nichols Reveals 5 Unique Traits Of Abundant Thinkers (Do You Possess Them?)

If you’ve gone through life thinking that abundance is an option only available to the rich, the better educated, better connected or those “more worthy” than you…  Then you need to watch THIS.

In this eye-opening video, the star of the movie ‘The Secret’, the amazing Lisa Nichols, reveals that abundance is for EVERYONE…  However, there are certain traits that separate the abundant thinkers from the regular person.

These are traits I recommend adopting right away (if you don’t already possess them).  So if you’d like to discover how to reset your “lack beliefs” around prosperity and expand your wealth and happiness, then read below to learn Lisa’s 5 unique traits of Abundant Thinkers!

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3 Easy Tips To Increase Your Success Fast

Do you have goals you’d like to achieve, but you just don’t know HOW to get there? Sometimes our dreams can seem overwhelming, but the most important part is knowing how to start. If you’d like to discover how to get motivated to make your dreams come true, check out my blog post where I share 3 easy ways to increase your success fast.

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10 Affirmations That Will Open The Floodgates To Abundance

Do you know that unlimited abundance is YOUR birthright? It’s true, but sometimes limiting beliefs may block us from attracting and maintaining the wealth we desire.

If you’re ready to make a change and unlock the floodgates to total prosperity, make sure to check out my blog post for 10 powerful affirmations to help you do just that! Enjoy!

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3 Powerful Tips To Love Without Limits

Do you want to invite more loving relationships into your life? Opening yourself to the possibility of true, unconditional love can be scary, but it can also be one of the most fulfilling experiences of your life. If you’d like to learn how to love without limits, check out my top 3 tips to do just that!

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5 Key Life Insights You Can Learn From Astrology

Have you ever looked in a magazine or online to find out what your horoscope says about you? It can be fun right? But there’s actually so much more that astrology readings can tell you about yourself and your life path. Interested in finding out more? Here are 5 key life insights you can learn from astrology!

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The Ultimate 5-Step Guide To Manifesting Money

Manifesting money is about energy and how you feel about it.

This is why, when you’re broke and feel desperate to attract more of it, it can seriously block the abundance flow.

So how can you feel inspired and not fearful to manifest money when you’re running out of it? Discover it here in 5 simple steps:

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7 Practices Successful People Live By To Stay Ahead of The Game

In times of uncertainty, our goals sometimes take the back seat - but it’s important to get back on track. Daily rituals play a key role in our success, so it’s imperative to create habits that support your personal growth and goals. If you want to reap the benefits that some of the most successful people swear by, check out these 7 practices to stay ahead of the game - so you can follow in their footsteps!

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[Infographic] 5 Tips To Reignite Your Excitement About Life

I’m interested - do you wake up each day with energy, happiness, and a desire to be your best self? Or do you wake up feeling depleted, dreading another day? If you’re needing to reignite your excitement about life, then check out my blog right now!

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7 Life Changing Truths Worth Reminding Yourself Of This Year

One of the questions I’m often asked by people in our Mind Movies community is “How can I stop being so hard on myself so I can enjoy life more?”

If you’re wondering the same, then I’d like to take this opportunity to share with you ’7 truths about life’ that you might have forgotten and that can help positively shift your perspective so you can love and respect yourself more - starting today! Check it out now!

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10 Inspiring Quotes To Kick Off A Fresh New Year!

Can you believe that 2020 is almost over!? This year has been really challenging, which has left many people feeling frustrated and unmotivated. If you can relate, and you’d like a boost of motivation for your 2021 goals, then I highly suggest you read my blog post for 10 inspiring quotes to kick off a fresh New Year! These are 10 of my absolute favorite quotes to feel inspired, so I know you’ll love them, too. Enjoy!

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5 Tips To Your Happiest Holiday Season Yet

The holidays are one of the most cheerful times of the year, however for some, this time of year can also bring up negative emotions like stress and anxiety. Some of my Ultimate Success Masterclass students even reached out to me for advice recently, expressing their concern about this. 

So if you’re going through a difficult time in your life right now and you’d like to stay positive, raise your vibration, and attract more happiness and peace… In today’s blog post, I’d like to take the opportunity to share with you 5 questions from my students and my 5 answers that will hopefully help you too :) 

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[Mind Movie] Feel And Look Your Best All Year Long!

Well, the holidays are behind us and we are now into the second month of 2020! Sometimes people fall off track during the holidays, making healthy habits more challenging to maintain. If you can relate and you’d like to stay healthy all year round, then in today’s blog post, I’d like to share with you this really effective Mind Movie for helping you to always feel and look your best. Check it out!

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2 Powerful Ways To Practice Mindfulness

Multi-tasking, rushing through tasks, and jumping from one thing to the next too quickly can have a greater effect on your happiness than you know. Frequently, we forget to slow ourselves down, enjoy the moment, and express gratitude for life’s little moments. Learning how to be more mindful will ultimately help you manifest all of the joy you crave. Keep reading to find out how!

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5 Great Ways To Feeling Worthy Again

Do you need a confidence boost? It can be difficult to feel confident all the time but there are some simple habits you can practice to increase your self-esteem and self-worth.

If you’re ready to step into your most authentic self, make sure to check out my blog post for 5 ways to feel more confident today!

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7 Reasons To Be Grateful For Your Pet

Pets have the power to make you laugh, relieve your stress, and comfort you when you feel down, yet we often forget to celebrate them.

Here are 7 reasons to be grateful for them that you may have overlooked:

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7 Easy-To-Miss Signs You're Doing Better Than You Think

With all of life's pressures, busy schedules, and high expectations, it’s not surprising that sometimes we feel unsatisfied or even discouraged. You may even feel at times that you are treading water, trying to stay afloat but seemingly not getting anywhere!

But trust me, once you acknowledge the positives in your life, you will stop focusing on the negatives. So give yourself a break and a pat on the back, and check out these 7 signs that you’re actually doing way better than you think.

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[Video] My #1 Tip For Overcoming FEAR

Let’s be honest - when was the last time you wanted to do something really bad but FEAR got in your way of taking action? The truth is, each time you don’t do what you truly want to do, you pay the price.  You see, nothing that’s truly valuable was ever achieved by playing it safe. If you decide that you want to be happy and free then I think you’re ready for my #1 tip for overcoming FEAR: Love Yourself More!

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6 Ways To Invite Synchronicity Into Your Life

Have you ever experienced a coincidence that was so extraordinary - that it left you stunned? If so, you may have been receiving a message from the universe! If you’d like to manifest even MORE of these synchronized experiences, read my blog post where I reveal 6 ways to invite synchronicity into your life right here!

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[FUN Pics Inside!] The Mind Movies Party!

At Mind Movies, we’re committed to working hard in order to help people transform their lives, but… when we decide to unplug the cord and have fun, we sure know how to throw a party!

A few weeks ago, we hosted our annual company party, where we celebrated our top business partners, friends and, of course, our awesome team. 

It was an intimate gathering filled with amazing people, great conversations, cocktails and yummy food. It was definitely a night to remember!

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[Infographic] 5 Ways To Make Visualization Part of Your Life

Do you use visualization on a daily basis? I ask because practicing visualization is one of the most powerful tools for achieving your goals and dreams. If you’d like to learn how to fast-track your success, don’t miss my blog post where I share 5 simple steps to make visualization a part of your life. Enjoy!

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4 Steps To Transform Your Challenges Into Triumphs

Feeling stuck or uninspired? Kim Schneiderman, author and psychotherapist, reveals 4 steps you can take to transform your challenges into triumphs on an interesting episode of The Inspiration Show.

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5 Tips That Will Help You Uncover What You Want in Life

What now seems like my past life, I used to to be at a dead end job, in an unhappy marriage, swimming in debt, and struggling to figure out who I want to be and what I want to do with my life. Everyone goes through a time where they aren’t quite sure if they are on the right path or headed towards their ultimate goals. But figuring out what you really want in life is easier said than done.

To help guide you, here are 5 tips I personally used to help me discover what I wanted out of life and who I wanted to be. I hope they help you too!

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How To Use Visualization to Attract More Abundance In 5 Simple Steps

Do you want to attract more abundance? Did you know that a powerful way to do this is by practicing visualization so you can shift into an abundance mentality?

Here are 5 steps you can take right now to use creative visualization in manifesting your desires and attracting the abundance you deserve!

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5 Good Reasons To Stop Judging Others

Sometimes, whether purposeful or not, we judge other people. Whether it’s how they look, the situation they’re in, or the decisions they make - we often judge others without considering the effects of this negative behavior. As I like to say, “Judging a person does not define who they are, it defines who you are.” If you want to put an end to your judgmental ways, here are 5 good reasons to do so right now!

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How To Stop Judging Others In 2 Simple Steps

One thing I know for sure: we all get knocked down in life. Yet, it is how you bounce back from these adversities that will separate you from a life of pain, regret, and anger, to one of love, empowerment and fulfillment. If moving on seems impossible now, then here are 3 easy steps you can take to move on gracefully from any tough situation.

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6 Common Problems That Astrology Can Help You Resolve

Do you often feel confused, frustrated or hopeless?

Have you ever felt like you’ve wasted many years of your life chasing after your goals and accomplishing very little, or worse, nothing at all? If you can relate, did you know that you can use astrology to guide you to the path that will bring you the most success in every area of your life? That’s why I’d like to share with you this powerful video above that reveals 6 Common Problems That Astrology Can Help You Resolve, so that you can fully enjoy the life you were destined to live.

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5 Tips For Getting Paid To Do What You Love

We’ve all heard it before: If you do what you love and love what you do, you’ll never have to work again! Well doesn’t that just sound lovely? Unfortunately, it’s a bit more complicated than that. If you’re ready to fuel your passion and start getting paid to do what you love, check out these 5 tips now!

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7 Steps To Finding Your Purpose in Life

Do you often feel as if you’re walking aimlessly through life with no purpose or direction? If yes, you’re not alone! Many people go through life without a real sense of focus or direction, which can cause anxiety, frustration and procrastination  - totally hindering personal development! If you can relate and want to make a change - then make sure to check out my 7 simple steps to discovering your life purpose right now!

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5 Tips For Using The LOA To Create A Life You Love

I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but as humans we have between 50-70 thousand unconscious thoughts per day - of which about 80% are negative thoughts! Seems crazy, right? But knowing this, it’s easy to see why we aren’t always manifesting the outcomes we desire in our lives. If you want to start living the life you love, here are five tips to use the Law of Attraction that will turn you into a manifestin’ machine!

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5 Questions That Could Guide You To An Extraordinary Life

As a personal development teacher, my students often come to me for advice in various areas of life. But lately, I’ve noticed several of my students have come to me with very similar questions - wondering how to enhance their life, to create more abundance, and to get on the right path for success.

So, in today’s blog post, I’d like to take the opportunity to share with you 5 questions from my students and my 5 answers, to refer to now or whenever you may need them in the future!

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[Video] 3 Step Formula For Bouncing Back!

When adversity knocks on your door…

Are you a victim of your circumstances? Or do you feel empowered by the challenge and use it to grow?

See, adversity isn’t something you can run away from.

It doesn’t matter if you’re someone who likes to play it safe, or if you’re someone who likes to take risks… adversity is an inevitable part of life.

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3 Easy Steps To Bounce Back From Any Adversity

One thing I know for sure: we all get knocked down in life. Yet, it is how you bounce back from these adversities that will separate you from a life of pain, regret, and anger, to one of love, empowerment and fulfillment. If moving on seems impossible now, then here are 3 easy steps you can take to move on gracefully from any tough situation.

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These 5 Quotes Will Make Your Dreams Come True

Ready to make your dreams come true? Quotes are a super powerful way to boost inspiration and motivation, which is why I hand-picked some of my favorites for you. If you’re ready to get inspired and to take on your most audacious goals, don’t miss today’s blog post where I share 5 powerful quotes to help you do just that. Read it here!

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Stressed About Money? Try This Abundance Meditation Now!

Are you sending the universe mixed messages? Engaging in the Law of Attraction isn't just about setting intentions, but truly cultivating an abundant mindset. Find out why most people are actually repelling abundance and get a free visualization to boost your manifesting power today.

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5 Benefits of Gratitude That Will Inspire You To Practice it Daily

My students often ask, “How can I raise my vibration and be in a better mood?” And the answer I have is always the same - learn to express gratitude daily. It’s seriously one of the most powerful techniques around and can help you instantly raise your frequency and operate from a space of happiness. Here are 5 benefits of gratitude that will inspire you to practice it daily, check it out now!

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5 Limiting Beliefs That May Be Holding You Back From Success

Have you ever felt stuck, trapped, or simply unable to reach your goals? Do you find that your thoughts or beliefs have constrained you from living your best, most successful life? Unfortunately, many people experience these 'liming beliefs' but aren't aware of the negative impact they can have on their life. Check out these five limiting beliefs that may be holding you back right now and discover what it takes to stop sabotaging yourself and finally achieve your goals!

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3 Golden Rules For Honest Communication

Do you ever feel misunderstood or wish that you could connect with people easily? Many disagreements or arguments with family, friends, or co-workers could be avoided with better communication.

If you’d like to learn more, I highly suggest you check out today’s blog post for 3 golden rules for honest communication.

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[Video] Achieve a Balanced Life With This Mind Movie

We all want to achieve a balanced life, but more often than not, we find ourselves stressed out and overwhelmed with busy schedules including issues with work, family, personal relationships, professional relationships, finances, and so on.

So how can we create balance in an unbalanced world!? Watch my video here for a 3-minute Mind Movie to help you feel more centered and balanced, instantly. Enjoy!

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[Interview] John Assaraf Reveals Why Money May Not Solve Your Money Problems

Did you know that the majority of people who win the lottery are in more debt after they win than they ever were before?

Shocking, right?

Well, there may be more to solving your money problems then money itself. Best-selling author, business coach, and brain researcher John Assaraf reveals why a bigger wallet may not be the answer to your money problems. Check it out now!

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How to Always Make The BEST Decisions In Life

If I could go back in time, the one thing I would tell myself is to enjoy the ride! With all the ups and downs, highs and lows, failures and successes - I wish I would have stopped worrying and just started living!

On this week’s blog, I share a few tips to help you listen to both your head and heart - instead of one or the other. Check it out now!

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10 Brilliant Life Quotes That You Rarely Hear

The Law of Attraction is present in your life all the time. But sometimes, inspirational quotes can serve as reminders and help more abundance spring into your life. Here are 10 motivational quotes to keep you channeling the Law of Attraction into your life. Check them out now!

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5 Frequently Asked Questions That Will Help You Solve Your Money Problems

Are you desperately seeking ways to attract more money into your life? Or do you wish you had an advisor that could help you make the best money decisions possible? If so, you’re going to love today’s blog post where I answer 5 of the most frequently asked questions I received from our community about achieving financial freedom. Check it out right now!

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5 Powerful Tips For Working-To-Live (Instead Of Living-To-Work)

Did you know that according to recent studies, nearly half of all working Americans didn’t take one single day of vacation last year?

Sadly, that statistic is real!

Many people struggle to find a balance between their personal and professional life, which has some pretty negative side effects in the long run, including stress, unhealthy habits, and even depression. If you’d like to discover how to create a more balanced life with more purpose, joy, and happiness, make sure to read my blog with 5 powerful tips for working to live (instead of living to work)!

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{Video} Oprah Busts The Myth That 'The Secret' Is The Answer To All Questions

You may have heard that ‘The Secret’ or the Law of Attraction is the answer to having it all, but in this short video, Oprah tells it differently…

While she agrees that the way you think creates your reality and we all have the ability to change our lives based on our thoughts, she takes it a step further and adds that there are other factors that also come into play.

The Law of Attraction is, in fact, only one of the many universal laws that are continually at play in the world. 

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[Cool Pics Inside] What The Mind Movies Team Does For FUN!

At Mind Movies we live and breathe a work hard, play hard mentality, and last month my partner Glen and I decided that it was time for our team to close their laptops and enjoy a well-deserved week of fun activities and relaxation… 

And we couldn’t think of a better place to do this than Costa Rica! 

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5 Powerful Reminders That You ARE Good Enough

Have you ever doubted yourself? Have you ever questioned your decisions and felt regret? Well, if you have, let me tell you that you’re not alone! Sadly, many people are held back from living their greatest lives because they don’t think they are worthy enough to do so. If you’ve ever felt this way, then here are 5 powerful reminders to let you know you ARE good enough.

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10 Easy Tips For Really Getting Things Done

Do you ever have a hard time getting things done? Do you wish you could find a way to increase your focus and productivity? Everyone gets distracted sometimes, but if you’re struggling to find motivation on a daily basis, you may need to look into what’s holding you back.

If this sounds familiar to you and you’d like to become more productive, make sure to check out today’s blog post, where I share 10 easy tips to really getting things done!

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[Infographic] 5 Conscious Ways To Use Your Tax Refund!

Are you receiving a TAX refund this year? If you are, how would you like to spend this money in a conscious way, rather than getting caught up spending it on things that won’t really make a difference to the quality of your life? This post is dedicated to helping you get the most out of your refund not only this year, but every year moving forward.  

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[Video] Discover 3 Millionaire Traits That You Should Adopt Today

Having a millionaire mindset is definitely one of the first and most important steps to becoming a millionaire.

But how do you acquire a millionaire mindset if you don’t know how a millionaire thinks? 

To help you discover the answer, here are 3 of the most common traits that millionaires share!

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Quick & Effective Exercise to Attract Money Right Now!

I want to ask you something personal - what’s your relationship status? Not with people though, I’m curious what your relationship status is with money. When you think about money, do you grow fearful, stressed, or worried? If so, this means you may not be attracting the right monetary opportunities in your life. Here is a quick exercise to help mend your relationship with money. Check it out now!

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7 Morning Rituals That Can Change Your Life (For the better)!

Having a great morning routine is a vital part of having a successful day. Your initial behavior, thoughts, and actions in the morning lay the foundation for how you will approach daily obstacles, challenges, and goals in general. Implementing these 7 easy steps can leave you feeling rejuvenated, motivated, and ready to take on the day. Check them out now!

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The Gift Of Starting Over

There’s no doubt that life is unpredictable and that everyone, at some point, encounters emotional, financial and health challenges. It’s just a part of this thing we call LIFE! But regardless of the situation, remember that it’s up to you to create something good out of it. On this week’s blog, I share why starting over and bouncing back from adversity is actually a gift. Check it out now!

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Want To Become Instantly Happier? Watch This 2 Minute Gratitude Video

A lot of my students ask me how to be a happier person, how to squeeze the joy out of life, and how to really enjoy every moment. And my answer is always the same: It’s difficult to be happy all the time, we are human. But what we can do is take steps to become happier more frequently - and one of the best ways to do this is by practicing gratitude. Which is why I made this video for you, check it out now!

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[Infographic] 10 Vibration Raising Affirmations

Did you know that you vibrate at a higher frequency when you’re at peace, in perfect health and feeling happy? Seems a bit obvious, but then why don’t we all try and get in (and stay in) a higher vibration? To tune into the abundance frequency of the universe, practice these powerful 10 Vibration Raising Affirmations shown in my infographic right here!

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{VIDEO} The Day That Changed Mark Nepo’s Life Forever

I recently stumbled across this video from Mark Nepo on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday and I just knew I had to share it with you.

Especially the part where he reveals why ‘no experience in life is wasted’… it’s such an incredible insight! 

Mark is a poet, author, spiritual teacher and also a cancer survivor; and what he learned about life and death during those years of struggle, is truly powerful. 

But what’s most exciting is...

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3 Negative Energy Blocks That May Be Robbing Your Peace Right Now

We all fall prey to negative feelings from time to time. We’re just human after all!

Yet when something happens in our life where we feel anger, regret, fear, stress, or grief, it’s extremely important that we learn how to identify that feeling and then address it. Otherwise these negative thoughts and behaviors could rob us of our peace and fulfillment.

Discover the 3 energy blocks that may be keeping you from the success and happiness you deserve right here on my blog!

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[Infographic] 3 Easy Steps To Powerfully Connect To The Universe

You may have noticed a lot of my personal success stories involve the Law of Attraction and making references to signs that I encountered along my journey. So have you ever wondered if the Universe is trying to speak to you? Trying to deliver a specific sign or message? Or have you ever wondered exactly how to connect with the Universe so it can help you manifest your dreams? If yes, follow my 3 easy steps to powerfully connect to the Universe now!

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10 Affirmations To Help You Heal Your Mind, Body and Soul

Did you know that any thought or belief you have, reflects on how you look and feel?

When you hold onto negative emotions, you vibrate at a lower frequency, making you more susceptible to illnesses.

If you’d like to strengthen or heal your mind, body, and soul, then use these 10 positive affirmations.

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Inside or Outside? How To Use Your Comfort Zone The Way The Universe Intended

Do you feel stuck in your comfort zone? If so, and if you’d like to experience more excitement, adventure, and joy in your life, then don’t miss this special blog post I have for you today. Inside, I share easy ways to identify your strengths and weaknesses, so you can step out of your comfort zone with total confidence to achieve your fullest potential.

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How To Use The LOA to Attract The Perfect Partner in 3 Simple Steps

Using the Law of Attraction to attract your soulmate is easy once you learn how! Taking relationship advice can be hard, but necessary, especially when it’s coming from the Universe. Here are four things you can do to attract your ideal partner - as soon as possible!


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What To Do When Bad Things Keep Happening, and You Don't Know Why or What to Do About It

Hey, it's Heather Mathews here, and I have a deeply personal and heartfelt message for you today.

Most people don't know this about me, but long before I achieved success as an online Law of Attraction specialist, I failed over and over and over in my life - for ten years in a row.

In fact, I failed so much and made so many stupid mistakes that I lost nearly everything...

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7 Easy Ways To Teach Kids The LOA

Coming from someone who has studied the Law of Attraction for over a decade, it’s safe for me to say it has done wonders in my life. But I must admit, I didn’t always ‘follow’ or ‘believe’ in the power of the Law of Attraction. Have you? Wouldn’t it be incredible if we knew about this concept early on in life so we can start applying it? If you have children, here are 7 easy peasy ways to teach kids the Law of Attraction. Check it out!

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7 Quotes To Help You Manifest Your Dreams Easier

Do you look at yourself through a loving, accepting, and forgiving lens? Or do you criticize yourself and look at yourself with disappointment and judgement? The truth is, people use filters all the time. It's up to us to make sure that we're using a positive one, instead of a negative one.

Here are four common areas in life that people have self-limiting filters (and I guarantee if you're using any of them, even just one, you're holding yourself back from living the amazing life you were born to have)!

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6 Tips That Will Inspire You To Live A Holistic Lifestyle

Between juggling work, relationships, family time, alone time, dedicated ‘fun’ time, it’s sometimes hard to make healthy choices for our mind and body. Most of us are guilty of making unhealthy decisions once in a while, especially if you live an extremely busy lifestyle.

But the good news is there are a few things you can do to live a more balanced, healthy life without sacrificing your daily routine. Check out these 6 tips to live a more holistic lifestyle and get started on your journey towards a healthier you!

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5 Traits That Reveal If You're A Resilient Person

When life gives you lemons, do you squirm from the sourness or do you make delicious lemonade? Through each obstacle and challenge we come across, we have an opportunity to build our strength, making us more resilient. If you’d like to learn how to be more resilient so you can take on whatever life throws your way, then read these important lessons.

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How To Tell The Difference Between An Abundance Mindset, A Wealthy Mindset & A Prosperity Mindset

Some people spend their whole lives daydreaming about becoming abundant, wealthy, and prosperous. But very few of these people actually take the time to define what these three things really mean to them.

Did you know there is a difference between having an abundant mindset, a wealthy mindset, or a prosperous mindset? To help you out, I’ve put together a handy breakdown so you can tell the difference between them and identify which mindset you’re currently operating in!

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3 Tips To Make 2015 Your Best Year Yet

Whoa! Doesn’t it seem like it was just yesterday that we were welcoming in 2014 and wondering what it would hold?  Was this your best year ever? Did you achieve all of your goals and desires?

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Why Hypnosis Could Change Your Life

I want to talk a little today about something that a whole lot of people misunderstand…  Hypnosis.  Now that might immediately bring to mind a stage hypnotist making people cluck like chickens or act out ridiculous skits, and that does actually exist.  But what I’m talking about is hypnosis that can cause a powerful change affecting many areas of your life.

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7 Important Traits Of The Wealthy & Successful

Have you ever wondered what sets the wealthy and successful people apart from everyone else? Surprisingly, it’s not luck or education. In fact, it all boils down to their daily habits! And if you’d also like to become more wealthy and successful, make sure to check out my blog post where I share 7 important traits of the wealthy and successful, which you can implement into your life right away. Enjoy!

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Discovering THIS ANSWER cost me OVER $30 Million dollars!

I’m Andy Shaw, and since 2005 I’ve been fascinated about the differences between the mindsets of successful and unsuccessful people. I was also fascinated by how virtually everyone is successful in one or more areas of their life, but are struggling to succeed in something else… E.g. they succeed in business, but fail in relationships.

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How to Create a Bridge Between Imagination and Reality

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. What if you could turn your dreams into your reality? What would life look like? Here are a few tips to bring your dreams into life!

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The Practical Do's and Dont's of a Stress-Free Holiday Season

The 2017 holiday season is fast approaching, and with it comes certain responsibilities that can take the JOY right out of enjoying the holidays. From hosting parties to Christmas shopping, there are plenty of things that need to be done, and can be done, with less stress and more fun. Here are some tips, tricks, and gentle reminders that everyone will be grateful for this holiday.

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27 Easy Ways To Practice Kindness Today

In the fast-paced society we live in and the sad stories we often consume from the media, our attention can be sucked into a negative vortex and it can cause us to act frustrated, irritated, and even unkind. The problem is, these feelings can impact our well-being and those around us in a negative manner if we don’t keep them in check.

So, if you’d like to welcome more positivity and kindness into your life, read my blog post now for 27 ways to practice kindness today!

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7 Tips To Love Yourself More

So many times we hear about how important it is to love ourselves first to find true happiness and peace within - I’m sure you know what I’m talking about!

And even though we’re aware that not loving ourselves can affect the quality of our relationships, our careers, and our future, we sometimes continue neglecting ourselves as we’re too busy taking care of others. Here are 7 tips to love yourself more on my blog!

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3 Tips To Raise Your Vibration And Open Your Flow Of Wealth

Every now and then, I look to my community to ask what’s the number one thing blocking them from living their greatest life? And every time the answer remains the same: money and financial issues. But the truth is, there’s a limitless supply of wealth and abundance available to every one of us, we just have to learn how to cultivate and attract it. If you’re ready to attract the prosperity you desire, check out these quick tips now!

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{Video} YOU can become a real life HERO!

The Unstoppable Foundation has created a fun and easy way to raise money to educate children all around the world… and YOU are invited to participate! 

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Make Your Dreams A Reality With These 4 Easy Steps

Do you have a dream that excites and inspires you... but deep down you think it's impossible to achieve?

Too often people give up on their dreams because they let fear stand in their way?

They fear they might fail, they fear they don't have what it takes to be successful or even worse, they believe at the core of their being that it's simply not possible of them to achieve.

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3 Things To Do Today To Overcome Any Bad Habit

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, quit smoking, stop watching TV or learn a new skill, then you probably know how challenging it can feel in the beginning. In fact oftentimes, our bad habits are so overwhelming that we feel hopeless when trying to get rid of them. If you can relate, here are 3 things you can do today to overcome any bad habit. Check it out over on my blog.

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How To Tell If The LOA Is Working For You

It’s human nature to question if you are on the right track. We certainly all have aspirations and goals, but sometimes things don’t go necessarily as planned and we question every little thing! Sometimes all we need is a little bit of reassurance in the form of a message or sign to let us know we are on the right path. So how can you tell if the Law of Attraction is working in your favor? Find out now!

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6 Forgotten Truths About Life

We all have challenges, obstacles, and difficult situations that we experience, yet we sometimes forget that these are opportunities for us to learn and grow. If you’re going through a tough time right now, and are having trouble seeing the silver lining, then I encourage you to read these 6 forgotten truths about life! I hope these will provide you with the same hope, strength, and courage that they do for me!

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3 Good Reasons To Trust People

Do you find it difficult to trust others? If so, you may be missing out on some important relationships and opportunities. If you’d like to become a more trusting person and strengthen your relationships, make sure to check out my blog post where I share 3 great reasons you should trust others and how you can start implementing more trust in your daily life right away. Enjoy!

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7 Ways To Tell If You're A Spiritual Person

Everyone can be a spiritual person! Becoming more spiritual doesn’t mean that you’re meditating all day or living in solitude. Instead, it’s about finding ways in your everyday life to tap into your intuition, and looking for signs from the Universe. If you’d like to discover if you’re on the path to awareness, make sure to check out my blog post on 7 ways to tell if you’re a spiritual person, and easy ways to tap into your spirituality and the Universe, starting today. Enjoy!

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4 ways to develop the skill of Patience (for yourself and others)

Have you ever had to wait long hours at the DMV? Or do you ever experience frustration and anger while sitting in traffic? Or do you ever find yourself extremely irritable while waiting in line to check out at the grocery store? Let’s admit it, we all get annoyed at one point or another and can lose our temper. But imagine if you could turn that frustration into mindfulness and relaxation?

Here are 4 ways to develop the skill of patience that hopefully can help you as well as others!

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Want To Invite More Wealth & Abundance Into Your Life RIGHT NOW?

Are you tired of waiting for more wealth and abundance to come into your life?

~> If you want to start LIVING the life you deeply desire starting right now...

~> If you're tired of playing small and are ready to discover what's really possible for you...

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5 Simple Steps To Make Meditation Part Of Your Routine

In recent years, meditation has surged in popularity while consistently being backed by research. With this increase in popularity, many people find themselves wanting to give meditation a try.

However, incorporating meditation into our busy lives and bogged down routines can seem like a hassle. If you want to start making meditation a habit, check out these 5 simple tips I’ve put together so you can start incorporating it into your everyday life!

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How to enjoy being alone

Do you fear being alone?

And has the fear of being alone ever kept you in a relationship that wasn't right for you?

Well surprisingly, there are many people that feel this way, and maybe we all have had this fear at some point in our lives...

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The Dos and Don'ts of Long-lasting Friendships

Do you have a best friend? A friend that you trust and share a deep level of understanding and communication? Building strong friendships takes time and energy, but it can be one of the most enriching experiences in our lifetime! If you’d like to discover how to attract and maintain healthy, loving friendships, read on for my top Dos and Don’ts for lasting friendship right here!

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Watch Our Ice Bucket Challenge (Aussie Style!)

So, Glen (my partner in Mind Movies) and I, were called out to do the Ice Bucket Challenge and to donate towards research for ALS.

Of course we were happy to help a good cause, but to be honest, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into!

To make things worse, my friend who was recording my challenge at the beach paused the camera exactly when I threw the ice water buckets over my head... so guess what?! I had to do it all over again!

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6 Excuses That Could Be Sabotaging Your Success

When you're faced with a big challenge, does it excite you or do you immediately get scared and convince yourself that it's probably a bad idea?

If you ever try and talk yourself out of conquering a challenge or task that will help you grow, it may be that your mind is playing tricks on you!

You see, when we try to get outside of our comfort zone, our mind immediately tries to settle us back into 'the known' at all costs. This can halt our personal growth, sabotage our wellbeing, and even cause us to miss great opportunities.

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5 Telltale Signs That Reveal You're Ready To Leave The Rat Race

I have a question for you - when you finish your workday each day, do you drag your feet home, stressed about starting another day tomorrow? Or do you find passion in your work, leaving your work place feeling motivated and excited about the day ahead? Or are you somewhere between the two? Well, here are 5 telltale signs that reveal you’re ready to try something new. Check it out now!

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How To Uncover If You Secretly Fear Success (and what to do about it!)

Let’s be honest. Most people would probably say they would like to be more successful in one area of life. Whether it’s your career, relationships, health, or anything else! Yet sometimes, no matter what we do, it feels like we are stuck and something is blocking us from reaching more success. If you can relate, here’s how to uncover if you’re secretly fearing success and what to do about it!

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5 Signs That Your Ego Is Controlling Your Life

There's no doubt that one of the most destructive characteristics you can have is an overinflated ego. While our ego is here to protect us, it can also harm us if we don't properly understand it, or let it get the best of us. But how do you know if your ego has taken over your life in a negative way? Here are 5 signs that will help you discover the answer once and for all!

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5 Traits That Reveal You're Destined For Success

Do you often feel unhappy and frustrated because you're not where you want to be in life, even though you're making an effort to progress towards your goals?

The truth is, we are often our own worst critics as sometimes we think our success or progress is too small to be acknowledged or celebrated. If you can relate, here are 5 traits that reveal you’re destined for success!

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7 Easy Ways To Put Your Own Happiness First!

Do you often fear that people will reject you or not accept you for who you truly are? If yes, you're not alone - many people mask their flaws in an effort to make people like them better. Stop trying to please everyone else and start living your very best life by following these 7 tips. Check out right here!

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How To Live Your Ultimate Life

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to live immensely happy and successful lives....

....while others struggle just to get by?

It's not due to good luck, hard work or dedication...

While all those things play a part, if you're feeling dissatisfied, chances are you have a trap inside your unconscious mind... which may actually be sabotaging your wealth, happiness and success.

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5 Powerful Ways To Drain Negative Energy

A popular question amongst all of us is: “How can I be positive and happy all the time?” While it may seem difficult, there are actually simple techniques you can do to be the happy person you and others love to be around!

Here are 5 ways to attract and maintain positive energy while draining out the negative energy.

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5 Tips For Ending Relationships That No Longer Serve You

Relationships appear in our lives at different times for different purposes. As we grow and evolve, so do our relationships. And with this growth, sometimes we need to end relationships that no longer serve us.

Here are 5 tips to transition through these relationships in a healthy and positive way.

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4 Secrets that ALL Successful Spiritual Money Makers Know

One of my students recently asked: “Nat, can I be both spiritual and rich?” This question is actually quite common in our community, as many want to know if they can achieve their monetary desires while also letting the Universe run it’s course and trusting the process.

You see, when we're in touch with the limitless abundance that the Universe has to offer, manifesting wealth and prosperity comes naturally and allows us to have a greater level of freedom to do what we're passionate about. If this question sparks curiosity for you too, check out my blog right now!

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5 Easy Steps For Creating Peace In Every Area Of Your Life

Do you wish you experienced feelings of peace more often? Maybe you’re stuck in relationships that drain you of your energy or spark anger or frustration within you.

If you’re ready to let go of disempowering people and situations in your life, don’t miss my blog post where I share 5 easy steps to create peace in every area of your life. Enjoy!

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Become a Lifelong Positive Thinker

Do you see the positive in any given situation or are you more of a glass-half-empty kind of thinker? If we aren't careful, we can easily wind up seeing the negative in everything, eventually becoming trapped in a vicious thought pattern that can impact every area of our lives. So, how do you maintain a positive outlook? Check out these four common misconceptions of positive thinking and what you can do to avoid them!

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3 Tips for Making Your Own Miracles

Do you ever wonder if miracles are real? Or why they don’t seem to happen for you? If you’d like to find more synchronicity in your life - and finally harness the power of the Law of Attraction - read on for my top 3 tips for creating miracles.

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6 Myths of Meditation Debunked!

In the last decade, meditation has become a hot topic in Western mainstream media and culture. Even physicians are now prescribing mindfulness to improve ailments such as stress, depression, and anxiety.

However, regardless of the growing popularity of meditation, there are still a few common misconceptions that prevent many people from trying it out. Below you will find 6 myths that will blow your mind and hopefully show you that meditation is not as hard or as time-consuming as you would imagine.

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5 Secret Tips For Successful Visualization

The power of visualization is truly incredible. Visualization is used by celebrities, athletes, entrepreneurs, and other wildly successful people as a tool to achieve their goals and dreams. So are you using it to manifest your greatest life? If you’re ready to start living the life of your dreams, discover my 5 secret tips to successful visualization right here!

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Don't Miss This Arianna Huffington Tip [Plus A LIVE Training With Bob Proctor]

This past weekend, I attended a women's conference where I was lucky enough to hear one of my idols, Arianna Huffington, speak for the second time.

Her speech was a really powerful lesson for me so I couldn't wait to share it with you, too!

Arianna talked about how too many people measure success on how much money they make and how much power they have, BUT in the process, they forget to take care of themselves.

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3 Steps For Discovering How To Lead A Successful Life

What does success mean to you? And are you working towards creating this type of success in your life? If you’re not sure, make sure to check out my blog post where I walk you through 3 steps to discover what you want out of life and exactly how to achieve your most audacious goals!

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3 Powerful Tips To Reawaken Your Soul

Have you been feeling stuck or perhaps even just plain bored, lately?

If you've felt a sense of stagnation with your daily routine, and you want to inject a little more fun, liveliness and excitement into your life...

Try these 3 powerful tips to help open yourself up to new possibilities!

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5 Simple Steps For Creating Powerful Affirmations

The secret to success is known by the wealthiest and most successful people in the world. It is innate, easy to practice, and powerful. And it is the ability to create positive affirmations that actually work! Here are 5 tips you can use to create affirmations that will set you up for success and provide you with abundance and fulfillment in every area of your life!

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How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Get Out Of Debt

Have you ever wondered if you can use the Law of Attraction to get out of debt? The LOA is a powerful force that can be used to attract wealth into your life and help you become financially free if you know the right way to use it. So if you’d like to discover how you can manifest more money, quickly and easily, make sure to read my blog post for 4 ways to pay your bills using the Law of Attraction.

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Acquire a wealthy mindset with THIS

Did you know that achieving financial freedom all starts from a simple shift in your mindset?

Well, it's true! And if you'd like to discover a powerful method to make your mind work FOR you (instead of AGAINST you)...

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Get the MOST out of your day with these simple steps

Do you feel like no matter what you do, there's just not enough time in the day?

If you often feel scattered, overwhelmed and unfocused when striving towards your goals... try my top tips for prioritizing your time effectively, so you can get the absolute MOST out of your day :)

Plan each day ahead of time >> Create a to-do list with your most important tasks at the top. When creating your to-do list, keep your regular schedule in mind to minimize last minute conflicts.

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The ABC's of Genuine Happiness

WHAT is HAPPINESS? And... HOW do we achieve it?

We all want to be happy in life. It's a desire we all share as human beings, however it's the way we define and obtain happiness, that makes us unique from each other.

Now whilst it's important to set goals and intentions for how we want our future to look, we must not forget that happiness is a state of mind, not a goal.

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4 Essential Steps For Manifesting Your Dream Life

As human beings, we ALL possess the ability to create the life we desire, using the power of our minds. And the truth is, you are constantly manifesting your external reality (whether you realize it or not). If you need a little help manifesting the life of your dreams, here are 4 essential steps for you to take right now!

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How To Live Your Highest Potential

Are you living to your fullest potential? Each one of us has amazing potential and real opportunity to make a difference in the world, but not everyone realizes this in their lifetime. If you’d like to start living your best life & discover how to step into your unique power, try these 6 simple steps to live your highest potential!

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4 Tips For Stepping Outside Of Your Comfort Zone To Experience True Freedom

So many times in life, we can miss opportunities for greatness because we fear the unknown.

After all, it's so much easier to stay inside of our comfort zone, than it is to step out of it, right?

But oftentimes this can leave us feeling frustrated and unfulfilled because we know that there could be something more, but we're just not sure how to obtain it.

In this post I hope to inspire you to push past your own personal limits, so that you can reach a place of pure bliss. And yes this means stepping outside of your comfort zone... but trust me the 'other side' is soooo unbelievably rewarding.

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3 Simple Money Manifestation Techniques

In order for the Law of Attraction to work for you, you have to first FEEL as though you already have what you want! According to the Law, like attracts like! So if you feel abundant and that you're resonating with an abundant vibration, more abundance will come to you.

Guest blogger Dharma Rose from Abundant Entrepreneur shares 3 simple money manifestation techniques that will help you shift from a place of lack to a place of abundance. Check it out now!


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Reflect, Connect, & Learn - 3 Easy Steps For Continuous Self Growth

As we get older, it’s easy to focus our attention on the external world and the material things we want to obtain, and our relationships with others. But the truth is, the relationship you have with yourself and your own personal development is far more important than anything external. And interestingly enough, once you connect to your authentic self and realize your true purpose, your external achievements usually fall in line as well.

If you’d like to discover how to tap into the highest version of yourself, check out these 3 easy steps for continuous self-growth right in this blog post!

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How To Let Go Of The Past & Open Yourself Up To Endless Possibilities

Do you wish you could let go of the past and welcome brand new opportunities into your life?

It may seem difficult right now to imagine your life in a completely new way, but it is possible to shift your mindset and create a new life full of abundance, happiness, and fulfillment. You just need to have the right tools! And luckily for you, I’ve created a blog post where I reveal 3 simple steps to help you let go of the past and attract endless possibilities.

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5 Steps To Live In The Moment NOW

Click Here Now To Watch Ken Wilber's Replay
'Your Superhuman Potential'


The idea of being mindful - being present or more conscious of life as it happens - is something I've really been focusing on improving this year.

Why? Well, being consistently mindful is truly the only way to live life to the fullest :)

When you're consciously 'present' in your daily life...


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3 Simple Steps To Stop Sabotaging Yourself

I have a question for you - do you ever set a goal and then convince yourself you’re going to fail? So then, why bother? As humans, we often undermine our own goals because we place limitations on ourselves. If you want to break free from this self-sabotage, here are 3 simple steps to get you on the right track. Check them out over on my blog now!

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2 Important Things To Consider Before Making Decisions

Have you ever purchased something impulsively and regretted it later? Making impulse decisions, especially around money, can have damaging effects so it’s important to ask yourself WHY you are making a decision beforehand.

If you’d like to take control of your decision making, make sure to check out my blog post on 2 important things to help you do just that!

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The World Needs YOU

Click Here Now To Get Your
Free Visualization Guide & Watch The Revealing Video


Do you realize yet that THE WORLD NEEDS YOU?

There is a message that you (and only you) must share with the world.

What's the message? ... Well it's the message of your life. Your purpose. Your soul.

You see, the world is waiting for you to step into your greatness.


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7 Chakra Healing Affirmations For Optimal Health

Balancing your Chakras can be as simple as eating the right food and practicing affirmations. But the effects from a balanced body are amazing! Heal your body, mind and soul with these 7 positive affirmations for optimal health, balance, and wellness.

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Win FREE tuition to my online success school

Click Here Now To Enter Our Contest
& You Could Win FREE Tuition to USM!


How would you like to win FREE tuition to my revolutionary online success school, where you'll work closely with me and an amazing community of like-minded people from all over the world...

...to achieve your most audacious goals and desires, within 90 days?

Well, lucky for you, you have the incredibly rare opportunity to do just that! :)


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Your FREE Guided Meditation Inside...

Click Here For Your FREE MP3
'Manifestation Power'
From Our Friends At Guided Mind


Have you tried meditating recently?

Now the reason I ask is because meditation is one of the most powerful ways to build a stronger connection to source energy and to your intuition...

...and when you're in alignment with source energy, manifesting your dreams into your physical reality becomes a natural, effortless process.


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3 Positive Affirmations to Rewire Your Brain (at any age!)

Have you ever hid behind the belief that you’re too old to change? Or do you ever believe you’re too set in your old ways to attract new opportunities? If so, these beliefs could be preventing you from achieving your goals.

Here are 3 positive affirmations to use today to rewire your brain (and no, it doesn’t matter what age you are!).

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3 Life-Changing (Free!) Tips

CLICK HERE To Get Your Free Ticket To The Amazing
Healing With The Masters Event


Last weekend I attended Neuroscientist Dr. Joe Dispenza's Advanced Workshop in Carefree, Arizona and it was a truly life-changing experience.

I participated in hours of meditation, absorbed a ton of valuable information about the core of who we really are, and connected with many amazing, like-minded individuals!


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Wake Up Call! 7 Tips to Live Your Very Best Life!

Do you need a wake up call to live your best life?! Is life just passing you by? Enjoy life by living it to the absolute fullest with these 7 inspirational tips.

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Love Your Life! 2 Questions You Should Ask Yourself At Least Once EVERY Year

Do you regularly check in with yourself to reevaluate your dreams, goals and values? Well, birthdays are the perfect time to do so - and inside today’s blog, I share 2 questions you should ask yourself every year (and even more frequently if you can!), to ensure you’re on the right path to success. These questions will help you gain clarity, help you focus, and give you motivation for the upcoming year! Check it out right here!

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4 Easy Ways To Stop Worrying and Start Living

Worrying occupies so much of our headspace day in and day out, making it difficult to live our best lives. But what if we could tailor our anxieties and stop worrying about things we can’t control? Try these 4 easy ways to stop worrying and to start living.

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How To Get The Law Of Attraction Working In Your Favor

Something my friends have often asked me is, "Natalie, why are you so lucky? You have tons of great friends, your Mind Movies community keeps growing, and everything always seems to work out for you." I always appreciate comments like that and the truth is that I, in fact, don't believe in luck. But what I don't always share is that I have a little "assist" to get me the good stuff in life, and that is the Law of Attraction. Here’s how you can get it working in your favor, too!

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3 Tips to Invite the Power of the Universe Into Your Life

When was the last time you stopped and looked up at the stars? Did you know there is actually a divine power that comes from observing the stars? The Universe is there to guide you, you just have to let it! Here are 3 tips to invite this power into your life.


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10 Benefits of Training Your Brain for Mental & Physical Health

Well, it's been a few weeks since we all rang in the New Year...

And January is always a popular time for working toward our exercise and fitness goals (in fact, I recently blogged about using positive affirmations to be successful at reaching your health and wellness resolutions...

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How Finding Out Your 'Numbers' Will Transform Your Life This Year!

Now, when I first found out about numerology, I was pretty skeptical, but I decided to give it a go just for fun! Let me tell you, what my report said was shockingly accurate and really eye-opening... it helped to shed light on who I am and why I behave the way I do, and it provided me with an invaluable map for my future. If you want to learn more, read here now!

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How to Create Successful New Year's Resolutions!

Do you have any fitness goals that you aren’t able to hit this year? If so, then make sure to check out my blog post now for some goal setting tips, specifically for your health and wellness goals. These tools will help you stay on track all year round! Enjoy!

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Top 5 Most 'Liked' Blog Posts of 2013 (Chosen by YOU!)

It's hard to believe that it's been over a year since I started this blog, but it feels like only yesterday that we were kicking off 'Gratitude Week' in an effort to raise our vibrations and attract happiness, positivity and a deeper appreciation into our lives!

I'm not sure if you remember, but we were also trying to increase awareness and raise funds for those affected by Hurricane Sandy on the eastern coast of the United States.

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[VIDEO] All the way from Sydney, Australia!

I recorded this quick video on my iPhone for you while walking through my hometown of Sydney, Australia!

I wanted to make it to share one powerful tip with you. As you'll see in my video above, I reveal 1 powerful trick you can implement in your life right now, and it can really amplify your manifesting power.

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4 Quick Ways To Relax, Rejuvenate, And REJOICE During The Holiday Season

Ahhh - the holidays. A time to be with friends, share stories with family, and eat, drink, and be merry! But the holidays also can come with a lot of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. If you are in need of a little R&R this holiday season, I put together 4 easy ways to help you relax, rejuvenate, and rejoice all the way into the new year! Check it out now.

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7 Inspiring Quotes to Live Your Life Without Limits

Do you feel like something is holding you back from achieving your true potential? Most of us deal with self-doubt or uncertainty from time to time, which is why it’s so important to have tools to help you overcome them!

If you can relate, make sure to read my blog post for 7 inspiring quotes to live your life without limits, plus a special offer to help you become the best version of yourself. Enjoy!

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Manifest Your Best Life! 4 Gifts of Advice for the Gift-Giving Season

The holidays are here, which means many of us are looking for gifts to give to those people we love or expecting to receive gifts from others. Sometimes gift giving can be stressful or unfulfilling, which takes the joy away from your holiday experience.

If you’d like to discover how to spark more joy in your life this holiday season, especially while giving or receiving gifts, check out my blog post on 4 gifts of advice for the gift-giving season!

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4 Tips For Not Only Surviving But THRIVING In Life!

Do you consider yourself to be a 'survivor'? No matter what life throws your way, are you confident in your ability to emerge stronger and smarter on the other side?

Growing up in a small country town in Australia, I know a little something about not only surviving, but thriving, in the toughest of conditions.

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3 Tips to Help You Find the Bridge to Abundance

Do you ever feel like there's a giant gap separating you from where you are and where you want to be in life, especially regarding your finances? If so, you’re not alone! We all can lose sight of our goals and feel off track, which is why it’s so important to have daily success rituals to keep your mindset abundant and strong.

If you’d like to start welcoming more prosperity, joy, and happiness into your life, read my blog post now for 3 tips to help you find the bridge to abundance.

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3 Tips to Successfully Navigate Your Way Through The River Of Life

Have you ever watched a river run? Sometimes it’s smooth and beautiful, while sometimes it’s rocky, filled with obstacles, and can seem daunting. Like a river, our lives have highs and lows. If you need a little help navigating your path in life, check out my blog right now!

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3 Life-Changing Events Coming Up Next Week - You're Invited!
Have you ever walked into a grocery store for something specific, and you couldn't find what you needed? Sometimes we can find ourselves thinking, the layout of this store doesn't make sense or they've moved things around again.

But the fact is, we're often looking in the wrong places. Even with headings over the aisles, a lot of us probably still wander around aimlessly throughout the store before we ask for help. Read More Here

4 Areas Of Life Where Limiting Beliefs May Be Blocking You From Success & Fulfillment

Do you look at yourself through a loving, accepting, and forgiving lens? Or do you criticize yourself and look at yourself with disappointment and judgement?

The truth is, people use filters all the time. It's up to us to make sure that we're using a positive one, instead of a negative one. Here are four common areas in life that people have self-limiting filters (and I guarantee if you're using any of them, even just one, you're holding yourself back from living the amazing life you were born to have)!

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3 Powerful Ways To Hack Into Unlimited Success

Have you ever worried about an outsider hacking into your computer, your finances, or your life? From putting a virus on your laptop, to damaging your credit, or taking over your identity, it can be a really scary thought.

But what's even more frightening, is the thought of someone else hacking into your biology and tampering with the essence of who you really are. If you aren't in control of your mind, body and reality, that could quickly become the case.

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A Season of Change! 3 Tips to Change Your Perspective & Change Your World

The first signs of autumn are approaching here in the States... the leaves are beginning to change color, people are changing their wardrobes, and restaurants are changing their menus to include more pumpkin-flavored items!

In fact, change is all around us... So, why not spend a little time reflecting on how we perceive ourselves to see how we can positively impact the world in the process?

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4 Steps to Begin a Lifetime of Happiness (in Just 10 Minutes a Day)

Let’s be honest - life can get hectic, busy, messy, and sometimes plain boring! But that is not to say we can’t shift the way we think about life and the opportunities it brings. We must make a conscious effort to seek and live out happiness each and every day! By setting aside just 10 minutes per day and following these simple steps, happiness will spread throughout your entire life.

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How to Use the Law of Attraction to Find Your Life's Purpose

Have you ever felt like finding your purpose in life seems more elusive than the Loch Ness Monster? So many of us are searching for our calling, but for whatever reason, a lot of people find it difficult to discover what it is. If you’re ready to finally discover your life’s purpose, here are a few ways to harness the Law of Attraction to do just that!

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Clear Out the Cobwebs! 4 Tips to Keep Your Brain Active

I’m curious - when is the last time you did some spring cleaning? You know, removed the cobwebs, brushed off old countertops and unused furniture, and rid yourself of things that hold no value? Well, just like the concept of spring cleaning, it’s important we cleanse our minds from time to time so we can perform at our peak! Try out these 4 tips to help keep all your neurons firing and keep those pesky mental cobwebs from clouding up your mind!

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Get Inspired For Greatness!

Do you need a boost of inspiration? We can all get unmotivated at times and reading quotes from some powerful mentors from our lifetime and the past can be a great way to find a boost of motivation when you really need it!

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, I highly suggest that you read my blog post for some powerful quotes to help you get inspired for greatness! Enjoy!

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3 Super Simple Habits to Improve Your Health

Do you have any unhealthy habits that you’d like to shake off? Are you ready to start living a happier, healthier lifestyle? Try these 3 super simple tips to enjoy a refreshing, more positive life today!

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Launch Your Self Confidence: 3 Quick Tips to Get You Started Today!

Life is a rollercoaster. There are ups, downs, twists turns - and there are incidences where your ego and self-confidence are going to take a hit. These 3 simple tips will get you looking and feeling your best while teaching you how to be more confident and resilient. Check them out now!

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5 Warning Signs That You Might Be Struggling with Low Self-Esteem

We all have moments of self doubt and worry, but it's important that we don't let them bring us down. This health blog will teach you the 5 warning signs that you may be struggling with low self-esteem and ways to help you become more confident. If any of these warning signs have resonated with you, it’s important to recognize them to help raise your self-esteem. Check it out now!

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3 Amazing Tips to Heal Your Heart & Have a Joy-Filled Life

Are you familiar with the childhood game "king of the mountain"? The whole point of the game is for one player to reach the top of a large hill and it typically involves a whole lot of knocking and pushing while the reigning "king" tries to hold their ground.

If your daily emotional journey feels like a game of "king of the mountain" and it seems like life keeps trying to knock you down, perhaps it's time to...

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3 Tips to Navigate Your Way to Wealth

In this day and age, it seems everyone uses online maps to navigate where they are going. We simply plug in our destination and are practically transported to the exact location that we wanted to reach. Wouldn’t it be nice if life was like that? Where we had a destination and plan and we knew we could get there easily and without much effort?

Well, there a few steps you can take (specifically if you are on the path to creating more wealth) that can lead you in the right direction. Find them right here on my blog!

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Feeling Lost? Here are 4 Tips to Get You Back on Track With Your Passions

Life is full of choices and, at times, it's easy to feel overwhelmed when you aren't sure of what your next step should be. My students often ask me, "How can I get what I want when I don't know what that is?" Here are 4 tips for figuring out what you want and staying on the right path toward your goals!

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4 Free Gifts to Help You Achieve A 'Bug Free' Mind

Let me ask you a question...

Have you ever had a bug in your computer? You know, where for no reason at all, without any warning, everything just stops working smoothly?

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3 'Forward Thinking' Tips to Become Financially Abundant

I've written before about how changing your mindset can create wealth. It's something I'm passionate about because it made a huge difference in my life!

Once I figured out what had been holding me back, I was able to shift my mindset and soon abundance was flowing to me! If you are ready for this type of shift in your life, here are 3 forward-thinking tips to become financially abundant that you can start today!

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4 Quick & Easy Tips to be Super Productive

Do you struggle with staying productive during the day? If so, you’re not alone! Especially with many of us working from home during the quarantine, distractions seem to be everywhere and staying focused can be a challenge. If you want to amp up your productivity, check out my 4 quick tips to help you do just that!

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The Surprising Reason You Aren't Reaching Your Goals

Did you know that gossip is one of the fastest ways to lower your vibration? It’s true! Speaking negatively about others has much more to do with how you view yourself and the energy you’re emitting.

So, if you often find yourself talking poorly about people, make sure to check out my blog post to figure out how it’s potentially hurting YOUR success and the simple ways to shift your conversations and mindset to a more positive place!

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3 Reasons Being Focused Will Change Your Life

Everywhere we look there are distractions! Technology, things to look at, things to read, things to touch.

Studies have shown that people switch activities every 3 minutes due to their external distractions.

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3 Great Reasons to Use Hypnosis Today

What if I told you that I could guarantee that hypnosis could help you better your life?

Would you say "Yes, Natalie! I know, it's already helped me!" Or would you reply "No thanks I've tried it before and nothing happened." Or perhaps you'd think "I've been curious about trying hypnosis, but something's always held me back because I wasn't sure it would work for me."

Whatever your response, please keep...

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[Video Update] 3 Manifestation Tips

You might get a kick out of this...

I got an email the other day from an old friend of mine back in Australia.

She asked me a question:

"Natalie, I know you're somewhat of an expert on all of this Law of Attraction stuff and I've recently been reading about it. I really want to manifest a hot, sexy man into my life and I was hoping you could help?"

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How to be More Humble

Do you practice humility in your daily life? The reason I ask is because being humble is a key component to your relationships with others and your overall success.

If you’d like to learn more, I highly recommend that you check out my blog post where I share the importance of humility, plus 4 tips to be more humble today. Enjoy!

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3 Quick Tips to Unleash the Power of Your Unconscious Mind

A lot of people have compared the human mind to a computer.

Our conscious mind is like the programs and applications running on your screen right now which you direct to complete certain tasks.

However the majority of processes are happening behind the scenes in the hardware of the computer. In your brain, we call these automated processes, the unconscious or subconscious mind.

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4 Benefits of Brainwave Entrainment

Did you know that brainwave entrainment can improve every area of your life? It’s true! This powerful tool can help you rewire your brain for increased productivity, focus, and happiness without much time or effort! If you’d like to learn more, check out my blog post where I share 4 benefits of brainwave entrainment. Enjoy!

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4 Things You Can Do Today to Start Living with an Attitude of Gratitude

If any of you know me, you know I’m a big advocate for practicing gratitude. I firmly believe it raises your vibration, puts you in a higher frequency, and gives you a positive outlook on other people and life in general. Practicing gratitude is one of the quickest ways to get yourself into the right mindset and activate the Law of Attraction to help you reach your ultimate goals.

Here are 4 things you can do today that will help you to start living with an attitude of gratitude!

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3 Ways to Open Yourself Up to New Possibilities

Have you been feeling stuck or even bored lately? Doing the same thing day in and day out can lead to stagnation, frustration and loss of motivation.

So if you’re ready to infuse energy back into your life, read my blog post for 3 simple ways to open yourself up to new possibilities. Read it right here!

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How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Do you often find yourself comparing yourself to others? We all can be guilty of comparison from time to time, but if left unaddressed this bad habit can damage your self-esteem and overall success in the long run.

If you’d like to learn how you can cut this habit out of your life for good, make sure to check out my blog post for 3 simple ways to do just that!

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How to Master the Inner Game of Wealth

Mastering the game of wealth doesn’t have to take place outside of ourselves. It isn’t about the job, the car, or the house we have. To truly become wealthy, check out these 3 inners steps that will guide you towards prosperity with confidence and ease!

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3 Ways to Thrive During Challenging Times

Everyone, at one point or another, experiences times of stress and intensity. We are human after all! But instead of letting ourselves get dragged down into the dark depths of a challenging situation, here are 3 tips that will help you pull yourself up into the light. Check them out on my blog now!

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Change Your Brain, Change Your Life

Did you know your brain CAN change and improve at any time? Many people think that once you’re an adult, you can’t make any changes to your mind, but that’s not the case! You actually can rewire your brain to help you achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling, successful life.

If you’d like to learn how to do this, without much time or effort, make sure to check out my blog post where I share exactly how you can change your brain AND your life. Enjoy!

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3 Steps to Saying No Respectfully

Do you have a hard time saying ‘no’ to certain people or situations in your life? If so, you’re not alone! Many people struggle with setting boundaries, but this skill is essential for creating long-term abundance and success. If you can relate - check out these 3 steps to saying no respectfully - so you can do the same!

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Are You Skilled in the Art of Authentic Persuasion? Here's How to Find Out

Are you skilled at the art of persuasion? Persuasion is about so much more than just getting someone to do what you want. True "authentic persuasion" is about being able to share your point of view or your ideas with others in a way that they feel excited, engaged and on board.

If you’d like to learn more, make sure to check out my blog post to learn how to become a more skilled communicator with those around you to further your success in every area of your life!

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Change Your Posture, Change Your Emotions

You probably already know this, but the way we feel is often reflected by our physiology. When we’re in a good mood, we tend to smile! When we are feeling down, we tend to frown or feel emotionless. Here are 5 ways that you can use your body to shift yourself into a happier, more vibrant state of mind!

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What's Blocking Your Wealth?

Do you ever drive by a big house, a nice car, a fancy restaurant and wish you were experiencing that wealthy and abundant lifestyle? Sure, it’s normal to want things we don’t have. But it’s how you frame these thoughts that impact what you manifest. So you need to first shift your mindset from a state of wanting to a state of having what you want. Want to learn how? Check out my blog now?

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13 Excuses That Hold You Back From Living Your Best Life

If you're anything like me, you hate giving excuses even more than receiving them. But at times, I've still made them and chances are you have too. You see, excuses hold us back from living our very best life, preventing us from the life we desire and deserve. Here are 13 excuses that could be holding you back, check them out now!

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Are You Blocking Your Money Flow? Here are 3 Telltale Signs

We all want to make more money… but did you know sometimes our own beliefs can be standing in the way of greater wealth? These beliefs have been programmed into our minds since we were 6 years old!

Here are 3 telltale signs that something is blocking your money flow… and how to move past it!

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Three Important Things to Keep in Mind on Your Journey to Self-Discovery

Do you ever wake up, get out of bed, and question your life? Wondering if you are on the right path? Or perhaps something just doesn’t feel right but you’re not sure what? If you have, I’m sure you know these thoughts can be paralyzing, making you question everything around you. If you’re needing a bit of direction towards your path to self-discovery, check out my blog right now.

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How to Live (and Die) With No Regrets

Do you feel like you’re living life to the fullest? Or do you feel like you’re just going through the motions? To live a life with no regrets, we must check in with ourselves to make sure we’re focusing on the people and experiences that give us a sense of purpose and fulfillment. If you want to live a more inspired life, make sure to read my top 5 tips to live and die with no regrets.

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Dealing with Anger

Do you ever lose your temper and wonder why? Are there days you feel like you wake up with negative energy, feeling mad without necessarily understanding the root of your emotion? Well, let’s face it - we all get angry once in a while. But it’s how you deal with this anger that really matters. On this week’s blog, check out some quick tips to help you settle down when you’re upset, turning your anger into serenity and gratitude!

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8 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Our Pets

Learning comes from all sorts of unexpected places, one of which is our pets. Having a pet can be quite a commitment, but it’s so worth it as they offer a constant source of love, laughter, companionship, and wisdom! If you’d like to discover some insights on how you can create a more fulfilling, joyful life - read on for the top 8 lessons I’ve learned from my pets and how you can implement them into your own life!

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How to Pick Yourself Up When You've Been Knocked Down

We all experience challenges, failures, and disappointments at one time or another. It’s just a part of life! But it’s how you react and respond to the ups and downs of life that shapes your future. If you feel you’ve been knocked down and need some motivation to get back up, here are five tips to help guide you. I hope they inspire you as they did me! ;-)

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How to Follow Your Passions and Do What You Love

“Do what you love and you’ll never work another day in your life” - we’ve all undoubtedly heard this phrase at one point or another. But sometimes this seemingly easy venture can be hard - especially if you haven’t honed in on exactly what your true passions are. If you want to learn how to discover your real passions and do what you love, then read these 3 tips and start manifesting your dreams today!


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How Giving to Others Can Change Your World

With the right attitude, giving to others can be one of the best things that you can do for yourself. It’s a great way to shift your mindset and practice gratitude. It’s also a powerful opportunity to channel the Law of Attraction and to allow more positive vibrations and energy into your life.

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How To Experience More Joy

“Joy is not for the just the lucky few,” said James Baraz, meditation teacher and co-founder of the world-renowned Spirit Rock Meditation Center. Joy does not discriminate, it’s an option for everyone. When we choose to practice joy, happiness, gratitude, and appreciation, we give off positive energy and vibes. Here are a few ways to experience more joy in your life right now, check them out!

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How to Identify & Enhance What You're Most Committed to In Life

Have you ever committed to something, say a birthday dinner or after-hours work event, and decided you didn’t want to go anymore? We’ve all pulled out of commitments before, especially if something urgent comes up. But what’s important to notice is that there is a huge difference between making a commitment and actually being committed to something. Want to learn more? Check out my blog right now!

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Never in Your Wildest Dreams Life Lesson

Are you a person that likes to be responsible? Whether the answer is yes or no, I'm going to share something that you absolutely need to take responsibility for right now - YOUR LIFE! You, and you alone, are 100% responsible for your life and everything you find in it.

This is actually the first lesson in my...

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Reduce Stress Using the 5 Senses

Everyone gets stressed out from time to time - we are human after all! From relationship pressures and work struggles to family dynamics and balancing finances, it’s no wonder we experience stress. But it’s how you handle it that can make or break you! Did you know that engaging your five senses can help alleviate stress and anxiety? Check out my blog now!

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Get Your Mind Right!

Before you can accomplish your dreams and goals, you need to have a positive mindset. Maybe you're trying to manifest a new romantic relationship, more friends, a new job, or even a trip around the world. Whatever it may be, having the right mindset is key. Here are some easy ways to shift your mind into a positive state!

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How To Raise Your Self-Esteem

When it comes to your self-esteem, only one opinion really truly matters: your own! So do you value yourself? Or do you tend to bring yourself down? If you’re struggling with self-esteem, like many of us do, then check out these quick tips to raise your confidence and self-worth right now!

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Rewire Your Brain for Positivity & Happiness

We all have good days and we all have bad days. And it’s perfectly normal to have negative self-doubting thoughts from time to time. But if left unchecked, these thoughts can turn into bad habits that will create undesirable results in your life.

To help you cultivate a happier, more positive attitude each day, here are 4 tips to practice that will keep you in a higher vibration! Check them out on my blog!

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4 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy

The more things we get, the happier we are - true or false? Whatever your answer is, you’ll see that by releasing and letting go you will find more inner peace and happiness. Here are 4 things you should give up right now to become a happier person.

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How to Transform Draining Conversations into Meaningful Ones

Some things in life can leave you feeling drained of energy and prevent you from reaching your full potential. Long, negative conversations are one of them. When someone traps you into one, here are the necessary, yet polite, ways to change a draining conversation to a positive one. Check it out!

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Don't Let Back Pain Keep You Down!

Sometimes all it takes is the smallest act of picking up something you’ve dropped to the ground for those terrible back pains to strike. Thankfully though, for a lot of us, back pain is relatively short-term and eventually goes away so you can return to your daily routine without pain. But for some, back pain is an everyday occurrence and can really impact the way we operate. The good news is though, there are some simple things you can do to relieve back pain and feel your best. Check them out now!

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5 Easy Ways To Boost Your Health

Being healthy is more than eating right and being active.

While exercise and healthy eating habits are essential, there are a few more things you can do to raise your health levels.

Here are some of my favorites...

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Living in Balance

Living a balanced life could very well be the secret to a long, happy life. Yet it seems to elude most people. Living a balanced life means you make time for everything and everyone you love. By doing this, you're nourishing your soul and enriching your life. If you spend all your time working, thinking about work, or even being stressed out about work, then you're not living in balance. So here are 4 tips to help you lead a more balanced life!

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Don't Let Your Anxiety Get The Best Of You

Everyone experiences some sort of anxiety at one point or another. We’re just human after all! For some, it's a fear of swimming or public speaking. For others, it’s the fear of the unknown and the anticipation of the future. What’s important though is learning how to cope with anxiety and moving past it. Here are a few tips to help you get your anxiety out of control so you can live a more peaceful, successful life!

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Why It's Important to Forgive

Have you ever struggled to forgive someone after they’ve wronged you? If so, you’re not alone! But these negative feelings end up hurting you in the long run if you hold on to them. If you’d like to discover how to forgive those people who have hurt you in the past, so you can finally live with total peace and happiness, check out my blog now! I share the importance of forgiveness and 3 simple steps to help you do so. Enjoy!

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5 Money Affirmations to Repeat Daily

People often ask me the quickest ways to manifest more money into their lives.

I completely understand that you may feel like you need more "green" in your life, but it's also important that you aren't cultivating a vibration of constant need...

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Overcoming Procrastination Affirmations

Procrastination is one of the most toxic ways to distract yourself from manifesting your greatest life. Positive affirmations can be used to nip procrastination in the butt - as well as lead to other amazing outcomes! Use these Positive affirmations daily to stay on the right track!

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Simple Ways to Eliminate Stress

Have you ever been so stressed that you feel like everything is going out of control? Trust me, we’ve all been there. But the thing about stress is, you shouldn’t be trying to avoid it, but rather learn to manage it. In fact, stress management is all about taking charge of your thoughts, lifestyle, emotions, and difficult situations you may encounter. Here are 5 techniques you can use next time you are feeling stressed out so you can start focusing on the good instead of the bad!

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Spring into Action
March marks the official start to spring here in the United States and it has me reflecting on this year thus far... Things have been happening so quickly! I began January with a goal to speak more from the stage at live personal development seminars, and so far I've already presented at a few live events and have many more on the horizon for the year. Read More Here

How to Meditate

Has meditation been one of your goals and resolutions for a while, yet you just don’t know where to start? Here are 5 simple techniques that even beginners can use for meditation!

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Words To Live By: Daily Wisdom

Need a boost of inspiration? If so, make sure to read my blog post where I share some words to live by that help me stay in the present moment and feel joyful on a regular basis. Implementing even a couple of these tips can boost your happiness by tomorrow, so check it out!

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Dealing with Negative People

All successful individuals agree that one of the key components to success is to surround yourself with positive people! However, avoiding negative people isn’t possible all of the time.

So, if you’d like to discover how you can deal with negative people, to ensure they don’t bring you down, check out my blog post right now. I reveal 3 ways to protect your energy from negativity and to continually attract more positivity into your life. Enjoy!

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How To Move Closer Towards Your Dreams

A lot of my students ask me questions like: “Nat, how come I haven’t accomplished my goals when I’m doing everything right?” or “How do I get started working towards my dream life if I don’t know where to even start?” Trust me, I was once pondering these things myself.

If you are interested in discovering how to get closer to your dreams, check out my blog right now as I reveal my top three tips!

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How to Get Over the Loss of a Loved One

The grieving process is different for everyone. There's not a "one size fits all" when it comes to mourning the loss of a loved one. If this is something you are dealing with right now, I want to tell you that I am deeply sorry for your loss and I’ve felt your pain. To help you or someone you know cope with the harsh reality of losing someone, I’ve put together a list of a few tips for you to check out right now.

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4 Author Affirmations - Is There A book Inside Of You?

Have you ever thought about writing a book? Or have you ever felt there's a message inside of you that you want to share with the world?

Because today I'd like to share some affirmations that will help you reach your writing goals...

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3 Tips for Increasing the Power of Your Intuition

Did you know you have an internal GPS that wants to help you achieve your goals & desires? It’s true! Your intuition can help guide you towards a more fulfilling, and successful life if you allow it to!

If you’re ready to turn up the volume on your intuition and to finally manifest the abundance you desire, check out my top 3 tips for increasing the power of your intuition here.

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Pics from Africa Part 2

Check out that Lion!

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How Loving Yourself Will Make You a Better Lover

Whether you are single or in a relationship, this blog is a must-read. We forget that taking care and loving ourselves is the number one key in all healthy relationships. Have you ever heard the saying, “You need to love yourself before you can truly love someone else?” Once you truly love yourself, you will also be a better lover.

I encourage you to read these 6 suggestions on how to love yourself more and be the best person you can be!

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3 Ways to Train Your Brain to Stay Focused

Staying focused can be tough in today’s world. You’re overwhelmed, distracted, and usually have several things on your mind all at once. So how do you silence the background noise to focus on your goals ahead? Here are some of my favorite tips to help train your brain to stay focused so that you can become an abundance manifesting machine!

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My Photos From Africa Part 1

Here are some pics from my amazing Safari so far!

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How to Live in Exceptional Abundance

Do you ever feel like you’re doing everything you can to attract abundance but for some reason, you can’t seem to achieve the success you desire? If yes, you may be missing one or more of the 3 crucial steps that are essential to achieving financial freedom. If you’re ready to say goodbye to scarcity and hello to success, make sure you check out my 3 tips to living in exceptional abundance now!

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How My Marriage Has Lasted 15 Wonderful Years

February is around the corner and I can already see storefronts full of hearts, teddy bears, chocolates, and flowers to promote Valentine's Day.

While I enjoy celebrating the holiday, it's important to not get caught up in the materialistic aspects of it all and to remember what's being celebrated.

And that is... love! So in the spirit of Valentine's Day and experiencing eternal love with your partner, I want to share what I do to keep my marriage alive after 15 wonderful years :)

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What is Your Life Path?

Have you ever woken up one morning and just sat there - wondering what you’re doing with your life, what your purpose is, and why you are here this very moment? If you’re like most people, sometimes you find yourself confused by your life path and need a bit of clarity. And to help you do this, I’ve put together a blog about what Numerologists call your ‘life path’. Check it out now!

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The Benefits Of Hypnosis

What do you think of when you hear the word hypnosis? Do you think of someone swinging a pendulum in front of you? Or perhaps do you think it’s not a real concept at all.

But let me tell you - hypnosis can be extremely beneficial for your overall mental, emotional and physical well-being! Here are some of the biggest benefits of hypnosis, check it out!

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How To Get Over Your Frustration With The Law of Attraction

Have you ever felt frustrated with the Law of Attraction? If so, you’re not alone! Many people understand the basics of the LOA but miss some key components when attempting to manifest their dreams. If this sounds like you, then don’t miss this blog post where I share 7 simple steps to begin achieving your most audacious goals with the Law of Attraction, quickly and easily. Enjoy!

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Free Personal Growth Gifts
Would you like a Personal Empowerment Kit?

Or how about an Mp3 download that will re-program your brain so wealth and success are attracted to you? Read More Here

Mist Yourself Thin




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Top 4 Health Tips

There’s much more to health than just a slim, strong figure. Being emotionally, physically, emotionally and spiritually healthy are all required to live a well-balanced life. To get you looking and feeling your best this summer, I’ve put together 4 of my top health tips. Check it out now!

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YouTube Video Series - How to Stick to Your 2013 Goals!

This YouTube video series breaks down:

1) How to identify the areas of your life that are most important to you

2) How to zero in on those "important areas" and take action towards change

3) Daily habits that transform your resolution into your new & improved lifestyle!

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Your Total Transformation Contest: 100k In Cash Prize

I'm so happy you're here right now because I'm really excited to tell you more about...

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20 Abundance & Happiness Secrets

Along with the Law of Attraction, abundance has been a hot topic of conversation lately. Whether that be an abundance of love, wealth, health or anything you desire - it seems a lot of people are interested in discovering the secret to true happiness and abundance. If you’re one of these people, here are 20 secrets to manifesting the prosperous, fulfilled life you desire!

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Your Holiday Video & Poem

Tis the season to be jolly,
and hang lots of holly...

After you wrap your christmas gift,...

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Your Energy Mind Movie

Do you want to boost your energy in under 3 minutes? If so, then I have a special treat for you today! I created a special Mind Movie for you, which is a visualization technique combining powerful music and affirmations, specifically designed to make you feel inspired, motivated and energetic. Get a jump start on your day when you watch it now.

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Inspirational Messages : - )

Today's message is something very different and out of the ordinary...

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New Inspiration Show Episode

I have one of the most amazing, enlightening episodes of The Inspiration Show to share with you today...

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Toroidal Energetic Field? What Tha?!

Did you know it's actually possible to live your life, push past your problems and things holding you back, and create your ideal life all through your heart? From the inside, your heart emanates an extremely powerful toroidal energetic field, and it has actually been scientifically measured to go out as far as 5 miles from your heart. If you want to learn more, click here now!

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DAY 5: Last Day Of Gratitude Week!

The final day of Gratitude Week has arrived.

This entire week has been dedicated to expressing gratitude for all the amazing things and people we have in our lives, and it's been amazing!

Today's pressie is something you can keep forever and refer back to anytime you need an inspirational...

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Day 4: Gratitude Week Inspiration Show!

As you probably know, this entire week has been dedicated to expressing gratitude for all that we're lucky enough to have in our lives. We've had awesome participation on this blog and on Facebook from people all over the world. I love it! So thanks again for joining in on the fun this week, I really hope you've been enjoying the free videos I've been releasing too.

Today, I have a very special episode of The Inspiration Show waiting for you.

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Day 3: Inspirational Gratitude Video

In today's Gratitude video, I share a slew of inspiring video clips with you that I caught on camera with people from all walks of life. They're oozing with gratitude so get ready to be totally inspired when you catch the video above!

Today's gratitude thought is:...

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DAY 2: How Gratitude Impacts Your Health!

What are you grateful for today? Is it a friend, a loved one or someone who recently gave you an unexpected helping hand?

What about a pet or maybe something that you normally take for granted like having a comfortable home to live in, or fresh food to eat everyday?

Post it below and share it with the world? I dare ya ;)

Today, I'm grateful for my good health, vitality and...

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DAY 1: Welcome to the Official 1st day of Gratitude Week!

We're dedicating an entire week to being grateful for everything we have in our lives. Together, we'll raise our vibrations and attract happiness, positivity and a deeper appreciation, into our lives!

So here's what you can expect :)

Everyday until this Friday, Dec 7th, I'll be releasing videos with inspirational messages, great gratitude tips and I'll also be giving away some very special surprises.

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